Pacific Northwest libtard sounds alarm about Confederate flag — that is actually the Norwegian flag

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Libtard Alert

When a New York Times bestselling author noticed a blue-and-red flag flying near her home, she tipped off the local newspaper to report a “Confederate flag.” But ¦
John de Nugent And the Pacific Northwest WN people actually still dream of creating a white homeland there  The PacNW nowadays is, sadly, the most libtard part of America, excepting maybe Massachusetts.
John de Nugent What really, really struck me, no, floored me when I was up there on business for Willis Carto, the Spotlight and the old IHR was that those white folks there are largely white-flight ex-Californians who, despite losing EVERYTHING, selling their homes in greater Los Angeles at a huge loss, seeing their schools go downhill and heroin needles on the street,and fleeing the whole multiracial hell down there for their lives, had still learned NOTHING. The Seattle whites had actually voted solid-Demoncrat — and for a black mayor, and this was in a 99% non-black town! It was one of those really puzzling things that made me put my thinking cap on.
And it led me to Eckhart Tolle and his concept of the “egoic mind,” when your ego (in their case, the libtard craving to FEEL MORALLY SUPERIOR to us hard-hearted, racist, evil conservatives) blinds you.
I mean LITERALLY blinds you, even if your eyeballs can see, so you cannot process the most urgent and dangerous realities happening to you, such as non-whites menacing your own physical safety, and that of your spouse, kids and friends.
Jesse Hutchings It’s HORRIBLE here.. Seriously
John de Nugent The only solution is a new Aryan religion that attacks the main problem, the egoic mind. The egoic mind is immune to reality, even the most searing and horrible pain.
John de Nugent It’s like in Germany, white feminists for Islam….  And these are not necessarily “stupid” people, IQ-wise! Angela Merkel has a PhD in physics, for God’s sake.
Mike Lee They are all on the “same side” by default, because they are all “against” the white heterosexual gun toting freedom loving male. You could throw real Christians in there as well, just not the evangelico modern day jew loving dickheads.
John de Nugent Mike Lee Many forms of Christianity are indeed “Christinsanity” (and opposed to Jesus’ real views, as expressed in John 8:44). And libtardism is just secularized Christinsanity, full of “love thy enemy,” “love the Jews,” and wallowing in pleasurable guilt.
Jack Sen utterly hilarious
John de Nugent Well, a cross and an X must look real similar to the average libtard, drinking apartame all day, brother Jack 
Mike Lee they turn the other cheek to “jews’ ” crimes and give them a free pass to lie, cheat, steal and kill, all because of the Bible verse about “God will bless those that bless thee”……Utter garbage…… Blessing criminals so YOU can go to heaven? Sounds a bit fucked up to me.
Jack Sen John de Nugent These people are too much. It reminds me of that witch Sarah Silverman seeing swastikas which turned out to be construction markings.Nothing spells victim than a light skinned Ashkenazi Jewish millionaire
Mike Lee they turn the other cheek to “jews” crimes and give them a free pass to lie cheat and steal and kill, all because of “God will bless those that bless thee”……utter garbage……blessing criminals so you can go to heaven? Sounds a bit fucked up to me.

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