PAYPAL JEWBOY’S WOCKET FALL DOWN GO BOOM — Elon Musk’s rocket w/FACEBOOK satellite payload explodes IN FIREBALL on launchpad — Musk says perhaps due to alien attack

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…..there was a black object barreling near the rocket only seconds before explosion with YouTube viewers quickly dispatching theories that the flying object was a bird or a bug based on the relative speed of the object “ over 1,000 MPH…..

Notice at 1:11 some object or flashing thing hits it at a terrific speed (a laser?)


At 1:12 the fireball


Rumor has it the payload was not just for Facebook but military, and part of militarizing space….

……and that somebody did not like that..

…..Space shuttle explodes in 2003 with Israeli colonel onboard

Pythagoras: “Consider as great education to learn to tolerate the ignorant.” : -)

This blog is taken from my massive, fact-packed essay

¦.Was the space shuttle Columbia, disintegrated during reentry in Feb. 2003, destroyed BEFOREHAND by a hostile force?


Space shuttle Columbia, 1981


supposed secret footage of the wreck (see more below), which was destroyed and THEN fell to earth, disintegrating in reentry heat!


In bits and pieces in February 2003; it exploded over Palestine, Texas ¦.


U.F.O DISCLOSURE PROJECT ‘ THE FULL VERSION (2,461,380 views as of May 2013) ‘ at 1:38:43 a British reporter asks Clifford Stone (a US Army staff sergeant who asserts he served 1969 to 1990 on a UFO crash site retrieval team) what the ‘aliens’ looked like that he discovered on a crashed UFO on a US Air Force base containing nuclear weapons in East Anglia, England. The response covers many discoveries, says that the US government is aware of 57 species, all of them humanoid (two arms, two legs, walking upright, etc.), of whom some are absolutely human in appearance, but they may have the additional ability to feel the color of an physical object in a dark room. At 1:39:10-16 to Staff Sergeant Stone states:

‘You have individuals who look very much like you and myself, that could walk among us, and you would not even notice the difference’. and (around 1:39:47) at least three types of the Grays’.Some were much taller than we are.’

Here is that specific segment with just Staff Sergeant Stone (from 0:00-1:36):


Please keep these italicized details in mind: 1) aliens who look exactly human, and aliens who are much taller. (Stone did not specify here if the much taller ones are also among the human-looking ones, but see much further below the information that is claimed about the ‘Aldebarans.’


I would add that if humans living elsewhere developed on a planet with much less gravity, they could be much taller and yet, in that lower gravity ‘ like our astronauts on the moon ‘ very light and agile, as long as they stay on those planets.) As a side note, Dr. Greer states two astounding things:


1) that both Presidents Carter and Clinton demanded to see, and were refused access, to the full UFO files of the CIA (George H.W.Bush, CIA director in the 1970s, unconstitutionally turned President Carter down); and


2) from retrieving and studying crashed UFOs the US government is now capable of using low-cost, non-polluting ‘zero-point energy’ technology ( and replacing the use of expensive, dangerous and polluting gas, oil and nuclear fuel, but it refuses to do so.


(See also Wikipedia on Paul Hellyer, a former Deputy Prime Minister, Defence Minister, Transportation Minister and member of the Queen’s Privy Council.




Throughout his life, Hellyer has been opposed to the weaponization of space. He supports the Space Preservation Treaty to ban space weapons. In early September 2005, Hellyer made headlines by publicly announcing that he believed in UFOs. On 25 September 2005, he was an invited speaker at an exopolitics conference in Toronto, where he told the audience that he had seen a UFO one night with his late wife and some friends. He said that, although he had discounted the experience at the time, he had kept an open mind to it. He said that he started taking the issue much more seriously after watching ABC‘s Peter JenningsUFO special in February 2005.[citation needed] Watching Jennings’ UFO special prompted Hellyer to finally read U.S. Army Colonel Philip J. Corso’s book The Day After Roswell, about the Roswell UFO Incident, which had been sitting on his shelf for some time. Hellyer told the Toronto audience that he later spoke to a retired U.S. Air Force general, who confirmed the accuracy of the information in the book. In November 2005, he accused U.S. President George W. Bush of plotting an ‘Intergalactic War‘. The former defence minister told an audience at the University of Toronto:

‘The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning’The Bush Administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide.’[8]

Hellyer told the audience that in December 2004, he had enjoyed reading and had endorsed a book by Alfred Webre entitled ‘Exopolitics ‘ Politics, Government and Law in the Universe’. He ended his 30 minute historical talk with a standing ovation by stating:

‘To turn us in the direction of re-unification with the rest of creation the author is proposing a ‘Decade of Contact’ ‘ an ‘era of openness, public hearings, publicly funded research, and education about extraterrestrial reality’.’

In 2007, the Ottawa Citizen reported that Hellyer is demanding that world governments disclose alien technology that could be used to solve the problem of climate change:

‘I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation’that could be a way to save our planet’We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know. Some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be enough to save our planet if applied quickly enough.’[9]



On the Apollo 11 flight to the moon with Neil Armstrong, the astronauts find they are not alone:


Uploaded on Feb 11, 2006 A large number of ex-high-ranking officials including air-traffic controllers, ex secret-op officers, commercial pilots, numerous military defense specialists with top-secret clearance, people who had access to very sensitive documents lieutenants, ex-commanders in the U.S Air Force, astronauts,etc’ In this video some of them are going before the prestigious National Press Club ( to discuss what their experiences have been regarding UFOs and all are willing to go before Congress to testify under oath.. Never before has such a blue-ribbon group come forward.


This video is a must-see it. Though long (1 hour 55 minutes), it is extremely informative and enlightening. The implications are stupendous. I am bending over backwards to prove this from every angle because it all seems fantastical, not real. It is mind-blowing, especially in what it may mean in the future It means that the Third Reich is back ‘ it never really wennt away, just literally under ground ‘ and it is preparing to get the Jews!




A major new press conference was held for five days in Washington DC, 29′ April through 3’ May 2013, on extraterrestrials. I cannot emphasize enough what the Air Force staff sergeant said who ran recoveries of crashed UFOs: ‘Many of the aliens look totally human.’ Partly it is because those are simply National Socialist Germans from the Third Reich in Antarctica, from New Swabia (and, I was told, a huge base underneath Tibet).


A huge rift exists between the southern Atlantic and the southern Pacific and runs straight through Antarctica, and runs directly under New Swabia (Neu-Schwabenland) . This is where U-Boats could hide deep underneath the southern polar ice.



Others are in underwater bases. What they lack is a country. They have only bases in isolated areas, and grow food underground with special technology and lighting. But the others are Aldebarans, our parent race! We come from two planets, one where the people are mostly red-haired and green-eyed ‘ in effect Kelts, the artistic ones ‘ and the other world where they are mostly blond-haired and blue-eyed ‘ in effect Germanics like Swedes, the more scientific ones ‘ and then they mixed with the brunet Europeans around 8,000 BC to form our race today ‘ but in ways I admit I do not full understand.)

Here are two key, short videos promoting the urgency of this conference. The major video production documentary is scheduled for release this autumn.

Btw, the headline about Eisenhower relates to this stunning assertion: The Aldebarans (Exonordics) offered unlimited free Tesla energy (zero point) to mankind after WWII provided the US government gave up totally its nuclear weapons program. (The Aldebarans ‘ our ancestors ‘ are very ancient and know that earth was destroyed once before by nuclear war, a very, very long time ago, and it took ages for the earth to ‘ mostly ‘ recover.) The US refused.

gray-bending-forwardThen the Grays approached and, like Satan with Eve, offered advanced technical ‘knowledge’ (a promise only partly kept) in return for the ‘right’ to abduct humans for experiments. The US shockingly agreed to that, but gradually the US government has become totally penetrated by and involved with the Grays as the Majestic-12 secret network took over. In 1954 President Eisenhower threatened to use military force to open up Area 51 in Nevada to find out what Majestic-12 was up to. (Both Carter and Clinton, who were wimps by comparison, were denied all access.)

