PENAL COLONY EARTH: Le Pen, the defeat of a betrayer; Fred Leuchter, revisionist welsher (great video with Jim Rizoli and Diane King)

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Onetime Auschwitz gas chamber researcher Fred Leuchter today

…..Wog gloats over Macron victory

The Latina Maria Teresa Kumar, who is, btw, half-white herself via her late father, a Petersen (prob. Danish), who had married a Colombian, is herself married to an Indian.

As you can see, she is gloating that Marine Le Pen lost the election to Macron 58% to 42%. Hmmm,  since the polls had them neck-and-neck…..

Or was the election simply stolen, as in the 2020 US presidential election?

As in MY OWN Republican primary “defeat” in 1990 in the Sixth Congressional District? In my case it was blatant electronic vote fraud.

Marine Le Pen did  two things that weakened support for her.

Heading to the podium to deliver her concession speech

One, her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, whom I knew, had founded a big soft-WN party, the Front National, and, as he was aging, he made her, his daughter, his successor as the leader. Then she turned around and expelled him — for being too rightwing and being perceived as a Nazi — from his own party!

It so happens that a former French Army officer was couch-surfing here in Ontonagon, and we got to discussing the French situation (in French).

He had encountered both Marine Le Pen and also her attractive niece, the sometime politician Marion Maréchal Le Pen.

He agreed with me that in any culture on this earth this expulsion of her own father from his own party after he had entrusted her with it would be seen as a crass betrayal and disrespect for her own father.

And we also agreed that in any Romance-Latin culture, such as that of France, where family used to be a truly sacred thing, this was doubly shocking.

I certainly saw this while  growing up around the Italian-Americans of Rhode Island — very close-knit families, especially in comparison to the more loner-ish WASPs. In fact, there is an expression among the WASPs (or the Irish),

“If you marry into an Italian family, you marry them all.”

I actually saw a leftwing site bashing Marine for having “trahi son père” (betrayed her father). And then it becomes a real character issue for the voting public , one of being knows for ruthlessness, ego and disloyalty.

One cannot say one is the savior of the nation after that!

The French have an expression, “l’homme providentiel,” the man sent by Divine Providence to rescue the country. That is exactly what France does need, and all the Occident, but Marine certainly does not fill those boots.  Deep-down, the people think: If she can betray her own father to get ahead, she will betray her voters, too.

Also, Marine drastically diluted the platform, which under her father had been anti-EU, anti-Islam, anti-migration, anti-gay marriage, anti-abortion, etc.  She was trying to “undemonize” herself with the press and the brainwashed French electorate.  The masses there have lived all their lives in the shadow of scary images:

— the Holocaust,

— ice-cold, arrogant, blond Nazi officers in the movies,

— jackbooted fascists kicking in doors,

— the glories of the heroes of the French Resistance during WWII (about 90% mythical, and the movement was actually largely communist), and, finally,

— the totally twisted account of the tragic events in June 1944 in a church in Oradour, a French village where 642 civilians supposedly were wiped out by the Waffen-SS after several German soldiers had been abducted and one, a beloved officer, was fiendishly tortured and then murdered. In reality, the Resistance secretly had filled the church in Oradour to the gills with explosives and ammunition to kill the Germans, as revisionist Vincent Reynouard has proved, and this is why it exploded, killing the civilians whom the Waffen-SS had herded in there while they searched the village for Resistance fighters and weapons.

In reality, the French masses, like those in America, Germany, Australia or Canada, like  the comforting lies the media tell them. Propaganda does not work because people are stupid, but because they like the lies. Only a spiritual revolution can change them. This is my mission.

Aww, how sweet…. Swedish girl proposes to a Somali, an African muslim:


…..Wonderful two-hour conversation 

I had a wonderful talk yesterday here in Ontonagon, a few  blocks from our house, with a couple who had put up beautiful and expensive signs against Joe Biden.

We ended up talking for two hours and they drank in every word I said, namely, the really controversial things that we know.

They were really ready for more of “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” In fact,  she thanked me profusely several times, and after I left I felt her still looking at me, and when I turned around, she waved happily. 🙂


……………Fred Leuchter, unmasked

Fred on Wikipedia:

This onetime revisionist (back in 1988, 34 years ago) got $382K on a reverse mortgage while pleading his dire poverty and how he was facing eviction to my mate, kind-hearted Margi, and others.

So, trusting Fred, and flush from getting a well-earned inheritance, she lent him $20,000. (It was WN lawyer Kirk Lyons of Black Mountain, North Carolina who drew up the contract.)


