Philippine’s President, Rodrigo Duterte, passes SWEEPING anti-Islamic reforms and immediately sees approval rating hit 91%! So, why are Western leaders so fearful of going full-on “Trump” or “Duterte”? Opinion by F Arouet

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Donald Trump ascended to the highest office in our land because of his strong stance against illegal immigration, his so-called Muslim travel ban – which was anything BUT – and an anti-Left rhetoric few would DARE to use.

But, apart from Donald Trump – who has still held back at times – Western leaders still seem petrified of adopting populist policies.
Are the electorate, and our people in particular, that far gone that other leaders are simply too scared to go full -on “Duterte”?
Do they believe that if they dare cross the Globalists’ overseers, as Trump has done repeatedly, that their days will be cut short or is there something else at play here?
One need only look at how Donald Trump has been maligned in the Press for four straight years for confirmation of how undemocratic and downright evil our Establishment can be. If Trump had played “the game”, he most certainly would have won a second term more easily. Because he’s chosen to double down, and at times even amp up his populist rhetoric, the chances of him remaining in power beyond 2020 are tenuous at best.


Although America is VERY different from Europe – because of just how many non-whites inhabit the United States, among other things – whether Trump does remain in office or is voted out-will send a very clear message to other leaders on the issue of whether or not the “Trump strategy” can work long-term.
If Trump succeeds, it will convince other leaders that it is possible to remain in power as a populist. In fact, the frivolous French President Macron is already flirting with going full-on anti-Islam – a countrywide spate of barbaric beheadings that have enraged the masses and now threaten his presidency will have that effect.

Macron with his mentor, Jacques Attali


French decry Macron using this acronym:

But, then again is that really what’s at play with Macron? After all, of all the European leaders, Macron is one of the LEAST likely to do right by his people.
In fact, we recently heard from former MEP for the British National Party, Nick Griffin, on the matter who feels that Macron is actually USING the the Islamist attacks during the COVID lockdowns to distract.
Nick Griffin wrote,

“Common sense tells us that Macron is not acting sensibly or in good faith, or even as a careless politician in the run up to an election.
So what could he be up to? I believe it’s obvious: Macron is the most blatantly obvious Rothschild puppet of all the occupation governments of the West. Those governments and their puppet masters have already staked everything on using their artificial corona-crisis as the excuse for the ‘Great Reset’.

They know from what is happening in a growing number of European countries that this effort is producing a huge, growing and potentially violent resistance movement by ordinary citizens right across the political spectrum (with the sole exception of Antifa, who are blatant lockdown shills and bootboys, as one would expect from a Soros front).”

We will have something on this tomorrow.
These are dangerous times.
Back to populism and GENUINE leadership….

(Brasília – DF, 13/11/2019) Encontro com o Primeiro-Ministro da República da Índia, Norenda Modi.
Foto: Alan Santos/PR

Unsurprisingly, none of this matters in non-white nations, as well as those behind the walls of the former Iron Curtain, as well as along bits of the Northern Mediterranean coast – where sanity and self-preservation, and not “Black Lives” – still matter.

Think India’s Narendra Modi, Brazil’s President Bolsonaro and the afore-mentioned Rodrigo Duterte- they are prime examples of men who could NEVER win in the West.

So what makes non-white nations different?
Why do they vote in politicians who are openly hostile to Muslims when we typically can’t?
Firstly, Asians – even the peoples of Southern Europe – are family-orientated. They think of “what’s good for their family” first and foremost. If it’s dangerous for the people inside the home, it will be expelled. In Italy the word for “foreigner” is “straniero” or stranger. This is in fact the case in many other languages.
Remember what you were told as a little kid? “Don’t talk to strangers!”
Sadly though, the farther you travel north in Europe, the more individualistic the people become. One need only look at the divorce rates in the northern half of Europe and those in the US, for an example of “pathological individualism”- term I created when researching cross-cultural family relations.
As the vast majority of Americans can trace their ancestry back to northern European whites, we too suffer this affliction.
Secondly, unlike our people, non-white nations – who have histories as violent as ours – have not been inflicted with any of the guilt we have. There is no one filling their minds with the sort of filth that sees our girls turn against men that look like their brothers and fathers, simply because some filthy childless, and typically Gay, Marxist professor tells them whites are the enemy.
Thirdly, the afore-mentioned Asian, Southern and Eastern European nations are largely homogeneous. They are literally one large family – a people that share the same religion, customs, precise looks, hair colour, eye colour and beliefs. This is something one can not grasp living in the United States where even whites can be from Spain, Italy, Poland or Nordic Scandinavia. As the Southern Italians that emigrated to the US often look more like the people of the Levant, than they do, the Swedes and Finns that settled in John’s Ontonogan, they still see themselves as different.
Although many Americans truly love their country, they do not feel connected to it by blood. This is why you still hear many people in fact referring to themselves as Italian Americans, African Americans, Irish, Scottish etc. If they don’t, they are encouraged to. In fact, the ethnic categories – “Italian American”, African American and Irish American – are often glamourised in popular culture, whereas being simply “American” is denigrated. This is sad, but make no mistake, friends, it is being done intentionally.
This is especially true in the American Northeast, which to this day remains highly balkanised ethnically. Think Little Italy, China Town and “da Boogie Down” Bronx as examples.
This is simply not the case in Asia, Russia, even the Western European nations of Italy, Greece where people are still taught to have pride in their cultural heritage.
And this is why Donald Trump’s re-election is so important.
Trump represents a father figure now for all conservative white Americans. He has made it feel wonderful to call oneself an American. He has brought white conservatives together at his rallies, as the great European leaders of yesteryear did.

