A Danish comrade opined that Lauren Southern is only part-jewish.
I replied: Lauren “Southern,” born Lauren Simonsen, has very dark-brown eyes, naturally dark hair dyed blond (…..and possibly a nose job like 75% of attractive jewesses, and maybe — I have no idea — breast enhancement).
Lauren Cheri Simonsen, age 22:
Now, a peroxide nordic….but she may also have authentic Danish-Scandinavian blood:
Lauren says on Twitter her grandparents were jews from Denmark.
“Simonsen” contains the Jewish name “Simon” and -sen, a Danish ending. And yes, when she tweeted this she was taking lots of heat, and was being called a Nazi and white supremacist.
She was almost denied entry into New Zealand and her venues were being canceled in 2018. She had gone on a world tour with Stephan Molyneux, another part-Jew who puts out good but mild anti-anti-white and anti-feminist content.
All the rightwing part-jews bring up their part-jewishness to fend off accusations of Nazism, so who knows what percentage jewish DNA she really has?
Here Lauren says she is of “Jewish heritage”…..
The ultimate effect of all this dynamic of “I’m no Nazi, media people — hey, I’m part-jewish myself” would be that only part-jews are permitted to denounce white genocide! Then only part-jews can lead movements, never the pure-white NS people!
I note that Lauren previously worked for the Jew Ezra Levant at Rebel Media.
You certainly won’t hear any banjos, fiddles and yee-hah-s coming from this “Southerner.” In high school she was attracted to Black men, like this “conservative” whom she, ahem, “dated” in high school:
Of interest, Wiki says:
Personal life
As of 2020, Southern lives in Sydney, Australia, with her Australian husband and their child.[2][110] Her husband is part Asian and is credited with introducing her to his Catholic faith.[2]
This site contains many truths, but it is a fact that some people who were born jewish and have jew DNA do turn against the Talmudic spirit of murderous goy-hatred:
Lauren has indeed made videos criticizing Third World immigration into the West, but like others in the quasi-Alt-Right, she’ll never let you know the real source of the problem, which is the jewish people (and the white cowards and traitors who obey them).
I have 100% jewish-DNA supporters right now — but they 1) openly oppose judaism, 2) they send me actual donations, and 3) they get actively persecuted, prosecuted and they suffer as we pure-white activists all do.
Fact: almost all of us have a little bit of jewish DNA, because in every generation some jews have been leaving judaism in utter disgust for 2500 years. And others have neanderthal DNA, which leads to the widespread J-haplogroup and many people with no jewish ancestors looking “jewish”….
Map of the prehistoric neanderthals
A website https://ethnicelebs.com/lady-gaga claims “Lady Gaga” is mostly Italian with other white DNA. This may well be. But the cosmetic surgery and soaring Hollywood career — despite modest talent– are both typically jewish, and there ARE many Italian jews.
Map of the J2-haplogroup, showing they spread out in historical times, especially via the Arabs, who, starting with the early Islamic conquests, raped conquered women by the millions and had harems where one sheik could impregnate hundreds of women while the conquered men, if they were even still alive, got no sex or marriage mate at all.
When she dumped him, he killed her.
I was astounded (while living in Aix-en-Provence, France in 2004-05, a city with many Algerian immigrants) at how semitic the modern Algerians often look, since North Africa (with what is now Algeria) in olden times was Berber and white.
A Moroccan Berber girl. About 10% of them are fully White-European in appearance.
This jewess, Israeli pop singer and Sephardi Hedva Amran, has both neanderthal features and negroid frizzy hair
Another part-neanderthalic, part-frizz-head:
Field Marshall Erich von Manstein was one of our very best Wehrmacht generals, though he wrote an absolutely unfair book after the war.
Look at his neanderthalic nose! And remember that the Neander Valley (“tal” like our Old English word “dale”) is itself situated in Germany:
General von Manstein blamed me after the war (when I was not available to defend myself) for everything that went wrong, and was angry also that I fired him on 30 March 1944 for constantly opposing my decisions. But I also awarding him the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords for his previous achievements.
Partly also his postwar Hitler-bashing was meant to save his own neck, just as with Hitler Youth leader Baldur von Schirach and architect Albert Speer at Nuremberg in 1946.
