The new movie “Promised Land” exposes Jews running “controlled opposition”; my open letter to Kai Murros

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This is the third song on this blogsite by Norwegian singer Sissel…


Just scroll down two-thirds under “John de Nugent for President” (left side) to the two new NUMEC videos and the Machete video.

What is NUMEC all about?

video one:

The facts about NUMEC – “Nuclear Materials & Equipment Corporation” — created by the Jewish scientists Zalman Shapiro and David Loewenthal to illegally make 600 pounds of uranium 235 and then smuggle it to Israel; and the testimonies of the cancer-doomed locals about a callous neglect of safety for American workers

video two:

On November 27, 2012 the US Army held a public meeting in a volunteer firehall, but illegally prohibited the US citizen, investigative online journalist, and 2016 presidential candidate John de Nugent from filming it!|

But we captured all the fireworks as Israeli-paid goons tried to shout him down and failed to interrupt his exposé of the Israeli-caused cancer epidemic — and the half-billion dollar plutonium cleanup — while our servicemen, teachers, firemen, police and other citizens suffer nationwide budget cutbacks.


This 2010 video attacked a pro-Mexican horror film glorifying the mass murder of whites; and shows your duty as an American and as an oathkeeper to the US Constitution
================MOVIE “PROMISED LAND”

The new movie “Promised Land” starring Matt Damon should be doing well, but the critics are panning it. Shot in Avonmore, in rural western Pennsylvania (just a few miles from my house), it exposes how a crooked natural-gas company bullies a town into accepting “fracking” — crushing layers of rock far below the surface to release natural gas.

The great fear is that the ground water we need for drinking water and irrigating crops will be contaminated. After viewing the movie, a local (a former bank computer-operations expert) told me that there are now fracking towers all around our local water reservoir, “Beaver Run”!! And our drinking water the last few days has been grayish!

I suspect that the real reason the critics have panned the movie “Promised Land” (a sarcastic reference to the Jew designation of Palestine, btw) is that it is about CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

The number-one way that ZOG disrupts white groups and leaders is to infiltrate agents — or to “turn” activists in prison — and then divide and conquer. Go in, disrupt and defame any genuine activists using your human tools.

I recently uncovered hard evidence via an email I was not supposed to see, one that I admit shocked me, where a supposed friend, in reality a David Duke collaborator, was blasting me behind my back to a real friend — who was then arrested by the FBI, thought totally innocent of wrongdoing — a week after receiving that email about how I and Margi were such bad people.

And this “friend” and Duke ally also tried and nearly succeeded in getting Margaret arrested as well!

It was mind-numbing.

Going back to the movie “Promised Land,” I do not wish to give away too much, but the natural-gas company trying to “frack” the town controls both sides.



The “environmentalist” Dustin Noble (on the right in the photo below, played by the Jewy-looking and Jewy-acting, smart-alecky John Krasinski) is secretly working for the natural-gas company that wishes to “frack” all over the town of “McKinley.” Noble passes out fraudulent pictures of dead cows (supposedly photos taken out in the prairie, but with a lighthouse visible at the end of the field, suggesting some ocean-coastal area instead) so as to deliberately discredit his one-man environmental “group” just before the town votes.


This fraud (Noble secretly mails the exposé of his fraud to Damon’s character so he can be exposed as a fraud) causes the town to want to vote, realizing Noble had tricked and manipulated them, FOR giving permission for natural-gas fracking. In the end, Matt Damon’s character blows the whistle on this controlled opposition, and is instantly fired, but gets the girl, a pretty school teacher who admired his integrity. ….


I suspect that the fact that the controlled-opposition “environmentalist” Dustin Noble (a reference to the jewy Dustin Hoffman?) is played by a Jew, and acts jewy, is another reason the critics panned this excellent, poignant, low-budget ($14 million) movie by non-Jew director Gus Van Sant (Dutch).