He also got a loan from famed revisionist Prof. Arthur Butz of Chicago, and never paid him back either.

Arthur R. Butz was born and raised in New York City. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1965, he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966, he joined the faculty of Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), where he is now Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. He is the author of numerous technical papers.[1]

Butz is the author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The case against the presumed extermination of European Jewry, first published in 1976.

The first edition of the book caused great controversy throughout the academic and political world in the 1970s. Its open sale has been banned in an increasing number of countries, including Germany and Canada. He has also written shorter revisionist articles. For those writings he has been vilified and ostracized ever since.[1][2]

External link


Arthur R. Butz. “The International ‘Holocaust’ Controversy,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 1 no. 1 (Spring 1980), p. 5.

Arthur R. Butz. “Letter to The New Statesman, Jan. 17, 1980,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 1 no. 2 (Summer 1980), p. 162.

Arthur R. Butz. “Letter to The New Statesman, Nov. 18, 1979,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 1 no. 2 (Summer 1980), p. 153.

Serge Thion. Verite Historique Ou Verite Politique? Reviewed by Arthur R. Butz. The Journal of Historical Review, volume 1 no. 4 (Winter 1980), p. 323.

Arthur R. Butz. “Letter to Commentary, Dec 16, 1980,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 2 no. 3 (Fall 1981), p. 210.

Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit. Intolerable Intolerance. Reviewed by Arthur R. Butz. The Journal of Historical Review, volume 3 no. 3 (Fall 1982), p. 341.

Robert Faurisson. Memoire En Defense. Reviewed by Arthur R. Butz. The Journal of Historical Review, volume 3 no. 3 (Fall 1982), p. 341.

Arthur R. Butz. “Context and Perspective in the ‘Holocaust’ Controversy,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 3 no. 4 (Winter 1982), p. 371.

W. D. Rubenstein; Walter Sanning, and Arthur R. Butz. “’The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry’: An Exchange,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 5 no. 2, 3, 4 (Winter 1984), p. 367.

Jack Eisner. The Survivor; Moshe Mizrahi, Director, War and Love. Reviewed by Arthur R. Butz. The Journal of Historical Review, volume 7 no. 4 (Winter 1986), p. 469.

Arno J. Mayer. Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? The ‘Final Solution’ in History. Reviewed by Arthur R. Butz. The Journal of Historical Review, volume 9 no. 3 (Fall 1989), p. 361.

Arthur R. Butz. “A Brief Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 11 no. 2 (Summer 1991), p. 251.

Jean-Claude Pressac. Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. Reviewed by Arthur R. Butz. The Journal of Historical Review, volume 13 no. 3 (May/June 1993), p. 23. Some thoughts on Pressac’s opus: A response to a major critique of Holocaust revisionism.

Arthur R. Butz. “New ADL Campaign? [Letter],” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 14 no. 3 (May/June 1994), p. 48.

Arthur R. Butz. “Considerable Element [Letter],” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 15 no. 6 (November/December 1995), p. 48.

Arthur R. Butz. “The Nagging ‘Gassing Cellar’ Problem,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 16 no. 4 (July/August 1997), p. 20-23. Another look at the “Vergasungskeller” question.

Arthur R. Butz. “Gas Detectors in Auschwitz Crematory II,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 16 no. 5 (September/October 1997), p. 24. A “criminal trace”?

Arthur R. Butz. “Robert Graham and Revisionism,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 17 no. 2 (March/April 1998), p. 24.

Arthur R. Butz. “Peter Sagal’s ‘Denial’,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 17 no. 3 (May/June 1998), p. 18.

Arthur R. Butz. “Pope Pius XII and the Jews,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 17 no. 4 (July/August 1998), p. 20.

Arthur R. Butz. “Revisionists Meet in Australia,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 17 no. 4 (July/August 1998), p. 18. The “Adelaide Institute” Conference.

Arthur R. Butz. “The Hoax Ends the Twentieth Century,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 17 no. 6 (November/December 1998), p. 2.

Arthur R. Butz. “[David] Irving’s Doomed Libel Suit [Letter],” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 19 no. 2 (March/April 2000), p. 71.

Arthur R. Butz. “Swastika Charm [Letter],” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 19 no. 3 (May/June 2000), p. 54.

Arthur R. Butz. “On the 1944 Deportations of Hungarian Jews,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 19 no. 4 (July/August 2000), p. 19. A reply to Jürgen Graf.