However, von Manstein did do four years in an Allied prison, partly for an SS Einsatz group under him which shot a lot of jewish civilians as partisans and for scorched-earth tactics that, tragically, caused some starvation.
His parents on both sides came from very high and aristocratic German military families, but, boy, that nose! ;-).
In Ukraine, on the right, Field Marshall Erich von Manstein and in the center, Major General Hans Speidel:
Long-term, of course we want and we need more nordic and Cro-Magnon genes….
Alain Delon of France incarnated the Cro-magnon type with his forehead that went straight up.
John Kennedy, like some of the Irish, had a regal forehead that likewise went almost straight up
David von Braun
His father, Wernher von Braun, with another Cro-Magnon
Wernher’s grand-niece Amrei von Braun, now a medical doctor, who was friends with my daughter Ingrid at the German School Washington (DC)
But what counts now is this:
bravery, hard work, smarts, cooperation, action and gradually overcoming the great curse of the earthlings, the blind, cantankerous egoic mind that denies harsh reality and ignores the love, noble deeds and beauty around us!
ANYONE who is openly against jewry and proves it by his or her actions is someone I welcome to our struggle! We are in no position to refuse the help of any brave jew-fighters!
Clark Lightbridge, of Egyptian and Eritrean background from Los Angeles, was a webmaster for me 2009-11, who saw his neighborhood decline as the Whites left and believed our white race must reassert itself for the good of all.
You’ve posted that gd-jpeg meme a number of times.
Fact is, Lady Gaga is of zero Jewish extract.
I posted it and assumed it was correct due to her soaring Hollywood career — despite modest talent — and her cosmetic-surgery, so typical of jewesses.
It may indeed be that her looks are entirely southern Italian/neanderthalic. However, there is such a thing as Italian jews, and their ancestors did many ritual murders of Christian children. Did you ever think of that possibility?
I do correct any meaningful error of fact.
So now what does “gd” stand for, “God-damn”?
Are you an enemy? Why should God damn me? 😉
Did you like the article, and learn anything, or is it just fault-finding? This site costs me, from my pocket, $1200 a month to give you vital information.
I suggest you respond with care and respect, and then so will I. Or you are gone. If you are cranky from not getting laid, it is not my fault. 😉 You are talking to a US Marine, “Noah Moore.”
BS – She is a typical jewess who has had multiple plastic surgeries. Her entire persona is as fake as the plastic she is endowed with.
Having a common enemy is to have a unity based on a negative. Having an identical race-soul, which is only possible when the race is the same, provides a unity based on a positive — it provides an enhanced ability to communicate with sensitivity or to express subtle meanings. For this reason I think Whites should form their own Jew-wise groups, where non-Whites are excluded.
The similarity principle is something completely natural, both with humans (mirror-same, identical facial features with 80 to 90% of the couples in love), and with groups, peoples and races, like-minded likes to like, like attracts like, a completely natural attraction principle which is granted to every ethnic group, only not to the whites.
Whites will be again among themselves, only a very small fraction of the today’s non-whites will live in the future after the defense wars still among the white peoples.
Also, distancing oneself from non-whites in the face of annihilation on every conceivable level is a completely natural counter-reaction, and of course loyalty conflict concerns have their justification.
However, today’s White peoples are completely different from those of the past. Example: With approximately 12,000 to 14,000 nursing homes for the elderly in Germany, there was only one, ONLY ONE(!) nursing home owner who protected her residents and employees and workers from extermination, stood protectively in front of them, stood against the vaccination death squads. Was it different in the United States? I don’t know, but I can tell you this, Mrs. Blewitt:
Good Luck(!) in your search for reasonable white people. Here in the FRG you will have to search a long time until you find enough reasonable white people. Whether it is different in the USA I don’t know.
White peoples are leaders in building and maintaining technological civilizations. Morally, however, they, the TODAY Whites, are just as depraved as Third World peoples, if not much worse: Which African would let himself be injected with pureed baby corpses and other (corpse) poisons, just because his god called “science” and the Pope in Rome tell him so?
