On Trump’s supposed Patriot Party, his voting reform crusade — and on facing the facts

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A supporter  sent me a link to his article:


I replied:

Great and grounded letter to Steele, who is a bit flakey, unusual for a Marine.
My question: Why on earth would the MANY solid-blue or RINO states — with ruthless, hateful, Trump-Derangement-Syndrome-ruled Demoncrap or RINO governors and state legislatures — such major states as New York State, New Jersey, Virginia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Georgia, Oregon, Washington State and California — EVER let Citizen Trump get rid of the Dominion voting machines that illegally put and that keep them in power?
They flouted him at every turn even when he was president, had Twitter,a great economy, and some loyal troops!
Republican Governor Kemp of Georgia, whom Trump had strongly campaigned for — the most infamously ungrateful and traitorous RINO in America
These blue states will never go along with voting-machine reform and cut their own throats.
Donald Trump craves the limelight with his 900-pound ego, so, sure, he hints he is going to stay in the game and do maybe this or maybe that.
And he also wants and needs to stay popular so he can be found not guilty at any criminal trials the j-team has in store for him, which would require a unanimous vote of guilty to convict.
But the jews will bribe and bully jury members to convict, which he forgets.
Look at how SCOTUS voted 7-2 against him, with a conservative majority! Bribes and blackmail are the name of the game in Sodom on the Potomac.
The worst blackmail being video proof of active pedophilia:
Look how many RINOs betrayed Trump due to bribes and/or blackmail,  a man who did more to expand the Republican Party than any president since Reagan and before him, Teddy Roosevelt. the so-called “bklue-collar billionaire” brought in working-class voters by the millions (and conservatives of all races!), yes, tremendously  strengthening what once was a country-club party into a mass movement.
LOL — my Big Republican dad lived literally NEXT to the country club (Rhode Island Country Club, where he cucked and sponsored the first jewish member……..)
But none of that vast, historic help to the GOP mattered to those Judases.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan smirking as Trump is sworn in in 2017
From now on I see Trump only as a has-been and time-waster.
When he never did or even tried martial law, his heroic, Patton-like image for fearlessness took a huge dent.
Unless DJT puts Jared’s head on a pike atop the Mar-A-Lago front gate, for many he is just an overweight old windbag, and only semi-tough.
He always says and does the right thing at first, as with hydroxychloroquine, but then he listens to Daddy’s Girl, Ivanka, or to obvious Deep-State thugs like Fauci, Pompeo, Pence and Bolton…. aaaand then he backs down, reversing course.
Having abandoned the safe, cheap and effective hydroxychloroquine, he then windbagged away about his unsafe Warp Speed vaccine. which is designed by his jew pals to slow-genocide, to soft-kill, all white people everywhere!
What a gullible jackass!

Male nurse, healthy, 33, suffers severe reaction from Cohenavirus vaccine; 87K doctors and nurses denounce it!

Weak. So weak. Just being tall, vulgar, loud and flashy does not mean a man is really strong in the decisive moments of life. All hat, no cattle, as the Texans say.
And his stupid hair is hideous and ludicrous. Why do we need to look at this for four more years? Is he an aging rock star?
All buddy-buddy with a hook-nosedm, utterly evil-looking semitic monster who had a critic lured into the Saudi consulate in Turkey, then amputated alive into little pieces with a surgical scalpel as his Apple phone transmitted his pitiful screams to this psychopath. But Crown Prince Salman “made up for it” by getting all cozy with IsraHell, and promising to buy lots of American weapons (to kill Iranians for hate-filled jews and Sunni muslims)  —  so all was forgiven. What’s a little dismemberment? 
This man is certainy not The Leader.
He is a discontinued line of hopium, like QAnon. Sincere, but gullible, delusional about jewry and RINOs, and blown about by the wind, unlike the deliberate Big Lie of Q.

……To a donor

He had written me (edited)


Gooday John,
I’ve got some money and would like to contribute to website expenses, or anything for that matter.   I remember Margi needs valuable supplies. [….] Something you may want to know is that I’m digging in to my life savings.  I am happy with this.  My pension has been halved so I don’t have anything to spare from that source.  And I don’t have much of a future, and I’m confident that money itself has even less of a future, so I tend to think I should use it now while money can still buy things.


I replied:


Dear comrade []
Oh, you are wonderful!
It is a VERY scary time, and yet it forces me and us all to either go to pieces or become spiritual, serene and calmly effective.
I am publishing my major essay on Jesus, btw, a higher man, a Nordic, a starseed, who chose deliberately to incarnate as a half-jew via his mother to either change the jews from within into a peaceful people and good neighbors to the world OR, failing that, to expose them in the most unforgettable way by letting them slander Him, frame Him, and get a politician, Pilate, to murder him in an atrocious way.
He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane for His whipping and crucifixion to somehow not be necessary, but then accepted his duty as angels reiterated it to him. 
We do not fear death, but long torture before death was not Jesus’ “cup of tea” either! So Jesus was not a wimp, and thus we can understand what Himmler said. We as NS are not pauline “Christians” but we revere the heroic jew-exposer and jew-enemy who was Jesus of Galilee, the “District of the Goyim,” the Galil ha Goyim! 