Arthur R. Butz. “The Greatest Dirty Open Secret,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 19 no. 5 (September/October 2000), p. 18.

Arthur R. Butz. “Historical Past Vs. Political Present,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 19 no. 6 (November/December 2000), p. 12.

For more information:

Bruce Page. “Letter to Arthur Butz, Jan. 24, 1980,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 1 no. 2 (Summer 1980), p. 162.

New Attacks Against Arthur Butz for Revisionist Web Site,” The Journal of Historical Review, volume 16 no. 4 (July/August 1997), p. 23.


Prof. Butz is now also angry at Leuchter, and I got a copy of an email he sent to the welsher, addressing him as “Mr. Leuchter,” not as “Fred,” and asking when he could expect repayment.
I wrote to a comrade, also from Chicago, btw, and 6’2″, a former Green Beret, who is very angry about all of this :
[…] maybe we will get enough in to hire a Mass. lawyer who is “mean as a junkyard dog” and who will subpoena all financial records and do discovery on this guy. He may be sitting on tens of thousands of dollars while we fret. Margi has had to postpone or maybe cancel her Mayo appt, with her two oncologists from 2019, set for today at 11 am and tomorrow at 2 pm, because she cannot come up with $840for two consultations, money that I think Fred has.
Earthlings….. as you say, maybe Earth is a penal colony!  Emoji

He seems to be now hoping she will die, and leave him alone, but should Margi not make it , I am her heir, and I will collect from this lying fiend. He thinks I will never have that power, but I will, and more.

This is a video done on Saturday, 23 April 2022, by the very smart, personable, fearless and feisty revisionists

Jim Rizoli of Massachusetts and Diane King of Texas

where Margi and I are interviewed about the Leuchter scandal.

LOL — Jim is an old-school Italian-American, full of salty language, piss and vinegar, and I love it.   🙂

If this is ever taken down by Bitchute, it is also available on my site:
How can the man plead poverty with that kind of money?
Anyone asking for money from others, especially if those addressed are not millionaires but regular folks, simply HAS to do a full disclosure of his finances and open his books. “This is what I have; this is what I owe” — and not just “Back in 1988 I did some cool stuff for Ernst Zündel, and so now I’m the infallible Pope of Revisionism.”
I ask for money because my website costs me $1,600 a month. (It is $200 a month for webhosting; for a paid Russian webmaster with an IT degree; and $800 a month for a website monitoring person, who is like a security guard. He watches my site for hostile intruders, just as a security guard at a shopping mall might watch the CCTV cameras, or send someone out to check someone or something that is suspicious.
In my case, it is individuals working for the US or other Western governments — paid, professional hackers, and they typically click on 30 different articles in 60 seconds. That is not a reader avid to read my content; that can only be a hacker out to destroy it.

That is a jew probing my site for a way to get into it and criminally dismantle it — to destroy my private property.
In fact, despite all this expense, my site, which is viewed as a major threat by the Deep State, was down for a solid week, and yet again for four days in the month of February.
And my donors see it, too. They experience my site being super-slow, or actually being down, and then they get a white page that says 503 or 504 Error Message, and not my site.
And they know that I also show right on my website my bills, my income (Social Security and a cancer caregiver job)….

….my donations (, such as this one yesterday from a compassionate person who follows the Rizoli-King truth mission and saw our recent video….

And I scan in and publish my utility cut-off notices. When Margi got a real eviction notice in the year 2021 from our county for non-payment of property taxes (which we could not pay due to her cancer bills and low income — a small social security disability check —  I simply went and published it!

….on this $27K house, with our car, a 2003 Hyundai Sonata, out front


And I show Margi laboring away to save money in our vegetable and herb garden….

And I show my work mowing five lawns a week for a landlord who has five houses in our town during the brief Northern-Michigan summertime.

From us you get full disclosure, though Fred calls me a “sh–head,” a man who is DOING something NOW for our cause… and he sheds no tears for Margi, whom he rooked as she battled Stage III throat cancer.

Half of these meds are supplements which I gave her via feeding tube and had to be paid out of her or my pocket, while Freddo sat on her money.

The Mayo Clinic doctors gave her only a 20% chance in July 2019, but we did massive supplements in addition to doing all the horrible chemo and radiation which they urged on her — five doctors in the room to say “Lady, you tried the natural route, and it grew anyway. Now you are really running out of time.”
The cancer was growing rapidly and had to be stopped quickly or, as her oncologist said: “It is the size of a ping-pong ball and is on your carotid artery. If the tumor eats into the wall of the artery, you could bleed out — and die in one minute.”  

