Once free of egoic mind, you can learn winning from everyone

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Though a starseed and a very, VERY great man, Hitler also became trapped in his incarnation of 1889-1945 in narrow German-nationalist attitudes. Even George Lincoln Rockwell, a fanatic admirer of Hitler and proponent of national socialism, complained about this over-focus on Germany.

Rockwell (back row, the tallest), Savitri Devi (center, seated) and other heroic national socialists at a secret 1962 gathering in the Cotswolds, England


A comrade read my article on Kobe Bryant and meditation, and began writing and/or speculating instead on Bryant’s views of Trump, Hillary and Obama. 😉

I replied:

Well, it is as with Eckhart Tolle. Once people stray from their actual area of mastery, of expertise, then they can be wrong, as wrong as anyone else.

“Cobbler, stick to your last,” they used to say. 😉

In the old days, a cobbler (shoe maker) would carve out of wood a
“last,” reproducing the exact shape of your foot.

Then he would hand-make shoes just for you, transforming the shape into leather for a perfect individual fit. A cobbler was an expert in that, and thank God, because people walked a lot back then.

But a cobbler was certainly no expert in other things.

So as for Kobe, or Eckhart Tolle, or the Dalai Lama — you can trust their views only in their own area, their “last.” 😉

In the case of Kobe Bryant, in a sport (invented by white Americans, btw) and a league chock full of talented and hard-training professionals, with younger players always coming up the ranks and ready and eager to replace you, he stayed a top superstar for 20 years.

That is proof Kobe was mentally very, very strong, very, very focused, and very, very determined to succeed. To win.

He said it: it was 1) meditation and 2) making himself get 30 minutes more sleep a night.

If your mind wants to obsess on his irrelevant views of Obama, Hillary and Trump, then ask your soul why your mind is doing that. 😉

Maybe because your mind just hates coming more and more often under the conscious control of your soul?

Does your egoic mind — and we all have one, this veritable inner demon — secretly resent the notion that a black man can excel?

Is it reluctant to concede that out of 40 million African-Americans, some of them (not many) ARE highly disciplined and truly superb in their field?

See, that is exactly what the egoic mind does, resent success in others, and belittle them. Our egoic minds feels threatened by any excellence, wealth, fame, power or having a good mate in other people.

“You know I wish that I had Jessie’s girl”

(I alluded recently to how Red Ice/Henrik Palmgren deleted my excellent show with them on the ancient white Solutreans in Ice Age America, where I am a recognized expert. And I went into how not one major revisionist sent even one word of condolences to Margi — then battling Stage Three throat cancer and needing the funds desperately — when fake engineer Fred Leuchter “stiffed” her without apology on her $20,000 loan to him to save his house in Massachusetts. All this is from the basest ENVY of me and eagerly believed, yet ridiculous Deep State slanders.)

Vicious, narcissistic, highly egoic humanimals; Red Ice shows, alas, its egoic mind as well


This same mindset of not conceding excellence in others led me to a blind policy in 1941 of dreaming I could swiftly conquer and subjugate Russia, making its best land part of Germany, and keeping the Slavs around as serfs. Instead, I should have entered this gigantic country as a liberator and friend, urging the Russians — with great respect and affection — to join forces against  Stalin and Bolshevism with their brothers in the German Wehrmacht —  and promising them a new freedom, prosperity and national socialism for THEIR nation, their beloved Mother Russia.

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

You can see by the end of Table Talk that I had learned to respect the Russian people and even my arch-enemy, the wicked but resolute Stalin.

Learn from everyone to win. It is really easy when you realize the egoic mind in us all is the real enemy. 🙂

Has Savitri Devi reincarnated? And a jarring message/vision I got via a Texas comrade

Especially important blogs

In my dealings with Margi, I alluded yesterday to the fact that we have our conflicts, like all couples.

In my last life, I avoided marriage and kids.

But in this one, I decided that marriage and having kids (which I did with my first wife, an Austrian) was the better path, though sometimes exhausting. 😉

I have to concede that the jews are absolutely right to insist that their priests, their rabbis, their leaders, all be married men with children, often with big families. Among other things, this reproduces the genes of the 1) smartest and 2) most committed, fanatic jews.

The jews alway think long-term.