One can claim, based on Wikipedia ( that Krasinski is not Jewish, but I remain convinced he is. His father was a “Polish” internal-medicine doctor…  He has black and slightly curly hair, but above all else it is the smug  look and way he carries himself…. and Hollywood is full of part-Jew actors pretending not to be part-Jews: from Harrison Ford to Sean Penn to Chris Pine, who did the last Star Trek movie. Krasinski’s last TV role, btw, was playing a Jew, “John Halpert,” on the NBC sitcom “The Office.”)

IMO crypto-Jew actor John Krasinski

John Krasinski

Beyond even this, the corporate bigshot who sends Matt Damon out to frack the town is visibly Jewish as well.

After all, we cannot have the public watching movies suggesting Jews both run the NWO (and its corporations) and also run the opposition to it…..environmental or racial.

And we cannot have the Aryan-looking hero revolting against his NWO masters, as Damon does in the end.

Matt Damon (half-Scandinavian — Finnish and Swedish through his mother, a Carlsson)  suggests Aryan courage and sincerity in his every movie, and often he ponders what is right and what is wrong. Here Damon is seen with actress Frances McDormand, playing a ruthless corporate-America operative who thinks Damon is a wimp because he has a conscience. (McDormand, who in the film plays a truly bitchy, emasculating character who seems to enjoy putting down white males, is in real life married to a black man.)


Here is a trailer from “Promised Land.”

The three negative things about our overall movie experience — the first in two years — was that 1) it cost $19 for two tickets, 2) the movie itself had way too much (and unnecessary) profanity (gotta get that cherished PG rating, after all, and the movie had no sex and almost no violence ;-)) and 3) before it began showing we had to sit and watch a whopping twenty minutes of trailers for movies featuring zombies. There was also a flic entitled “Hansel and Gretel, Witch Hunters.” In that film a feminist Gretel chops up and burns alive horrific witches, first getting them with various weapons, including a modern Pentagon helicopter-type high-speed Gatling gun….. All set in medieval Germany….

Just about every movie featured supernatural ghouls. Appalling. They constantly push fascination with death and demons.

Dear comrade Kai Murros,

[Kai Murros is a leading white thinker from Finland. He has the website]

I have been hearing about you in positive ways for years from Constantin von Hoffmeister, a friend since 2008, and now also from John King, in the US-American state of Indiana, a friend since 2011.

Margaret is another committed WN whom they both know as well. She speaks several European languages as I do.
Margaret Huffstickler reading Hitler poem Artois

Constantin von Hoffmeister and I in 2008 in “Deutschtown,” the once German, now heavily African section of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

John King and I in 2011 on a mountain overlook of Pittsburgh


I finally read, in a German translation by John King, your Moscow speech. (Here I now also found it in English:

[I REALLY URGE EVERYONE TO READ IT. IT BEGINS LIKE THIS, and here also is Murros himself actually speaking the opener on a “videoized” audio recording:

Dark clouds are hanging over Europe. The European people have been utterly betrayed by their elite. The magnitude of this conspiracy is unprecedented in human history, our ruling elite has turned out to be a mere corrupt lackey of global capitalism. These high priced parasites have stolen the Europeans their livelihood, their land, their future and their self-esteem. These prostitutes of the corporate world have also exposed Europe to an endless rampage of brutal beggars and forcefully denied Europeans any means of defending themselves.

We have become powerless, we have lost control over our lives, we are denied our place in this world and our spirit is waning. What once was ours has been taken away and given to greedy aliens, what we once held sacred is ridiculed and mocked by arrogant intruders, what once was familiar to us has now been degenerated into something strange and threatening.

For decades Europeans have been taught to hate and despise themselves, generations of Europeans have been brought up believing that the world would be a better place without them, they have been brought up to feel the crushing weight of the white man’s endless guilt. Europeans are constantly reminded that only through self-destruction can they pay for the sins of their civilization.

The death of Europe is the fashion of the day, our demise a sign of progress, the disintegration of the traditional Europe a way forward, the predatory invasions against Europe only the latest trend, self-hatred, a sure sign of intellectual thinking.

