People of all races standing up to the NWO; useless negro attacks grandma and granddaughter in France; spiritual reading

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(See spiritual reading further below) Animals avoid polluted streams for fresh, clean water 


…..Standing up to the Jew World Order

Dear friends, I typically write articles about science, discussing the efficacy and dangers of certain “vaxxines,” the impact of obesity, and debunking the weaponized climate-change myth, among other scientific topics of import.

But today I wanted to bring you a few more “positive” tidbits I found scanning the internet while monitoring John’s website – something I do on a daily basis for up to 10 hours a day.
(That’s how often we are attacked, hacked and targeted.)

by JdN staff writer
While sitting glued to the Analytics I often have a chance to trawl the internet for the very worst, and in this case, the very best of what the world roday has to offer.

If I’m honest, I’m online far more often than is healthy, but such is life for this dedicated activist and supporter of brother John’s message, at this juncture. 🙂

As bad as things are on this truly sick and demented planet — as evidenced by much of the misery I see on the worldwide web – I am glad to say that it’s not all “doom and gloom” out there…. 🙂
On occasion, I can honestly say that I am pleasantly surprised by people — people from all backgrounds, races and parts of the world. One American channel that brings me joy to watch is produced by someone who refers to himself as “the abolitionist”- a white Christian man that attends deviant “Pride” rallies to expose their evil and challenge them on issues like abortion.


He’s one of the rare Americans to literally risk his life in public to elucidate to the masses just how sick a nation our people now live in….You should definitely subscribe to his channel:


Now, on to other parts of the world….
Although the vast majority of OUR people sadly have been cucked beyond recognition by the “you know who’s” from what I see on a daily basis, it appears that Asian people – both southeast (Orientals) and south (people in India) as well as Slavs in Eastern Europe and Russia, have not been as susceptible to the J poison that is pumping through our Western veins the impact of Cultural Marxism, which has been used to enslave Western peoples.
Even nations that once were operating firmly under the thumb of communist dictatorships — people living in Red China, for example – don’t tolerate the sort of evil shit we do. Their problem was economic and political oppression, not a sick culture or racial self-hatred.


*** JdN: Stalin, surprisingly but actually not surprisingly, promoted Aryan, Indo-European pride among ethnic Russians, whom he saw as an ethnic counterbalance to Soviet jews and the power and danger they represented.

Stalin was one of the worst demons in all of human history.

But he was no fool. He was a true Godfather, a head gangster-type, a capo di tutti capi, and through this gift for psychopathic leadership Stalin became the absolute ruler of a gigantic Soviet empire for over 30 years. He purged the jews, gradually, from key power positions, a jewry had been dominant under Lenin and Trotsky (=Braunstein), in four big waves, without Stalin ever saying one single thing that was OPENLY “antisemitic.”

(Putin follows the same script. He showers love on the jews but also promotes VK, the Russian answer to Facebook, which is extremely antisemitic. He also, on 9/11/16, the fifteenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, ran a huge tv report on Russia-1 television, with its director specifically coming out and promoting MY website and its article asking if the jews would assassinate then-candidate Donald Trump.)


Under Stalin in his final years, jews were not allowed to be the head of anything — maybe assistant director, but never the director the Numero Uno.

Under Stalin, the USSR also tilted against Israel, armed its Arab enemies, and waged and won a brutal air war against IsraHell from the air bases of its ally, the Egypt of Gamal Nasser. 

Anyway, this photo below shows Vladimir Avdeyev, a writer with whom I corresponded, an author who wrote in great detail in his book Raciology about Aryan-Nordic studies and archeology, including the key work conducted in the Soviet Union. Such studies at universities, after 1945, were tabooized as being “Nazi” and conducive to “the Holocaust” and were terminated in all of Jewnited-Snakes-dominated Western Europe and in the anglospheric nations.

The whole idea Stalin had was that the ethnic, slavic Russians were the true foundation of the Soviet state and its  military, that ethnic Russians should be proud of being Aryans, and that the original Aryan homeland actually had been in Russia and Ukraine, which likely is true.




Most Indoeuropeanologists concur that southern Russian and Ukraine were the cradle and origin of the Indo-European peoples, who then spread out as conquerors, becoming the Kelts, Germanics, Slavs, Greeks, Romans, Iranians, and Indo-Aryans.

Lydia Vladimirovna Litvyak was a famous blond, blue-eyed Soviet combat pilot in WWII who supposedly won 12 dogfights against German pilots and died heroically during the decisive 1943 Battle of Kursk.

