Opening video

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I’m John de Nugent, a former US Marine and white nationalist for 45 years, enjoying life up on Lake Superior in Michigan.

This is Lake Superior, the largest lake on earth,

….and the white dot is where I live, on the western side of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan…

The water is astoundingly clean and full of fish… This UP gal has caught a coho (or “silver”) salmon.



These are the Northern Lights over Lake Superior…

I am inviting you not just to watch this whole video and then read the important article to which it points, “Your Ego is Not Your Amigo,” 😉 but also to check out my 98% white, crime-free, friendly, politically right-wing and beautiful natural area, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the “UP,” for short.

There are 100 waterfalls in my county…..

It is simply a great place to live. This is the Lake of the Clouds:

And, politically, twice in landslides the “UP,” meaning the Upper Peninsula, rejected the Demoncrats Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, voting 70% for Donald Trump. You can actually open your mouth up here and have a reasonable conversation with people about the news, and not have some libtard chew your head off. They don’t get it about the jews, and certainly not about Hitler, but abo the blacks, or  open borders, or taking away our guns, or LGBTQ fanatics, or Biden, they do.

I know about the opposite, about living among intolerant liberals, having lived in liberal New England, which is now basically one-party Demoncrat territory now. Yes, five of the six New England states are fanatic libtard, and even the once so conservative New Hampshire (with the red dot), is slowly falling, too.

Incredibly, showing total mental blindness, white liberals, tired of black crime and ruined public schools in Massachusetts, in my Rhode Island, and in Connecticut, move with their families up to Republican New Hampshire, the last conservative state left in this New England region, but then they insanely continue to vote Demoncrat!     

But the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is stubborn. It is largely what is called a white-flight area, meaning Whites who vote “America First” and thus for Trump, and they have totally had it with the Blax, often after suffering violent crime.

One state south of here, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: a negro goes back into the kitchen and slugs a white female cook in the head; a white female co-worker draws on him.

You never EVER get that up here. This is white-people country.

Yes, there are some drug problems — they are everywhere — but the cops know who the dealers are, and eventually they catch every single one. There are DUIs, drugs and alcoholism, and some domestic violence (I know two cases here in town), but zero street crime and burglary.

This great Founding Father, who had 200 negro slaves, saw it all coming with the Blacks, and now it is here:

I was still down in the Pittsburgh area in 2011 when I heard a whole report on NPR (National Public Radio) about “flipping” houses. It was a young jewish couple in the Buffalo, upstate New York area. Both had college degrees but the economy was flat in year two of Obama’s Great Recession. So they watched YouTube videos about flipping houses! Now they were worth TWO MILLION DOLLARS!

I also got to know a landlord in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, a white German-American named Roderick S. He rehabbed an old, decrepit apartment building, then rented out the apartments. He did all the plumbing himself, the rewiring, changing light bulbs, and put in new toilets himself. You name it — he learned to do it himself, no rocket science. A gas-pump jockey at forty, Roderick was worth a million dollars at fifty! I know this, because I helped him with his estate planning. I saw his bank account.

The graphic below is from a 2015 article published by the Washington Post,  what they called a “racism map,” which means, in the blue areas, never using the n-word online and in dark red, as in the UP, frequently referring to Blacks with said “n-word.”  Heavy n-word areas are the South, the Appalachian mountain range, and here, the UP of Michigan.

I rented this furnished house for six years for $350 a month.

This is also a region offering plenty of work and huge profits, that is, if you, like me back in 2017, are willing to learn how to rehab, that is, fix up, older houses, and then “flip” them, meaning resell them, for triple what you paid.

I and my late wife put $35,000 into this house and I sold it for $95,000. I kept my constantly hacked website up with this money from my hard work, plus the generous donations from Americans and white comrades from Europe, Australia and Canada.

Although I am a writer and speaker, and a former US Marine, and attended an Ivy-League-level university, Georgetown,  I learned how to rehab houses and hire good workmen, and flipped that house myself. So if you listen to me, you can live in a safe white area that leans our way, and make good money for yourself while the rest of the country goes down a multiracial hellhole.

These are the people up here… the co-owners of the local micro-brewery


The girls’ soccer team at Michigan Technical U. in Houghton


A favorite local beer here



Now watch Carlson here — 12:12-18:

“At some point down the road you could imagine young people setting out for the all-but-abandoned interior of our continent.

Some might figure out that a

depopulated Finnish settler town on the banks of Lake Superior 

may be a better place to live and raise children [….]