When Eisenhower issued his famous 1961 warning about ‘the military-industrial complex,’ in the very last month of his eight-year presidency, what he really was saying (hinting at) was*Majestic-12, *which is the Pentagon in effect merging with the Grays. This is why the Aldebaran issue is so critical. The Aldebarans are our friends, and the enemies of the Grays. This is all just so huge that it makes the mind spin. But I must explain this to the world. Just because it is scary does not mean it is not true. And it means that we come from a very, very advanced race, and have very, very advanced*relatives.


I was sent on Facebook these items (translated): Astronaut Gordon Cooper (well-known to us Americans over 50) reports on UFOs he saw while a fighter pilot in the US Air Force over Germany and later in space with NASA in the 1960s What strikes me is that there was a huge upswing in UFO sightings after WWII’. This is consistent with the theory that while various aliens have long been visiting the earth (including the nordic Aldebarans, who are merely very tall, eugenically advanced humans) and there was a famous Texas sighting around 1890 ‘ the huge increase in UFO sightings *after *and since WWII is consistent with the claim that the German Reich and the US are still at war, the Reich retreated to the Antarctic, and it periodically (and perhaps more and more frequently of late?) intervenes to intimidate and warn off the US from going after its base or bases (some of which may well be entirely underwater). *

11 flying discs over Washington in 1952, Truman and his Secretary of Defense ADMIT IT. The number 11, John, is based on the 11 NS heroes sentenced to death at Nuremberg. Truman said that ‘UFOs’ are a topic in each conference he has with the U.S. Air Force.

. *UFO ‘ OVNI ‘ UFOs In Washington D.C ‘ 61 years ago*

The 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident, also known as the Washington flap or the Washington National Airport Sightings, took place in the skies over Washington D.C on July 12, 1952 and Gen. Samford gave a press conference onit at the Pentagon on July 29, 1952. It is’also known as the ‘Washington Flap’ or the ‘Washington National Airport Sightings”


It is now clear to me that 1) I was so afraid of wishful thinking and escapism that I have rejected any serous thinking about all this for 35 years now, though this is truly grounds for some measure of hope! And yet’..

2) tempering all this, the Reich and the Aldebarans (our parent civilization) are NOT omnipotent and appear to have their own struggles! In other words, our work here as Eternal Solutreans (named for the brave, creative, tenacious survivors of the Ice Age catastrophe) must continue!

As this photo of a woodcut from 1561 shows, the Aldebarans had their hands *full way back /then./*/**/ But returning to our time, either the Aldebarans or the Reich did this!!!!

*Destroyed a US ICBM nuclear missile in mid-flight? all right on CNN!



Note that the scoffer at aliens and UFOs and would-be debunker is the Jew Bill Nye. His body language is ‘liar.’ Here is one of the officers again:

I think something BIG is going on. Now watch this’from 10:03 to 10:53.:’

* You can see an object, more and more clearly visible as being longish and saucer-shaped, just out there. No satellites are shaped like that. This next video is criticizable but very interesting. It is in two parts. (The cackling alien head is ridiculous at the beginning.)

The key footage starts round 0:24, with one blur that comes up from center-right, and then after 0:31 a second disk-like object comes roaring up from the same place. At 0:39 the commander says to Houston Mission Control ‘Bogey at ten o’clock high,’ which prompts Houston to reply: ‘Say again?’ ;-) Around 1:10 it is clear ‘ from the shuttle commander’s voice to Houston (if you listen carefully) ‘ that the space shuttle which the UFOs are bothering is named ‘Discovery‘ ( and NOT the space shuttle Columbia, which is shown in the second half of the video; that craft was famously destroyed in Feb. 2002. (I saw the Discovery launch in April 1990 while on a business trip to Florida, and heave the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit. A girlfriend got me into a semi-VIP area about a mile from the launch site.)