Superstition? The non-white is trained to his medicine man or voodo doctor, the white is trained to his outer instances (doctors, politicians, experts, institutions, etc.) and has lost any critical thinking ability, completely lost contact with his inner instances (subconscious and inner self [guardian angel]). Who is more primitive now?
No non-white would ever be so insane as to slaughter his old people by the millions and have pureed baby corpses injected into himself and his children. And why are the White peoples all on the brink? Because white high traitors implemented and implement in millionfold numbers the extermination plans of the background powers, on every conceivable level and this already for very many decades.
A few years ago, a Rhodesian said that de facto, whoever provides the majority of the population also determines politics, and that it would have made more sense if Rhodesia had been geophysically smaller and had had a predominantly homogeneous white population instead; one can only agree with this. Above a certain population size, the foreigners take over and determine policy. It is inevitable: At the end it will come to the big ethnic disentanglement, because multiculti never worked and was and is artificially forced and is a contradiction in itself, the white peoples will become again absolutely-majority white.
However, nothing is worse than debut people indoctrinated with anti-ideals, and these are today’s white peoples in their overwhelming majority. People and peoples with whom one can do everything, who live after a childish world view (of the good daddy state), who do not question anything, who do not defend themselves, and who have annihilated and still annihilate their old people millions of times by order!
Emergency alliances have absolutely their justification. According to the materialistic world view of some nationalists what happens since so long time could not be possible at all: Such an accumulation of negative DNA should not exist at all in white peoples, according to the world view of the “race is everything” advocates. And nevertheless the war of extermination on the whites, in the past and present, will go down in history as a war of extermination committed by whites on whites (of course on behalf of the background powers [high finance and high nobility]).
Adolf Hitler forged alliances against the annihilation terror of the Allies, noble White Allies annihilated millions of Germans and low-flying planes shot also in the countryside at everything that moved, at horses, animals, children, farmers, simply at everything, my relatives told me extensively about their experiences, for many years afterwards they ran into the forest or under bushes when they saw an airplane in the sky (“Come out again, the war is over!”). And in the Anglosphere and in France and in Russia people are still so absolutely insane and celebrate these oh so noble white allied exterminators as heroes, the allied white exterminators who had not kept to any conventions in the war.
Good Luck in the search for sensible whites! They will only exist again when the unreasonable whites are all in the ground.
I am less cynical. I think most Whites can be reached by reason. I think we shall soon see this regarding the “vaccine.”
Possible, but the enemy knows this too, and fears a pogrom against the jews the likes of which the world has never seen.
Das Ähnlichkeitsprinzip ist etwas vollkommen natürliches, sowohl bei Menschen (spiegelgleiche, identische Gesichtszüge bei 80 bis 90% der Liebespaare), als auch bei Gruppen, Völkern und Rassen, gleich gesinnt sich gerne zu gleich, Gleiches zieht Gleiches an, ein völlig natürliches Anziehungsprinzip das jeder Ethnogruppe zugestanden wird, nur den Weißen nicht.
Weiße werden wieder unter sich sein, nur ein sehr kleiner Bruchteil der heutigen Nichtweißen wird zukünftig nach den Abwehrkriegen noch unter den weißen Völkern leben.
Auch ist ein Abstandgehen zu Nichtweißen im Angesicht der Vernichtung auf jeder nur denkbaren Ebene eine vollkommen natürliche Gegenreaktion und natürlich haben auch Loyalitätskonfliktbedenken ihre Berechtigung.
Die heutigen weißen Völker sind jedoch vollkommen anders als die der Vergangenheit. Beispiel: Bei circa 12.000 bis 14.000 Pflegeeinrichtungen für Alte Menschen in Deutschland gab es nur eine einzige, NUR EINE EINZIGE(!) Altenheiminhaberin, die ihre Bewohner und Angestellten und Arbeiter vor der Vernichtung geschützt hat, sich schützend vor sich gestellt hat, sich gegen die Impfrollkommandos gestellt hat. War das in den USA anders? Ich weiß es nicht, aber ich kann Ihnen eines sagen, Frau Blewitt:
Good Luck(!) bei der Suche nach vernünftigen Weißen. Hier in der BRD werden Sie lange suchen müssen, bis Sie genug vernünftige weiße Menschen finden. Ob das in den USA anders ist weiß ich nicht.