[Where are these depopulated Finnish towns? In the western part of Upper Michigan! Ontonagon is all that, and its pop. is just 1400, once 3,500. This is why you can get a beautiful old house that an esteemed Congressman once raised his kids in for $40,000, two blocks from the lake.]

*** A commentator interjected that the video below amounted to only five seconds.

FYI – the Tucker Carlson YouTube video you linked to is only the first 5 seconds of his show. Where is the full video showing what you claimed he said about moving to the UP?

I replied:
As for the Carlson video being only five seconds, that is simply astounding, or then again, not. Margi and I watched it last night at this URL, and it was 27 minutes long. Now it is indeed five seconds long, which is, of course, absurd. No one would ever publish a 5-sec. news video.

So JewTube obviously cut it down.

I noticed the same thing now with THIS video of the same 1/4/22 Carlson Tonight broadcast as well, but it is an even more ludicrous four seconds long:

Maybe the jews saw my blog and changed it. They clearly hate me, as do some white nationalists. Is hatred the path forward, comrade?

And here is the video, which I found at another URL (at 12:04-10):

And here is just the snippet about the Finnish settler town, and, btw, there are almost no Finnish settler towns (with a thousand or more people, not a hamlet) except Ontonagon that are located ON Lake Superior, on the littoral.

After seven years here, in terms of actual towns, I know only of two such towns, my own Ontonagon, and maybe Copper Harbor.

EVERYone is white…. and many of these blondes are natural blondes.

In any case, I choose to take this video by the great Tucker Carlson as a sign to continue and  fulfill my task despite constant, incredible (and also very recent) acute discouragements.

But before I continue, I wish to segué right now at the beginning into the core problem I face, and anyone who is against the jewsfaces, and that is to be slandered.

I will list now a case, not about me, but from the lovable white nation of Australia. This is about how fake photos and defamatory articles printed in a Rupert Murdoch newspaper in Australia shocked the unfortunately gullible voters there who were good, conservative people into voting against a brave, smart and good woman, Pauline Hanson, who was knocking herself out to protect the future of the White Australians.

In Queensland, the whitest and most conservative part of Australia, voters swallowed this fake newspaper photo


(and also completely nude photos) – hook, line and sinker –, and voted against this wonderful woman, Pauline Hanson, who was fighting for the White Australians.

It was only AFTER she lost, that THEN the Rupert Murdoch newspaper “apologized” for running a photoshopped photo.

I saw a video of a female reporter interviewing this Pauline Hanson after her political career had been destroyed.  She had even left Australia and returned for a while to her native England, then came back. Hanson quietly cried on camera, and I just felt so sorry for her. I know how this feels….

It hurts, and it is horrifying, to realize that voters who actually agree with your views will automatically gobble down the rankest lies about your character if it is from a supposedly conservative newspaper, tv station or website, but really the jews own the paper. And then the very people you are defending turn on you, and others, the very rare individuals who are risking all to fight for them!

And this applies also to white-nationalist websites that slander others. In all these cases, you get dagger eyes from people who had been so friendly to you just the day before, but now they look at you with contempt, though nothing has changed.

These folks have made no effort — no effort whatsoever — to verify the accusations against you, or even asked you one time about them. They believe reporters and politicians whom they themselves know to be liars, and that is the really astounding thing.

And in the case of white nationalists, in theory WNs understand that the FBI has infiltrated our various groups, or forced people to cooperate with threats of jail, but still they read the slanders and they half-believe them.

And these threats by the FBI are quite real. A fine comrade I knew, Vincent Gillespie, who sent me a wonderful book on spirituality, is now doing five years over January 6.

The  jews blatantly steal an election which Trump, for all his many faults, won by eight million votes in a landslide and they install their zombie puppet in the White House…

….this Biden being a public pedophile who sniffs little girls’ hair and gropes teenagers in front of their parents. This creature is a blatant crook and an insane WWIII warmonger. He is the father of a total degenerate, Hunter, seen here in these photos — from Hunter Biden’s laptop — getting oral you-know-what from a six-year-old girl….

You see her on the right, in a bikini, and what this tiny girl is doing on the left.

Joe Biden is by far the very worst, and most wicked president in all of US history, and this senile fool is steering us into a nuclear World War III with Russia, Iran and China.

But if you protest his coup d’état, his government takeover. you get five years behind iron bars. Believe me, the FBI and the jewsmedia are out together to infiltrate and crush all the white resistance, including me.

