Four times (because you, dearest reader-comrade, send no donations ever, being parasites, or how would you put it,”misers”? 😉 ), while composing this, the website went down, and the rest of the time it was slow as molasses. I’m being hacked by China and other major powers, and you don’t give a shit — noble Aryans indeed. 😉
I wrote a comrade:
All that matters now is the dehacking-monitoring of the website. There is no point in any new articles until then. While writing this article FOUR TIMES THE SITE WENT DOWN. AND SO THE TSUNAMI OF NEW READERS WE GOT IS GONE; THEY GAVE UP AND LEFT.
I paid my last dollars for great articles which led to nearly no return.
Because of slowness, the new readers all are gone again!!!!
A comrade who often sends good info along wrote:
Here is some more evidence that Putin is no friend of the United States – he says that as a “former” communist, he has much in common with the Democratic Party, and can use that as an ideological basis of understanding with a Biden-Harris administration. He also correctly mentions that communism and Christianity have much in common (both of them slave ideologies created for the goyim by Jews):
I replied:
I could interpret all these things in another way.
Why should Putin, as a patriot for Mother Russia, be a friend of the Jewnited Snakes regime which we ourselves hate?
This Jew-S-A, under the baleful influence of the Russian-hating Pole Zbigniew Brzezinksi and of the Slav-hating Big Jews who were behind him, have sought to utterly destroy the Russian people, even after, or especially because of, the dissolution of the once-powerful communist Soviet Union.
The United States Deep State, as you well know, comrade, is THE JEWS — the same jews who murdered tens of millions of Russians!
And, worse, many of the “American” jews (like Sergei Brin of Google) are actually Russian jews whose fathers, grandfathers and other relatives committed the Great Terror and ran the gulag!
Their descendants are now running America!!!
Does Putin want to get along with Joe Biden, if he wins (and Putin has NOT yet recognized him as the president-elect)?
Of course.
Nuclear war with America would be the end of his nation.
The American”nuclear football”
And every Russian understands the horror of total war.
Stalingrad after the battle
The Soviets did exaggerate, at “20 million,” the number of their war dead (as an excuse for the economic backwardnesss of the USSR, which their own insane marxist economic theories had caused).
However, I do agree with Western experts who accept that around 12 MILLION Russians died in the war, six million soldiers, and six million civilians.
And add to this the fact that Stalin waged a scorched earth-policy on Russia itself (farms, factories, roads, bridges, factories and other infrastructure) as he retreated in 1941-42, and then the Germans themselves did scorched-earth to Russia as THEY retreated in 1943-44.
So unlike Americans, who have not had a war on their own soil since 1865, Russians know how horrific war against a giant, major adversary can be.
And never forget that Putin’s older brother died of starvation during the German siege of Leningrad.
Imagine little Vladimir’s mother telling him about her older son’s slow, agonizing death, becoming skin and bones and more and more feeble, then expiring. How does a mother feel about this, to see her older son in misery for months on end??
Is Putin tired of and disgusted with Trump, who is totally and pointlessly in bed with the jews and has taken many severe actions against Russia (among them, the ripping-up of sensible nuclear-arms treaties that took years to complete and ratify, and now his revolting sanctions against European companies helping Russia complete the Nordstream natural-gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea down to Germany).
So much this Trump does is totally in vain, trying to please implacable Deep-State enemies!
Yes Putin is tired and disgusted with Trump. And his and our high hopes have been repeatedly dashed.
Look at Putin’s face: hurt and disappointment.
Aren’t we all hurt and disappointed?
I am frankly really tired to see the man’s face, to hear his high, raspy voice, see him swagger without taking desperately needed actions against BLM and Antifa, and, most of all, to watch him take foolhardy and provocative actions that nudge us all closer to WWIII and mega-death on this planet!
I read an article a few years back on RT (Russia Today, started by Putin) which dealt with how Putin viewed Trump.
He basically said that it is one thing to have good intentions as a reform candidate, but another as a leader to have the willpower to implement them and overcome the resistance.
And, btw, there is a good, practical reason, besides the search for truth, why I keep praising Putin.
Think. 🙂
And if you have not read this, I recommend it:
“At the end of its tether” the American Revolution succeeds!