We are called to celebrate the physical, intellectual, cultural and spiritual collapse of our civilization. We have already been brainwashed to believe that the collapse is inevitable and that it is a law of nature that we should die out and the barbarian hordes at our gates should win.

Under the disguise of liberalism, humanism and democracy Europeans have been persuaded to commite an ethnic suicide — a race that has achieved so much and has survived so much has been tricked to welcome its own down fall and to take active measures in order to become a stranger on its own soil.

We are witnessing the most vicious and cruel conspiracy in history — the conspiracy to replace the European people, a systematic campaign to wipe out the Europeans from the existence first by socially degenerating the people and then through mental and physical retardation to paralyze the ability of the people to resist, to poison the very biological stock where all the great deeds of the past once grew. So that in the end a herd of geldings would be easier to usher to their death rather than the once proud race of warriors, craftsmen and explorers.

But as our situation deteriorates the harsh realities of life will force the European people to open their eyes. Undoubtedly the media will try to deny the truth until the end and the academic elite will keep on spreading lies as it has always done, but once we hit rock bottom and face doom the truth will come out.

They may preach leftism, liberalism, feminism, love and peace, reason and tolerance but as our desperation and anger grows the old instincts start working again — we are biological beings after all and we have the will to survive, the need to protect our offspring and the urge to defend our territory still intact — they cannot erase them from our genetic make up. You can fight nature only so far but once you have crossed the line, nature strikes back.This is a struggle between sterile theories and the primitive forces within us, between high flying politically correct ideals and our atavistic passions and in the end life will prevail over theory and abstractions.

The war for the liberation of Europe means that in the future global politics will be dictated by our biological needs and instincts – the collective beast of the Europeans will take over and replace the soft, polite, liberal and civilized Super Ego. It is clear that when the beast takes over reason, tolerance and moderation step aside — the European revolution will be the revolution of the subconscious. The modern world has turned into a deadly trap to us and in order to break free we will turn to the dark side of our personality for strength.


It is absolutely superb in content, reasoning and rhetorical structure. It could be the basis of a great and historic speech by the right leader.

Here are the things, however, which in my view are missing.

1) It is not just the two factors we have long understood that are paralyzing our instinct to defend ourselves: a) a brainwashing NWO ideology spread by captured media and educational systems, and b) the ever-present and realistic fear of ostracism, fines, bankruptcy, prison or even being murdered by agents of the CIA, Mossad, MI-6, or SUPO in Finland.

Europeans and North Americans ALSO are being bombarded by c):

neurotoxins via chemtrails and dangerous psych-meds in our air, water, food and by the effects of mobile phones held to the brain constantly, especially by young people.

Excerpt from the first par of my Launch Video (PART ONE, FOUND ON THE MASS-APPEAL WEBSITE

All these make them passive, docile, weak-willed and obedient, and unless people are healed neurologically they will not fight. I am telling you this also as a former US Marine and Army non-commissioned officer. If people are more scared than angry, more defeatist than outraged, more pessimistic than confident, and more selfish than altruistic, they will not fight, but instead THEY WILL ACCEPT DEATH. I do not agree with any automatism where people-will-rise-up-because-they-are-furious. No, they will just drink more beer, watch more sports on TV and spend more time on their cars, hobbies and porn. On your website, I see that since 1994 you have been predicting that muslim gangs attacking our people (in Europe) on the street will provoke a white uprising.  Well, 17 years later, where is any evidence of that? In America, the blacks and Mexicans have been taking over OUR streets and there has been no white uprising here either.

You may rejoin: “They will when the economy totally collapses.” NO! Not without a leader, organization and ideology! Speaking of the American situation,  the federal government will put people in work camps to labor  for food and shelter, vaccinate them, put them on even more docilizing psych-meds than they already take, “chip” them so they can always be located (or even killed), and enslave them totally.

