Paul Fuccillo, psychopath

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The below is what I get every week. 😉

Someday they will get a surprise.

Reminds me of the Germans who wanted Hitler to lose the war. Didn’t matter if 16 million other Germans would be killed. 

German woman raped by George Patton’s Third Army in Zerbst, Saxony-Anhalt

Joseph Stalin argued once in all seriousness that lies and hate are actually stronger than truth and love. We shall see.

Why psychopaths always take power “ John de Nugent


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Paul <>
Sent: Tuesday, 23 May 2017, 0:08
Subject: JdN.C – You suck big cocks, even the small ones when you have the time.
Subject: You suck big cocks, even the small ones when you have the time.
Message Body:
I would love to take two seconds to tell you that you are just another friggen idiot thinking they alone have all the answers.  You have jack shit.  Just more bullshit rhetoric with a spin.  How about you go take a long walk off a short pier with a pair of cement shoes you disgrace of an individual.. Support???  Only weak minded idiots would send you a penny. You thoughts are worth shit.  Let it be known that John DeNugent  is a cock sucking  gay ass secret pedo scumbag.
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on John de Nugent (

…..See also

Libelous accusations online against JdN

Neil A. Bucklew perhaps we should try a mixture of truth and hate
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John de Nugent

John de Nugent AH and Goebbels discussed that idea. AH replied that OUR race actually fights best and sacrifices the most for something noble, true and authentic. The Allies did run on lies and hate, but they beat us only with an overwhelming mass of quantity. As Sir John Keegan pointed out in his “Six Armies at Normandy,” the Germans were 50% better than the Brits and Americans, soldier for soldier, and twice as good as the Soviets,because they believed they were fighting for THE TRUTH.…/Six-Armies-Normandy-keegan.jpg

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