Oxygen-wasting negro stabs three English adults to death; plows car of one victim into three more Whites

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Barnaby Philip John Webber’s family said that “complete devastation is not enough to describe our pain and loss” of the “beautiful, brilliant, bright young man.”

Students killed in UK rampage were England youth field hockey player and ‘bright young man’

Barnaby Philip John Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar, both 19-year-old University of Nottingham students, were murdered at 4 a.m. Tuesday while returning from a party celebrating the end of their exams — with a witness hearing their “awful, blood-curdling screams.”

Police believe the same 31-year-old suspect also stabbed to death 65-year-old school staffer Ian Robert Coates — stealing his white van, which was then plowed into three others, leaving one man fighting for his life.

“Complete devastation is not enough to describe our pain and loss at the senseless murder of our son,” Webber’s family said of their “awful journey” through loss.

“Barnaby Philip John Webber was a beautiful, brilliant, bright young man, with everything in life to look forward to,” they said of the “talented and passionate” cricket player, who was studying history.

“At 19 he was just at the start of his journey into adulthood and was developing into a wonderful young man.

“As parents, we are enormously proud of everything he achieved and all the plans he had made,” they said, while the teen’s brother has been left “bereft beyond belief.”

The family of Barnaby Webber, second left, said he “was developing into a wonderful young man.”

O’Malley-Kumar, meanwhile, was a talented hockey player described as “a popular member of the England U16 and U18 squads.”

“Grace was an adored daughter and sister; she was a truly wonderful and beautiful young lady,” her family said of the first-year medical student.

Grace O’Malley-Kumar’s parents called her “a truly wonderful and beautiful young lady.”
Nottinghamshire Police

“As parents, words cannot explain our complete and utter devastation,” they said, noting that her brother, James, “is completely heartbroken.”

“We were so incredibly proud of Grace’s achievements and what a truly lovely person she was. She was resilient and wise beyond her years.”

*** JdN It seems her father (hence “Kumar”) was from India, the mother Irish/English

The 19-year-old student’s family, pictured with her here, said that “words cannot explain our complete and utter devastation.”
Nottinghamshire Police

England Hockey said it was “deeply saddened by the news.”

A witness previously told the BBC that the young students were stabbed to death by a black-clad suspect who then walked away “as calm as anything.”

Police now believe the same suspect tried to break into a nearby homeless hostel, but was “denied entry.”

The Sun shared footage Wednesday of a black-clad man trying to climb into the front window of a Nottingham shelter — just for someone inside to reach out and push him away.

As others looked on, the would-be intruder casually picked up a bookbag and strolled off.

He has yet to be identified, but is a 31-year-old migrant from West Africa with no known criminal record, according to The Times of London.

After being thwarted at the hostel, the suspect then allegedly stabbed to death Coates, a “beloved and respected” staff member at a Nottingham primary school.

Third victim Ian Robert Coates, 65, was a “beloved and respected” primary school staffer.
Courtesy family

“I’m broken,” one of his sons, Lee Coates, tweeted after news of his dad’s death broke.

“You genuinely couldn’t find a nicer guy,” he said, leaving at the murder scene an England soccer shirt with the handwritten message: “Dad, love you always and forever.”

His brother, James Coates, said his dad “was everyone’s friend, always willing to help.”

“Nobody deserves this — but he definitely didn’t,” he told reporters at the scene. “None of them did.”

The suspect allegedly stole Coates’ van, which he then drove straight into three people at a bus stop, leaving one man in critical condition with head injuries, police said.

The suspect allegedly stole Coates’ van and used it to mow down three others.
News Licensing / MEGA

The alleged serial killer was then filmed getting pinned to the ground as he was yanked out of the van and tasered by armed cops.

The suspect has yet to be formally IDed, and officials have not suggested a possible motive.

Britain’s interior minister, Home Secretary Suella Braverman, said police were “working flat out to establish the full facts and provide support to everyone affected.”

“They are currently keeping an open mind as to the motives behind these attacks but I can confirm Nottinghamshire Police are being assisted in their inquiries by counterterror police, though this does not mean that it is currently being treated as a terrorist attack,” Braverman told lawmakers in the House of Commons.

Although counterterrorism police are involved, “this does not mean that it is currently being treated as a terrorist attack,” Home Secretary Suella Braverman told politicians.

What do you think? Post a comment.

