FRANÇOIS AROUET: Pence created own “VP club” with Trump enemies BIDEN and CHENEY — men he met and spoke with FREQUENTLY during election campaign on both domestic and foreign policies

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by contributing editor François Arouet.
If you like the following article (a story I doubt you will read anywhere else) by me, and others that we publish on a daily basis – pieces  which John is paying for while he develops his new spiritual organization – then please write to John at to learn how you can help us.
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Sources of mine in the Republican Party – people I communicate with on a regular basis about All-Things-Trump – alerted me to a pretty shocking story that has been all but hidden –  in plain sight, of course – by the media since it first came to light in early 2017.
Apparently Mike Pence, Joe Biden and Dick Cheney are good friends! And continue to be so to this day!
Yes, the Vice President is close mates with two of his boss’s biggest political foes.
Not only that, but from what I’ve been told, it runs A LOT deeper than just their having a casual friendship – the three amigos in fact “speak regularly, even meet up for dinner from time to time, as well”.
Pence admitted as much (in passing) during an informal interview he gave to an AP reporter about his life as the nation’s VP some 14 months after he assumed the position, stating that he speaks “with Joe Biden on the phone at least once a month”, as well as that he’s “had numerous conversations with Dick Cheney, even “meeting in his West Wing office” this past year.
***JdN: Pence’s body language toward Trump is always tight-lipped, hiding a deep aversion 
This has been corroborated by aides close to the two former Vice Presidents since. “Their discussions involve an exchange of ideas and advice”, these people said, with Biden and Cheney “offering their counsel on foreign and domestic policy issues”
Let’s look at this objectively and as fairly as possible, first giving the traitor, Pence, the benefit of the doubt, before we expose him for the Deep-State shill he is.
*** JdN — Department of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta being sworn in by Mike Pence on April 28, 2017.  
Acosta was the federal DA under Dubya who gave hebephile Jeffrey Epstein a slap on the wrist: home confinement during the day and a tennis prison at night for 13 months (out of an 18-month joke of a sentence) instead of the ten years imprisonment he richly deserved for raping dozens of underage girls. Here is Epstein with some guy from Arkansas.
The three men are and always will be Vice Presidents until the day they meet their maker, so it makes sense they know each other and are cordial to one another when their paths cross. I can even see why, perhaps, they’d spend a few minutes chatting to one another at a Republican banquet in Pence and Cheney’s case, and, I don’t know, at some sort of non-partisan AIPAC fundraiser in the case of Biden.
We all know BOTH parties LOVE their AIPAC!!
But this is very different.
Let’s first look at Cheney and Pence’s relations. Although Dubya’s VP has been a bit of a recluse of late, due to how much he is reviled by most Americans, he has not been shy, when given an opportunity, to express his contempt for our President — Mr. Pence’s boss — every time the media seeks out a sound-byte.
Not only did Cheney refuse to endorse Trump back in 2016 – even after men like Ted Cruz and even Marco Rubio had turned, but he doubled-down on his hatred of Trump, refusing to even meet with the President when there was a discussion that George W Bush and Trump should meet in order to show Republican solidarity. (They didn’t.)
He then mocked President Trump’s 2016 Inauguration speech, saying, while laughing, “It’s not a speech I would have given.”
We know our Dick! We know him all too well.
While Trump was talking about pulling troops out of Third World shitholes that US policy has  made even worse, you were STILL encouraging Republican brass to send even more of our boys to their deaths.
Therefore it is fair to say that while President Trump has been standing up for us for the past 4 years – undoing much of the damage Neocons like Cheney and Neolibs like Biden perpetrated against the American people during their time at the helm – Pence has been betraying our interests and his relations with Trump by cozying up to both demons.
In Cheney’s case, Pence has been rubbing shoulders with a man who has not only conspired against our President, but someone responsible for the deaths or maimings of thousands of our nation’s sons, to enrich his family.
Then there’s the man’s evil daughter – a Congresswoman from Wyoming – Liz Cheney –  who refers to her dad as her “biggest inspiration” and has stated that she “speaks to him daily.”
Therefore I think it is fair to say that before she attacked President Trump this past week, she ran it by her daddy, the “I shot my buddy while hunting” Dick Cheney.
Last week the swine Cheney opined that
“it is time for President Trump and his legal team to back up their claims of widespread voter fraud with evidence as they blanket swing states with lawsuits contesting election results showing victories for President-elect Joe Biden.”

