Our strong but kind message to President Trump – You waited too long to deal with your enemies and now sadly it is most likely too late. A Letter from Francois Arouet .

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Dear Mr President,
I write to you as someone who still believes in you and has supported you since the moment that you announced that you were going to run for president of our great land.
Firstly, I want to thank you for the tireless efforts you have made to “Make America Great Again”. Your work and dedication to the people of this nation – the vast majority of whom do not deserve your efforts – have been deeply appreciated.
For FOUR years though, and I say this with the greatest respect, Mr President, you have wasted thousands of hours begging for acceptance, when it was NEVER going to come.
I could even at times – especially early in your presidency – see , in your eyes  JUST how much you wanted everyone to love you.
I could tell that you genuinely wanted your enemies to appreciate the work you were doing for all of us….. an appreciation that I hope you now realize was NEVER going to come.
You pandered to Israel and America’s racist, gentile-hating Jewish population, pandered to largely ungrateful Blacks and Hispanics, and did your utmost to claim you are NOT a “racist” to a set of evil people who are FAR more racist than you could ever be.
Evil CNN broadcasters like Jake Tapper and Chris Cuomo hate poor people of ALL races. You and I both know that.
For the elite-backing Biden, this has never had anything to do with your supposed “racism,” or your gaffes, or at times unnecessary Tweets, or the off-the-cuff remarks you’ve made about Mexicans and “shithole” countries.


You threaten their power.

You’ve brought many of our troops home, and compared to past presidents, have brought peace to the planet and should, as everyone knows, have won a Nobel Peace Prize for your valiant efforts. This scares them the most.
And it’s never been about your supposed dog-whistling to “white supremacists”. These demons care as little about the Proud Boys and the Confederate Flag as you do. Also, they in fact care far LESS about the wellbeing of our nation’s problematic Black and Hispanic population than you do.

This has always just been about….
What you should have been doing – and again I write this with the utmost respect – is hammering Big Tech with the full weight of our nation’s anti-trust laws and our glorious Constitution at your back, the moment they started censoring you and your supporters.
Instead of passing snide remarks about the media, mocking them on Twitter – a platform I expect that you will lose in the months ahead – and travelling around the country to talk to people who were NEVER going to betray you, you needed to appoint men to your cabinet and wider administration who were going to take these ba$tards down — before they could take you out.
Excuse the strong language, but it is necessary at this juncture.
The day you appointed John Bolton to your cabinet and decided to waste time worrying about Iran – instead of worrying about Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, Hilary Clinton, the Democrat Party election machine, CNN and Google – was the day I knew in my heart of hearts, that you were heading toward becoming a one-term president.
President Trump, you needed to ensure that the election was not going to be rigged, and thus needed to have your enemies – as Obama, Clinton and Co. have done for over a decade now – ARRESTED, indicted, and incarcerated.
You needed to appoint genuine friends to your cabinet, not the disloyal, ignoble, neo-con scoundrels you chose to surround yourself with – most of whom, as you know, have now turned on you.
If you had done any of those things, you more than likely would not be in the predicament you find yourself in at this dangerous juncture in our young nation’s history.
Sadly now, I fear that it is too late.
Suing Democrat thieves in court AFTER they have more than likely already successfully STOLEN the election from you, is like quitting smoking after you’ve lit-up your entire lifetime because you’ve found blood in your sputum.
It pains me to say this, but unless you grab the bull by the horns and STOP them from stealing our country from us, it will be too late for us all.
Sincerely yours,
Francois Arouet
[End of article by Francois Arouet]


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  1. John de Nugent, you are the light that darkness fears.

    You are doing God’s own work:

    because you fight against this:

    (((Democracy))) in a nutshell:

  2. President Trump did not keep his own campaign rhetoric about taking down the political criminals. Instead he left them to have free rein in this country. He did not have the help of Congress which was also full of anti-Trump, corrupt Republicans. Either Trump was ignorantly stupid, or extremely threatened when he took office, or both. Trump has never had the power of his office to actually do what needed to be done. Even his own selfish daughter and Jared Kushner have undermined and betrayed him.

    Almost No One Else Will Say It, So I Must
    Published: Thursday, November 12, 2020

    “I will refrain from making comments about the presidential election itself until after it has been officially decided.

    In the meantime, however, there is much to be said about how we got here. And, once again, it is left to me to say what almost no one else is willing to say.

    First, had Donald Trump followed through with his promise to drain the swamp, we would not even be in this fix. Trump had four years to take care of the Clinton/Biden criminal cartel, and he did absolutely NOTHING.

    Instead, Trump surrounded himself with the same old establishment Deep State CFR globalists as did his predecessors Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama. In fact, Trump appointed more globalist fellow travelers during his first term in office than did his predecessors in a comparable period.

    In other words, we can thank Donald Trump himself for the current crisis unfolding in Washington, D.C. We wouldn’t even be thinking about Creepy Biden had Trump kept his promise to drain the swamp. And it’s maddening that evangelicals and conservatives can’t seem to figure that out.

    Second, while conservatives are rightly concerned about Kamala Harris, almost none of them seem to know the real reason why she is so worrisome.”

    • I can only sadly concur. Trump is no spiritual giant, but a kind of semi-narcissist, exactly as in his earlier life as the brash, aggressive, attention-seeking General George Patton.