Remarkably, he has even brought non-whites with conservative values into his American family. And whether you like this or not, make no mistake, this is pretty dangerous stuff for the evil doers who control us.
So, to answer my own question.
Why are Western leaders so fearful of going full-on “Trump” or “Duterte”?
They’ve seen what has happened to President Trump since his election. They might change their minds if he wins.

Original article on President Duterte’s record breaking popularity
A United Arab Emirates-based newspaper has cited President Duterte as the world’s most popular leader, noting various surveys by independent polling agencies showing his high trust and approval ratings since he assumed office.

In an October 27 listicle, UAE-based Gulf News enumerated the reasons why the Philippino chief executive is the “world’s most popular leader”-President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.
Gulf News editors Jay Hilotin and Christian Borbon said despite pandemic woes when people are facing hunger due to COVID-19, “Filipinos have kept faith in President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, whose popularity has gone through the roof this year. Duterte scored a record 91 percent trust rating in a survey by Pulse Asia, among the Philippines’ most authoritative and independent polling firm, from September 14 to 20.
The Gulf News article said Duterte remains popular amid the global health crisis, saying his record approval rating is the highest so far, perhaps the highest for any leader in the world as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s approval rating was 60 percent in July 2020, according to the Levada Center.
“It was the first major poll on Duterte conducted in the wake of the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. The results stunned his critics and analysts. For his supporters, it was an affirmation that Duterte is the only leader able to steer the country in these difficult times,” the authors wrote. The Pulse Asia poll results also stumped his critics. And for Gulf News, this underlined Duterte’s “unshakable popularity.”
“It also reflects the resilience of a generation of leaders seen as populists, such as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro – who have maintained high levels of public support despite criticisms of their responses to the pandemic, as well as racist attitudes to Muslims in the case of India and the Philippines,” they said.
Gulf News, however, noted that the pandemic’s effect on Manila may have also been a factor since, in recent months, the country has been at the regional epicenter of the health crisis, at one point posting a daily record of more than 6,700 new infections on August 10 and 376,935 confirmed cases as of October 29.
While the Philippine economy is expected to contract by 7.3 percent this year, the projection also “did not make a dent in Duterte’s approval ratings, which by some measures, are currently the highest worldwide. The UAE-based daily added that Duterte’s “Build, Build, Build” program also contributed to his popularity since the program was seen as an “antidote to years of neglect of infrastructure.” Duterte was inaugurated in 2016, with his term as the Philippine president set to conclude in June 2022.
[end of article]
Commencing JdN thoughts and comments
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I now have several paid writers to give a new, Euro-British and younger perspective, and to free me up to work on the new religious community. And with the new writers, that are covering art, culture, science and sport, views have shot up. Please donate to my efforts so I can keep this truly important operation going during this very dangerous period in our people’s history.
…Honor Roll
At this time, I wish to thank again some noble souls who have quietly funded me since 2009 with extraordinary generosity and serious financial sacrifices, in chronological order since 2005:
–the late, great publisher Willis Carto

–a Greek immigrant to the Washington DC area
–a German sheet-metal worker, F, from Kingston, Ontario, Canada
–a deaf vegetable farmer from Kennewick (yes, as in “Kennewick Man” but more recent ), G, from Washington State
–a male psychiatric nurse from the Detroit area, T
–An Egyptian webmaster who did hundreds of hours of work gratis
–A Canadian of German heritage, T, from Edmonton, Alberta
–a Rhode Island high school girl, K, who started by sending me babysitting money and now from her job with a drugstore
–A Texan with Buddhist leanings, B
–a Finnish engineer, T
–a Swiss-German, M
–a German who spent 30 years as a pastry baker in the US, F
–a Croatian who lives in Scotland, M
–a German in Berlin, S
–a German architect in Schleswig-Holstein, C, who paid for this great colorization
–A Frenchman, M
–A Floridian and Leo Frank/Mary Phagan activist, M
–A North Carolina truck driver, J
–A Floridian, T
–An Australian, T
–a retired Marine Corps gunnery sergeant in Pittsburgh, W
–A Dutchman, F
–An Australian and UFO connaisseur, P
–A German woman
–An Australian, D
–a Massachusetts dentist, J
–a former Rockwell stormtrooper, J
–a key Barnes Review person
–A born Jew, now an Orthodox Christian, and now open nationalist from New York City
–A call center operator and voracious reader
–a former Marine Corps aviator, P
–an aircraft mechanic, M
–I wish to also thank, up in Valhalla, Dr. William Luther Pierce

and the late, great Hans Schmidt
In the 1980s I was close to both men, did work for them, and they generously supported me and my then family.

–Also kudos to the late George Martin of greater Detroit, Michigan, a devout Catholic who sent me $1,000 when I was running for US Congress in Tennessee in 1990, as did the late Sherri Yount of Palm Beach, Florida, and to the late Walter Raes
THANK YOU for digging deep!






1 Comment

  1. Massive turnout of thousands for a Trump rally in Pennsylvania, a key battleground state. Compare this crowd with the 10-12 people who show up for Creepy Joe and the Hoe’s rallies, and don’t even bother getting out of their cars:

    The only way Creepy Joe and the Hoe can win on November 3rd is via massive vote fraud, because they have absolutely NO popular support, in Pennsylvania or anywhere else in the country.

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