Our race need SPIRITUAL warriors even more than physical; spiritual reading; webmaster inquires “Why so many hacking attacks now?”

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Katharine Hepburn as the bereaved Queen Hecuba after the fall of Troy in the 1970 film version of Euripides’ “Trojan Women.” My late wife Margi’s mother played this very role in the production by the Montford Park Players, her Asheville NC theatre group, of this emotionally searing play from 415 BC.

….Demonic gods and insane earthlings: Trojan women and Hellenic men

A Scandinavian comrade (and generous donor for years now) asked me after reading my Jesus article yesterday: https://johndenugent.com/jesus-a-nordic-starseed-like-the-buddha-hitler-and-tolle-not-a-god-or-king-hitler-on-st-paul-the-con-man-from-yahweh-to-zion-2/

John, I know the real Jesus was actually white and on our side.

I just don’t get why He took the risk [of trying to reform the jews, where he ended up being framed, rejected, tortured and crucified] instead of just incarnating as a bold Aryan warrior and then uniting all the Aryans against jewry — and just getting rid of them all.

But he must have had his reasons…..


I replied:

Jesus was like all nordic starseeds, baffled by the spiritual degeneracy of all earthlings, Whites included! We find their self-destructiveness bizarre, disgusting, alarming and even dangerous for all whites living on other worlds.

And now, with nuclear weapons, with which two huge white nations, Russia and America, are now threatening each other, we see a threat to the wellbeing of the other Whites, advanced Whites, who live IN other planets and their moons in this solar system.

But the starseeds develop a plan anyway. We try. We do our best.

And usually we fail — at least with the majority. They either stare at us in incomprehension or they listen to the hideously ugly jews who hate them and revile us.

Why believe in this guy….

…or this guy….

…or this guy….

….when your mind says believe THIS guy? 😉



This is literally true.

And a friend who has had many horses explained this to me.  YOU, the higher being, may have your plans and trips to town all worked out in your head, and you may know that this means riding eight miles into town on a hot summer day with this horse.

BUT the horse has its own mind –and its own daily mood swings —  and it will not listen to you and or “tank up” on water just because you say so.

In fact, it will resist being forced. And, believe me, a horse can throw you off so you break your neck, like the “Superman” actor Christopher Reeve, or kick you to death, as happened to Tribbie Chafee, the 14-year-old daughter of the governor of Rhode Island, John Chafee, a personal friend and lawyer for my father –and who also was a Marine combat officer in Korea like my dad.

Parenthetically, Chafee — depicted here with his wife and kids — a truly sincere liberal Republican, was also the target of the Israel lobby both when RI governor and as a US senator: https://www.wrmea.org/1999-december/in-memoriam-senator-john-h.-chafee-1922-1999.html)


And white earthlings are no better than horses, nor are the other earthling races.  Maybe you can ride them and maybe they kick you in the head. 😉

You can prove with a thousand facts and quotes from the jews themselves to a white man that the jews are liars who hate his guts, and want him and family to suffer and die,  and he will hate YOU instead. 

His egoic mind says: “How dare he contradict my favorite ideas? (And even if he is right, if  I keep listening to this guy, I will want to do something about the jews, and that would only get me into trouble…but what counts for me is ME.)”

Comrade, there were no jews involved during the Trojan War, which really happened, including the gods, who were degenerate nordic aliens with advanced tech who terrorized us and raped our women.

See below.

This Trojan conflict was a jew-free, decade-long, white-on-white atrocity.

So the great Jesus was trying to get at the root spiritual problems of this planet, and not just save the Whites. Even if every jew on this planet were gone, Whites would still hate, betray and kill each other without any jewish help needed.

I have had a lifetime of experience with this myself!


