Pedophile generals call for coup against Trump!

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Retired Army colonel Richard Black lays it out.

First, please review this viral video I did on April 20, 2015, five years ago, establishing that we live under –that the US government now is — a blackmailed pedophilocracy. Then watch Colonel Black’s video.


Then watch this. IMO, these generals and admirals are literally blackmailed PEDOPHILES, and I always suspected that of the never-married “Mad Dog Mattis”:

As I recently blogged, way back in the first Obama term, there was a massive purge of top military officers, with the key issue being “Would you be willing to order your troops to go out and confiscate guns from Americans?”

All this reinforces my recent conclusion that Trump is far, far less
powerful than he pretends to be.

You may have asked in disgust: “Why doesn’t Trump do this?” Or “Why doesn’t he do that?”

…. such as invoking the Insurrection Act (for the 23rd time) to quell these riots.


Trump lives in daily fear of both the jews and the military, the upper ranks of which are now full of pedophiles.

Much to ponder here.

See, finally, this:

Courageous woman exposed sickening sex cult designed to create a secret Marine Corps drug-and-hitman network




  1. I have read elsewhere that the military commanders will not follow orders made by Trump. “such as invoking the Insurrection Act (for the 23rd time) to quell these riots.”

    Living in Oregon, I am convinced the Antifa/BLM are actually cooperating with the law enforcers in only performing a communist charade, because no enforcement has been accomplished.

    I don’t think genuine patriots are aware of this. The most organized unity has been to have Trump car parades in support of the election. The real horror of what is happening is more than enough to make honorable American vets and active military take a public stand for Constitutional law and order.

    Trump has come close to being explicit about this treason and they would listen and act. But even the DHS [Department of Homeland Security under Acting Secretary (((Vhad wolf)))] hasn’t designated Antifa/BLM as being communist terrorists against whom they will take action.

    Communist traitors have political control, and so many Americans don’t even seem aware of this. They are just in a Rep/Dem political rut.

    • I want to add this related report.

      Antifa/BLM are domestic enemies, trained and armed for actual warfare. This is what the US Military took oaths to fight against to defend Americans, but what the US military commanders are not doing. Urban warfare exercises have been part of military training for years, but is not even being allowed by the coup powers in control. The military vets that went to Portland had no inkling of how bad the situation was. Apparently their limited information must have come from the lying media. Intelligent men, but totally ignorant of actual reality

      Antifa anarchists employ sophisticated, coordinated tactics to disorient even experienced military veterans
      Wednesday, September 09, 2020 by: JD Heyes

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