Weiße Völker sind im Aufbau und Erhalt von technologischen Zivilisationen führend. Moralisch sind sie, die HEUTIGEN Weißen, jedoch genauso verkommen wie Drittwelt-Völker, wenn nicht noch viel schlimmer: Welcher Afrikaner würde sich schon pürrierte Babyleichen und andere (Leichen)Gifte spritzen lassen, nur weil sein Gott namens “Wissenschaft” und der Pope in Rom ihm das sagen?
Aberglauben? Der Nichtweiße wird auf seinen Medizinmann oder Voodo-Doktor dressiert, der Weiße wird auf seine äußeren Instanzen dressiert (Ärzte, Politiker, Experten, Institutionen usw.) und hat jede kritische Denkfähigkeit verloren, den Kontakt zu seinen inneren Instanzen (Unterbewußtsein und inneres Selbst [Schutzengel]) vollkommen verloren. Wer ist nun primitiver?
Kein Nichtweißer wäre jemals so wahnsinnig, seine Alten millionenfach abzuschlachten und sich und seinen Kindern pürrierte Babyleichen injizieren zu lassen. Und warum stehen die weißen Völker alle am Abgrund? Weil weiße Hochverräter in millionenfacher Anzahl die Vernichtungspläne der Hintergrundmächte umsetzten und umsetzen, auf jeder nur denkbaren Ebene und das schon seit sehr vielen Jahrzehnten.
Ein Rhodesier sagte vor wenigen Jahren, daß de facto derjenige, der die Bevölkerungsmehrheit stellt auch die Politik bestimmt und daß es sinnvoller gewesen wäre, wenn Rhodesien geophysikalisch kleiner gewesen wäre und dafür eine überwiegend homogene weiße Bevölkerung gehabt hätte; dem kann man nur zustimmen. Ab einer gewissen Bevölkerungszahl übernehmen die Fremden und bestimmen die Politik. Es ist unvermeidbar: Zum Schluß wird es zur großen ethnischen Entflechtung kommen, weil Multikulti nie funktioniert hat und künstlich erzwungen wurde und wird und ein Widerspruch in sich ist, die weißen Völker werden wieder absolut-mehrheitlich weiß werden.
Nichts ist jedoch schlimmer, als mit Antiidealen indoktrinierte Debütmenschen, und das sind die heutigen weißen Völker in ihrer überwiegenden Mehrheit. Menschen und Völker, mit denen man alles machen kann, die nach einem kindlichen Weltbild leben (vom guten Vater Staat), die nichts hinterfragen, die sich nicht wehren, und die auf Befehl millionenfach ihre Alten vernichtet haben und immer noch vernichten!
Notallianzen haben durchaus ihre Berechtigung. Nach dem materialistischem Weltbild mancher Nationaler könnte doch eigentlich das, was seit so langer Zeit geschieht, überhaupt nicht möglich sein: Eine so gehäufte Negativ-DNA-Häufung dürfte es doch in weißen Völkern überhaupt nicht geben, nach dem Weltbild der “Rasse ist alles”-Vertreter. Und doch wird der Vernichtungskrieg an den Weißen, in Vergangenheit und Gegenart als ein Vernichtungskrieg in die Geschichte eingehen, der von Weißen an Weißen begangen wurde (natürlich im Auftrag der Hintergrundmächte [Hochfinanz und Hochadel]).
Adolf Hitler schmiedete Notallianzen gegen den Vernichtungsterror der Alliierten, edle Weiße Alliierte vernichteten Millionen von Deutschen und Tiefflieger schossen auch auf dem Land auf alles, was sich bewegte, auf Pferde, Tiere, Kinder, Bauern, einfach auf alles, meine Verwandtschaft erzählte mir ausgiebig von ihren Erlebnissen, noch viele Jahre danach rannten sie in den Wald oder unter Büsche, wenn sie ein Flugzeug am Himmel sahen (“Komm doch wieder hervor, der Krieg ist doch vorbei!”). Und in der Anglosphäre und in Frankreich und in Rußland ist man immer noch so absolut geisteskrank und feiert diese ach so edlen weißen alliierten Menschenvernichter als Helden, die alliierten weißen Menschenvernichter, die sich an keinerlei Konventionen gehalten hatten im Krieg.