Euripides, the Ancient Greek playwright who composed “The Trojan Women,!”  looked, interestingly, kind of the same way we depict Jesus. Like the man from Galilee, which in Hebrew, Galil ha goyim, means “District of the Goyim,” He also did not accept that this planet must forever be racked and tortured by madness and suffering. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euripides


The translation of the Euripides play was by Edith Hamilton, a renowned American educator and internationally known author who was one of the most renowned classicists of her era in the United States. (I ordered it by Interlibrary loan — W.W. Norton publishers, 1935 — and read it yesterday.) 
A graduate of Bryn Mawr College, Hamilton also studied in Germany at the University of Leipzig and the University of Munich. Hamilton began her career as an educator and head of the Bryn Mawr School, a private college preparatory school for girls in Baltimore, Maryland; however, Hamilton is best known for her essays and best-selling books on ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, all of which I read as a teenager. (I also studied Latin and Classical Greek.) 
Georgetown transcript: see the fall 1980-spring 1981 semesters —  two A’s in Ancient Greek. As ALWAYS, I back up every extraordinary claim I make.

The Belgian Waffen-SS officer Léon Degrelle asked me once if I felt more German or European. He wrote later, intrigued, about my reply:

“Ich bin Hellene,” “I am a Hellene.”

Margi and I translated all of Degrelle’s autobio “Hitler for a Thousand Years” into English under this title.


ALL the architecture that I, in that life as Hitler, personally was involved with designing was NOT Germanic but instead neo-classical (Greco-Roman), such as the 1937 House of German Art in Munich.
The SA standards were also taken directly from the Roman legions, just as was the Hitler/Roman/sieg-heil salute.
Roman troops on a march in Italy without their weapons and armor due to the summer heat

I had been a Roman and proud of it in an earlier life, and before that, a Hellene, an Ancient Greek — which is actually true of many of us white nationalists and national socialists. 75% of the white race, the most populated part of Europe, lived under the empire of the fierce, disciplined and mighty Romans.
Viewing paintings on 5 May 1937 at the House of German Art; our paintings 1933-45 were all good, but the truth is that not a lot was truly great. Our Reich was really just a-borning, starting out — when, as I anticipated, the whole jew-run white world conspired against us. Within six years we Germans were in a world war again, and the quest for beauty was replaced by the quest to survive.
Me with interior decorator Gerdy Troost, a fine and gifted woman who designed the interior of the beautiful Berghof, below, along with architect Paul Ziegler and Dr. Goebbels…. good art but usually not truly great.

The Berghof was built in a germanic and alpine-chalet style, because it was beautiful and also fit in with the Bavarian surroundings.

Wiki on Gerdy Troost:

Gerdy Troost

Gerhardine “Gerdy” Troost (née Andresen; 3 March 1904 – 30 January 2003), was a German architect interior designer and interior decorator and the wife of Paul Ludwig Troost.[1][2]

Life and work[edit]

Troost was born in Stuttgart, the daughter of the architect Johannes Andresen.[3] After completing her education, she worked in her father’s business, where she met Paul Ludwig Troost in 1923. In 1924, the pair moved to Munich and were married there in 1925. Through her husband, she became acquainted with Adolf Hitler in 1930 and became a member of the Nazi Party in 1932.[4]

After her husband’s death in 1934, Troost ran his architectural and design business together with his former partner, Leonhard Gall. She supervised the construction of the Haus der Kunst, the remodeling of the Königsplatz, and the construction of the Ehrentempels.

She remained an architectural and design adviser to Hitler’s circle up to the end of the war. In 1943, she received from Hitler an endowment of 100,000 Reichsmarks.[5] Troost was one of the few people who actively disagreed with Hitler [yeah-yeah-yeah — anybody could disagree respectfully] without fear of being fired or arrested.

Hitler listened to Troost about art and architecture.[2]

During denazification [after 1945] she was classified as “less responsible” (Minderbelastete) by the Hauptspruchkammer and sentenced to a fine of 500 DM and a 10-year Berufsverbot. At the end of the period, Troost resumed work and resided in Schützing, a town on the Chiemsee in Upper Bavaria.