We won because of our bravery, yes, but that was not enough.
We got massive help –– we got decisive aid (in terms of cash, warships and soldiers) from other nations….. from France, and also from Holland and Spain, which all hated England for their own reasons.
THINK, comrade. Think. 🙂
Think about actually winning.
Counties in red went for Trump in 2016, in relatively honest vote-counting (at least compared to 2020). Of course we can win!
Now it is clear to all that elections are not the path.
That leaves only one other path…………………………………………………………………..
And you want me to demonize Vladimir Putin? the leader of a very powerful country, debt-free, disposing of hundreds of billions of US dollars in cash reserves (which could flow to rebels) and a mighty conventional and nuclear military?
You want me to slander him as the jewsmedia does???????????????
Now that, comrade, sorry to say it, is literally insane.
Do you think flabby white men who have never served in the military will win against Pentagon killer drones from the sky by painting American flags on pistols ?
The Predator is a $16 million, 2.5-ton drone with a range of 1,200 miles, and can be remote-piloted from half a world away. One killed Iranian general Soleimani at Baghdad Airport.
Have I ever wavered in this conviction since 2006, 14 years ago, that we must seek friendship with the white people of Russia?
Victory comes from
1) fanatic courage,
2) disciplined, well-armed, highly trained troops and
3) having allies who hate and fear the enemy as much as we do.
Read what the beloved Solzhenitsyn wrote about what the jews did to his country! I, John de Nugent, translated it in 2006-2008!!!!
200 Years Together Walendy JdN TBR 2008 no5-54-14
And after this antisemitic book “Two Hundred Years Together” came out, what did Putin do?
He, the president, drove to see Solzhenitsyn, and awarded him the highest medal of Russia! For a book so antisemitic that all major English-language publishers boycotted it, the final book of a Nobel Prize winner!
All Aryans must unite!
Trump has done the gas intercession to call out European/Atlanticist/NWO hypocrisy as – obviously – Russia is the bogeyman whether communist or capitalist. In doing this he is showing them to be liars. Liars obviously always have subversive intents. On the one hand Trump is obviously hamstrung in his relations with Russia, not least due to dimwit Americans who believe the propaganda. If Trump is an enemy of Russia he is definitely more of an enemy of the unelected EU. He has said he would like to get along with Russia but he has been actively trying to tear apart the EU, NATO and the UN. In scrapping arms treaties perhaps he is telegraphing that resurgent Christian Russia arm up ( as a bulwark). He is moving out of Afghanistan and has powered down Obama’s fake army ISIS. If moving ops to Poland from Germany is so bad, too, I don’t know why the NWO is so upset. Every day of the Trump presidency has been a heart attack for the NWO set, who hates Putin and Russia. There is something you’re missing in your analysis.
I don’t know where to begin, so, sorry, I won’t.
Heterophobic sodomites hate Russia. Putin’s Russia is a continuation of Holy Mother Russia, America’s best and only ally against Rothschild during the Civil War.
Good article, but I think you have vastly underestimated the depth and extent of the Jewish communist subversion of Russia, and are operating under the false assumption that Putin somehow drove the Jews from power when he assumed the Russian presidency in 1999. Do you really believe that the Jews would so easily give up their total control of Russia, a huge nuclear-armed nation with vast resources? Think again.
As I’ve detailed in comments here many times before, Putin was put into power via the influence of Jew criminal mastermind Henry Kissinger, who visited Putin in Moscow many times prior to 1999, and it was the Jew Boris Yeltsin who appointed Putin to the FSB (successor to the KGB) in 1998, and then to Prime Minister, and President in 1999. A very rapid rise to power. As I’ve also detailed in previous comments here, there is evidence that Putin is a closet pedophile who has had people killed who exposed his pedophilia. I don’t have time to dig up all those hard-to-find articles again.
Like Trump, Putin is an excellent actor, and knows how to play to his Russian patriot base by visiting Solzhenitsyn, extolling Christian values, etc., but also like Trump, he is totally controlled by the Jews behind the scenes who put him into power, and does what they tell him to do. There are (or were, anyway) plenty of photos on the Web of Putin surrounded by Jewish rabbis, and articles describing how Jews helped Putin and his mother financially when he was just a poverty-stricken goyim child.