Good Luck bei der Suche nach vernünftigen Weißen! Die wird es erst dann wieder geben, wenn die unvernünftigen Weißen alle unter der Erde liegen.
Danke, tja, die Debütmenschen….
Eckhart Tolle ist imstande, sie zu einer höheren Stufe zu führen, aber nur wenn Weiße seelisch, körperlich, oder finanzielle ganz in der Schei– stehen, doch vorher nicht. Denen ist vorher alles nur Blabla. Wichtig sind ihnen Bier, Porno, Autos, Urlaub und feige Anpassung und nicht unangenehm auffallen oder, O Schreck, schief angesehen werden!
Er sagt, resignierend und recht seelenruhig, “Wenn denen das alles als purer Stuß erscheint, tja, dann müssen sie halt weiterleiden, noch ein Jahr oder zwei, und mehr Qual erleben, und dann werden sie vielleicht doch dafür empfänglich, oder auch nicht, und dann, direkt oder indirekt, bringen sie sich nur um ohne aus ihrer Misere gelernt zu haben.”
Ich kann jedenfalls sagen, dass Margis Tod und meine Trauer darüber mich zu Tolle zurückschoben. Bei Blutdruck 230/117 MUSSTE ich handeln. Ich musste Trost finden, und jenen buchstäblich kaputtmachenden Stress überwinden, was Tolles Lehre in mir bewirkte.
Ich kann auch selbst bei mir bestätigen, dass Gleiches Gleiches anzieht. Viele meinten, dass ich und Margi ihnen fast wie Bruder und Schwester vorkämen:
Übrigens schrieb mir gestern der NSA-Jude, der mir seit Jahren Teuflisches schreibt:
„Lieber kastriere ich mich mit einem rostigen Buttermesser, als auch nur eine Sekunde mit dieser abscheulichen, verfaulten Hexe Margi zu verbringen, die jetzt in den tiefsten Winkeln der Hölle geröstet wird”
(Übrigens schreibt man “püriert” ohne Doppel-r… 😉 )
US government tries to polish the image of scientist Robert Oppenheimer who was a communist traitor. What’s next ? A posthumous pardon for the Rosenbergs?
(How strange that the first and second links, identical, lead to different outcomes.)
As you may know, I do NOT believe the US ever developed the A-bomb at all, but that it was German bombs in Alamogordo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or at least German enriched uranium and plutonium.
So Oppenheimer is now being exonerated by the jew regime in Occupied Washington.
I am a co-curator of leofrank.org, and here we see jewish tenacity at work — 108 years after the righteous lynching of the jewish rapist-strangler Leo Frank, the J-Team is still trying to exonerate him — to show dominance to the hated goyim.
No cattle-soul is allowed to execute any jew, no matter what he did to a shiksa (sodomizing and strangling a beautiful, white, Christian, southern 13-y/o virgin girl. For we, as mere goyim, are to know that Yahweh gave this planet, see, to His people, the jews, and so we goyim are born entirely to serve the jews in whatever way they determine.
In fact, we are not actually human, as the jews are, but instead animals to whom Yahweh gave a human form because an animal form is unpleasant for servants who are to wait upon our Hebrew masters in their beautiful palaces.
It’s the Jewish elites who cause the problems. The little Jews who try to feed their kids. Pay the mortgage etc. They will suffer in a Muslim or African dominated West. Once the gimmegrants get the upper hand then the Jews will suffer even more. They will be blamed for the crimes of Dr Allan Shatter. Or Soros,Barbara Spector Lerner, etc . They have to decide where they stand. Speak out against gimmegrants or side with the zionist elite trouble makers.
Here is an article about the trial of Field Marshal von Manstein. After the war due to his impoverished circumstances a public appeal was held to raise funds for his defence. Surprisingly one of the donors was none other than Winston Churchill.
Thank you for this comment!