Gerdy Troost remained a friend and confidante of Winifred Wagner after 1945.[6] She died in Bad Reichenhall at the age of 98 on 30 January 2003.

[Hitler] “behaves like a truly splendid, serious, cultivated, modest chap,” the decorator [Gerdy Troost] wrote to her mother, adding that, given his crass and aggressive public persona, she was surprised by his sensitivity to art and architecture.
“Gerdy was somewhat apolitical but that didn’t last very long before she went in for Hitler 110 percent,” Stratigakos says, noting that although the decorator successfully intervened on behalf of Jewish friends and associates who were threatened by the Nazi regime, she “never felt the need to put two and two together. Gerdy believed Hitler was going to create a cultural revival that would bring back German greatness. Even in her last years, she never turned her back on him.”
What remains today — all that beauty had to be destroyed, OF COURSE. The white goyim must not be allowed to dream, be swept away by something higher that inspires them…..
So here is the retaining wall the Allies left behind….
…and the great views are still there

When our souls are beautiful again, then we will begin to win again, and create more thrilling beauty in our world.

When the Romans, students of the Greeks, became aggressive toward another people, it was to get them to surrender and then pay enormous taxes, collected by corrupt and arrogant Roman officials who lined their own pockets.

Otherwise, the Romans would slaughter them, killing most of the men or making them into slaves in the mines or galleys, working them slowly to death.

The women were forced to become sex slaves, or domestic slaves. All these slaves, those who had lost a war with Rome that Rome started, had no legal rights and could be put to death or worked to death for any or no reason.

If any slaves revolted or poisoned their master, then they all would be crucified. The excellent HBO series “Rome” shows a lot of this mind-bending cruelty.

The Greco-Roman gods themselves were hyper-violent, not to mention tyrannical, and as far back as Homer in the Iliad and Socrates and Plato, the Greeks were both disgusted and afraid of them.

Every Greek knew that the god Apollo had grabbed and skinned alive a satyr who challenged him to a lyre contest.

Apollo flaying Marsyas alive

Zeus, king of the gods, shape-shifted into a bull and seized a girl named Europa, after whom Europe is named, took her to an island and raped her.

Artemis (or Diana for the Romans), the goddess who was the sister of Apollo, was bathing nude in a stream when a hunter,  Actaeon, accidentally came upon her. She transformed him into a deer and had her fifty dogs rip him limb from limb.

An Artemis statue found at Pompei, with the original coloring reconstructed

As for the famous (but horrific) Trojan War, it started as a squabble between three goddesses over who was the most beautiful.

Anyone who has read Euripides’ play “Trojan Women,” called the most anti-war play of all times, know that the Ancient Greeks, who certainly were the core of what Ravage praises as “ancient pagan civilization,” were appallingly cruel to the women of Troy after Troy was captured.

The Greek warrior Ajax seizes Cassandra, daughter of King Priam of Troy, to be his sex slave


In a Pompeii mural, the defeated King Priam looks on in grief as his daughter Cassandra is dragged away from the sacred pillar in the temple of Athena, the Palladium, and is then raped right there by Ajax. The goddess Athena later sends a thunderbolt, which sinks Ajax’s ship.

So this was the pretty dark side of the classical civilization which Christians partly rejected, calling the pagan gods “demons.”

The problem is that the Jews’ god, Yahweh, was even worse!

And it is this Christian longing-for and worship of a just and loving God, who also created the universe, which the Jew Marcus Eli Ravage slanders as a “malady.”

It struck me how the Greco-Roman gods were, exactly as I have written, and also the ufologist Alex Collier (photo), deviant Nordic aliens. 

And they taught the Greeks the outright lie (which, later Socrates and Plato rejected in favor of reincarnation) that when you die, you all go down to the same dark, gloomy place underground, Hades — whether you were good or bad.

A both wrongful and harmful doctrine!