Russian Jews have never uttered a single bad word about Putin, whereas American Jews have launched a full-on media and intelligence agency assault against Trump for the past four years. And, unlike Trump, who has visited Israel only once, Putin has made many, many trips to Israel to meet with his fellow Kissinger protege Netanyahu, and to get his Jew-issued marching orders. So, who is the real patriot? Certainly not Putin. I think your faith in Putin is misguided and naive – sorry.
Putin’s statement that he will easily work with the criminal Biden-Harris administration because of their similar communist ideological backgrounds is just more evidence that Putin will never be on the side of American patriots. If there is ever another civil war in America, Putin might initially help patriot rebels take down the current U.S. government and Constitution, but only to later have them imprisoned or executed under an even harsher version of Jewish totalitarianism, whether it is called “communism” or something else.
Regarding all of the above, I would like to highly recommend two books from the Estonian expatriate author Juri Lina – “Under the Sign of the Scorpion” and “Architects of Deception.” I first learned of these books from the anti-NWO Jew Henry Makow’s website These are banned books, in both Russia and the Jewnited Snakes, and their newest versions (2014 and 2004, respectively) can only be purchased through Juri Lina’s website at The books are translated from Swedish, and have many minor misspellings, but the content and depth of research is mind-blowing. Most of the sources are from Russia and Eastern Europe after the “fall” of the Soviet Union in 1991. My description of the books’ content can’t do them justice, other than to say that they are hard to read, only because, like “Hellstorm,” they are so depressing. Juri Lina says almost nothing about Putin in either of his books, but when you learn the depth and extent of Jewish / Masonic evil behind the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Russian Revolution, and the continuing power of Jewish Freemasonry today, you will think twice about naively praising Putin, who was put into power by those same evil forces.
I’m running your comment but disagree with it and have laid out my reasons a hundred times.
Calling someone a pedophile who is not, comrade, is almost as heinous as being one. A charge like that, accusing a person of the utmost depravity, has to be backed by massive evidence. As a survivor myself, I would never back Putin if I felt there was anything but vicious, jewish and Deep State slander there.
Btw, Linna does slander Putin as a pedo, but I chalk that up to genuine conspiracy-mania, partly from a temperamental inability to grasp the fundamentals of “what is a fact versus what is a supposition?”.
Also, there is a well-known Baltic hatred of anything Russian. Most Balts also hate communism, and thus the KGB. But as Solzhenitsyn, the ultimate anti-communist, pointed out, Putin as a KGB agent served in counter-espionage, that is, opposing NATO in East Germany, not in arresting dissidents at home.
Putin visiting jews, smiling at jews, doing photo ops with rabbis — this proves he is an eager and willing puppet?
Here is Trump smiling at Mad Dog Mattis, and now they are open enemies:
Smiles in politics mean NOTHING.
You deal with people because you have to. If you could crush them, you would — but you can’t.
Okay, here are some links as evidence that Putin [….]
I read this before and do not buy it. It was eccentric but not sexual. Pedos do not kiss kids on the belly, or show any affection; take it from me, a vicitm.
I just know for certain that I read this slander, “Putin is a pedophile,” in Lina’s book or on his site and stopped reading after that.
That belly kiss was very strange. It’s no Russian habit either. I am Russian descent and if any of my father’s Russian friends would have tried that on mye I would have slugged him in his head, but of course they never did anything like it.
” Pedos do not kiss kids on the belly, or show any affection” R U kidding? How many photos of pedo Joey Biden do u want to see!?
And re the meme above: Lenin was Jewish too. He spoke Yiddish at home. That was kept top secret in the USSR. It was first revealed to the Russian people in the 1992 film “Russia What We Have Lost”.
Am I kidding? No, as a victim of pedophiles for years, I do not kid about pedophilia.
I take it you are a Putin hater: Putin the jew, or jew-puppet; Putin the pedophile; Putin friend of Islam, etc.
Time to go back to the golden years of alcohol, rampant oligarchs, and dire poverty of Boris Eltsmann, a real Russian. 😉
Lenin was 1/4 jewish, via one grandfather, Alexander Blank, not “Jewish.” Yes, he did learn to hate Slavs. That is very certain.