The footage after that of the destroyed Columbia ( is chilling if real. (I am unaware of any fictional movie about the Columbia disaster.) I ask myself who took this particular footage, which clearly was shot from above‘. The earth is the background, moving by below, and inhabited parts of what does look like Texas to me as a visitor several times to that state’. So who and what was flying above Columbia? And the craft clearly did not ‘burn up’ but huge chunks stayed intact, as if an explosion did the destruction, not some gradual frying and shredding! Purely speculating here’. It could be that the Reich put this video up (yes, on YouTube.. we are just talking about young Germans here, even if raised at a military base’) and they did so as a warning, as part of a long series of warnings and even lethal actions. It is rumored that a secret nuclear-powered Israeli spy device was on board. Very many space-shuttle missions were partly or even completely military ( )


The Columbia definitely had a military payload in 1989 ( The presence of Israel’s first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, sparked many conspiracy theories, as did post-disaster search instructions to be cautious around some specific types of debris.


Colonel Ilan Ramon, Israeli Air Force. Wikipedia states ( he was a hard-core military man who 1) fought in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, 2) helped destroy the Iraqi nuclear reactor Osiraq in 1981, and also 3) in the atrocity-filled 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The article claims he was a ‘secular Jew,’ but surprisingly, if that is true, he was also apparently a devotee of the ultra-nationalist Lubavitch Menachem Schneerson (an extreme Gentile-hater ) and of ‘Holocaust’ obsession. See below.


Wiki: Although considered a secular Jew, Ramon reportedly sought to follow Jewish observances while in orbit. In an interview he said, ‘I feel I am representing all Jews and all Israelis.’ He was the first spaceflight participant to request kosher food. He reportedly sought advice from a Chabad Lubavitch rabbi, Zvi Konikov, about how to observe the Jewish Sabbath in space, as the period between sunrises in orbit is approximately 90 minutes.


This was referenced by the words ‘Jerusalem we have a problem’ in Rabbi Konikov’s speech at the Kennedy Space Center Memorial for Columbia on February 7, 2003.[8] The STS-107 mission ended abruptly when Space Shuttle Columbia was destroyed and its crew perished during re-entry, 16 minutes before scheduled landing.


Aboard STS-107, Ramon carried a pencil sketch, ‘Moon Landscape’, drawn by 16-year-old Petr Ginz, who died in Auschwitz. Ramon also took with him a microfiche copy of the Torah given to him by Israeli president Moshe Katsav and a miniature Torah scroll (from the Holocaust) that was given him by Prof. Yehoyachin Yosef, a Bergen Belsen survivor.[9] Ramon asked the 1939 Club, a Holocaust survivor organization in Los Angeles, for a symbol of the Holocaust to take into outer space with him. A barbed wire mezuzah by the San Francisco artist Aimee Golant was selected. Ramon also took with him a dollar of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.[10]



Note that the logo of the final flight of Columbia has six American five-pointed stars and one six-pointed, Jewish star (left side)




Colonel Ilan Ramon, smiling as he prepares to enter the shuttle for liftoff


2:25 Captain Husband says in his final transmission: “Feeling the heat”


*** Famous quotes from Rebbe Schneerson (from

‘The body of a Jewish person, is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain.’



It seems clear that ‘someone’ is overtly monitoring space shuttles and other US military projects. I have read many reports of UFOs shutting down US nuclear weapon bases and activities.

. 02:28-02:50


‘In the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s’ US nuclear bases were being shut down by UFOs and one set of US nuclear missiles were ACTIVATED by a UFO! Did the Reich destroy the shuttle ‘Columbia! (I also saw this live) for trying to put some sort of weapon into space in order to destroy New Swabia? No idea. I do remember clearly that as I watched the breakup live on CNN in a bar in Providence, Rhode Island with Brigitte, my second wife (and she was crying), Houston said ‘*it began to break up over Palestine, Texas.’ Many others heard this remark too, including Margi. Now that would be a Reich sense of humor. ;-) *** Of interest ‘ what seems to be a mysterious crash:


Son of Israel’s First Astronaut Dies During Air Force Course

Published: September 14, 2009

Lt. Assaf Ramon, the son of Israel’s first astronaut, Col. Ilan Ramon, who died in the space shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003, was killed Sunday when an F16-A plane he was piloting crashed in the hills near Hebron in the West Bank.