She continued: 

“Trump’s team has yet to win a single major lawsuit, and time is running out, given looming deadlines for states to certify their election results.” she told me.

But Cheney was not done.

“America is governed by the rule of law. The President and his lawyers have made claims of criminality and widespread fraud, which they allege could impact election results. If they have genuine evidence of this, they are obligated to present it immediately in court and to the American people. I understand that the President has filed more than thirty separate lawsuits. If he is unsatisfied with the results in those lawsuits, then the appropriate avenue is to appeal,” Cheney added. 
“If the President cannot prove these claims or demonstrate that they would change the election result, he should fulfill his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States by respecting the sanctity of our electoral process.”

RINOs and Demoncraps — so bipartisan in helping new voters. In 2020, even the dead got to vote — 22,000 in Pennsylvania alone — and, no surprise, pulled the lever in a landslide for their fellow cadaver, Joe Biden.

All this while Pence was speaking with her dad, getting “advice” on foreign and domestic policy….
And again, these were not some sort of informal chit-chats the pair had when they accidentally bumped into one another at some Alexandria, Virginia megachurch they attend when they are in town. These were PLANNED meet-ups.
NBC News wrote that,
“Pence runs a pretty formal Vice Presidents’ club, of sorts, which is a sharp contrast to the bitter breakdown of communication between Trump and former President Barack Obama, as well as Trump’s notable distance from Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, a fellow Republican.”
It started off with just Dick Cheney, as the pair knew one another from Neocon warmongering meet-ups, I presume, and blossomed from there.
This is in stark contrast to how the Establishment Old Guard treated President Trump – refusing to even meet with him!
Both NBC News and AOL reported that:
“It is common knowledge that Obama and Trump have not spoken or communicated privately in any way since the inauguration,
…nor have their wives, Michelle Obama and First Lady Melania Trump.
Obama and Bush, while wide apart on policy issues, were not in close contact during Obama’s first year in office but developed a warmer relationship over time.
Bush and Trump have no relationship, and Bush is openly critical of Trump in an upcoming book, “The Last Republicans.” Laura Bush, however, has spoken at least once with Melania Trump since the inauguration, as she adjusts to life as First Lady, a White House official said.”
They also wrote how Cheney was even more critical, and perhaps the person most responsible for the rift between Presidents 43 and 45.
Then there are Pence’s “meet-ups” with Beijing Biden, which represent the highest-profile link between President Trump and the Republican and Democratic Establishment, the Deep–State and military-industrial complex swamp which he constantly rebukes. The people who are not only responsible — in reverse — for Trump’s getting elected in the first place (due to how much we all have come to hate them), but now, via nationwide, blatant electoral fraud, perhaps, will be his undoing as well.
What I have ascertained is that Pence has called Biden before each of his foreign trips to get his views on the policies and personalities at play in the countries he was visiting. Biden, in turn, has spoken with Pence before his own overseas trips to inquire if the White House has any messages it would like him to deliver, or if there were any sensitivities around the administration’s policy efforts.
And here I thought that was Hunter’s job! 😉
Biden has also offered “advice” based on his relationships with foreign leaders. Apparently they also spoke about the domestic political situations that might affect their thinking, people familiar with the discussions said,
“They talk on a fairly regular basis,” a person close to Biden told NBC news.
NBC continued, “In June, for instance, Biden called Pence to check in on the status of Cyprus peace talks and discuss Greece’s economic stability ahead of a visit to Athens. Biden worked on both issues while in office.
The former Vice President follows up with Pence after his meetings with world leaders to provide downloads of his talks, people familiar with the conversations said. It’s in those conversations, aides said, that Biden tries to diplomatically convey any concerns about Trump in particular that world leaders have raised.”
Biden’s aides said both Pence and Biden had expressed concerns about a breakdown of some norms and traditions (and here I thought Republicans and Democrats disliked one another) under the Trump administration and “wanted to maintain an open line of communication,” something the NBC story also confirmed.
Most disturbing was this little doozy from AOL,
“The conversations with Pence also keep Biden in the mix on policy issues he spent some four decades working on in Congress and the White House.”
The friendship has even extended to their families, such as when Biden’s granddaughter spoke with Pence’s daughter about law schools. I am not sure if any of Cheney’s boys gave Hunter advice on how to handle a crack pipe while doing a black street whore, as it appears the Bidens are very close to the Cheneys.
I also can’t help but wonder if these VP play-dates continued during 2020? Even during the run-up to the election? It would not surprise me for a second if they did — and that Pence leaked info to Biden.
NBC also reported that “since January, Cheney claims that he has reached out to the Vice President when he’s going to be in Washington to see if they can meet,” a Pence aide said. Cheney even visited the White House earlier this year where he spent time with Pence in his West Wing office. Another meeting they scheduled recently was canceled due to last-minute travel. More often Pence and Cheney speak on the phone, people close to Pence said.
“There aren’t very many of us,” Cheney noted about Vice Presidents while introducing Mike Pence at an event for the Republican Jewish Coalition: Dick Cheney described VP Pence as “somebody who has good experience and solid judgment and great background,” and stressed how “increasingly significant Vice Presidents have become by taking on more responsibilities over the years”.
When Trump named Pence his running mate in the summer of 2016, Pence told ABC News “he holds Cheney in high regard.”
A Professor Goldstein from St. Louis University said Cheney is someone Pence may see as a “wise elder statesperson” — even though Trump derides the GOP Establishment — and their relationship suggests part of Pence’s portfolio is to serve as a bridge with that wing of the party.
Wiser elder statesman? The man who sent us into Iraq — and accidentally mistook a 78-year-old acquaintance for a quail! Yes, they were quail hunting. You can’t make this stuff up!!
Bottom line: Mike Pence is a traitor and the very first OF MANY mistakes President Trump has made since winning the Republican nomination in 2016.
Here’s the remainder of the NBC story — damn swamp-rats, the lot of them.
“Cheney has been publicly critical of Trump in the past, including during the campaign on his proposed ban on Muslims entering the U.S. “I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion, goes against everything we stand for and believe in,” he told conservative talk radio host, Hugh Hewitt, in an interview during the campaign.
George W. Bush, according to “The Last Republicans,” did not vote for Trump. His father, George H.W. Bush, a former president and Vice President, reportedly calls Trump a “blow-hard” in the book. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders fired back in a statement saying:
“The American people voted to elect an outsider who is capable of implementing real, positive, and needed change — instead of a lifelong politician beholden to special interests. If they were interested in continuing decades of costly mistakes, another Establishment politician, one more concerned with putting politics over people, would have won.”
Biden, too, has been sharply critical of the administration’s foreign policy approach. But he still maintains his successor’s ear. Biden has privately encouraged Pence to take ownership of some of the foreign policy issues he oversaw, such as Latin America and Ukraine, people close to Biden said. He wrote a series of detailed, single-spaced memos to Pence about those foreign policy challenges, aides said.”
Gee, I wonder what else these two men talk about?
[End of article by François Arouet]