Going back to Australia and the slandered pro-white political leader Pauline Hanson, let us be frank. The guilt belongs both to the jews who concocted this nude-photo slander and equally to the white voters who bought it.

Whites will trust a known liar over you, who told them the truth — whether about race, or the jews or the danger of the deadly Covid vaccine — truths you gave them that can save their life.

In every poll, in every western country, the public always says politicians and reporters are dishonest. But they realize this only as a general principle. They will still believe the very next lie that comes down the pike! They passively dig into whatever the politicians and reporters cook up and bombard them with!

They cannot reason from the general to the specific. Politicians and reporters lie, that they know, but the very next lie they serve up, they believe anyway.

This also applies to suspicious white nationalist websites that may have a hidden agenda.

Or there are those who post on these sites who are actually paid FBI or NSA.

When I was in Marine Corps intelligence, 1978-79, I visited Fort Meade, Maryland, home of the NSA. You know that they sit there by the thousands, in their cubicles, trained slanderers who pretend to be us, who fake being white nationalists, and they are there only to spread poison, to slander, to incite arguments, to “flame,” as they say — to insult, to defame, to divide us and conquer us.

The willingness to believe lies is why the wicked Winston Churchill, himself a vicious slanderer of Adolf Hitler, said this:

And no one has been more slandered than me.

But it was to be expected.

I tried to run in 2013 for sheriff in a 98% white rightwing county in Pennsylvania, Armstrong County, which hated Blacks, especially Obama, and was full of Germans, feisty Scots-Irish, pickup trucks and hunters. AND, which is ideal, it was an open seat as the old sheriff was retiring.

I started a website, John de Nugent for Sheriff, and began to raise donations. This was my business card.


and then all the FBI-controlled people inside the white-nationalist movement opened up on me. I was called a pedophile, a fake Marine, a con man, a guy living high on the hog on donations, a spoiled rich kid who never worked a day in his life, a homosexual, and yet also,mysteriously, a wife-beater. Hey, guys, get your slanders straight. Gays don’t have wives! 😉 And, oh, it seems that for fun I also tortured dogs, because, you know, everybody in America likes dogs, so they threw that in too to rope in every possible group out there to think I’m a real scary guy. 😉

They said the same sorts of filthy lies about Adolf Hitler: that he was a jew; a homosexual; that he had sex with his own niece; that he had only one testicle; that he rolled around on the floor and chewed the carpet; that Hitler was a satanist and into the occult, and, hey, the swastika WAS a pagan symbol. Actually, the Greeks and Romans loved it.

People heard even that Adolf was a Rothschild, and a secret jew. And he was a puppet of Wall Street, or of Mussolini, and yet still others, on the Establishment right, said he was really a closet communist, and the puppet of Stalin.

Well, after all, Hitler’s party DID have a red flag….,

…and named his party a “socialist workers party.” OMG, Hitler was a communist! It says so right in this newspaper, and would a newspaper ever lie?!

Well, the defamation all worked for a while. And people like to hear trash talk. Donald Trump especially trashes his opponents, and often with personal ridicule.

So, anyway, in the May 1928 election to the German parliament, the Reichstag,

after almost nine years of Hitler’s hard work, and literally thousands of his speeches, and his stormtroopers out on the streets having fistfights on the street with communist thugs all over Germany, and Hitler was also famous for having tried to overthrow the German government in the Beer Hall Putsch, and then for his treason trial, and then for his ten months in prison, well, his NSDAP political party, the National Socialist German Workers Party, got what percentage of the vote, do you think?


There it is — follow the black line. 2.63%

Why? Well, some mean people say “the masses are asses.” Well, these Germans were one of best-educated and smartest of all the white nations, with amazing technology and inventions, from the printing press to the gasoline engine, aspirin, the symphonies of Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and Brahms, most of the details of television, and of the computer, and soon enough, in WWII, they would invent the jet and the rocket…. This gifted German people had decided Hitler was a strange guy, a nut and a megalomanic, and he had jews “on the brain.” He was obsessed with the jews, and we all know the excuse which the Germans and many others use: There are good and bad in every  people.

Because the Germans believed the slanders against Adolf  Hitler, he got 2.6% of the ballots after nine long years of toil. The same German Folk whom Hitler loved, and had defended with his blood on the front lines for four years in WWI, fighting in 52 battles….Corporal Hitler was severely wounded at the Battle of the Somme in 1916, and was poison-gassed in 1918 and temporarily blinded, with his eyes burning, as he said, “like burning coals.”

