UPDATED Orthodox rabbi’s daughter exposes: “We glorify lies and we uglify beauty”; a jewish architect in already martyred Dresden

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Wow! some amazing admissions…. But what is so jewy still about her despite turning against her community is that while she is doing this serious interview she is really flaunting her bosom.

The jews have a very carnal, animalistic attitude toward sex, and a love of manipulation. I guess this Chasya is into: “Watch me fascinate any guy with my breasts.”

This is pretty brazen, undignified, and it frankly detracts from her message.

And who knows if any of this physical appearance is even real? Jewesses are infamous for having nose jobs, breast augmentations, plus coloring their hair…. Fake, fake, fake….

This is the full video:

There was a bestselling book in the 1980s called „Truly Tasteless Jokes.“ It consisted of funny but brutally frank ethnic jokes against every race, gender, sexual orientation, and country.

The jokes about jewish women, probably all thought up by jewish men, or by goyim who had dated them, showed jewish women as cynical, domineering, manipulative, and dead in bed AFTER the wedding.


What is the jewish idea of foreplay?

Two hours of begging.




A German comrade commented on this English version of this article as follows:


“Uglify the beautiful” … Well, here is a truly striking example in view of the confession of the lady speaker, namely:

Dresden Military History Museum




In 2001, the entire building was tendered for restructuring and was transformed and expanded in 2011 for €62.5 million [same in US dollars].

The degenerate Jewish architect Daniel Libeskind had designed a new wedge-shaped building (a 30-meter-high, 140-ton steel structure) for the museum that extends into and protrudes from the old building.


I answered:

Oh, my God!

I see how this Libeskind specializes in brutal and often twisted blocks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Libeskind

Based on the article in the German Metapedia, I wasn’t ENTIRELY sure that this JEWISH nonsense was actually constructed, but it was!

Oh, how beautiful…

I am sure the Germans found a pretty penny for this GENIUS (well, all Jews ARE), the son of two Polish Holocaust survivors, who, like millions of others, were somehow miraculously able to slip seamlessly through the Nazi death machine….

What a ruin he has made of a once magnificent old neoclassical building, back when Germans revered military service.


I find this extension not only ugly, but also subtly menacing: “Germans, never forget what world Jewry did to you here in Dresden back then and can do to you again in the future. »

The director of this military museum, Matthias Rogg, looks like an effeminate homosexual and has the rank of colonel!

With warriors like Colonel Rogg, does German Chancellor Olaf Scholz really want to take on Vladimir Putin’s ultra-modern and patriotic army?

And maybe face the Chinese dragon too?

Otherwise, where would China be if it let its great partner perish in a war, this Russia which supplies it with the most important things, namely oil, gas, fertilizer, food, hydroelectricity, and tons of gold to support the Chinese Yuan?

I think China would fight alongside the Russians, and not even be deterred by the terrible Colonel Rogg.


  1. John,
    Was your site down for 4 or 5 days? Well it was for me, I could not access it at all. Now I suppose it’s possible that they are blocking me from seeing things they don’t want me to see. Glad you are back up.
    Yes that jewish woman is admitting the truth — they do their best to destroy anything of beauty. Very sad.

  2. Finalmente si è aperto il tuo sito.
    Ho spiato VK per vedere se stavi bene.
    Non c’è luce senza John.
    Leggo tante cose…ma nessuno è alla tua altezza.
    Immagina la mia felicità…
    Ti voglio tanto bene 🙂 🙂

  3. „uglify the beauty“ = Das Schöne häßlich machen oder genauer verhäßlichen

    Anbei ein wahrlich plastisches Beispiel in Anbetracht des Geständnisses der sonderbaren Sprecherin, und zwar:

    Militärhistorisches Museum in Dresden




    2001 wurde der gesamte Bau zur Neugestaltung ausgeschrieben und bis 2011 für 62,5 Millionen Euro Um- und Ausbau.

    Der jüdische entartete Architekt Daniel Libeskind hatte für das Museum einen keilförmigen Neubau (eine 30 Meter hohe und 140 Tonnen schwere Stahlkonstruktion) entworfen, der den Altbau durchdringt und aus dem Gebäude herausragt.


    • Mein Gott!

      Ich war mir aufgrund des Artikels nicht GANZ sicher, dass dieses JÜDISCHE Unding tatsächlich erbaut wurde, aber doch:

      Ich empfinde den Zubau als nicht nur häßlich, sondern auch bedrohlich: “Deutsche, vergeßt nicht, was das Weltjudentum euch angetan hat und noch immer antun kann.”

      Und der Leiter dieses Militärmuseums, Matthias Rogg, sieht wie ein Homosexueller aus und hat den Rang eines Obristen!

      Und so was will es mit Putins hochmoderner und mutterlandsliebender Armee aufnehmen?

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