Putin, himself blondish and blue-eyed, a ruler who plays double games like Stalin, gave a major speech in the Kremlin against Ukraine with abackdrop of a famous painting of the great early slavic ruler Svyatoslav, a fierce pagan warlord who around AD  965 destroyed the Khazar (jewish) empire, letting Slavs once again rule themselves.



This anger at wokeness in Asia runs from Koreans fighting back against rampaging racist blacks in Los Angeles – as they did during the 1992 Rodney King riots — to the plethora of Asian YouTubers exposing black racism while our fake news media tells us ludicrously that it is Whites who are responsible for the rise of anti-Asian violence. To this I will add the following little feel-good story out of Japan that I’m thrilled to be able to bring to you today on John’s website … which costs him a ton of money each month.
Although this viral story might seem silly, it demonstrates the importance of honor, family and tradition that results from enjoying cultural and ethnic homogeneity. So there’s this Internet clown hailing from Minnesota, it appears, who refers to himself as “Johnny Somali”.
He is what they call a “TikTok prankster”. He broadcasts himself “pranking” and “trolling” (verbally assaulting) various people online in an attempt to generate laughs and interest in his “work”, which in turn results in advertising dollars.
On occasion these pranksters can be humourous when they target rotten people. However, more often than not they are spiteful, disruptive and in this Somali’s case, downright hateful and evil and, bullies that they are, they set their sights on softer targets, like East Asians.
Based on the fact this seemingly unemployed Somalian beast is at present travelling around Japan, I think it’s fair to say that this nasty little sod appears to have done quite well for himself. Again….so much so he took his one-man band all the way to TOKYO!!
Instead of visiting the holy shrines of one of the world’s great cities, or visiting the Sega Arcade Centre (something the retro gamer in me would do 🙂 the filthy Somalian has taken to the streets of greater Edo (Tokyo) to “troll” the Japanese

He needles them about what “we [Stone-Age Somalis???] did to you in Hiroshima [photos] and Nagasaki”,

Heart-breaking: Stoic and repressing tears, Hiroshima boy (with scarred legs) brings his tiny dead brother to a cemetery


“Johnny Somali” also ridicules their Asian looks, and perpetrates other egregiously disrespectful abuse at unsuspecting people, who believe at first that they are encountering a friendly Colin-Powell-type “African-American” from the States taking a vacation in the “Land of Rising Sun”.

As expected, the Japanese, a relatively mild-mannered and civil people (who struggle to understand English) rarely respond to the beast’s antics. Most treat him civilly, laugh and wish him well on his travels. On a recent trip on Tokyo’s Underground the Somalian, though, crossed paths with an honorable Korean-American who met him head-on after the Somalian abused several peaceful Japanese subwaygoers…


The interaction went viral on Asian YouTube, reached white conservative YouTube almost as quickly, and subsequently was covered by a variety of pro-white Western channels.
Since the Somali’s abusive behaviour has gone, for lack if a better word, “viral”, things have changed.
The interaction, and this Somalia’s abusive antics, have inspired Asians the world over, and specifically the people of Tokyo, to action.
Japanese streamers put out a call for all Edoko (people from Tokyo) to target this Somalian when they see him in public — and it’s been brilliant.
From motorcyclists chasing him through the streets, him being targeted by cops and security guards to random civilians lashing out at him verbally and now physically, let’s just say things haven’t gone as well for Ilhan Omar’s compatriot as he would l have liked. Here are a few examples:
“Nigga choked out by random Japanese strangers…”

And “nigga bitch slapped” by other Edoko

“‘Fucking ngr!”

In the first clip, the Somali is literally choked out from behind by a stranger, and in the second clip the Somali is struck, his camera smashed, and then he’s repeatedly called a “nigger” by the good people of Japan.

Feel-good stuff for sure….

Another little tidbit of interest I found from the Unternet is how Mark Wayne Mullin, a seemingly honorable and certainly quick-witted US Congressman from Oklahoma, challenged a left-wing, low-IQ black activist about her call to ban plastics during a House Oversight Committee session, and nailed her for her blatant left-wing hypocrisy….


The second black witness at the end of the clip also does some good work here….

This clip is well worth watching.

As someone with a background in medicine, I kept thinking that Congressman Mullin should have asked the fool if she would like to go into hospital today without the benefit of plastics. Without plastic there’d be NO IV tubing, IV bags, syringes, blood supply (refrigeration or storage l) etc. Can’t hold blood in an oaken barrel, woke ecofreaks!

If plastics disappeared, 90% of people needing medical care would die until “green” replacements, which will NEVER work, are found.

Without plastics there’d be no computers, no airplanes, no electricity for the masses (think insulation for electrical wires), etc. and global business would stop. Life expectancy would plummet –and life as we know it would end.