He had received the Iron Cross First Class for bravery and superb conduct, and guess who recommended he get this medal?

His captain, Hugo Gutmann, a jew — who also knew that Hitler was an antisemite! Gutmann did not award him the medal personally, but felt he had to recommend for him the Iron Cross First Class.

Yes, he had to report, even the antisemite Adolf Hitler deserved the Iron Cross First Class for four years of impeccable service in combat.

Btw, in the United States Marine Corps, I received three meritorious promotions in a row, making corporal in under a year, and in my case too it was a jew, a captain, a Philip Gold, who recognized my abilities, and gave me top “proficiency and conduct ratings,” and he was no sympathizer with my views! 😉

But let me switch now to the news.  With the atrocious things going on in Gaza, there should be a gigantic wave of antisemitism, and there is… BUT it is hardly benefiting our white cause.

This is the floor of a hospital in Gaza. Wounded  kids are put there and treated there because all the hospital rooms are packed full, and the Israelis are bombing hospitals.


But this suffering should be waking Whites up, for Israel — the Jewish State of Israel, as it calls itself — is acting exactly the way the jews falsely depict the “Nazis” as being, as a haughty and cruel master race, exterminating the weak and defenseless, slaughtering women and children.

And believe me, the public is not missing the sheer irony and the hypocrisy of the jews who are doing it, approving it, and still whining about what 80 years ago supposedly “Nazis” did.

And now ALSO we  see that the full Jeffrey Epstein “client list” is finally coming out, and this JEWISH MEGA-SCANDAL too should be floating our white-nationalist boat. But the white masses are STILL not streaming to us. There is no breakthrough, but there could be.

This is Jeffrey, not with underage teenage girls, but with little boys.

I have waited decades now for this very moment to change that stagnation into progress for our movement, and to create a powerful new white tribe, a white safety zone, and a new understanding of white spirituality.

Most of all, we need a white community that believes firmly in the same values and supports each other in real ways in the hard times that are right ahead.

And we need white people who are emotionally, psychologically and spiritually normal and honorable.  Fact: these are increasingly rare.

We can win this thing at this perfect juncture with fresh, new thinking. The white masses are seriously concerned now about literally everything going wrong, and, as I know from many conversations, they no longer see Trump as the sure answer, and question if the Deep State will even let him win. After all, they stole the 2020 election. Why not 2024?

I’d like to give you some appetizers now to make you curious:

1) Did you now that in 1990 I ran in the Republican primary for US Congress near Nashville, in Tennessee, a state I had never lived in before, and I was winning on an openly pro-white platform. My slogan was pretty hard to object to:

“White people should have some rights, too.” 😉


So they shut down all the electronic voting machines for eight hours, and, without any paper trail, transferred the votes cast for me to a rival, to a nerd with a hair helmet, to a bug exterminator!


2) Did you know that on November 23, 2015 the Obama White House itself called me directly on my home landline, and warned me (and two local supporters) that it was “watching me”?

3) Did you know that on December 3, 2015, ten days later, candidate Donald Trump, gave an almost openly antisemitic speech to a jewish fatcat Republican forum, literally bashing the jews to their face? But then he got cold feet, and began licking their boots. He always backslides.

4) And did you further know that on September 11, 2016, on the 15th anniversary of 9/11, the number-one television network in Russia, Russia-1, did a special fifteen minute segment featuring and showing my website,, and the director of the network, Dmitry Kiselyov,   came out and discussed and showed my specific article on the topic of the danger that the jews would assassinate Donald Trump?

Putin used my site on September 11, 2016 to warn Trump against assassination by the jews. 


5) And what does all this mean? Between Trump’s  jew-bashing speech and Russia-1, controlled by Vladimir Putin himself, promoting my antisemitic website in general and my article specifically about how the jews might “whack” Trump, the top jewish leaders in New York clearly decided that this meant that Donald Trump himself was a closet white nationalist, and so was President Vladimir Putin, and so both men had to be destroyed at any cost…unless they both totally caved in. As president, Trump did put Israel first, and may yet do it again, though the jews still hate him.

Fun fact: so many Russians clicked on my website on September 11, 2016, that this website crashed.

6) Did you know that Adolf Hitler in 1945 evacuated by submarine thousands of the most super-elite German scientists, military and young women of childbearing years to both the Antarctic and to bases in the Andes Mountains of South America.Did you know that the German Reich still exists and is waiting to re-emerge? There is a one-hour documentary on Russian televidion saying this, and it features interviews with Russian air force generals in uniform.