I published all these pix on my site. That is what we offer — the truth, with nothing to hide.
After & before photos of the tumor… thanks to the Mayo Clinic AND supplements out of pocket to rebuild her immune system from going through 34 sessions, the max, of radiation.


Margi at the proton-beam radiation machine, a $30-million monster in Rochester, Minnesota, located underground with 20-foot-thick, lead-lined walls.




….To donate:

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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!


$1,500 so far toward $1,600 monthly donation goal


  1. In my email to a woman who is Fred’s close friend, I said this to her…


    Just make sure Fred he isn’t in control of any money that you might want him to oversee….

    By the way, in the registry of deeds search in Massachusetts, there was no foreclosure recorded of Fred’s house.
    That was the basis of him asking for money. He might want to explain that to you. He scammed at least 40 k out of his revisionist followers and still refuses to pay Margi back, knowing full well he has the money. That was the reason why we had the fund drive for Fred…To get enough money to pay Margi and Butz back.
    He got all the money and 10x more but reneged on paying them back. We did our job Fred didn’t do his. This is what is called Fred selling his soul for thirty pieces of silver.


  2. So Terra in this twenty-first century is a hell-rebirth destination.
    I once heard a popular song called Blizzard of Lies. I do not know how to trace it; and anyway, since I have lost hearing, I would need the lyrics printed out so I could READ them.



      We must have lunch real soon, your luggage is checked through
      We’ve got inflation licked I’ll get right back to you
      It’s just a standard form tomorrow without fail
      Pleased to meet you, thanks a lot, your check is in the mail
      Marooned, marooned, marooned in a blizzard of lies
      Marooned, marooned, marooned in a blizzard of lies
      Your toes and knees aren’t all you’ll freeze
      When you’re in it up to your thighs
      It looks like snow but you never know
      When you’re marooned in a blizzard of lies
      You may have won a prize, won’t wrinkle, shrink or peel
      Your secret’s safe with me, this is a real good deal
      It’s finger lickin’ good, strictly by the book
      What’s fair is fair, I’ll be right there, I am not a crook
      Marooned, marooned, marooned in a blizzard of lies
      Marooned, marooned, marooned in a blizzard of lies
      Better watch your step when your old dog Shep
      Can’t even look you in the eyes
      You’re cold and lost and you’re double crossed
      When you’re marooned in a blizzard of lies
      We’ll send someone right out, now this won’t hurt a bit
      He’s in a meeting now, the coat’s a perfect fit
      It’s strictly fresh today, service with a smile
      I’ll love you, darling, ’til I die, we’ll keep your name on file
      Marooned, marooned, marooned in a blizzard of lies
      Marooned, marooned, marooned in a blizzard of lies
      Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
      And you’re in for a big surprise
      When you’re marooned, marooned
      Marooned, marooned, marooned in a blizzard of lies
      A blizzard of lies
      Source: LyricFind
      Songwriters: Dave Frishberg / Samantha Frishberg
      Blizzard of Lies lyrics © The Bicycle Music Company › Dave-frishberg-…

  3. In the beginning Leuchter was not a revisionist. He was simply a gas chamber expert who was hired by Zündel to do an on-site inspection of the alleged “gas chambers” and give an expert opinion as to whether these underground chambers connected to crematoriums could have been used for their claimed purpose of mass murder.

      • Real Americans would never destroy an engineer’s business because he gave testimony that issued from his professional opinion.

        No wonder Leuchter couldn’t believe what was happening and seemed “oblivious.” He assumed he lived in America.

        Awareness of the Jew is something that needs to gradually “seep in” before an American can believe it.

        The mind of the Jew is different from the mind of a White person.

        The Jew feels justified while doing deeds that are not justifiable to any White American.

        It’s hard for a White American to understand this, for he thinks everyone is “melting in.”

  4. As you say, Leuchter’s career was destroyed. He had a business that supplied execution hardware to US prisons that employed the death penalty.

    His business was doing very well. Then suddenly the Jews destroyed it, in response to his opinion as an engineer given at the Zundel trial (in Canada).

    • Yes, and he found a way to cash in on our justified sympathy that was dishonest.

      Margi responded to a 2018 Facebok post where Leuchter emphasized that he was seeking loans, not gifts, and stating that he could repay them in one month. This was a deliberate lie.

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