These people are utterly ignorant as well as downright dangerous.

The last tidbit of interesting info I found online was a story out of the Balkans. Although Croatia is an EU country, and as such has already followed its western cousins off a proverbial cliff, the average Croat still isn’t as cucked as their western counterparts.

During “Pride Month, there have been an assortment of parades in Croatia that have been targeted for protest….and more. This has happened in other eastern European nations as well with anti-groomer legislation being pushed across the region. After all you can’t spell “priDE MONth” without “Demon”

So what have European leaders done? Blamed it on Putin. 🙁

This is an older clip but the anti-Russian rhetoric relating to the anti-gay Slavic backlash is even stronger this year.

In Poland, the pseudo right-wing government (pro-Zionist, pro-Nato, pro-American deep state… blind, gullible, russophobic Polish clowns) is claiming that anyone who opposes the current war is a “Russian asset.”

…in the hope that pathologically anti-Russian Poles will pull their pants down, bend over and comply like the dumb-asses they are — and even were back in 1939.


…….Blacks on a Carnival cruise literally fight over fried chicken



….Negro in Bordeaux, a once great French city on the Atlantic, famous for its wines, viciously attacks 73-y/o French grandma and her granddaughter until their dog appears


Sickening — not just the attack but that Whites did not string this creature up on the spot

— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) June 19, 2023

Meanwhile, crypto-Jew Macron swigs beer: “life is good”


Macron’s mother is Francoise Noguès — Noguès (pron. “No-GUESSS”) being a good French name which sephardic jews often took on, just as American jews become  “Smiths,” “Penns” or “Fords.”

Mother Françoise and father Jean-Michel


In all her radiant semitic beauty






….spiritual reading for June 21

Today is an important turning point. One of, if not the, longest day of the year for most of you reading this. Today marks the beginning of something different. There is without question a new wind blowing, and we hope that you will put it at your back. It is time to wind down the dissolution and begin the process in earnest of energizing that which is ready to move in.

You have been playing for a long time with the new, with concepts, practices, beliefs, realities that would not have been available in the fairly recent past. You are now at the point where it is time to actualize the new paradigm. As we said, you have played, you have experimented, you have teased and you have grown. But always, you have had the old truths, the ones you know more and more clearly as illusion and entrapment, to fall back upon.

For a number of years, the reality supported by those truths has been disintegrating. If you want to, you can continue to return to that reality. Some of you may not be ready to let it go yet.

However, we are telling you that as the light begins to shorten again, as it does as summer commences, your world will move into a new phase of its evolution. There will be more destruction and loss. But the time has arrived for those of you who are able to give as much as you can to holding, seeing and believing in what is emerging. It is easy to be pulled into despair and cynicism.

That will increase all around you as the old reality lumbers and staggers more frequently. It is almost as if there are parallel streams running through your world. One is choked with garbage. It stinks, it dwindles to puddles, and sadness and decay rise from it.

This is the stream you have called home for the larger part of your life. Next to it flows a new stream. Still narrow and without the volume or power it needs to flood the land, it sparkles and the water is sweet. Flowers grow on the banks and fauna come to it to drink.

Okay, that was a little on the obvious side. But see—you keep going back to live in the first stream. You keep wringing your hands and bemoaning what is happening to it. We want to tell you that it is beyond salvage. It is dying. What you must do is to leave the energy of the old with old and bring all that you have been nurturing of the new to the new. Make a commitment to living in the light.

This is not something we raise simply as good advice for you as individuals. Rather, this is what you have been training for. This is what your planet and all who dwell on it need from you. Sometimes it will feel impossible, but try to look with clarity upon that foul old stream and be honest with yourself.

Is that really home?

Not anymore.

We love you and send all of our many, many blessings to you today.




    Ho fatto altre ricerche.
    Le ultime.
    Cappella Tornabuoni:
    Si ritrae Lucrezia Tornabuoni con sua sorella deceduta, ai suoi piedi un giovane Leonardo disperato.
    Sono tutte scene di vita della Vergine e Sant’Anna.
    Il maestro Verrocchio, coetaneo di Leonardo, lo ritrae spesso insieme a sua madre(Bellissima).
    Leonardo come Gesù, ha sofferto per sua madre, è stato detronizzato dalla famiglia Reale(De Medici)come Gesù con Erode il Grande.Aveva però un rapporto speciale con Lorenzo come Gesù con suo fratello Giacomo(fratelli di madre)e hanno nascosto tutta la sua discendenza con Isabella D’Aragona, come con Maddalena.
    Il quadro è completo ormai 😉

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