Oy, dey vas TWO Shoahs! Vhy not TWO reparations?!

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INCREDIBLE: period newspapers report the figure of 6 million victims for other little known Jewish holocausts.


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-Curated by Floriana Castro-

Note on Anti-Semitism

In the last 70 years we have been literally bombarded with films, testimonies (sometimes even from people who never experienced the Shoah), interventions in the various universities without being able to receive answers to out-of-the-box questions such as:

how did they die 6 MILLION in Europe alone when the Jewish community did not exceed 12 million in the world?

And how could the community – according to official estimates halved – count 13 million units a few years after the war ended?

In some countries, if the official number of 6 MILLION Jews who would have suffered extermination is refuted, there is even a risk of 6 years in prison.

Professor Faurisson, after many years of studies on holocaust events, he was one of the first to support the absence of gas chambers in concentration camps, for this reason he was humiliated, banned and accused of anti-Semitism. 

No headache instead for those who refutes the death toll of the Holocaust at the hands of the communists, or the holocaust of Armenians etc .  But while historians in the decades following the Shoah were unable to carry out their work properly, collectors of period newspapers give us a very important clue. In this article we will see, as the number of 6 MILLIONhas been constantly indicated by the Jewish community since 1905 at the time of the Tsarist empire in Russia, thirty years before the Nazi persecutions, events which – as documented – in addition to the victory of their cause, and the sympathy of the goyms also led to the coffers millions and millions of dollars.

We examine below  11 period newspapers ranging from 1915 to 1940, briefly analyzing the historical context of each of the events (accompanied by photos of 11 period newspapers, and detailed sources at the end of the article)

1) Article of “The Sun” of June 6, 1915 (page 1 of the fifth section)

In 1915 we find the Russian Jews in the Russia of Tsar Nicholas II , on their first attempt to overthrow the government, an attempt that will fail, and then go to port in 1917 establishing the communist dictatorship, conceived, designed and financed by the Zionists.

This is the title of the article

“Horrors worse than those of Kishineff in Russia today”

caption:  “An unprecedented conspiracy to crush Jews suspected of being organized to cover up the defeats of the tsar’s troops. Torture and massacres spread in hundreds of cities ”.

This is an excerpt from the article

“Since the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem until today, Jews have never had such a black page in their history as the one the Russian government is writing today. SIX MILLION Jews, half of the Jewish people worldwide, are being persecuted, hunted down and starved. Thousands of them were brutally killed. Hundreds of thousands of Jews, old men, women and children are mercilessly pushed from town to town on government vehicles, attacked by their own country’s troops ”.

A heartfelt appeal follows from one of the rabbis in Russia: “The authorities are sending innocent old Jewish men and women to Siberia. we have written you many letters from Poland concerning our vicissitudes. Dear brothers, have mercy on the SIX MILLION Jews in Russia: stay on our side ”!

2) Let us now turn to the New York Times of October 18, 1918 (page 12)
We are one year after the October Revolution and the rise to power of the Communists. 

The tsar, with his family, fell under the rifles of the red commando three months earlier, in the night between July 16 and 17, 1918.

The Jews are no longer in danger. Once the tyrant empire has been eminated, only one problem remains: raising funds (a lot of money …) for the reconstruction of the community of 6 MILLION Jews who died in persecution or were seriously damaged.

This is the title of the article “A billion dollar fund to rebuild Judaism”.

The caption reads: ” SIX MILLIONof Jews need our help to resume normal life once the war is over “

The article reads:

” The Committee of American Jews is putting in place a plan for the largest humanitarian operation in history “

Bottom line: 

” Americans , everyone, Jews and non-Jews alike, will soon be called upon to make a contribution to a fund of approximately $ 1 billion to implement the worldwide Jewish community reconstruction program. “

A political recognition of the national character of the Jews took place in January 1918 with the creation of a Commissariat for Jewish National Affairs , a special section of the Commissariat of Nationalities, under the leadership of Stalinbefore he came to Soviet power.

Both Lenin and Trotsky (real name Lejba Bronsztajn) were Jews. [JdN: Lenin was 1/4 jewish.]

In the first Bolshevik government 85% was represented by Jews: out of 22 ministers, 18 were Jews; in the police station out of 43 members, there were 34 Jews; in the army, 556 of the posts were occupied by 447 Jews, in a country where Jews represented less than 2% of the total population.