It is clear from the words of Queen Hecuba that she does not believe any more in anything good, in any God, in any afterlife — just in grief and death as an old slave women in Greece.

She has seen her brave son Hector killed by Achilles, a descendant of Zeus

….her husband, King Priam, slaughtered, her magnificent city burnt to the ground, and even Hector’s tiny son thrown off the city wall to his death to exterminate completely the royal house of Troy.

And all because the Greeks tricked the Trojans using the “Trojan horse.” Troy was NOT defeated, let us recall, in battle! The Greeks pretended to have given up their siege, sailed away for home, leaving behind the giant wooden horse to burn as a symbol of apology to the goddess Athena for having desecrated her temple. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trojan_Horse

Why did the ego-driven, vain and beautiful Helen not return to her Spartan husband, King Menelaus, to end the war?

Or why did he not renounce her, since she loved another man, Paris, and thus save tens of thousands of lives?


It is clear from reading Homer’s Iliad that the great poet found both men and gods disgustingly selfish, stupid and savage.

Edith Hamilton said that Euripides’ play “Trojan Women” was “the greatest anti-war play ever.”

Call it: how war turns men into monsters — against each other and savaging defenseless women.

Yet, as Hamilton also notes, the insane war then raging on between the two leading cities of Greece, Athens and Sparta, continued on until both cities were exhausted and the best of the ancient Greek race had been exterminated.

This is also why the modern Greeks are so dark. The nordic blood was killed off.

Greek finance minister in 2015 Yaris Varoufakis 

But why should the Greeks behave any differently if their gods themselves were demonic?

Same goes for the Jews — they imitate their bloodthirsty master, Yahweh, a reptilian who shape-shifts into a kind of huge human.

It is clear that the egoic mind, the tyrannon, infects many beings on this earth and in other realms.

The real enemy is in ourselves, that we lead lives of misery which remain un-processed and un-learned-from, and therefore we suffer further incarnation after incarnation in the darkness of our own souls.

 In the magnificent 2004 film “Troy” by the German director Wolfgang Petersen, Trojan prince Hector kills the Greek lad Patroclus.

 King Priam watches his Troy burn and hears the wails of its women and children, who watch their parents being slaughtered.


Madness — over and over — the best white men exterminating each other as the Jew gloats!

Three Greek soldiers rape a Trojan woman. How heroic…. three armed men on one unarmed woman.

By those Greeks, affected by their demonic religion, not understanding the laws of karma, and how you are judged by your reactions to the mandatory life-review video, and after time in other realms must reincarnate back HERE, they actually think they can get away with this.

In reality, unless they show bitter remorse when watching this horrid scene taken from their lives, SEEING the pain they are inflicting on a fellow human, they will undergo horrors themselves as just punishment,maybe even being born as a woman to suffer this fate.

If so, if karma cuts you down for cowardice, avarice, lying, slander, inaction and treason, DO NOT WHINE AS YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOWED.

The coming Aryan religion will free us from our own tyrannical mind and old-baggage feelings!



….spiritual reading for June 23

Sometimes the words are really not all that helpful. You are accustomed to them, to playing in the field of language, to living through it and in the structure that it creates.

Beautiful though it can be, the limitations that it places on your experience are great.

Today, consider feeling your life. Allow yourself to know what you know before you create form around it with words. Give yourself the chance to drop into a place of consciousness that is far vaster and more precise than any description you might give of it. Or we might offer of it, for that matter.

And may we suggest that you give attention to the words that leave your lips, those that enter your ears and especially those that cavort in your mind. Just bring awareness to the ways in which you lean upon language to define yourself, your beingness, your actions, your world.

This is not an exercise so much as it is a doorway, an invitation to visit a much deeper and more meaningful level of living. You have the capacity to sink into, to merge with the forms of consciousness you encounter in a manner that is both profound and important.

For instance, a simple challenge: connect with something blue, something intrinsically and joyously blue.

