Pediatrician’s published study w/3K of his own patients shows vaccines ARE dangerous, esp. the “full CDC Schedule”

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Orange is vaccinated kids, blue unvaccinated. I of course noted “ADHD,” which has exploded in vaccinated kids.

Great interview by Spiro Skouras with Paul Thomas MD:

Here are the study results:

Orange is vaccinated kids, blue unvaccinated. I of course noted “ADHD,” which has exploded in vaccinated kids.


Margi has ADHD, and it is very difficult to have it yourself or have a loved one with it.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder makes people either unfocused or way overfocused, like hypnotized.  Margi will forget to eat, to take vital meds, and pay bills. She would cook for eight hours straight. Once we had a delicious Thanksgiving meal but it was only ready at 11pm! 😉

Finally, I began reading books on ADD/ADHD, and helped her cope with all this and learned to cope with my own intense frustration as a former Marine with this chaos.

In fact, ADHD is about the only friction we have. It meant the house used to be a terrible mess.

She forgot every appointment with Dr X, Y or Z four times in a row. She ran out of life-saving meds. This can be very serious. And multitasking would also really stress her out. Just seeing the mess everywhere, she felt under attack by all the piles of stuff lying there in every direction.

And there you see it — these goddamn jew vaccines cause ADHD.  

Here is a hostile, slanted, lying article against Dr. Thomas, and I ask you — what is his motive if not the truth and protecting kids? Losing his license means it is not about the money!

The Oregon Medical Board’s Case Against Paul Thomas

It is full of flat-out lies like this whopper:

[…]  why do parents listen to pediatricians like Paul Thomas when we know that vaccines are safe, with few risks, and are obviously necessary?

“we know”? WRONG

“few risks”? LIE

“obviously necessary”? Says WHAT study that is not funded by the child-maiming Big Pharma?

So what is worse, a pedophile who rapes one kid — or a jew pharmaceutical CEO who deliberately gives 100,000 kids autism?

And gave my dear Margi ADHD?

Since the jews took over America via the AMA, we have become more and more psychopathic and a literal hell world.



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