I read it all, and respond here:
Jews/Neanderkikes have the beak in the middle of the nose at 50 percent length.
An aryan eagle like nose has the beak at 1/3 length of the nose, like Manstein. Not every big nose means, that the person who has it is a kike.
Look at the location of the beak.
If it is in the middle = kike
Is at the beginning of the nose, then probably not.
But watch out for other facial features aswell.
Read this:
Other features to include:
— jet-black, frizzy hair,
— a perma-tan, and
— nostrils flared on the side, exposing the inside of the nose, and shaped like the number “6”…… A European nose is usually a “/_” (and not a “6”) — with the CURVED lower part of the nose on the side going straight over
— everted lower lip
Jewish actor Rick Moranis:
— protruding mouth, a prehistoric feature found in various monkeys, and in the jewish rapist, strangler –and framer in 1913 at his murder trial of his own innocent black employees for HIS OWN crimes — Leo Max Frank of Atlanta
An Aryan nose, for me, is always straight, so, again for me, there is no “Aryan eagle nose” in the strict sense of Aryan as being blond, blue-eyed Indo-Europeans, and NOT just “white.”
A nordic Russian model (wearing a beautiful Ancient Greek gown):
I see several waves of different kinds of Whites arriving on this Goldilocks planet from the many planets in our galaxy which contain white people.
My nose….
But most of us are not “pure-Aryan.”
There is a neanderthalic nose, such as that on the face of Erich “VON” Manstein.
Btw, comrade, this field marshall was not just a “Manstein.” The prefix “von,” with a small “v,” or “de” in France, Spain, or Italy, with a small “d,” means a title of nobility.
This nobility was earned the hard way by some ancestor for great services, such as heroic military successes at the risk of his life — or other awesome achievements which tremendously benefited the king, the dynasty, and/or the nation.
I therefore do get a bit tired of people writing my name as “DeNugent,” as if my ancestors hailed from Holland and were Dutch, though that would be perfectly fine if true, the Dutch being mostly a great nation…. which also yielded some wonderful Waffen-SS soldiers.
But no, I am not descended from the people of the Netherlands or from neighboring Flanders (the Dutch-speaking half of Belgium) where “De” means just “the,” and often is followed by the name in Dutch for some trade, such as a miller, baker, carpenter, farmer, cobbler, etc. (There are quite a few Dutch in Lower Michigan, btw.)
“de Nugent” means from the town of Nogent-le-Rotrou in the French region called Normandy, whence proceeded the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.
Certainly not all people with neanderthalic DNA are jews or have a jewish ancestor, though some do.
To be in the SS, you had to prove zero jewish ancestry going back 200 years, and Reinhard Heydrich, who certainly had a nose beak, was the ultimate SS man:
But if their ancestor converted to Christianity (or just dropped out of Judaism), say, in 1492, when Queen Isabella expelled the crooked, treacherous jews from Spain, they nevertheless have zero jewish identity. They do not feel jewish at all.
Plenty of Europeans do have a neanderthalic beak and yet no jewish ancestors.
Some other jews have a negro nose, such as this Sandy Hook fraudster, faking tears over fake-dead kids, reflecting the partly negro rabble of Ancient Egypt.
Below are two examples of “nose jobs,” ahem, “rhinoplasties.”
A guy… and I would not say his “beak,” as you put it, is “in the middle.” This male has that give-away, tell-tale, ARROGANT jewish look in his eyes, so he is probably not some Sicilian or Arab but, I think, probably yet another stuck-up jew. And his nostrils have a CURVE so you can see into the side of the nose….
A girl, and you can see into the side of her nose PRE-nose job:
Jews can, of course, afford these $5,000 “nose jobs” far more than, say, some immigrant from Lebanon living in heavily Arab Dearborn, Michigan (which is also Ford Motor Company headquarters. 🙁 🙁 )
It is said that jewish girls with a beak EXPECT a nose job as part of their high-school graduation. 😉 The nose is also fully grown by 17 and so the time is deemed right.)
Her nose does seem to have a higher “beak,” so maybe she is not jewish — by your rule anyway, but I bet she is a jewess……
I am not sure the low-versus-high beak theory is correct.