Anyway, back to Margi, and to my reflections on my path from observing her behavior.

I had long noticed that Margi had very specifically German personality traits, which her laid-back, Scotch-Irish mountain folk background in western North Carolina would not explain. When her loving relatives call and I hear those strong Southern accents, it reminds me that Margi  is FROM the South, but not entirely OF the South.

She is a reincarnated national socialist German  and probably she was of the aristocracy.

I had a jarring, sudden vision (not a dream) of her as a platinum-blond young German woman on a beach in a white, one-piece bathing suit.

And something said to me:

East Prussia.

Well, we all know the horrific fate of the East Prussians in 1944-45.

Just read the book Hellstorm or watch the documentary. 🙁 🙁 🙁

Well, one of the curiosities of our relationship is that if we have an argument, if things get heated, my tendency is to say “I’m going for a walk.”

Many men do this to “cool off.”

Suddenly, however, Margi transforms, and holds onto me for dear life. Don’t go! Don’t go away angry with me!

I just never saw that in my two previous marriages……

And then I feel an overwhelming guilt for the fate of those women.

Never will I forget the lesson of 1945:

reach out to all the victims of jewry,

extend your hand to every race,


share our beautiful national socialism with every man, woman and child on this earth — creating an evangelical new faith to sweep the world!

Let every race and nation enjoy living, working and raising families — in their own part of Mother Earth!

That is also the path to our victory.

.https://johndenugent.com/images/ah-brandenburg-gate-now-we-are-free-reduced-49-meg.mp4 Actual, unstaged footage in modern Berlin in 2014 of people of all races hailing Adolf Hitler, shot during the filming of the anti-Hitler movie “Look Who’s Back”

So learn to meditate from Kobe, or learn it from me. But learn, love and grow every day. This is why you are here. 🙂


And then more advanced civilizations will share with us wonderful technologies, when we can handle their awesome power.

We will live for hundreds of years, handsome, beautiful, and healthy, never stagnating, but making each day a new intellectual and moral adventure.


The goal of Solutrean social nationism


…Apocalyptic dreams

A trusted comrade (and repeat donor to Margi’s brave and successful cancer battle) from the Lone Star State of Texas wrote me on VK (called here “TC” for “Texas Comrade”):

TC: John, I have repeated dreams about alien craft visiting earth in massive visible displays. Is it just wild imagination ?

Yesterday’s dream was visiting a Russian man working in construction. He was known to be a good cook. Meat was very scarce. Money was hard to come by. Buildings were systematically scaled down due to heating costs and material costs.

He made sign language to tell me there was no meat and no open hiring position, but food. He shared with me and we laughed despite the language barrier and the hazy, perpetually dim sky.

Just then, incredible lights displayed in the atmosphere, cutting through the haze. Announcements seemed to come to some of us telepathically, a message in English about how we were admirable survivors — and the visitors would clean our atmosphere, but then we had to do the rest of the work. It was alien contact. Maybe they were human-like. The message seemed like something well known, from a book or previous message dismissed as tv fodder.

November 19

John 8:10 am
Hi, TV. Wow, wow, wow. Have you ever had any dreams like this? Was it unusually vivid?

Thanks for sharing this with me.

Both Nordics and a friendly humanoid race do care a lot about us, and they do the crop circles to try to get our attention.


–TC 11:31 am: Yes, that’s what was memorable about it; the theme of contact and the solemnity, the bright aerial displays, and how vivid and exhausting it was.


John 2:02 pm: The vivid part is significant…. And it is possible that benevolent non-surface earthlings gave you this more-than-a-dream in the hope you would communicate it to me.

The dismal-sky part sounds like nuclear winter.

Aliens def. have the tech to speak telepathically to us. So does the US Deep State, and they use it for evil.

I had an experience two years ago (described in detail on my blog) where aliens moved an object while cloaked, i.e. invisible. (edited)

I think you can consider it an honor that you were chosen to have this vision.

Someone has studied you and found you reliable, idealistic, fearless and strong.

–TC 2:57 pm: Thank you. I am trying to recall the dream in more detail. It is hard. I just remember the sky was dusty and the colors were autumnal or browned. There seemed to be much to do with concrete but I didn’t see very many people. I do not remember any pain or fear. The light displays startled me, but I believe in human or humanoid et beings so it didn’t seem scary, just unusual or unexpected. The sky was very opaque and the sun seemed very weak through the atmosphere. That was the most striking detail.