3) Let’s move on to the issue of the New York Times of 8 September 1919 (page 6)
After overthrowing the Tsarist empire and putting the Tsar and his whole family in order, the battle is aimed at assimilating Ukraine – not yet aligned with the new model – the Soviet empire.

The NYT headline: “Ukrainian Jews aim to stop pogroms”
(Pogrom is a term used to describe anti-Jewish popular uprisings)

In Ukraine between 1917 and 1922, following the Russian Revolution, there was a long period of civil war and anarchy with continuous changes of factions in power in the territories where in the last period, the tsarist regime had pursued a policy of Russification of Ukrainian lands. This period was marked by the existence of several separate state entities.

The NYT caption reads: ” A commission is about to visit Europe to prepare a memorandum for President Wilson “  .

Wilson, we recall, was the US President, a 33rd degree Freemason who made history for having privatized the American Central Bank, giving it to the Zionists in 1913, who founded a private bank that acts as a central bank, the “Federal Reserve Bank” and its system that until now is draining all global resources for the benefit of the elite.

It was always Wilson who was interested in why Trotsky could obtain an American passport with which to travel back to Russia to carry out the much-planned October revolution.

The article reports that hundreds of thousands of Jews have already been killed in Ukraine and that another 6 MILLION are in grave danger.

The article reads: “6 MILLION Jews were threatened with being completely exterminated in Ukraine and Poland. The Federation of Ukrainian Jews in America, an organization representing three quarters of a million Ukrainians in this country, decided at congress yesterday that the slaughter of their brothers in Eastern Europe must finally be stopped by bringing peace and economic aid to the United States.

“Secretary of State Lansing announced that the State Department has already given consent for the federation to send a commission to Ukraine to investigate the conditions of Jews and to establish direct links with their brothers in America.”

In 1922 the plans of the elite will materialize and Ukraine will officially join the “civil” USSR as the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

We also remember that the Poles portrayed as “anti-Semites” were actually fighting for their country against the establishment of a Jewish communist state in Poland (click here) which will later be invaded by the Nazis and communists who shared it as good friends in 1940. (click here) .

4) Let’s go to the New York Times on November 12th, also in 1919 (page 7)
We are in America. The oligarchs responsible for the Great Depression in the USA are grappling with fundraising for Jews in poverty in Eastern Europe

Felix M. Warburg recounts the plight of the Jews, title of the article: “Jews have suffered the war most of all the others ”

Let us remember, the Jew Felix M. Warburg, was a member of the homonymous family that has worked for the New World Order for centuries . MM Warburg is one of the banks that keeps the world in check with the financial oligarchy, as well as one of the powerhouses of the planned Great Depression that struck America starting in 1919 .

Warburg was also a partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co , married Frieda Schiff , a young woman belonging to another of the 13 Jewish-Zionist families for the control of the world: the Schiffs. Of course, the New York Times cannot yet predict that the philanthropic families Warburg and Kuhn & Loeb Bank so involved in the suffering of their Jewish brothers, after a few years would have financed the criminal ideas of Adolph Hitler, transferring 975 million  dollars to the German economy, of which 170 went to the creation of three large cartels.

They financed the armaments of Nazi Germany but also the eugenics experiments and the MK Ultra project to the detriment of their younger brothers
(click here)
But let’s go back to 1919. In the article we read the statements of Warburg, who was among other things Chairman of the Committee for the Joint Distribution of American Funds for the Jewish Victims of the War:
“The successive blows of the contending armies broke the backs of the Jews of Europe, tragically reducing 6 MILLION Jews into poverty and sickness , over half of the Jewish community worldwide ”. Warburg makes no mention of the hunger that Americans were forced to suffer in those years, when the Great Depression raged in America because of their specially designed maneuvers to get all real wealth (gold) into their hands:citizens had the obligation to deliver the gold to the authorities (banks), penalty for offenders: 10 years in prison!

5) Atlanta Constitution of February 23, 1920 (page 1 continues on page 3, fourth column)

We are in Atlanta. Rabbis and Zionists are still grappling with fundraising for Jews in Eastern Europe:

“$ 50,000 raised to save Jews in trouble” . The article refers to a meeting held in Atlanta chaired by a certain Harold Hirsh . Fred Rusland also took part in the meeting who described the dramatic situations of hunger, extreme poverty and oppression that Jews in some Eastern European countries and Palestine would have been forced to suffer, but thanks to the generous economic contribution, 6 MILLION Jews could have been saved .

