Perfect pyramids — in China

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A huge scar (not an impact crater) across Mars. Let me explain how I see this. 

I had read about pyramids in China, but had never seen such impressive photos or videos before this.…/pyramids-china-guangzhou…

The Chinese pyramids which I previously had seen did not come to a peak at all, as if the top part had been cut off or never completed. But these are classic, Egyptian-type pyramids IN CHINA.
My belief is that they once were gigantic electric power stations that, in a way we do not understand, gathered and bundled earth energies — and also could fire a devastating energy beam at enemies and even at an enemy planet.
It is said that where the asteroid belt is now located, between Mars and Jupiter, there was once a hostile planet which our pyramids blasted away at until it disintegrated into a million chunks.

Mars also seems to have lost a war with Earth. It has a huge and hideous gouge as if some kind of DEW (“Directed-Energy Weapon”) scorched it and wiped whole Martian cities out. That long gouge sure aint no round crater there. And how exactly DID the asteroid belt arise if not from an exploded planet, hmmm?

…..NASA images show devastated alien bases on Mars

Extrapolation of a deliberately blurry NASA photo, one of many showing structures clearly built by intelligent beings — and almost all in ruins, evincing the devastating effects of a battle, war or natural catastrophe... something which I have been saying about Mars since 2010 on

I received this very interesting info on structures on Mars from an Australian comrade.



The brilliant American writer Joseph Farrell, PhD (Oxford!), say Earth waged an ancient war on Mars, which it devastated, creating a gigantic scar or lengthwise gouge (not a round meteor crater!!!!) along its equator…. as if some gigantic laser beam hit it….…and Farrell says Earth attacked another planet, which it totally annihilated, the chunks forming the asteroid belt.

.…Woman Claiming to be Former NASA Employee Says she saw Humans Walking on Mars In 1979

[source: (now deleted)]

A woman named “Jackie,” who claims to be a former NASA employee, called Coast to Coast AM in the U.S. She claimed she had seen evidence of two human figures walking towards the Viking lander on Mars in 1979.

NASA scientist and tv commentator Carl Sagan with the Viking in the late 1970s before it was sent to Mars

The “former NASA employee” asked the radio show presenter to solve a 27-year-old mystery for her. She claimed she had worked for NASA and that her job was to handle the downlink telemetry from the lander. The Viking lander was the first vehicle to send back pictures of the surface of the Red Planet.

She said that while she was working, she saw two people walking across the Martian surface. She continued that she and six colleagues were watching the footage of the Viking rover moving around on multiple screens when she noticed two men in space suits walking to the Viking Explorer from the horizon. She added the men’s suits looked protective but unlike what astronauts wore.

The “former NASA employee” said she and her colleagues were maintaining the equipment when suddenly the video feed got cut off. She went on to say that when they ran upstairs, they found the door was locked and paper was taped over the door so nothing could be seen. She posed a question to the radio presenter asking whether or not the two men she saw were guys from NASA. The agency has yet to comment on the claim.

Blogs that report on UFO and conspiracy theories have backed the “former NASA employee.” They claimed humans had been on Mars to polish off the lander’s solar panels. wrote that this seemed off because if the humans were there, they could have filled petrol into the lander or take photos themselves. A few other conspiracy theorists claimed that in the sixties, there were secret landings on Mars. They further claimed that the Apollo landings were a cover-up for wider exploration of the solar system.

An audio recording, titled “NASA Worker Sees Men Walking Over To Viking Lander On Mars”, was posted on YouTube by YouTube channel Starman Chronicles. The video managed to get more than 11,000 views and about 16 comments as of this writing. Listen to the audio recording below:

(now deleted)

For my massive and thorough essay on all this, see:

The red planet, according to Oxford PhD Joseph Farrell….

 joseph-farrell-roswell-reich….was scarred horrifically during an ancient war between an advanced civilization on earth and one on Mars, and the great pyramid of Giza was a huge weapon that concentrated an energy beam that blasted Mars and scarred it across the center line!
Mars surface close to equator


Closeup of the scars— No other planet has these grotesque gouges…. And no comet or meteorite can make such lengthwise wounds that are thousands of miles long. Was this area the enemy capital and main area of settlement?


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