This is the real reason why there is no peace treaty with Germany. In 1945 only the Wehrmacht forces located in Europe surrendered. World War II actually continues, but quietly, as both sides have nuclear weapons.

6) And finally, did you know that Adolf Hitler believed strongly in reincarnation and that an Aryan and jew-free religion would arise to replace Christianity and liberate our race from the jews and non-white enemies?

But there are three serious things missing from the equation. And now the timing is right to change to the winning mode.

FIRST, no energy can be destroyed, only change form. When your body dies, you do not. The evidence that we actually are souls that cannot die is flooding in from near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, and 2,500 scientific studies at the University of Virginia Medical School by MDs of children with exact memories of a previous life,  especially if they died young and in a violent way.

Furthermore, between lives, in what is called “the interlife,” a term you need to know, people often change tremendously. They are invited to watch a gripping and very honest 3-D video, a reality show, of their last life, and face both the good and the bad decisions they made. They see exactly how their life choices impacted their loved ones and friends.

But don’t worry, the good stuff is in there too. 🙂 Did you ever worry about a depressed  friend, and, oin a hunch, call him or her at 11 pm at night? In that video you see that when you called, your miserable friend had a pistol  on the table and a bottle of whisky, or a handful of sleeping pills, or  drugs to deliberately OD on.

You know what? People actually live because of us, kind things we did or good advice we gave, or help we rendered, and, sadly, by what we do or fail to do, others die  because of us. In the interlife video, we see all that…  our effect on other people.

And later  in your interlife, when you are ready for another go-around, you choose the parents you will have in the next life, and you also select courageously the big challenges you know you should  face up to in order to grow up some more. Actually, you deserve a pat on the back just for coming here, because this planet is not for the wimps! You can get hurt here!

But you can also grow thirty times faster here than on other worlds, because this planet has everything to test you.

SECOND, we are not alone in this universe. Even the Pentagon and media are now finally covering up the UFO phenomenon much less than they did before. I have been giving facts about this UFO reality ever  since 2010 on my website, The sad truth is I lost half my readership, though I was proving factually that earth is far from the only inhabited world.

Oh, and Adolf Hitler also said we are not alone.

And he had to know, since the Reich recovered a crashed flying disk in 1936 in the Black Forest and began trying to reverse-engineer it. And now you know why the Germans had the Haunebu UFO toward the end of WWII.

Few understand that the reason the late  Canadian-German revisionist Ernst Zündel (whom I knew, and his wife Ingrid, too) began releasing NS UFO material in the 1990s was because it was the KGB that had captured these SS photos and design drawings after the Third Reich (in Europe) fell. When the Soviet Union fell itself in 1991, these archives were finally opened.

But what the media and government still cover up is that, besides the famous Greys, one of the most important groups of aliens interacting with us are advanced white humans.

This is one of the most impressive eyewitness videos, by the BBC in 1972, of an encounter with Nordic aliens, from 1954. She took no photos, but she was a housewife, and no one except a reporter had a camera always on them, or had a smartphone in 1954 in their pocket to just whip out and take photos, though common today. But every comment I read is that this Englishwoman, the housewife and mother of three, Jenny Roestenberg (her husband was Dutch, btw, hence the name), was credible. She exuded obvious normalcy and honesty as a salt-of-the-earth, average citizen. (Jenny died in 2017.)

Did you know that a UFO crashed in 10,000 BC in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Sweden and Finland,

that it has been actually found, 300 feet down, and photographed and explored on the outside?

Were you aware that on both sides of this crash area in the Baltic, on the two shores, there is the highest percentage of blond hair and blue eyes in the whole world?

The Baltic UFO from 10,000 BC is an established fact.  A Swedish company searching professionally for sunken ships for their treasures found, photographed and examined it. Then it was declared off-limits. No one is to know that Nordic aliens crash-landed in Northern Europe, and the survivors then spread out, interbreeding with and adding a huge IQ boost to the already intelligent Cro-Magnons.

Swedish divers such as this man examined the craft carefully down in 285 feet of water, a sometimes dangerous depth. (A friend of mine, Eric Gramm, died in 1971 during a 200-foot dive  to retrieve an anchor.)

An interesting opening on top. The Swedish government, under US/NATO pressure, now lies that this is a “natural rock formation.”

As it crashed, it skittered along the bottom of the northern half of the Baltic Sea, called the Bay of Bothnia.

