Photos of BLM-humiliated Richmond, Virginia in 2020

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Here is the equestrian statue of J.E.B. Stuart. There is a gentle slope up from the street to the pedestal, and white skateboarders were doing tricks on it.

I visited this Monument Avenue in Richmond in 1995, seeing what funds raised by Southerners to honor their brave men had produced. (This was after being interviewed by WN activist Ron Doggett for his then-active cable tv show.)

As my work on the Mary Phagan case has shown, the South was very poor when these monuments were raised out of their pockets. It was scraping by back then, and it still is now, relatively speaking, between the effects of:

–the wrongly named Civil War (rightly, the War of Federal Aggression),

–the burden of having a one-third black population (and concomitant crime, drugs, welfare, etc.), and

–a long overwhelmingly agricultural, export-based, and backward economy.

Mary Phagan, a little Irish-American Southern girl in Atlanta, Georgia, worked 55 hours a week at a pencil factory in Atlanta from age nine on, from 1909-1913.

At 13 she was raped and strangled by her jew boss for refusing his sexual advances, no doubt after the resolute little redhead had slapped him.

Atlanta, 1913: rape and murder of a beautiful 13-year-old White girl by a high Jewish official, Leo Max Frank, whom the top citizens of Georgia finally courageously lynched — AFTER Jews conspired for him to get a new trial, to bribe the next judge, and then have him walk free despite the US Supreme Court, Georgia Supreme Court, the Fulton Cty. (Atlanta) court, and three different juries finding him guilty of a most heinous murder.

In fact, to outrage Southerners even more, Mary was being sodomized and throttled by this jew right on Confederate Memorial Day, and during the parade. Here you can see the daughters and wives of the old veterans, many in their seventies, and then some of the Confederate veterans themselves.

Anyway, for Southerners to put up these beautiful monuments was a huge financial sacrifice at the time, and to deface them is a sacrilege. Anyone who has been in combat knows that whether your cause is right, wrong or somewhere in the middle, war is a horrible thing. and the bravery of mortal men under gunfire is to be honored.

(Only a post-military draft country like the US could have so many never-soldiers, so many only-civilians, who have no possible conception of the fear, stress, tension and grief that a long, drawn-out war produces in any fighting man. (My dad, tough as nails, had to see a Navy shrink for six months for insomnia and flashbacks after the Korean War.)

This great Vietnam War statue, facing the Wall in Wash. DC., shows what men of all races go through — that alternation of tedium, fatigue, discomfort and boredom with seconds, minutes or hours of sheer terror. It is etched in their faces, and especially their incredibly tired eyes. (Btw, I myself carried an M-60 machine-gun, a knockoff of the German MG-42, just like the Hispanic-looking soldier in this grouping. Between the gun and ammo, it is 26 pounds of extra weight.) 

A young US Marine machine-gunner in 1966




Photos of a Defeated City

November 2008: Margi in Memphis, with David Duke and James Edwards 


On June 13, I drove to Richmond, Virginia, to see the damage done to the Confederate monuments and pay my respects to the men whose statues still stand. I was too late for President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. The mob tore him down on June 10, leaving this defaced memorial.

Stonewall Jackson is still on his horse, but his pedestal has been updated.

Here is Jeb Stuart. There is a gentle slope up from the street to the pedestal, and white skateboarders were doing tricks on it.

The worst treatment — short of tearing it down — was reserved for the Robert E. Lee monument.

The general is still astride Traveller, but the state of Virginia, which holds title to the monument is determined to take him down.

Monument Avenue is a majestic boulevard, lined with lovely houses. The people who live in them are overwhelmingly white, but many houses displayed “Black Lives Matter” signs. This mansion on what is still called (Jefferson) Davis Avenue, had a huge banner hanging from the balcony.

Are these signs sincere expressions of capitulation or a cynical appeal to the mob: “Please don’t touch our lily-white Doric columns”? I fear it was the former. It was a beautiful day, and someone had hired a black gospel band to give a concert at the base of the Lee memorial. The crowd was almost entirely white, and the mood was festive. There was no menace in the air — but whites still proclaimed their emasculation.

I visited the headquarters of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) just off Monument Avenue on what used to be called The Boulevard. Last year, it got a new name — Arthur Ashe Boulevard — to honor a black tennis player. The evening before the mob tore down Jefferson Davis, it broke out all the windows of the UDC building, and set a fire inside, destroying Stonewall Jackson’s battle flag and a collection of his papers. This is what the building looked like:

Every window was smashed and boarded up — at least in Confederate gray.

I hadn’t realized that the UDC headquarters was right next to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, also on what used to be known as The Boulevard. Last year, the museum added a new sculpture to its permanent collection, “Rumors of War,” by the black artist Kehinde Wiley. Mr. Wiley says he felt “terror” walking by the statue of Jeb Stuart (see above) so he did an anti-racist version with a black man in the same pose — but wearing sneakers and torn jeans. The horse faces the UDC building. The sculpture was, of course, untouched.

I must have spoken to a dozen uniformed police officers who were discreetly minding the crowd around the Lee monument. I thanked them for their work, and assured them that many, many Americans are disgusted by the latest fashionable tag, ACAB (all cops are bastards). They were pleased. I asked why they didn’t save the Jeff Davis statue and hadn’t stopped the desecration of the other monuments. “We were told do hold back,” said one officer with disgust. “You could have burned every car in the city and we wouldn’t have done anything.”