I am about to go “all in,” and you understand as I do that now we have nothing left to lose. There will be no human freedom left, only genocide, if we cravenly do nothing. This stealection was a baldfaced F—k You by the jews to the entire goy world.
It was like thugs gang-raping Lady Liberty in the street in front of her father’s house, and when he comes out he door, having heard her screams, the jews taunt him with “Whaddya gonna do about it, OLD MAN?”
They will see.
I have no further desire to break bread with the cowards and collaborators in malodorous treason.
You are a wonderful person, and those who enable me to fight are fighters themselves! You are already on “the list” too, just as are millions of whites who imagine that by stupidly doing nothing they will be spared. No, they will only be rounded up in Week Two.
And the football stadiums where they paid dearly to watch grown men play with a ball while their country went down will be reassinged as transit camps to hold them — until the bus takes them one-way to a concentration camp. 
Every stadium is, as the Pentagon phrase goes, “dual-use.”
How richly the cowards deserve this fate who both did nothing and refused to help those who WERE doing something!
It is Judgment Day for our race. And some will do themselves proud.
Now it is time for me to “deliver” on my promises.
Americans will stop denying reality, and face their duty to repent and to fight. Having destroyed Germany, now the Americans must step up to the plate and hit it out of the park.

As Dr. Joseph Goebbels said on page 168 of his magnificent final book, The Law of War:

Wir [Nationalsozialisten] sind ständig bemüht, die Dinge so zu sehen, wie sie tatsächlich sind,  und nicht, wie wir sie uns einbilden möchten. Wir gleiten nicht mehr wie unsere Väter  mit billigen Phrasen über unsere Probleme hinweg, sondern gehen ihnen nach bis auf den tiefsten Grund.


We [National Socialists] are constantly trying to see things as they really are, not how we want them to be. We no longer gloss over our problems with cheap hopium phrases like our fathers before us, but we confront them and get to the bottom of things.

With warm appreciation,
John de Nugent 



  1. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Be8aeedriuKsNg9X8
    Qualcosa si sta sgretolando…
    Sto notando questa “crisi” all’interno di questi Governi…
    Tutto quello che è stato deliberatamente “corrotto” sta diventando una “mina”…le femministe,gli Antifa,anche i militari si sono girati di spalle verso Biden(mio marito ha un video di questi militari).
    Biden è la punta che farà crollare tutto il Sistema.
    Mantenesse lui,perché la Harris è molto pericolosa.
    Un perfetto idiota.

  2. Sento che hanno paura in molti;ieri Wiki mi ha dimostrato che qualcosa di fondato c’è.Ovviamente nessuno può decodificare certi messaggi segreti,prevenire le azioni,e dare date certe.
    Ma qualcosa c’è nell’Aria e ora molti stronzi corrotti si stanno ribellando,e sappiamo che sono la parte debole del Sistema.
    Tutti vogliono il potere,i loro Diritti,la Destra liberista,la Sinistra,i Moderati..tutti parte integrante del Sistema.
    Quanto potrà reggere questo Teatrino?

  3. E mi piace pensare che Trump si sia fatto da parte per te…
    E che quel “Ritorneremo” sia solo per mettere a Nudo tutto quello che il Deep State ha architettato.
    Putin intanto avrà il suo bel da fare con le Rivoluzioni interne della Russia.
    Trump non è nulla senza di voi…e lo sa molto bene.
    Vedremo 😉

  4. https://photos.app.goo.gl/eZcujUQXnaHz7qC4A
    Pinterest mi ha disposto le foto in questo Modo LOL
    Già,un inferno reso tale dalla stupidità di certe persone!
    Soprattutto se non correggono le loro nuove Vite.
    E non sto parlando del Fuhrer,
    Perché non hai mai voluto questa guerra;una tesi fortemente “sostenuta” dalla propaganda.
    Le persone sostengono ancora questa Menzogna colossale.
    “L’Uomo della Guerra e dello sterminio di milioni di persone”.

  5. Anyone claiming to have access to reliable info that Trump will be reinstalled and that the military is working to take down the fraud Biden cabal is making fake news. False hope is a disinformation tactic to keep patriots from acting self defensively. The Communists are in control and the US Military commanders are Communist comrades keeping them in power. The Oathkeepers are actively doing what they can right now to prepare for Americans’ survival, if they are not stopped. No other known help is coming to Americans’rescue, unless God does. The only time an offensive action against the Communist controllers in D.C. can be believed is when it has become a proven successful action that has eliminated the presence and power of the domestic enemies.

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