Patrick Lancaster’s “you are there” reports right from the front lines; Holodomor truth; (((“The West”))) trying almost “total war” to break Russia

A picture shows a destroyed shoe factory following an airstrike in Dnipro on March 11, 2022. - Civilian targets came under Russian shelling in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro on March 11, killing one, emergency services said, in what appeared to be the first direct attack on the city. (Photo by Emre CAYLAK / AFP) (Photo by EMRE CAYLAK/AFP via Getty Images)
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A picture shows a destroyed shoe factory following an airstrike in Dnipro on March 11, 2022. (Emre Caylak/AFP via Getty Images). JdN: Since the Russian are bending over backwards to NOT kill civilians — the diametrical opposite of US practice, which is to flatten entire cities full of people — this was undoubtedly a building taken over by the Ukrainian Army and used as a barracks or depot for supplies (food, water and ammunition).

Patrick Lancaster seems to be just some regular American guy with guts who goes as close to the bullets as possible. His reporting also seems to be strictly neutral — ‘this is what is going down, folks.’

You can see from his reporting that the Russians are NOT flattening the whole place, American-style, though they could, and yet the civilians are definitely suffering.  You see one destroyed car or house, and many others perfectly intact. The Russians are a major white country, and have a high-tech military that can precisely target things that way.

Many of these villages ibn the east of Ukraine are ethnically Russian; the Ukrainians have been brainwashed since 2004 by the Jewkrainian media to hate them, and so the Ukie army just ruthlessly takes over Russian peoples’ homes and businesses for their own uses — which forces the Russians (or their allies, the Chechen fighters or the ethnically Russian Donbass militiamen) to fire on or shell them because they HAVE to.

Also, more and more, the Russian air force is striking targets at night. The Duran say they are flying three hundred sorties every night. 



…..Holodomor truth

Btw, TheDuran video bloggers have been explaining how the [Jew]krainian media since 2004 have been preacing hatred of the Russians partly by wrongly blaming the so-called “Holodomor” of the 1930s on “the Russians.”

That was a tragic, horrific period of starvation in the 1930s. The psychopathic bolshevik dictator Stalin cut off food to the independent Slavic peasants who owned their own farms — small farmers who were Russians, Belarusians, and also Ukrainians — the so-called kulaks.

Stalin’s goal as a fanatic marxist was to create communist, collectivized farms for supposedly greater efficiency, using tractors and the then latest farming technology. This in turn would supposedly free up millions of peasants to work in the factories, making the tanks, rifles, uniforms, boots, grenades, warships, etc.that Stalin wanted so he could take over Europe.

Since these small farmers by the millions refused to do this, Stalin’s idea was to seize the farmers’ food and even seed so they would have leave their farms, which they had fiercely resisted doing, and move out of hunger to the towns and cities to work in Stalin’s state-owned factories.

As a result, millions starved, but the kulaks did finally give up.

But there was NO targeting specifically of Ukrainian farmers “by Russians,” especially since Stalin was not a Russian at all, but a Georgian!

And lots of Russian, Belarusian and Khazahk farmers also starved!

But it is true that many Ukrainian kulaks did die because Ukraine was full of farmers. It was the breadbasket of Russia, with fantastic topsoil and a good climate.

How wicked of the jews who took over Ukraine, always dividing and conquering the goyim, to blame “Russia” when the Russian kulaks were being starved  to death just as much as the Ukies by the bolsheviks, who at the top were mostly a mob of jews and Georgians!

But the Ukrainian sheeple are as bad as sheeple anywhere.

A Virginia comrade sent me an email today about Ukrainians in the States, of whom there are many:


I met two Ukrainians today. One at the supermarket,  and one at the pool.

Both were extremely patriotic, and they sure hated Russia…. and they didn’t understand at all that their legitimate government had been overthrown in 2014, that good Ukrainians had been killed in 2014, or that their president Zelensky is a corrupt,  sexually amoral Jew.

They didn’t  know that Zelinsky has a home in Florida, and that he was robbing the Ukrainians blind.

Didn’t know either that Ukraine was a playground for American criminals like Pelosi, and Biden’s kids, Mitt Romney’s kids and John Kerry’s kids, to name a few.

Both seem to be Christian, but one never knows.