Margi loved wading into blue Lake Superior and gathering pretty stones.


How many days we went to Agate Beach on this stupendous lake…. 🙂

And give yourself over to the blueness without naming it. Feel into the blue and let it be explored and known for what it is, not what it is called. You can do this with anything.

A tree. A squirrel. A breath. A sensation. An emotion. Any art. A breeze. You get the idea.

So play if you will and see what you discover. Language, magnificent as both accomplishment and avenue, has been your primary and best means of communication, but this will not always be the case. Begin (or continue) to cultivate other, even richer ways of being and sharing, living and loving. Try it out.

And in the interests of integrity, we will stop here and leave open the space for your own direct knowing, while as always sending you much love and all of our blessings.



…..Webmaster asks why so much hacking now?

First, my website monitor against hackers wrote me:


I have to go out now ….but lately I see lots of odd activity. Not sure if it’s related to any specific article or event. I just, though, reported them to P [the webmaster].


The Ukrainian webmaster then wrote me (in broken English):

——- Original Message ——-
[]@proton.me> schrieb am Freitag, 23. Juni 2023 um 5:32 vorm.:

Hallo, Jon.

I block many IP addresses Y. sends me. It is very much recently.



I worry it is some problem for you in America if so many hacking reports? You have new proplem there?

I do all Y. asked.  He write so much, watch all the time )))

I not worrying for your site. it is good but I pleased you and Y watching with strong eyes now as it seem probelms every day.

Wishing you good days ahead



Hi, P.

Against me there have always been problems, attacks, slander and sabotage from the FBI and CIA since 1978, and now it is increasing again.

Under this demonic man Biden (whose entire team is Obama people) they want to achieve three satanic goals this year:

— a digital currency and the total abolition of cash so they can electronically turn off the money flow of any critic and dissident, and then demand he surrender his private guns, which all true Americans have had since 1619 in this land. North America was a frontier land, where hunting was necessary for food, and we needed guns against hostile Indians, and the French, Dutch and Spanish militaries also…. so we always had militias of ordinary citizens with rifles. .

–Biden wants to put the lethal Covid vaccine into the feed of chickens, pigs and cattle in order to vaccinate the 47% of Americans who have refused it

— He wants to have retired US combat pilots fly missions while they are wearing Ukrainian uniforms with advanced jets like F-22 and F-35, which at $122 mio apiece are — supposedly — so “stealthy” no Russian radar can detect them or shoot them down….

against Russian jets and the Russian  S-400 and S-500 anti-aircraft systems, and also have Polish infantry troops fighting Russia.

(This Polish nation has always been completely insane with hatred of all its neighbors and desire to dominate them, and therefore most of its neighbors dislike the Poles.)

If the F-22 and F-35 can destroy Russian S-400 andS-500 anti-aircraft systems, this can lead to NATO air superiority, and then to a Russian defeat, so Putin will react in a radical way.

Plus to get moral lectures from drag-queen America at this stage must be infuriating.


The danger is that this will escalate to a thermonuclear war.



So I must finally start my political, racial and spiritual movement.

Knowing that the American white masses nowadays (unlike the Americans of WWII) are cowards, ignoramuses, and brainwashed sheep, and that the men are obese, aging people with (I am serious) extremely low testosterone — one third less than in 1980 — and so are much less masculine, I have waited until now — I have been forced to wait until now — for the necessary level of intense fear and seething hatred to arise in white men against the New York-Washington pedophile regime.

And now a sufficient amount of rage is there in the ten percent of the people which we need.

Yes, the FBI and CIA do know that I am planning something big.

By the way, I am sickened by the huge numbers of dead and wounded Ukrainians. Russia is a superpower of 145 million. But Ukraine is, perhaps, now only 30 million population after decades of emigration after the Soviet Union ended.

Ukrainian bravery and skill do not suffice.