Giant “FEMA” camps have already been built (by the Halliburton Corporation of Dick Cheney) and completed for this purpose, and for detaining any and all “troublemakers.”

If whites have no guns, no ideology, and no leaders, how will they revolt, except for a handful here and there, who lash out in suicidal rage with the last few guns that are left?

(I and my video editor were talking yesterday at a Walmart gun and ammunition counter in Natrona Heights with two country boys wearing hunting camouflage clothing who hate Obama. But will they fight to the death if “they come for our guns”? No more than 25% will — especially if they take their wife and kids hostage.)

(Well, they might if the wife is a b—- and the kids are rebellious brats… ;-))

There is a song played at the start of a police “reality” show called “Cops” with the refrain “What will you do when they come for you?”

Well, what will these country boys do when they already CAME for your wife and kids, or your parents, or siblings, and took them away?

Sure, you can run out into the woods. But if they take away your family members, what will you do then? Lay down your arms? Or ruthlessly write them off and keep fighting?

Relatives react outside Sandy Hook Elementary School following a shooting in Newtown

We must also face the horrific fact that while many cops and military officers are conservatives who hate the system, and would hesitate to “mow down” our people with machine guns, there is a large minority of practicing satanists, child molesters and totally evil people inside both the police and the military who would just love to kill, kill, kill and rape, rape, rape for the satanic fun of it. They are sadists, they are psychopaths, and the government is FULL of such creatures in positions of power up and down the ladder.


I will state further that as psychopaths the enemy has the great advantage of superior ruthlessness.

Why did the judeo-bolsheviks (led by Trotsky) win the Russian Civil War of 1917-21?

They rounded up tens of thousands of hostages among the public, they began actually shooting them until the “Whites” surrendered their weapons and came out of the forest, AND they also threatened to kill the families of Red Army soldiers.

Here in America, most military families live on the military base itself. It would be extremely easy to threaten effectively a soldier or marine:

If you do not obey orders and bomb, shoot or starve out the white conservative rebels — with whom we know you secretly agree — we will have your wife and kids raped and killed.

They have already been arrested. Here, talk to them on the phone — and they will tell you they are already in custody and are being taken by bus to a special part of the base for Israeli “interrogation.”  We are also about to order your parents and siblings arrested.

2) The ancient Aryan religious teaching of “reincarnation” is no longer a hobby idea for women and weak, effeminate men, or for “New Age” and hippie types who follow non-white Indian gurus around, wear Indian garb, and throw flowers.

Instead, it is a proven Western scientific fact.

You cannot laugh this away if you read this:

Thus, those who give up their lives, comrade Murros, will live on. This is a very important additional psychological element in our struggle, to know, to believe and to completely internalize and apply this fact to ourselves. This makes doing our duty far more acceptable, and that is to resist genocide, fight our enemies, and prevail byvictory.

If we die for our race, our individual and conscious soul goes on instantly. WE REINCARNATE and life begins again.

Julius Caesar remarked in his De bello gallico that the Gauls took seven years for the mighty Roman Empire to defeat (fellow Romans demanded to know why these low-tech barbarians took so long to beat ) because:

“they believe they have many lives and so are unafraid to die for the freedom of their nation.”

As for me, comrade Murros, I am easily the most attacked, hated, despised, government-persecuted, hacked and defamed white leader in the USA today. Now you know some of the reasons why.

And the key reason is this:

If we create an kind of Aryan version of Islam, a religion that is 1) right for our non-semitic nature and 2) even more warlike and aggressive (against those trying to destroy us) than Islam, where our warriors absolutely do not fear death (of course no one wants to die in a slow and painful way, such as under torture, but I will not say here in this short letter why even that must not be feared), but instead they only fear dishonor and the terrible karma of the male coward, then we will have the same psychological element that the Arabs received from their leader, general and prophet Mohammed.