      He seems to be fulfilling one of those laws of the business world that says a man rises to his own level of incompetence, and there he flounders until removed.

      One of his worst flaws is an inability to grow into the dignity of the presidency. In our American system, called a “presidential system” in contrast to a parliamentary one, the president is both head of government (in other words, a politician) and the head of state, representing the values and dignity of the entire nation.

      In the British/white Dominion system (Canada, Australia and New Zealand), the Queen (or her representative, the Governor-General), acts in a stately manner, far above partisan politics and eschewing the vicious wrangling and negative ads of a typical political campaign.

      Obviously, Trump has no ideas of how to even do this, and this is the one and only area where Obama was superior to him. Obongo put on his baritone voice, walked to the podium in a lordly manner, and said all the right platitudes. 😉

      Frankly, I am tired of Trump because I do not see the man as growing, as eviolving. And therefore this incarnation has sort-of maxed-out for him — and for us.

      Had he only stuck to his guns about this Coronavirus, when he saw it correctly as not being any kind of lethal pandemic, and thus no reason to shut the economy down, and had he just continued to recommend the 90% effective hydroxychloroquine as the main answer, today the economy would be booming, the other white nations would have followed America’s lead, and Trump would have coasted to a landslide re-election.

      But no, he succumbed to the pressure of his jewish son-in-law, his daughter Ivanka, Fauci and other Deep-State traitors.

      It is my time to step forward, for I can see before us AT BEST merely another four years of Trump producing basically more of just what we have just experienced, and this means:

      More endless wrangling, name-calling, with jews and their minions once again getting away with vilifying him with outrageous lies, and Trump, flailing about like a huge bear in a bear trap, never getting even close to smashing for good his and our vile jew enemies.

      Tired of the man….. while being genuinely grateful for what he HAS accomplished.

      One, saying “the fake-news media” was a huge step forward! No president before Trump ever attacked our main problem, the lying jewsmedia!

      Two, the other great thing was taking the Chinese juggernaut on before they buy this whole country up.

      However, in German we would say Trump has “ausgedient.” He has accomplished all he can.

      Now it is my turn.

      For what have we now to look forward to? The man may yet be assassinated, OR he does as the generals want who secretly had his back during the current power struggle — and he inadvertently starts WWIII with Russia, and so we all end up dead.

      Make America a Wilderness Again.

      It is time for a new spiritual organization where we see that our enemy is twofold:

      1) the external jew with his proverbial hooked nose and his hate, and 2) the internal jew inside us all who is blind, immune, rejectionist and mocking toward the most urgent truths.

      And so Jesus stands vindicated: Only the truth can set us free. And that means EMBRACING the truth and chucking without hesitation all our favorite lies and false beliefs overboard.

      But as long as the Roman adage remains true “mundus decipi vult,” “the world wants to be deceived,” the external jew can invade our minds and make us not only not resist our own genocide, but actually get us goyim to help the jews, and this means we exterminate ourselves.

      The mandatory vaccine, the mandatory biochip, the cashless society, the end of free speech via an unchallenged Big Tech domination, the abolition de facto of gun rights, and the crashing of the white birth rate — Trump can only slow these genocidal developments down.

      But he is avoiding the central problem:

      As the country goes brown, it also goes Demoncrat.

      America is a WHITE nation under attack!

      It was never, EVER intended to be anything other than a “melting pot” of various kinds of freedom-seeking whites!

      And that fact is true “originalism.” Our whiteness was so self-understood that the Founding Fathers did not think to even mention it. While it was enshrined in the 1790 Immigration Act, saying that only “free whites of good character” could immigrate to our shores, this fundamental principal– unlike the First and Second Amendments — was never enshrined in the Constitution itself.

      I repeat: Only Whites can be Americans.

      And “someone” has to set this straight. This is the sine qua non of us having any kind of future.

      Otherwise, as the Baby Boomers die out, called Boomsday, the white population will drop to 20% within 15 years, by 2035, and this will lead to a South Africa situation: a savage nation of white-hating, white-raping, white-killing browns and blacks, all ruled by the eternal jew.

      Three South African blacks without any conscience go on trial in 2012 for killing an entire white family. The little white son whimpering, first saw his parent and siblings be slaughtered. Then these blacks shoved him, tied up, into his own bathtub that had been filled with boiling hot water.

      Not one peep in five years from Trump about white genocide in South Africa — or the jew plan to do it here as well!

      I am tired, Trump. Your silence IS violence! You have been useful, yes, but now you are found severely wanting. You are not up to the task ahead of White Reconquista.


  3. Americans dumbed down by a lying media do not understand the Communist threat coup happening in this election. President Trump has not done anything to fight this overthrow. The Insurrection Act would have been a valid and needed start, but all he does is make bravado tweets. If the million Americans now in the streets of D.C. had actually prepared themselves for battle, that would be realistic. I don’t think Patriots will really risk themselves to back up the survival of the Republic. Trump is a useless wimp who seems to only be able to snuggle up to Ivanka’s traitorous breasts in the White House, and is not able to command his own military for a legal war against the violent Communists in D.C. or in Portland, Oregon. Waiting to fight means gulags or death. There is always risk of life when the fighting begins. Americans have been made afraid to resist, mainly because law enforcers protect the corrupt officials and arrest, fine, and kill the law-abiding innocents.

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn > Quotes > Quotable Quote
    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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