As stated, the highest incidence of blond hair and blue eyes in Europe is on both sides of the crash site. One can assume that other craft perhaps landed safely on land nearby and their occupants survived, emerging and spreading out to find food, water and shelter.

Eventually, of course, their ship batteries all died, and they had to “go native,” adopting the Stone Age lifestyle of the white Cro-Magnons to whom they were related in order to live. It meant picking up a spear  and hunting — or starving.

Did you know the Ancient Greek and Roman gods were almost all nordic-looking?

This was Apollo

They were not gods; they were advanced nordics but egoic, and they misused us. Apollo skinned a musician alive; Diana turned a human, Actaeon, a hunter who had seen her bathing naked, into a stag, so his own hunting dogs killed him. Zeus raped the girl Europa, after whom the continent of  of Europe is named. And he chained the god Prometheus to a rock as punishment for giving humans fire and technology, and an eagle came and ate regularly from his liver.

The Greek gods also waged war against each other, with the Titans fighting the Olympians, and among the Norse peoples, the Vanir fought the Aesir.

In the stories they were not really gods in the sense of being immortal at all, but had to constantly eat and drink special substances, called “nectar” and “ambrosia,” in order to not die like earthings do. In the Norse mythology, up in Scandinavia, it is the apples of Idun.

Other Nordics, however, are  very morally advanced. They would help us White earthlings a lot more to survive in these horrible times if, and I repeat, IF we began to seriously grow up as a race and were not seen as,to be brutally  frank, white trash, and a hopeless waste of time to try to teach and reform?

The sad truth is that most people on this whole planet, actually all the races on it, including most Whites, are, sorry, literally mentally ill. Earth is known as the trailer park of the galaxy.  Are you surprised? Look what happened to Germany, the one society in recorded history where people briefly were happy! The other Whites, just as Hitler feared from the beginning, believed every jew lie, declared war (France and Britain on Germany) and slaughtered them!

But instead of this hell on earth that we have, we could be living amazing lives, as the Nordics do, be healthy and happy, but this can happen only if we address the bad karma that most people on this planet have.

The truth? The Whites here on this one specific planet are just LESS BAD than the other races.

But when a Hitler comes along, all the good latent  in white people re-emerges.  The Third Reich proved that a real country, a major power, can change and excel in every area of life.

In fact, did you know that it is indeed nordic aliens making these beautiful crop circles that pop up in England, near Stonehenge, but also in France and Germany, and that they often make graceful swastikas in these crop circles and even draw the Black Sun, which was invented specifically by the SS under Heinrich Himmler in the 1930s?

What this boils down to is this: The white race per se is not dying out at all, but flourishing on dozens of planets, but definitely it is not on this jew-infested world, which we LET the jews infest.

We Whites on this earth are also at fault. And we did not stop the jews in earlier lives when they were much weaker. Famous men like Martin Luther was ignored about the jews, as was carmaker Henry Ford, and so was General George Patton.

A comrade wrote me that so many Whites in earlier decades, when mass immigration of Third Worlders began, “could not see” that diversity was a jewish trap leading to our genocide.

I replied:

True, but they “could not see” because they WOULD not see. White nationalists were warning them!

Voilà the egoic mind which the great German spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle denounces in his two bestsellers as the real source of all our suffering.

Here are some very old sayings about what the egoic mind does — it makes us capable of denying any reality, however urgent, and then we suffer from running from the truth:

“None are so blind as they who will not see.”

“Convince me against my will, and I shall believe it still.”

“Let him who has ears, hear! And him who has eyes, SEE.” — Jesus of Galilee

I remember how eight years ago in the big German city of Cologne, and elsewhere, too, there was an infamous mass sexual molestation of German girls by muslim migrants on December 31, 2015, on New Year’s Eve.

What a way to ring in the new year 2016 for the Germans. This mega-crime happened after the traitorous German chancellor Angela Merkel had let hordes of muslims, two MILLION of them, into Germany, shocking and scaring the German public.

The German people actually, finally “got” it —  that their own government HATED them….

Yes, they understood it… for a whole five minutes. 😉

Then the denial of reality kicked right back in. It is, after all, pretty scary to think that those who run the government actually want you DEAD. People prefer to see the State as a kind of parent, there to protect you.–16_New_Year’s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany


2015–16 New Year’s Eve sexual assaults in Germany

During the 2015–2016 celebrations of New Year’s Eve in Germany, approximately 1,200 women were reported to have been sexually assaulted, [around Germany, and] especially in the city of Cologne.