The black US Army four-star general Colin Powell, of Jamaican ancestry, grew up in the Bronx and spoke some Yiddish, too.
Was Colin Powell jewish?
But I sense you passionately hate Putin, who saved Russia from a real jew, Eltsman, so there is no need to reply. Perhaps suggest to Putin he kill all the jews and volunteer yourself to do it.
What’s wrong? It’s so easy.
Look at Mussolini, Hitler, Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein — took on the jews.
ALL MURDERED (or Hitler shot himself to avoid capture.)
They killed even Stalin too, by poison.
“I take it you are a Putin hater”
No, you take it wrong then. I’d rather have Putin here in the US than any of what we got. I just said that one incident was strange. I don’t understand it. For that matter I’d even rather have the prez of China here instead of what we get. Say what u will about the Chinese communist bastards, at least they are making China and the Chinese race powerful, not destroying it.
“Perhaps suggest to Putin he kill all the jews and volunteer yourself to do it.”
Huh? What is that supposed to mean?
In that 1992 Russian movie i mentioned they said that about Lenin, that he was Jewish and spoke Yiddish at home and it was kept top secret in the USSR.
“Yes, he did learn to hate Slavs. That is very certain.”
Well that’s enough isn’t it? – in a Slavic language country!
Here are some pictures for you of Creepy Joey Biden feeling up men, women, children, and even babies:
The film was wrong about Lenin, as many films are wrong about many things. He never practiced judaism, and was a hard-core atheist.
You strongly implied Putin was a pedophile for kissing that boy on the belly. Yet would you then still prefer him as president over the current bunch?
NO, no pedophile can be anything but DEAD.
I have already run many photos of Biden being pervy, or even a rapist. You might consult my internal search engine, right column.
I have been a leading WN for 42 years, comrade:
“The film was wrong about Lenin, as many films are wrong about many things. He never practiced judaism, and was a hard-core atheist.”
Many Jews are atheists. Religion is just one component of the ancient and malevolent cult.
“You strongly implied Putin was a pedophile for kissing that boy on the belly. Yet would you then still prefer him as president over the current bunch”
But that picture was an anomaly and there must be a innocent explanation as i have never seen him behave in other than a manly way. Maybe his father demonstrated affection like that, a local custom, i don’t know. I shouldn’t have chimed in on it. Hardly enough alone to imply bidenphilia.
“NO, no pedophile can be anything but DEAD.”
As creepy joey will find out in prison where “chimos” are singularly unpopular.
Thanks for your comment, comrade.
Margi sent me something once about how livid Putin was when he learned that Russian orphans adopted by Americans (a big thing in the nightmarish Boris Yeltsin/Yeltsman 1990s, when the Russian economy was beyond terrible), were then being molested and even killed by American pedophiles.
Putin ended the program totally — “No more Russian kids will go to these Americans!” It is said that he was in tremendous anger.
So, and here I am just speculating, knowing what he did about the horrible things that can be done to little blond, white children, that he felt overwhelmed, and impulsively kissed the boy on the stomach.
I can say this, that Russians can be very impulsive, or even have mood swings. German POWs could testify to this after WWII. Their Soviet guards could be true beasts toward them,
….and then suddenly feel all compassionate to them in their sorry fate, and show it very sincerely.
Coudenhove-Kalergi made the point, or, rather, he ADMITTED that racially mixed people (the very thing what he wanted!) are more unstable.
And the Russians are a mix of white and Mongol, plus some elfin subrace. The whole area north of Moscow was once Finnish, that is, “Karelian,” and you see also that Finnish ski-jump nose. The name “Putin,” a Finn once wrote me, seems, in fact, to be Karelian.
So Russians can be very impulsive, and there is also the age-old cliché of the “Mad Russian.” This is yet another of many reasons why I find the Van Rensburg Prophesy so ominously credible. The Rooskies finally pop their cork and attack Turkey and NATO with a furious vengeance, and when the US goes nuclear — being shellacked and retreating, maybe using tactical nukes to stop the Russian advance — the Russians respond in spades, and with the Big One.
I absolutely could see Putin pushing the button.
He has said he would, and that “if we die, we are martyrs, and we go to heaven. But if our motherland is destroyed, if Russia is gone, why should we care what happens next to our enemies who started it?”
Ha ha!