This camel salesman (perhaps trained by Jews to smash Christianity, as they later invented Marxism) came on the scene and energized the Arabs to become world conquerors. They were utterly transformed by the new ideology after millennia of being losers who were so pitiful and backward that Persians, Romans and Greeks all ignored them. (I take this idea from a 55-page monograph sent me about Hitler’s cold analysis of the effect of Islam on the Arabs.)

I do not promise to Aryan men 72 virgins (degrading to women, first of all and secondly, ouch, deflowering so many would be painful ;-). The whole idea reminds me of the capital of Thailand, Bangkok. ;-))

What Mohammed promised to his semites was a heaven full of orgies with children, other men, or animals, and plenty of alcohol flowing. That is in fact the content of the the Muslim (and as Hitler said, acidly) extremely semitic idea of heaven. It is a carnal place; that is their mindset.

(This is what the true racial semites are, and of course Ashkenazi Jews are half-white and half-semitic:

But this idea of excellent karma for those who die in skillful battle for our race is one of the two key building blocks in my entire strategy.

The other is a major leader who can attract the kind of military support your speech dreams of. We must be honest and not just dreamers and speechifiers: with no guns and no high-tech weapon systems, no white revolution or victory is possible. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has proved that rocks, even thrown in great anger, do not stop tanks and fighter jets.

This means a leader with military and political experience who can appeal to our own military and police to change sides and come over to us, and also can reason with foreign powers to give us aid on the motto: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I would recommend to you my major essay on Lafayette and revolution, which proves that while, yes, some Americans were very brave, it was the obtaining of massive foreign help (from France, with some also from Spain and Holland) that made our revolution against London succeed:

 George Washington was a tenacious and inspiring leader, but the truth is that 1) only 10% of Americans actively supported him, and 2) it was FRANCE that saved the AMERICAN cause when it was very close to defeat at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

The French king, Louis XVI, hated and feared British power, and felt France would be crushed eventually if Britain were to conquer all of North America and then use its resources to grow a giant British population, extract its vast natural resources,  establish a huge army and navy, and then dominate the world. (In other words, imagine the British Empire PLUS add to it what is now the vast USA to form one stupendous transglobal superpower, all ruled from London…)

The Confederacy of 1861-65 failed because the opposite was true: while it had great domestic support, it could not get any foreign help. The leader must be able to attract foreign support.

This means a leader whom foreigners can respect, a man they believe can win, and whose victory would be very beneficial to them in their own countries.

The Chinese, Muslims, Russians, Latin Americans — they all hate the London-Washington NWO for their own and separate reasons.

Liberals in white countries hate Israel for all the wrong reasons (they call it a militaristic, religious and racial nation-state — horrors ! 😉 — and denounce Israelis for “apartheid” and refusing to mix with Arabs or blacks).

But liberals hate Israel — and that is good enough for me. 😉

The enemy of my enemy is my friend for the purpose of the mission.

In the same way, the two rival Chinese warlords, Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Tse-tung, collaborated at least against Japan. When it was defeated — by America — then they resumed their own conflict.

If interested, please write me back. Despite endless attacks by the government and its infiltrators, narcissists, psychopaths and paid shills inside the white cause, I stand now ready to begin a mass movement. It has been an arduous struggle taking years of personal and online preparation, with financial means always insufficient due to many waves of online attacks by government infiltrators and prison-“turned” individuals within the WN cause.

What I am asking is do you understand the additional elements we need so your excellent speech in Moscow becomes reality?