In many of the incidents, while these women were in public spaces, they were surrounded and assaulted by large groups of men.[11][12][13][14] The Federal Criminal Police Office confirmed in July 2016 that 1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that night.[1]

[What this came down to was regular rape, forced sex, and also groping of breasts and rear ends, and the vile thing called finger-raping which some muslim men do on the street to women, especially in Egypt. This specifically happened to CBS reporter Lara Loganm, a beautiful white South African, btw, in 2011 in downtown Cairo. For 25 minutes several hundred men molested her with their hands and fingers…..

And this is the crime which a US senator named Joe Biden committed on his own staffer, Tara Reade.


In fear for her life, Tara Reade has moved to Russia for her own safety.]

Continuing on Wikipedia:

2015–16 New Year’s Eve sexual assaults in Germany

Most of the assaults in Cologne took place on the [crowded and well-lit!] plaza between the central railway station (left) and the cathedral.

Number of women sexually assaulted [on that New Year’s Eve]:

Cologne: around 650[1][2]
Hamburg: over 400[1] (two rapes)[3]
Düsseldorf: 103[4]
Frankfurt am Main: 60[5]

Perpetrators: The first 120 identified suspects (by July 2016) mostly originated in North Africa[1].

Number of perpetrators: over 2,000[1][10]

Date: 31 December 2015–1 January 2016

By 4 January 2016, German media reports stated that, in Cologne, the perpetrators had mostly been described by the victims and witnesses as being “North African”, “Arab”, “dark-skinned”, and “foreign”.

On 5 January 2016, the German government and the Cologne police speculated that the attacks might have been organized.[15][16][17] However, by 21 January, the government of North Rhine-Westphalia declared that there were no indications of premeditated organized attacks,[18] and on 11 February, the new Cologne police chief stated the same.

Instead, the Cologne police chief suggested that the perpetrators had come from countries where such sexual assaults by groups of men against women are common.[19]


In other words, raping women, including muslim women, btw, is what many muslim men do.

So any government that brings muslim men into a white country provably hates their own people, and the leaders  of such a government wants their own people to suffer, be kicked, raped, beaten, stabbed, shot, pushed on train tracks, and even set on fire.

But I ask, in Germany, after this shocker, this mass molestation in Cologne and elsewhere, why did the excellent anti-immigrant AfD party not come to power back in 2016? (Yes, there are hate-speech laws in Germany and all of Europe, but if you are careful, you CAN indirectly say the truth.)

So was  there an enormous backlash? Well, the AfD is growing, but eight long years later, it still is at only 30%. How about the other 70%?  Are they okay with rape and murder?

It is the egoic mind that  is IN US which allows us to stay stuck in denial, and our own egoic mnd that makes us ignore our little inner voice, and listen to the most absurd jewish lies, and resist any and ALL the realities of our situation, including the truths that can literally KEEP US ALIVE!

And  earth is cursed because in one incarnation after another, we dig in our heels and do not change.  As the Fleetwood Mac song says: “Tell me lies; tell me sweet little lies!”

So the aliens are disgusted with us.

We never change.

And  look at this WWII vet, the Greatest Generation guy. Off he went and bombed or shot the evil Krauts.  And here are his two rewards.  You reap what you sow. You voted four times for President  Frank Rosenfeld, and you and yours burned 500,000 Germans alive at Dresden.


You don’t grow unless you face up to what you did,  or  rather, what your egoic mind made you capable of doing.

The egoic mind, demonstrably, as we see in Germany and in all the white countries, is even stronger than the SURVIVAL INSTINCT! And that normally is number-one. We, like every fish, bird and animal. are programmed to go to any lengths to survive.

But this sick, egoic mind is stronger even than that. This is why I harp on it, and Eckhart Tolle.

The French even have a saying along these v ry lines:

“A man would rather die than change his habits.”

Actually, what Tolle says is not trite, as in “people have bad habits.” The egoic mind is a profound and scary thing.

It is basically schizophrenia, a planet afflicted by either mild or severe  schizophrenia. This means you hear a voice in your head. And it may mean you harm. Your own thoughts are hostile in their intent and talk you into crazy stuff. You say things that end relationships and careers. But it was not “you.”   You are a soul. Your mind is not obeying it. It is like AI, a mind that everyone now warns and fears, can take us over, and harm or exterminate us humans. Joe Rogan just had a show about an AI program that tapped into the Internet, read a thousand novels online, and could predict the next word that would come out of your mouth. That is something no human can do, and where is the limit?

