Pedo Pope (again) kisses Africans’ feet

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This Jesuit pope is not so stupid he imagines that the macho, high-testosterone Black African culture would ever respect this gesture, which is not about humility, but pushing white self-hatred. This is about this Pope’s real agenda, the Jew World Order, and preaching white guilt and surrender. Both the priest and the Africans actually look very weirded out.

Francis did this before, too, with black “refugees.”

Pope Francis kisses the foot of a man during the foot-washing ritual at the Castelnuovo di Porto refugees center, some 30km (18, 6 miles) from Rome, Thursday, March 24, 2016. The pontiff washed and kissed the feet of Muslim, Orthodox, Hindu and Catholic refugees Thursday, declaring them children of the same God, in a gesture of welcome and brotherhood at a time when anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment has spiked following the Brussels attacks. (L’Osservatore Romano/Pool Photo via AP)


He bows and kisses the hands of Jews who hate Christ and are proud they murdered him.

Pope Francis kisses the hand of holocaust survivors Joseph Gottdenker during a ceremony at the Hall of Remembrance in the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, Monday, May 26, 2014. Francis honored Jews killed in the Holocaust and in terrorist attacks, and kissed the hands of Holocaust survivors as he capped his three-day Mideast trip with poignant stops Monday at some of the holiest and most haunting sites for Jews. (AP Photo/Dan Balilty)

Jesus was famous for washing His disciples feet, but He did so with His head erect, not bowing to them or degrading Himself. It was an object lesson about leadership, too — that a leader is there to serve, not exploit.


In the Marine Corps, officers always wait until their men are being fed before they dig in. Leadership should be service! Alexander the Great, a true leader also, fought in the very first rank alongside his men in every single battle — unheard of. He was also severely wounded on many occasions.


Marlon Huber Surprised they didn’t cut his head off afterwards


Natalie Normyle Should have kicked him in the kisser!
Disgusting!!! Could you imagine one of the Borgias doing this?!?!


Layne Lawless It’s pure BDSM style submission.


Margaret A. Young Layne Lawless finally someone else sees it.


John Portelli Insanity.


Matthew Rafael I don’t envy Catholics who call him “the holy father.”


Ken Simpson WTF?


Jim Walker This pope is such a menace, and a disgrace..die P.O.S.


Wayne Morris

s Worshipping satan’s science project truthfully


Mark Smith And the guy was just a bodyguard.


Michael O’Sullivan Weird sexual fetish.


Nancy Mark Send him to the cannibal warlords of Liberia.


Michele Ellis How awkward. Probably more so for the Africans because they’re not trying to kiss up.


Charles Schiavo
Fraud! I can’t stand the dude


Russell Weber He needs to be put in street clothes and dropped off in north st. louis on a friday evening, problem solved.


Mike Ervin I would stick my ass in the air for no-one period. He is a freak


Regina Pasko What a piece of excrement…..


Nick Lindsey Blavatsky summed these sick bastards up rather well in an article called “Theosophy or Jesuitism.” We are up against a powerful enemy, these Jesuits and Zionists, in a somewhat precarious time to be in a struggle.


Ricardo Cortes We’re all supposed to do this.


Lisa Townsend Disgusting boot-licker!


Chris Young
He’s got to go !!!


Tom Shaw I’m going to vomit



1 Comment

    Mi fanno ridere questi papi,di più quelle pecore che a Roma pregano chissà quale Dio!Sono anni che mi chiedo come fa la gente a non capire l’inganno visto che non tutto è completamente censurato.Bergoglio è il papa Nero della Profezia,l’ultimo Papa Ebreo Gesuita.
    Ecco,questa parola non è proprio chiara,perché?Leon Degrelle elogia i Gesuiti come perfetti Educatori,io aggiungerei “Perfetti Mentitori”!

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