The voice message is so hard to recall. I will try to meditate and write it if I remember it. Even part of it.

It just seemed they would clean the sky, and so we felt joy.

–John 2:58 pm: I take this seriously, and will blog on all this.

–TC 3:00 pm: I very strongly remembered another dream from long ago. I felt uneasy at first , then sheer dread as planes flew low in formation over a town. I don’t know the town. A water treatment plant revealed a large room with some kind of reactor. A man in a yellow suit jumped in the water to suicide.

I recall taking a burned infant to a building. The people inside took the baby, but not me. I didn’t seem to feel anything but doom. I woke up then.

I remember sadness

–John 3:11 pm: Wow.

All consistent with the Van Rensburg prophecy

Every wicked thing the US did to Germany in WWI and II will be paid back.

I would prefer, however, to change the future, because free will allows that!

It is not set in stone, just the trend.

….what will happen unless we change course

–TC 4:07 pm: If it matters, I just remember seeing one jet but it seemed more were around. It looked kind of like an airliner or business jet. It did not seem like a fighter plane. The town seemed familiar, like I’d grown up swimming in the reservoir. It seemed like a small town or small city.


–TC 12:40 pm: I have remembered two other dreams that seem connected, possibly, with military themes and genocidal actions.

I don’t remember when the dreams occured other than within about 5 years, since I’ve moved here.

In one vivid and serious feeling dream , I remember riding in a car, up a very remote and winding, steep mountain road, to a military building , for some kind of induction or conference. The place might have had a large communication device or observatory telescope. It seemed very purposeful. I think the buildings were white with a lot of glass. Not like a hangar or bunker. It seemed hurried and I felt reluctant or coerced. I don’t remember the faces or the words but it seemed to be US military — Air Force, perhaps — high-ranking white men, a small group, most gray-haired or aged, very serious.

The subject seemed to be contact with aliens on earth. I remember the terrain was very barren, and mountainous, like Utah or maybe Nevada. It seemed sunny and clear. I felt a sense of duty and aggravation.

–TC 12:47 pm
The other dream left me quite fearful. It was a few years ago. It was icy winter. I was in my own house. I heard a disturbance and looked outside. I don’t remember if there were one or two trucks, but one crashed through a ditch and brush across the street and men got out in hazmat suits. They threw bodies down a well or pipe. Some people were alive but crippled, crying and stumbling on the ice. I was terrified. This all occurred in a very fast pace. The moment I turned away from the window to tell my wife the emergency and try to get a weapon , a man in hazmat suit appeared and sprayed a gas in the house. It had a smell and taste like oven cleaning spray burning off. I choked and lost my strength immediately. I saw ghosts of the people from outside filling my living room , and I spoke “I love you” before dying in the dream and waking.

The last related dream was recent, before the “sky-cleaners” dream. It seemed to be about spacecraft with the bright lights, in space or near orbit of earth and moon. The bright lights might have been energy shields. The spheres of white light around the craft seemed like in the dream about the sky cleaners. They seemed to be in a military (non Earth or non Earth human) formation or group. Maybe some “space force” or missile war? The crafts didn’t seem hostile , and moved slowly or held positions. Something major seemed to be the cause of the visit. It seems like a remote view of the flight of the crafts
Thanks so much, brother TC. I am writing a blog on all this right now. 😊 My motto is never shrug off messages that angels (and/(or Nordics, and other benevolent species) are trying to shake some sense into us with, or ignore the actions they want us to take, since they are NOT allowed to fight our battles for us, just aid, prod, and inspire us!
–TC 2:47 pm: The telepathic voice in the air cleaners dream was female and pleasant, like an intercom announcement. I’m still trying to get the words. It seemed instructive. Men and women, young people , followed happily into a large building , maybe an airport or train system. It felt like a confirmation of news.  [end of chat]

Hitler for a Thousand Years, the memoirs of Waffen-SS general Léon Degrelle, which Margi and I translated for The Barnes Review magazine. Elizabeth Carto sent me this wonderful book.

……Recent donations



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