Rabbi David Marx said:

“No we are here tonight to mourn the dead, 6 MILLION Jews are in grave danger, they are fiercely persecuted. If we don’t act, many others will die. These brothers look to America so that this country responds generously with financial aid that can alleviate their suffering ”.

We are in 1920, 13 years before Hitler came to power, and 19 years after the start of the war!

6) New York Times May 7, 1920 (page 11)

We are still in 1920. The NYT is happy to announce that the fundraising campaign for Jews in Europe has reached the figure of 100,000 dollars.

The article reads: “Aid funds for the support of the Jewish people in Europe where 6 MILLION Jews are grappling with enormous suffering, famine and oppression have received the special attention of Nathan Strauss, an entrepreneur and great supporter of Zionist cause “.

Strauss states:“If Americans, especially American Jews, refuse to contribute to the relief of their brothers’ suffering, may this guilt fall on their heads: they will have the extinction of the Jewish people on their conscience”

7) New York Times of 20 July 1921 (page 2)

One year after the great fundraiser, people are once again asking for financial aid to save the lives of another 6 MILLION Jews, (always six million!)

This time in serious danger in the territories of the Soviet Union, where the counter-revolutionaries unleashed a counter-offensive against the regime .

In this article, the Zionists make a clear admission of how much the Jewish Soviet regimes favored the Jewish people at the expense of hundreds of millions of Christians.

In the article we read that the danger of a fall, or a weakening of the communist regime could have escaped the agitation of the pogroms: a danger that had to be stopped in some way.

Dr. Meir Kreinin, a Russian Jew who made his fortune in Russia, – one of the founders of the Society for the Diffusion of Enlightenment in Russia, as well as the owner of a number of Jewish newspapers and president of the first Emigdirekt organization – on the NYT issues a warning:

” If Soviet power decreases, 6 MILLION Jews risk massacre, ” said Kreinin, speaking at one of the philanropic events to raise funds in support of the Jewish cause.

The article reads: “My statement comes directly from official documents submitted to the Berlin government. 6 MILLIONof Jews are facing mass extermination. Famine in Russia is raging. The counter-revolutionaries are about to prevail and Soviet control is about to decline. Numerous Pogroms are raging throughout Russia and Ukraine ”.

As far as I know, the Soviet power was never in serious difficulty in those years, even with some agitation from the pogroms. The measures are taken: the pogroms were stopped and with the rise of Stalin – following the death of Lenin in 1924 – the dreams of reconquering the country of the counter-revolutionaries will fail.

8) Montreal Gazette 29 December 1931 (page 6)

The title of the article is “6 MILLION Jews are starving” .

The conditions of the Jews in Eastern Europe are described in detail by Rabbi Wise:

“ 6 MILLION Jews die of hunger, especially in winter. Unless further funds are raised by the committee of at least $ 2 million and $ 500,000 , unprecedented disasters, misery and chaos will befall all humanity “ (!!)

The rabbi illustrated a long report at the meeting at the Monfefiore Club in Montreal. The article also describes some of the fundraising circles around the world in favor of the Jewish cause. Banker Felix Warburg (mentioned above) was president of the “Jewish Red Cross Society” which was in charge of fundraising, along with Herbert Lehman:  one of the three brothers who own the financial giant “Lehman Brothers”.

Herbert Lehman  in 1933 will become the 45th governor of the state of New York. Lehman Brothers is the holding company that – as you will remember – declared bankruptcy in 2008 causing the collapse of the economy on a global scale.

9) New York Times of May 31, 1936 (page 14)
We are in 1936.

Adolph Hitler has been in power for 3 years in Germany. Three years before the Second World War began in 1936, there is already talk of millions of Jews exterminated: the only solution for the survival of the Jews?

The founding of a Jewish state in Palestine.

The title of the NYT article: “Americans Appeal for Jewish Refuge  .  It reads:

“The only salvation for the persecuted people of Israel is the restoration of their ancient heritage and immigration to Palestine. Great Britain has the power to open the doors of Palestine to welcome the millions of Jews who fled the holocaust ”  .