When I look at the Finns today, I SEE NO “SISU” (the classic Finnish trait of warlike courage and tenacity), THOUGH NEGROES ARE NOW RAPING THEIR DAUGHTERS. Outrages alone do not stir men to action. They can also just submit, lie down and die. And the Afrikaaners in today’s post-apartheid South Africa also prove this. Like the Finns, they ONCE were extremely warlike, skilled and brave. Not now! The old Afrikaaner genes are the same — but the ideas that made them great (among them a Calvinistic kind of Christianity that made them feel they had a mission to rule over the blacks) are dead.
John de Nugent
My soft website for the masses:
The hard website for WNs:
. (I write in German, French and English, and sometimes in Spanish as well.)
When Goering met Hitler, he had not read the program of the NSDAP at all. But he saw in Hitler, especially upon actually meeting him face-to-face, the only man who could lead the cause. He offered to support him.
Hitler, in turn, immediately saw the qualities Goering had. He also knew he had won the highest battle decoration in Germany (the Blue Max) and had run the Red Baron’s flight squadron after his heroic death in the skies. In fact, Hitler offered Goering on the spot the leadership of the SA, and Goering accepted! (Goering also marched in the November 1923 putsch and was shot and severely, painfully wounded. He fled to South Tyrol in Italy and Mussolini helped him. He stayed loyal to Hitler for the next 25 years.)
At some point, the question will narrow down to not waiting (in vain) for any spontaneous white uprising, but identifying, as soon as possible, and completely supporting, the right leader with volunteers, finances and good advice as well.
Humans are hierarchical animals who look up the pyramid for leadership. They do not lead themselves. They never have. We are not a species of loners like male bears who rut once a year and then disappear into the forest to hunt by themselves..
I gave a speech 25 years ago, and an old WWII vet got up, put his fingers in his suspenders and asked:
“This is all very fine and good, young man. But who is going to lead this thing?”
Nothing. 😉

I would urge that superhero to write me back IF he can defend his thesis of an inevitable white revolt. This is now the second time he has ignored a thoughtful, polite and serious email sent him by me.

The inevitability idea is opium for the WN masses. I think this guy enjoys making a living off being a guru since 1994 with this line of thinking, but there is no evidence for his feel-good thesis, au contraire.

I am going to add this to the blog. Let him defend his thesis against my attack!

He will not. At most he or his will engage in a personal attack on me, as usual, and defamatory and abusive emails like that are already coming in to me from his minions in Finland.

I emailed him yet again, this time with more suspicion in my tone:


Dear Kai Murros,

Are you afraid to answer? Some Finns have sent defamatory character-attacks, lies which also in no way address the issues I raise.

You certainly have a right to not answer, and I have a right to ask if you are not providing a kind of opium since 1994. “‘Whites will inevitably rise up” — Really?

Like the Afrikaaners?

Unfair example: only 50,000 of them have been murdered.*;) wink Raped, hanged, burned alive with gasoline…. Most of the rest live in dire poverty. Btw, most of them have or had guns too.

