Petition against Chinese dog torture at infamous Yulin (dog meat) “Festival”

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John — The Yulin Dog Meat Festival — an annual event in China where dogs are burned, skinned, or boiled alive for food — is fast approaching. Lisa Vanderpump and Congressman Alcee Hastings have teamed up on this petition calling for an end to the festival. If you agree that events that legitimize the dog meat industry should be shut down, sign their petition today to end the Yulin Festival now.

Mayor of Yulin, Mr. Wei Tao: The Barbaric Yulin Dog Meat Festival Must Come to an End Once and For All

Petition by Congressman Alcee L. Hastings and Lisa Vanderpump
United States

Sign now with a click

The Yulin Dog Meat Festival is fast approaching. We must put pressure on Chinese officials to enact effective changes in procedure and law enforcement to stop this horrific event from taking place once and for all.

During this barbaric festival, dogs are burnt, skinned, or boiled alive, have their paws cleaved off while conscious, and are staked to the ground and beaten to death. No one can see these images and walk away unaffected.

*** JdN

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Based on the work of animal activist groups, the number of dogs slaughtered at the festival has be reduced, but still far too many are suffering barbaric torture and death. In fact, even with the decrease of dogs slaughtered at the Yulin festival, there are still about 10 million dogs killed annually in China for the dog meat trade. It is absolutely shameful that this festival and others like it still continue.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican or a Democrat, this cause must be everyone’s cause. With the might of the American government behind us, we can continue to put pressure on Chinese officials to enact much needed changes.

Many humane courses of action are already available throughout China. With regular monitoring and enforcement, we hope that one day soon will finally see the elimination of the cruel Yulin Dog Meat Festival.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the countless activists who continue their tireless fight every single day in order to save and protect the voiceless and powerless animals across the globe. The Vanderpump Dog Foundation is on the ground 365 days a year with our two shelters and almost 500 dogs saved from the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. We see first hand the progress and are hopeful that we will be able to end the celebration of consuming our best friends.



  1. Barbaric. Truly beyond words. I had trouble looking. Soul-less, heartless monsters. The unconditional love and loyalty these four-legged creatures offer. This includes cats. They torture them both. Bastards.

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