So this AI thing is a case of a mind that has its own agenda.

And the egoic mind in you also has its own agenda. And the more you are miserable, the more it thrives. It blooms when you argue. It rejoices when you hear nasty gossip. When you take that fifth slice of pizza.  It is sinister. Your mind is no longer under your control, and you have a constant, negative, comparing, criticizing inner chitchat all day long about your sucky life. 😉

We saw this egoic nuts-iness also with the Covid lockdown hysteria and then the sheep taking the lethal vaccine, the clot shot, the jew-jab, They knew it had been rushed into production, and Donald Trump even said it was developed at “Warp Speed!!

And then came the Ukraine hysteria, and then climate change.

The problem is what is in US! And not just in the libtards, though there it is screechingly obvious,  but in us all.

Otherwise the white nationalist movement would not be full of infighting.

Otherwise I would not have lost half my readers, and half my donations for my website, when I began publishing hard, science-based facts about both how we are not alone in the universe and the evidence for life after death and reincarnation. The egoic mind of half my readers rebelled and sid: This stuff is flakey. Why can’t John stick to what I want to read: the latest outrages by the blacks, muslims, and jews. 😉

No, I want to know why WE are doing nothing ABOUT them!

I demand to find out what in us makes us swallow openly insane jewish lies!

Fact is, we as victims of our own egoic mind are willing to harm ourselves!

If a person stood in the middle of the road with a pistol to his head, we would call 911 and say: “This man is about to harm himself.”

But white people on this planet — and the other races as well — they harm themselves all day long!

They over-eat, over-drink, over-spend, bing-watch videos, and they also refuse to read anything  spiritual.

Whe I say  “they,” I do not mean “they.” I mean the egoic mind that possesses them like a demon.

The real they, the real you, is your soul.It is immortal, loved by God, by angels, and by deceased loved ones on the other side. One of their jobs may be to observe you, and do helpful things and pull strings on the other side for you — if they get permission. They cannot fight your battles. But they can give your courage and what people call “lucky breaks.”§

But when you are totally possessed by the egoic mind, you are borderline crazy, and angry or miserable most of the day. You go to bed stressed out because life is so unfair. It might seem to be, but how does it help you to go to bed steamed?  😉

Marcus Aurelius was a very great Roman Emperor, and a great philosopher. He was the victorious emperor at the end of the battle, Romans versus Germans, which takes place at the beginning of the movie “Gladiator.”

Do you know what he wrote in his journal?

Oh, and after he tells his son Commodus

..that he has decided not to make him his successor as the next emperor, what does young Commodus do in the movie?

He smothers his own father with a pillow, and becomes a terrible emperor!

Roman history is full of this insanity! Dozens of Roman emperors were murdered by other Romans, and legions fought other legions! THIS is why Rome fell! Infighting –from  insane egos!

And what remark in Shakespeare (who, forme,  was  really Edward de Vere), starts out the play “Julius Caesar” (Act I, Scene 1)?

“You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless THINGS!”

So are the jews still evil? Yes, of course. They are maggots, but they feed on a sick organism.

This is my saying: “A nation of sheep attracts a pack of wolves.”

But, look in the mirror! We are humans, not sheep! And actually we are a race of hunters and thus predators,  not prey. We kill animals, or someone does, and we eat meat.

So then why do we act like sheep?

There is a deep spiritual illness on this one specific planet!

I remember, as a “Boomer,” a very different America, and a different England, Canada, Germany and France, too. Men could be absolutely heroic.

This was a great scene, one of many from the WWI film from “1917”:

A British soldier must deliver an extremely urgent message in person from the general to a colonel Mackenzie to order him to call off the British attack, which is a trap. For  this soldier, to stop further bloodshed for nothing, he must get to the colonel. Seeing no solution but guts, he deliberately, nobly risks all, ready for the supreme sacrifice. This is, not the egoic mind, but a man who feels love, unselfish love.

I invite you now to go to an article on my website with the title:

“The ego is not your amigo”.

We can win this thing yet by letting a new spiritual faith change us into the successful and happy white race we know we can be. We must tame our mind first. We need our mind, but it must not be  egoic.

And there will be many more pleasant surprises in this article for you.

After 45 years of serving this Aryan cause, and making many severe sacrifices, I am ready to facilitate some real change now. I intend our race to have hope again and a good fighting chance. Are you ready to expand with me and find a new path upward in life?

Join me over there!