The ones I met in the supermarket were 1) a young woman… The dress she was wearing looked like it could’ve been an airline uniform or a bank uniform, some sort of uniform, and 2) the mother looked like she could have possibly been Jewish, but it’s hard to say.

The guy I met at the pool looked like he was totally Christian. And I was just trying to ask him ‘what information are you getting from Ukraine?’ I’m in Richmond, Virginia, which is a hundred miles south of DC, and sort of like a big small town.

It’s weird to think that we might be flooded with spies evenhere.

But in both cases, these people, I don’t know if they were just stupid like the Americans are stupid and believe in everything that the TV says, or it’s a situation where they’re brainwashed, or they’re afraid. 

My grandfather was the oldest of 21 children, 19 of whom survived to adulthood, and one of them wound up in the eastern part of Germany under communist rule, and he totally bought hook-line-and-sinker the communist propaganda.

I’m just wondering if other people are experiencing any of this when meeting Ukrainians, that they are totally gullible. 



…..US and Allies Have Declared Hybrid ‘Total War’ on Russia: Kremlin

The United States and its Western allies have declared a hybrid “total war” against Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday.

TOPSHOT – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (R) signs documents as Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a signing ceremony following his talks with Egyptian President in Sochi on October 17, 2018. (Photo by Pavel Golovkin / POOL / AFP) (Photo credit should read PAVEL GOLOVKIN/AFP via Getty Images)

[source: US and Allies Have Declared Hybrid ‘Total War’ on Russia: Kremlin (]

“Today a real hybrid war, a ‘total war’ has been declared against us. This term, which was used by Nazi Germany, is now used by many European politicians when they explain what they want to do to the Russian Federation,” Lavrov said, according to state-run media. “And their goals are not hidden: to destroy, to break, to strangle the Russian economy, and Russia as a whole.”

“The desire by the West to maintain its dominance in international affairs, to subjugate everything and everyone and return to a unipolar world … these are, of course, illusions,” Lavrov also remarked, adding: “In fact, we are witnessing the culmination of the policy of containment of Russia, which the West has pursued for a long time.”

Lavrov’s comments appear to be an escalation in rhetoric from Russia’s leadership against the United States and NATO allies amid its month-long invasion of Ukraine.

Since Feb. 24, the start of the conflict, the United States, Europe, Japan, and other like-minded nations have placed heavy sanctions on Russia’s economy, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Lavrov, and other top Kremlin officials. On Thursday, the White House announced even more sanctions against hundreds of Russian lawmakers, defense companies, and other entities.

The United States also placed a ban on Russian oil imports, although European Union countries have not done so, citing the bloc’s heavy dependence on Russian energy products.

On Thursday, about three-fourths of the United Nations General Assembly voted to demand aid access and civilian protection in Ukraine and claimed Russia was creating what they said is a dire humanitarian situation in Ukraine. Ukraine and Western allies have claimed Moscow is attacking civilians indiscriminately, which the Kremlin has denied.

But Russian ex-president and deputy head of security council Dmitry Medvedev claimed Friday that the sanctions won’t sway the Kremlin. The sanctions will only consolidate the Russian society and not cause popular discontent with the authorities, Medvedev told Russia’s RIA news agency in an interview.

“Let us ask ourselves: can any of these major businessmen have even the tiniest quantum of influence of the position of the country’s leadership?” Medvedev said. “I openly tell you: no, no way.”

Reuters contributed to this report.

Jack Phillips


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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
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  1. Biden makes another slip of the tongue in a speech to the U.S. 82nd Airborne in Poland, suggesting that they may be going into Ukraine in the near future, despite his repeated denials of U.S. military plans for Ukraine:

    “But the president also raised eyebrows when he appeared to tell the group that American troops will be going into Ukraine, though he has repeatedly said that he will not send troops there.

    “You know, with the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian people have a lot of backbone, they have a lot of guts and I’m sure you’re observing it,” Biden said. “And you’re gonna see when you’re there, and some of you have been there. You’re gonna see, you’re gonna see women, young people standing, standing in the middle, in front of a damn tank, just saying I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground. They’re incredible. But they take a lot of inspiration from us.””

    It wouldn’t be the first time a U.S. president secretly planned a major war, while telling the American people the exact opposite. See FDR’s many secret manipulations to get America into WWII.

    BTW, some of those U.S soldiers look less than manly, shall we say. A result of our new LGBTQ military, courtesy of Biden and the Jews who control him.

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