Meanwhile, Nottingham University canceled a graduation ball scheduled for Tuesday evening, with many students gathering instead to light candles for the victims during a vigil at St. Peter’s Church.

“It is hard to find the words to express the shock and grief felt across our institution at the senseless loss of two first-year students who have had their bright futures brutally curtailed by a seemingly random act of violence,” said university Vice Chancellor Shearer West.

With Post wires



……”Where was God?”

I and Margi both knew Nick Griffin, chairman of the pro-white British National Party, which in the 2000s soared up to 14% support.

…a good number, but, actually…. why just 14%?!?

Anyway, then, using infiltrators from MI-5 or Special Branch, the cops broke up the BNP from within — feuding, infighting, “internal conflicts”….

Divide and conquer….

FACT: The white British people had a really good alternative, the BNP, and they did nothing to help it, thus rejecting brave patriots who loved their nation.

So the ngrs and muslims kept on raping, stabbing, running over with cars and otherwise killing them. Now the PM of Britain himself is a minority,

Rishi Sunak, a fine English lad with a peaches-‘n-cream complexion

as is the mayor of London!

A white American tourist, Melissa Cochran, was run over in 2015 by a muslim on Westminster Bridge (which leads to Parliament!). No one has told her yet that her husband is dead, flung in an arc by the muslim’s car into the Thames River.

The car hit this Englishman so hard he flew right out of his shoes.

Sara, a nanny from Australia, was stabbed to death by a muslim in 2017, right on London Bridge

The problem is spiritual.

The egoic mind….

A lack of love.

A lack of heroes.

Every man for himself.

While the wogs unite.



Earthlings lie even to themselves.

And even after the Iraq War debacle, and the immigrant invasion, they trust politicians and journalists who have repeatedly lied to them; in fact, they actually see politicians and journalists as the corrupt, bribed liars  they are, but they believe them anyway over patriots who speak common sense and want ngrs and muslims to stop killing them.

I reiterate: this is literal insanity.

There is something wrong with all the people on this planet.

Just this planet.

Other species are soaring through the universe and living hundreds of years. Earthlings hate those who love them and love those who hate themm, and now prepare or acquiesce in their own doom in WWIII.

Frequent commentator and longtime BNP street activist Carl Mason with BNP chairman and European Parliament Member Nick Griffin. Every secular and political path has been tried.





  1. Every day we’ve had gimmegrants committing horrendous crimes all across Britain.

    The local papers are ordered not to report it as it makes the rainbow diversity flag not fit for toilet paper.


    Each year tens of thousands of crimes are committed by gimmegrants. All the Dover gimmegrant scum [crossing illegally in dinghies from Calais, France to Dover, England] are going on to Ireland.

    Already 10% of Ireland’s population is of gimmegrant parasite stock, and this began just in 2011.

    Yes, 150 mosques now in Eire, along with their own Nigerian language.

    How many rat-faced Irish libtards will help turn their own churches into mosques? Or remove Irish History from Irish school books?

    • It’s Ireland’s payback for their vast, racist, colonial empire under Cruel Queen Brenda.

      No, wait, umm… they never had any empire. 😉

      Well, the Irish still are guilty of being really, really white. 😉

      That’s the spirit 😉 There has to be some white man I can hit, but a ngr can have my daughter, just not an Englishman. 😉

      Two great white nations that should be brothers, different but both wonderful:

  2. Genau deswegen bestraft der Jutt heuer Irland:

    Churchill’s criticism of Eamon de Valera and Irish neutrality, 1945


    (Die Länge des Tondokuments beträgt knapp 2 Minütchen)

    (Auszug aus dem Metapedia)

    Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wahrte Éamon de Valera trotz erheblichen Drucks der Westalliierten die irische Neutralität. Seine Regierung duldete die Bemühungen der deutschen Abwehr, die IRA mit Geld, Waffen und Personal (u. a. Frank Ryan und Helmut Clissmann) zu unterstützen, allerdings arbeiteten die irische Armee und der Geheimdienst während des Krieges auch mit den Alliierten zusammen.

    De Valera war der einzige Regierungschef, der im Mai 1945 dem Deutschen Reich offiziell das Beileid zum Tode des Reichskanzlers Adolf Hitler aussprach. Später protestierte er vehement gegen die Todesstrafen des Nürnberger Tribunals.




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