I think the goal of the Zelensky mafia is to depopulate Ukraine of all young male Slavs — get them killed off — so the Khazars can retake the country which they ruled long ago, before Svyatoslav destroyed their empire.

Soon I will publish an appeal to the Russian people….. and I believe it will get headlines around the world.

Thank you for outstanding work, P — the best webmaster I have ever had since 2009.

I hope that you and family will prosper and be safe in these times of demonic world danger. My goal is to prevent World War III and thus save your life, American lives, Russian lives, Ukrainian lives, and the lives of all Europeans.



  1. Eine wütende Deutschösterreicherin schreibt:

    Früher hieß es bei den christlichen Deutschen, wenn es total sündhaft zuging: “Alles , was Gott verboten hat!”
    Leute, zeigt nun auf die Regenbogenfahne hin und sagt: “Darunter verbirgt sich alles, was Gott verboten hat.”
    Und was den “Stolz” betrifft, den derzeit die FPÖ- ler predigen: Wieso sollen wir auf unser heutiges Volk stolz sein?
    Auf ein Volk, das sich mit Schmutz bewerfen lässt, seine Soldaten nicht ehrt, keine Würde hat und
    die Regenbogenfahne und damit “alles, was Gott verboten hat” akzeptiert und dazu feige schweigt?
    Würde sich einer zu dieser Fahne hinstellen, und das sagen, was ich hier schreibe, er würde nur angefeindet werden und es würde sich keiner mit ihm solidarisch erklären.
    Kann man auf so ein Volk stolz sein, das keinen Stolz im Sinne von “Ehre” hat und sich mit der satanischen Ordnung arrangiert?

  2. They hack our sites because they are scared Of the truth.
    They can’t debate only black out.
    They can’t create only destroy
    They can’t see the living death Schwab has lined up for them.
    They believe their own BS
    They believe they’re on a crusade.
    They believe the Jews are the victims
    They believe the media
    They believe the politicians
    They will die screaming in their hell

  3. For an overview of the ancient Greeks, I recommend The Greeks by Kitto.

    I have an ebook copy of this book on my Nook, so if you own a Kindle or a Nook you can probably obtain an inexpensive ebook copy.

    The first paragraph of the introduction of this book reads, “The reader is asked, for the moment, to accept this as a reasonable statement of fact, that in a part of the world that had for centuries been civilized, and quite highly civilized, there gradually emerged a people, not very numerous, not very powerful, not very well organized, who had a totally new conception of what human life was for, and showed for the first time what the human mind was for.”

    • Interesting and thanks.

      it certainly was a kind of explosion of high culture in one specific place and time.

      I just finished re-reading the book by Frank Joseph, Atlantis and Lemuria, which is based on both what Plato wrote in earnest in the dialogue Critias about Atlantis also on the readings of Edgar Cayce, where he sas in hundreds of his “readings” about their physical and spiritual troubles in life that these various Americans for whom he did the readings were in fact reincarnated Atlanteans, and he describes their live in great detail.

      If one accepts the very serious claims of Plato and Cayce about Atlantis, then the Golden Age of Greece ws actually a revival of Atlantean thinking……and one might say the Ancient Greeks were reincarnated Atlanteans.

  4. One must remember, that the Greek history which survives, recalls the Hellenes of the degenerate Iron Age.

    The real Greeks, and their Hyperborean ancestors stem back tens of thousands of years, as Solon was informed by the priests of Egypt (Timaeus. Plato). The priest explained, that the Greek history was so ancient, that they had long forgotten their origins, which the Egyptians preserved in their records.


    Prior to the degenerate ‘Iron Age’ Greeks, as mentioned in this article, we should not forget the far more evolved, and truly civilised Greeks, or indeed, Hyperboreans, corresponding to the former Bronze, Silver and Golden Ages of the Greek race.

  5. There is a lovely ABBA song “Sorry, Cassandra” about the fall of Troy, and it sounds like a prediction of the upcoming white fiasco, written back in 1982.

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