There are still three years to the start of the war, and five years to the start of the deportations to the camps! (1941).

We read in the article

“The petition for the granting of the Jewish refuge was also joined by numerous” enlightened “Christians and exponents of Protestant and episcopal churches including the Reverend James Freeman bishop of Washington” .

After 12 years this objective will be realized and the State of Israel will finally be born (1948).

10) New York Times February 23, 1938 (page 23)

The article entitled “Jewish Teachers Reprimanded by Isaacs” reports a speech by Mr. Tarshis representing the “American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.”

Mr Tarshis states that 6 MILLION Jews have been deprived of protection and any economic opportunity:  “ 6 MILLION Jews are starving with no more hope; they are facing the greatest tragedy of all time. Anti-Semitism has spread like wildfire in thirteen European states and threatens the survival of millions of Jews: a tragedy that began with Hitler’s rise to power ”

Mr Isaac and Simon J. Jason, president of the” Jewish Teachers “focused on education:

“We don’t deal with politics, but we have a duty to do our job. All teachers, including Catholics and Protestants, have the duty to educate children in a civic sense and respect, it is necessary to form a social morality “.

Well, this goal was also achieved later: the Shoah has become a social dogma and questions about the truth of events are not allowed.

11) New York Times October 6, 1940 (page 10)

The war began a year ago and the fate of half the world is still to be decided. The deportation of the Jews will begin in 1941: it is still impossible to make a precise estimate of how many of them would have lost their lives .
However, the NYT already in 1940 announced a reward for the punishments of the Jews and also a very generous one. The title of the article is “The New World Order Promised to the Jews”.

The article reads ” Arthur Greenwood  of the British War Cabinet sends a message of reassurance to the Jews: once the war is over and victory is achieved, new efforts will be needed to found a New World Order based on the ideals of peace and justice. “.

Greenwood, a leading MP of the British Labor Party, also added: “In the New World Order, Jews will have numerous opportunities, the suffering and injustices they have suffered can be adequately repaired. Their collaboration will be fundamental for the reconstruction of the world ” .

The message was delivered to rabbis Stephen Wise, Maurice Perlzweig who arrived in London on that morning of 6 October 1940 to which they replied that the message could be interpreted by them as a declaration of firm intention by England to meet the Jews.

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On January 26, 2014, the Israeli police arrested two teachers responsible for a large group of 100 ultra-Orthodox students for joyfully holding a barbecue near a Holocaust monument, just on the eve of Remembrance Day.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews do not recognize Israel’s ‘Remembrance Day’ and similar episodes are recurring. Many Haredi groups – a rapidly growing population in Israel – argue that the Holocaust is just a fictionalized to provide a pretext for the creation of the state of Israel. Recently, many ultra-Orthodox Jews have been arrested for writing phrases such as: “If Hitler hadn’t existed, the Zionists would have invented him” (…) on a Holocaust memorial .(click here)


Let’s look at the consequences: the effects of the Shoah inevitably led to Nuremberg , the foundation of the UN and beyond … Later, under the pretext of the Shoah, the State of Israel,  (1948) a few years after the end of the war.

The Israeli army , – notoriously one of the strongest armies in the world, but which we remember could not survive without the constant transfusions of US money charged to American taxpayers – has used all its power to oppress, bomb and massacre the legitimate inhabitants of the Palestine, now reduced to being slaves in their own land.

Furthermore, with the founding of the state of Israel, the Middle East question as we know it today was born: the declarations of war by the USA to all non-Israel friendly Arab countries; the “colored springs”; the false flags that are bathing in blood the whole world; countries adjacent to Israel committed to waging war with each other; the conflicts of religion, born after 48, before the intervention of the Zionists, in fact, Christians, Muslims and Jews lived peacefully in those lands.

After the Shoah it is now impossible to criticize the Jewish ambitions and intrigues of yesterday and today without being accused of anti-Semitism.

But not onlythat — thanks to the Shoah, Judaism finally succeeded in a titanic undertaking; an undertaking that had failed in 1,960 years: to penetrate the Catholic Church. (click here)

Immediately after the Second War, the B’nai B’rith (Freemasonry for Jews only) managed to get in touch with some high exponents of the Catholic Church to change the teaching that the scriptures, the magisterium and the fathers of the Church had handed down on Jews. It should be remembered in particular the commitment of 3 agents of the B’nai B’rith, Jules Isaac, Label Katz and Nahum Goldmann who managed to convince a large part of the high ecclesiastical hierarchy,  claiming that Christian anti-Semitism was responsible for spread of anti-Semitic hatred, a sentiment nourished in the population by the pre-conciliar Christian teaching that would later lead to Jewish extermination.