……Bravo to François!

I aded a slew of photos to this alarming, yet excellent and unique essay, having noticed for years now, being a trained Marine Corps interrogator, the subtly hostile body language of Pence toward Trump.

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Governments trying to hack me on a typical day, 23 Oct.  2020:


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–has lived twice in Europe (Austria and France)

–had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions,

–had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and

–combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem



I am also paying this European professional writer, “François Arouet,” who has a child, and is a former Princeton student, to add top material on current events and culture to my site. He is also now monitoring my site for hackers, pingers and DDOSers. You can be a hero by making a financial sacrifice so I can keep him on.

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Especially important blogs


  1. Very critical information posted by Jim Stone today. The more that is revealed, the more sick at heart one becomes at D.C.’s evil traitors. Sydney Powell gave out the fighting plan to the enemies. AG Barr sees no election crime and will do nothing. If Trump does not, or cannot use military power to save the country from this Communist coup, then the Patriots will have to do 1776.
    “I figured this out during the interview of General Flynn and General Mcinerney, when it was revealed who “The Kraken” was. As it turns out, it was the 305th military intelligence division. Powell stating “release the Kraken” was an enormous problem, which amounted to a warning to the election thieves and communist subverters about who they needed to target to save their asses.
    LET’S ALL FACE IT: Powell is a FREAKING LAWYER. No lawyer should EVER reveal a secret like that. There’s a BIG reason why Trump got her off the team. She warned ALL Trump’s enemies when she said “release the Kraken” – we all guessed at what that was, but you can damn well bet Trump’s enemies were not guessing.”