 John de Nugent

01/23 @ 01:36 : Coburg, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
01/23 @ 01:36 : Champaign, Illinois, US
01/23 @ 01:36 : Moncks Corner, South Carolina, US
01/23 @ 01:36 : Germany, DE
01/23 @ 01:35 : Winona, Minnesota, US
01/23 @ 01:35 : Moncks Corner, South Carolina, US
01/23 @ 01:34 : Petzenkirchen, AT [AUSTRIA]
01/23 @ 01:32 : Switzerland, CH
01/23 @ 01:32 : Braga, PT [PORTUGAL]
01/23 @ 01:31 : Braga, PT
01/23 @ 01:31 : Osnabrück, DE
01/23 @ 01:31 : Mexico, MX
01/23 @ 01:31 : Big Spring, Texas, US
01/23 @ 01:30 : Cartersville, Georgia, US
01/23 @ 01:30 : Osnabrück, DE
01/23 @ 01:29 : Mexico, MX
01/23 @ 01:29 : Saint Matthews, South Carolina, US
01/23 @ 01:17 : Oftringen, CH [SWITZERLAND]
01/23 @ 01:17 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
01/23 @ 01:17 : Tallahassee, Florida, US
01/23 @ 01:16 : Sydney, Australia, AU
01/23 @ 01:15 : Magdeburg, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
01/23 @ 01:15 : New York, New York, US
01/23 @ 01:15 : Oak Lawn, Illinois, US
01/23 @ 01:15 : Birmingham, Alabama, US
01/23 @ 01:14 : Norwich, Connecticut, US
01/23 @ 01:14 : Newark, New Jersey, US
01/23 @ 01:11 : New Philadelphia, Ohio, US
01/23 @ 01:11 : New Philadelphia, Ohio, US
01/23 @ 01:11 : Grand Rapids, Michigan, US
01/23 @ 01:11 : Dresden, DE
01/23 @ 01:11 : Parla, ES [SPAIN]
01/23 @ 01:11 : Penafiel, PT [PORTUGAL]
01/23 @ 01:10 : Germany, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
01/23 @ 01:10 : Unterpleichfeld, DE
01/23 @ 01:10 : Nynäshamn, SE [SWEDEN]
01/23 @ 01:10 : Speichersdorf, DE
01/23 @ 01:10 : Johannesburg, ZA [SOUTH AFRICA]
01/23 @ 01:09 : Alsdorf, DE
01/23 @ 01:09 : Zurch, Switzerland, CH
01/23 @ 01:08 : Zirndorf, DE
01/23 @ 01:08 : State College, Pennsylvania, US
01/23 @ 01:08 : Aach, DE
01/23 @ 01:07 : Mobile, Alabama, US
01/23 @ 01:06 : Zirndorf, DE
01/23 @ 01:05 : Zirndorf, DE
01/23 @ 01:05 : Nürnberg, DE
01/23 @ 01:05 : Nynäshamn, SE
01/23 @ 01:05 : Fichtelberg, DE
01/23 @ 01:04 : Nynäshamn, SE
01/23 @ 01:04 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
01/23 @ 01:04 : Letchworth, GB

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15163



  1. Good stuff, John!

    I have a property in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, and I am concerned that the Apollo radioactive pollution from the defunct zionist-operated NUMEC wlll poison the entire Allegheny Valley.

    What are our darkie chief executive and his traitorous company up to ? Comment?

    • Thanks for your comment, Ken. I remember you from previous contacts. You are a retired gentleman who served in the Korean War, as did my dad.

      Please give me a call and we can discuss this:

      (724) 596-4284.

      John de Nugent

    • Murros’ ideas are good but he has been predicting a white uprising since 1994 and a thousand outrages have happened since then. Without a leader, a worldview and a hierarchical, fanatic organization, I assure you that whites WILL accept their genocide, especially in disarmed Europe and as happened in Bolshevik Russia for forty long years, 1917-57.

      The purpose of white guilt propaganda, hate-speech laws, chemtrails and HAARP, of female hormones via bisphenol-A in food packaging and of Prozac, a tranquilizer, in the drinking water, plus fluoride in the USA and in Ireland, is to bring out the inner coward and so far this satanic plan IS succeeding.

      Remember that the Boers of South Africa, with a huge, modern, victorious, combat-experienced military, surrendered power consciously to people whom they clearly KNEW to be 1) Stone Age, 2) African.mindset, 3) communist 4) blacks in that very same year of 1994 that Kai Murros began preaching the “inevitable white uprising.”

      No, Whites will NOT automatically rise up! Common sense and moral courage are both very rare commodities.

      I wrote all this to Kai Murros — and he could not find even 60 seconds to respond. Mr. Murros does not address any of these grave issues. It is “happy talk.” It is feel-good.

      Here is the key: As long as people are afraid to die, they will not fight. Not enough will fight. Thus the need for a NEW and truly Aryan-appropriate religion of both worshipping a warlike god and hero worship.

      “Golden Dawn” in Greece IS doing fine work but they too do not touch the key questions of life. God, the soul and death, the question of MEANING. In the end the US will get them banned. And then they will be disbanded. And even if they came to power, Greece is a tiny country of just 10 million.

      Even Germany with 100 million, and a far more industrialized society, could not withstand the onslaught of a whole jew-controlled planet.

      No, the time has come to think radically outside the box. For a new Aryan war religion.

      John de Nugent

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