Outrage in China as police refuse to arrest man for molesting his own daughter right on cell phone video

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I applaud all the Chinese who protested furiously.


There is no footage of the incident in this article — I asume because, ironically, showing it would constitute the felony crime of distributing child porn!

Child molestation exists only because of wickedness in the authorities: the police, prosecutors and judges who are themselves pedophiles, or take huge bribes from them.

Their karma is horrific.

As I have often blogged, I have first-hand experience of this, and had violent, screaming nightmares until I was 49 and finally got counseling. It is shattering for the tiny victim’s self-esteem. A huge percentage of child sexual-abuse vicitms end up as adult alcoholics, drug addicts, and even criminals, and many eventually commit suicide.

This was the only benefit to me — what Robin Williams said, and he died by hanging himself, as it was finally revealed, supposedly due to his fears of growing dementia.

In the movie “One Hour Photo” he plays an adult who, at the end, you realize, was a victim of childhood abuse. I do not know if Williams was himself a victim of this but his portrayal was, shall we say, uncannily accurate.


My only thoughts are

1) for the devastated victims, who need counseling and healing, or they will never recover, and

2) death to all pedophiles.



My viral April 20, 2015 video: “VIP pedophiles — KILL THEM ALL”





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