    “Mcinerney is RIGHT TRUMP. As soon as it is completely proven there is no legal system in the United States that will make a difference, on December 16th after Biden is scammed in, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY USE EXECUTIVE ORDER AND THE INSURRECTION ACT TO POUNCE WITH WHATEVER MILITARY YOU HAVE AND START THE HANGINGS WITH SWIFT 10 MINUTE MILITARY TRIBUNALS OR YOU, YOUR FAMILY, AND ALL THE REST OF US WILL BE DESTROYED.
    You will have to act quick to prevent the corrupted portion of the military from stopping you, and you’ll even need to target THEM TOO. Hopefully “the Kraken” will be able to totally disrupt their communications when they try to enforce communism.”

    “MAKE A CHOICE TRUMP: KILL OFF A FEW THOUSAND CRETINS OR LOSE 9 DIGITS WORTH OF GOOD PEOPLE. The evil absolutely will murder hundreds of millions of people to save their sorry asses. We are counting on you Trump. Make your decision, – US, or THEM.”

  2. has picked up on Tucker Carlson’s role as controlled opposition. Both of the links below found on the site.

    Tucker Carlson smugly calls 9/11 truthers parasites, nutjobs, etc.:

    Tucker Carlson’s kabbalah red string wrist bracelet:

    • How smug, pompous and nasty of Carlson with those 9/11 truthers!

      He could have said: “That”s an area I do not get into.” That would have gotten their understanding. But halfway calling them “nutjobs” was unpardonable.

      I talked to a cop once about black crime, and he said, carefully: “I hear you.” 😉

      The red-string thing is kowtowing to the Jews.

      Very disappointed in Mr. Preppy, but I didn’t like him back in his CNN days. The Republicans cannot win with supercilious, country-club prepsters.

      It has been Trump who has really knows how to get the little people on his side.

  3. We have all of this cloak-and-dagger stuff supposedly going on:

    However, the part of this story about Delta Force supposedly engaging in a gun battle with CIA operatives at a CIA server farm in Frankfurt, Germany to capture Dominion vote fraud servers there sounds like the fevered dreams of a James Bond-style fiction writer. Now the story being repeated is that CIA Director Gina Haspel was present at the CIA server farm in Frankfurt, helping to destroy evidence, when Delta Force broke in, and that Haspel was wounded in the ensuing gun battle, then flown to Gitmo, where she confessed to everything en route and promised to work with the good guys to bring down the whole system. WTF. This sounds like total bullshit to me, with no sources given. Someone apparently has a very active imagination, and should be a James Bond-style fiction writer. Maybe it’s a case of real information (the Hammer and Scorecard system being used to steal the election) being mixed with bullshit disinformation (Delta Force vs. CIA gun battle, etc.) to muddy the waters and discredit the whole thing. That’s my gut feeling, anyway.

    Then, we have Trump seemingly resigned to losing the election and floating the idea of running again in 2024 at a dinner party. WTF. Sounds like he’s pretty much giving up. Who will even bother voting for Trump again in 2024? If he runs again in 2024, the Jews will just use massive vote fraud against him again. Who is going to bother voting for Trump or anyone, when the entire election process is now obviously corrupt to the bone, and the Jews can now easily rig U.S. elections to select anyone they want for the presidency, or any other office. If Trump rolls over and allows Biden to steal the presidency, we will in the future have to call them selections, not elections:

    We’re now worse than any third-world country in terms of free and fair elections, so why is Trump even mentioning running again in 2024? And why hasn’t he fired William Barr (DOJ) and Christopher Wray (FBI), who are both obvious Deep State agents working against him. What does he have to lose by firing them, since he’s going to be out of office anyway on Jan. 20? Is Trump retarded? Does he even have a clue as to what’s really going on? Wait, let me guess – it’s just more 4D chess moves from Trump. Right. Like I said earlier, Trump has probably struck a deal with the Jews to have his own TV network if he agrees to leave office quietly. Then he will run and lose again in 2024. I’m really getting tired of Trump’s self-serving narcissism. I hope he proves me wrong before Jan. 20, but until then, he’s just a bloviating, clueless actor, not a statesman. Adolf Hitler was a true statesman.

    • Thanks. I and Margi listened to it all in the car. Her reaction was that this Henderson guy is a liar and a poseur.

      I got tired of his supercilious word whisker “okay” after each huge claim.

      It reminds me of half-jew Benjamin Fulford’s happy-talk bs, where the Chinese triads have taken the Jews down. 😉 I heard that way back in 2011 and they seem to still be there. 😉

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