Officials said Lieutenant Ramon’s plane went down during a routine flight as part of the Israeli Air Force’s advanced pilot training course. They added that the commander of the air force had appointed a committee to examine the causes of the crash, which were not immediately clear.

Lieutenant Ramon, 21, excelled in the prestigious pilot training course, the military said. He graduated from flight school in June and was given his pilot’s wings by President Shimon Peres. He was posthumously promoted to the rank of captain.

The army chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, said in a statement that he ‘received the bitter announcement of Captain Assaf Ramon’s passing with teary eyes, as did the commanders and soldiers of the I.D.F., and the whole of Israel.’


I have been hearing that online there are stories that the US tried to nuke some part of Antarctica in 1959 and in 1990 also. I actually SAW myself on TV this next sequence as it happened (I do watch launches and landings of space vehicles whenever possible) and asked myself ‘Who the devil is being allowed to fly so close to a landing space shuttle?’

This Russian aviation website lists a whopping 178 plan crashes in the Antarctic. Sure, there are high winds and harsh conditions down there, but 178 crashes? And if the place is so dangerous, what justifies such a los sof life and equipment unless there are big things at stake down there?


This page is very rough, and this was the critique by a friend after reading the below:




Have you ever heard of the Englishman, John Lenard Walsom?


He pioneered a way of combining a conventional still image camera and a telescope to focus in on and photograph anomalies he found in the night sky above his home. He then started doing the same thing but with a video camera and telescope combination. Six or seven years ago he suddenly appeared on Rense with staggering photos and video of stuff he found in the night sky and also on the Moon. He even put up images of black helicopters from U.S. department(s) unknown buzzing his home. Just as quickly as he appeared on Rense he disappeared again with no explanation from Rense.


The destroyed shuttle eerily floating between the Earth and whoever was filming the incident looks to me like it took direct hits. Look at the nose section and you will see large holes as if done by conventional fire ‘ large non-explosive bullets in effect. Interesting that the shuttle that was shot down had a Jew on board. Coincidence? Also it had been on a classified military mission. As far as I can remember the Jew had been one of the pilots involved in the destruction of Iraq’s nuclear plant in 1981.



*Destroyed a US ICBM nuclear missile in mid-flight? all right on CNN!



Note that the scoffer at aliens and UFOs and would-be debunker is the Jew Bill Nye. His body language is ‘liar.’ Here is one of the officers again:

I think something BIG is going on. Now watch this’from 10:03 to 10:53.:’

* You can see an object, more and more clearly visible as being longish and saucer-shaped, just out there. No satellites are shaped like that. This next video is criticizable but very interesting. It is in two parts. (The cackling alien head is ridiculous at the beginning.)

The key footage starts round 0:24, with one blur that comes up from center-right, and then after 0:31 a second disk-like object comes roaring up from the same place. At 0:39 the commander says to Houston Mission Control ‘Bogey at ten o’clock high,’ which prompts Houston to reply: ‘Say again?’ ;-) Around 1:10 it is clear ‘ from the shuttle commander’s voice to Houston (if you listen carefully) ‘ that the space shuttle which the UFOs are bothering is named ‘Discovery‘ ( and NOT the space shuttle Columbia, which is shown in the second half of the video; that craft was famously destroyed in Feb. 2002. (I saw the Discovery launch in April 1990 while on a business trip to Florida, and heave the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit. A girlfriend got me into a semi-VIP area about a mile from the launch site.)






  1. A comrade wrote:

    For Musk I have no sympathy.

    Musk gets MILLIONS in taxpayer dollars because of his Tesla Motors scam. Great, the car can drive itself, but it still only has a range of about 200 miles. Whoop-de-dooo.

    A guy I read, and do a monthly donation for, is an auto writer out of Virginia who is going it alone, Eric Peters. He has a lot of articles detailing how these electric car manufacturers are just blowing smoke and mirrors. Albeit, technologically advanced smoke and mirrors, but the electric car has not yet arrived.

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