The agents of the B’nai B’rith  shamelessly deny even Jewish responsibility in the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, as well as denying the unassailable historicity of Jesus. 

The demands of the Jews were finally taken into consideration. The much coveted Second Vatican Council will mark a break with the Church’s teaching on Judaism and relations with other religions. With the entry of the B’nai B’rith, and of Freemasonry within the walls of Peter, scandals, heresies and Masonic infiltrations of all kinds are finally spreading, leading to the mass expulsion of the faithful and the serious doctrinal crisis in which the Church still finds today .

Nahum Goldmann was the first to hypothesize the idea of ​​Nuremberg as early as 1942 when the fate of the war was still to be decided. Subsequently, the future document of the Council on relations with Jews contributed to the encyclical Nostra Aetate. (click here) Today the submission to the Jews is so great that some dioceses are encouraged to grant a plenary indulgence on the day of remembrance, January 27.

No indulgence for those who honor the Christian victims, of communism, of the Masonic French Revolution, nor for those who honor the Christian martyrs who died to defend Italy on the occasion of the Risorgimento, nor for the million and a half Armenians murdered by the Turkish dönmeh Jews, or for all those killed over the course of two thousand years. No indulgence for the faithful who honor them and no memorial day for the victims.


On August 14, 2002, American radio speaker Amy Goodman interviewed Shulamit Aloni, former education minister in Israel and founder of the Israeli Ratz party. The interviewer asks the former minister: “often when disagreements are expressed in the US against Israel’s policy, but whoever dares to criticize is accused of anti-Semitism. What is your answer as a Jewish-Israeli ”?   The former Israeli minister makes an important admission, here is the shameless response:

“Well it’s a TRICK we’ve always used: when in Europe someone criticizes Israel, we bring up the Holocaust, so they are called anti-Semites. The organization is strong, it has a lot of money and the ties between Israel and the American establishment are very strong; they have the power, and that’s right.

They are talented people, full of money, media, power, etc. Trotting out the Holocaust justifies what we do to the Palestinians ”. (video)

The trick of anti-Semitism

A crude declaration of superiority that leaves the interviewer speechless as she finds herself displaced by such arrogance. Mrs Olani can candidly admit that the Holocaust is an instrument to be thrown in the face of those who dare to criticize Israel, the same thing we think too, but not without being accused of anti-Semitism. The former minister may even allow himself to add that they are doing against the Palestinians what Hitler failed to do with them and he can say that this is perfectly right!

“Therefore I tell you: the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will make it bear fruit” (MT, 21:43)

The loss of election after the rejection of the Salvation brought by the Lord of Lords, the destruction of the temple and the expulsion from that land that was the promised land were events prophesied by that Christ whose manifestations of hatred and contempt they just cannot avoid, and whose prophecies they wish to disprove; the very foundation of the State of Israel, and the obsession with rebuilding the temple (an ideal that has also been passed on to the Masons who are their servants) are proof of this.

(Below video: “we killed your Christ and we are proud of it.” The effects of an education to hate and the illusion of superiority over others)

With their illusions of superiority, the desire to build a celestial Kingdom all in the hereafter in which they will dominate all other peoples, we can say that the Israelites in the last 2000 have basically worked only to destroy the project of the Most High. As the former rabbi who converted to Catholicism Eugenio Zolli said : “what was once the chosen people today has become distorted to the point of becoming the most bitter enemy of God”. Note on Anti-Semitism

-Floriana Castro – Anti-Masonry Copyright 2016

Main sources

Antique Daily Collectors: Newspapers discussing the Jewish cause from 1915/1938

New York Times in which it speaks of the NWO promised to Jews


“The Occult Forces That Rule the World” Vermijion

“The Unmasked Talmud” IB Pranaitis


Learn about the Shoah to know the past, the present and the future

Unmasked Zionism: A Short Story of Revenge (Chapter 1)

Unmasked Zionism: A Short Story of Revenge (Chapter 2)

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