I asked another officer if the force was having a hard time finding new officers. “Who wants to be cop in Richmond?” he asked. He said recruiters are scraping the barrel to the point that some police academy trainees are “MRs.” I asked what he meant by MR. “Mentally retarded,” he said.

I escaped to Richmond’s Hollywood Cemetery, which has been untouched by riots. Eighteen thousand Confederates are buried here; some were famous. This man led the ill-fated charge that bears his name. I hadn’t realized he had served in so many important crucial battles in the Mexican-American War.

Jeff Davis’ statue still stands at his grave site, with the Third National Confederate flag still flying.

This was the most moving monument of all: a 90-foot granite pyramid marked simply: “To the Confederate Dead.”

As I drove home I listened to the radio. A Richmond talk-show host was explaining on National Public Radio why the monuments had to come down. He said they were put up as expressions of white supremacy to keep blacks in their place. Of course. When the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the people of the South raised the money for these memorials it had nothing to do with love and admiration for the truly great men who fought so bravely and loyally for a nation that was strangled in its crib. It was to insult the Negroes. This is now the voice of Richmond.

Of all forms of capitulation, capitulation of the mind is most grievous and contemptible.



…..On the author of the Monument Avenue article, Jared Taylor

Taylor let Canadian Antifa literally pick him up and carry him out of the room where he was scheduled to speak

Jared Taylor, from the CIA hotbed of Yale University, should know all about capitulation of the mind, having married a militant leftwing jewess, Evelyn Rich, three decades ago and then dropping totally all discussion of the Jewish Question.

Taylor moved heaven and earth to slander me as a pedophile. A wealthy potential donor in Los Angeles and friend of Taylor told me directly “I was told [using the passive voice] you were a pedophile.” He conspired to deny me donations when I had a perfect opportunity to run as a white nationalist for sheriff of Armstrong County in western Pennsylvania in 2013:

–for an open seat

–in a 98% white county

–which was an extremely anti-black Appalachian area (with a typical, Scots-Irish/German mix) that had landslided in 2008 and 2012 against Obama, although his two GOP opponents, John McCain and Mitt Romney were beyond pitiful — this is how much this county hated blacks.

–This was also an area where my own family had a good name and roots.

My great-grandfather’s Ford dealership was around for generations. He and his wife also raised my father.


So just how, Jared, are we going to stop BLM when you spend your energies fighting other white nationalists and defending the very jews who fund BLM — hmmm?

Evelyn Rich — I’ve met and talked with her; and was floored when Taylor took up with this khazar

She is interviewed on how horrible Duke and Nazis are…..


WHO brought the Blacks here against their will in the first place, Jared?




  1. For years, Confederate heritage groups tried distancing themselves from white nationalists (“heritage not hate”). I’m failing to summon up any sympathy for the UDC.

    • That whole “Civil War” was one big Rothschild scam to get the best goyim to murder each other. Judah P. Benjamin, Confederate Treasurer and then Vice-President, was the éminence grise behind it all. And after the war, he made a fat new career over in England.

  2. Seattle blacks and white leftists curse at cops responding to a black shooting homicide in the CHOP zone (two videos – second one is longer):

    Black communist scumbag with megaphone references the French Revolution and talks about using guillotines to behead people opposed to their “revolution”:

    Anglin predict that the police will be abolished nationwide, especially if the Demoncrats win in November, and will be replaced with armed antifa “social workers.” He advises getting out of the cities:

  3. Israel exploded a nuclear bomb in 1979, in violation of the nuclear Partial Test Ban Treaty, and the U.S. covered it up:

    From the article:

    “…A June 2018 New Yorker article reported that Israel demanded, and got, secret letters from U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, which Israeli leaders interpreted as a U.S. promise to protect their nuclear weapons. And indeed, these U.S. presidents did protect Israel’s nuclear weapons from scrutiny and criticism in the United Nations and other international forums. It is part of a pattern that has destroyed America’s credibility on nonproliferation.

    What Israel says—or doesn’t say—about its nuclear weapons is its own affair. But the United States should not agree to muzzle itself. It was always a humiliating role that opened the United States to the charge of hypocrisy. Now, in the face of strong confirmation of Israel’s violation of the Partial Test Ban Treaty, it has become an insupportable one.”

  4. Roger Waters, formerly of Pink Floyd, is a communist, like his father, who was a member of the Communist Party. How does Waters reconcile his communist ideology with the fact that Israel, whose apartheid he opposes, was founded by communist Ashkenazi Jews from the Soviet Union, and is still controlled by them today? Hypocrite! I think much less of him after discovering this video:

  5. I find it rather interesting that the very obvious double play is not discussed more in the alternative media:
    The history of the rats (which is just a bunch of lies anyways) have been imprinted into our religion. It will not go away. How very clever.
    Our own history, on the other hand, is easily removed by destroying some monuments and silencing the research community. And they always find plenty of useful idiots willing to participate in the lynching. All the way up to the Swedish government which allows re-melting of viking artefacts found in an archeological dig-out.
    The white man is stuck and bound for extinction as long as he carries christianity along with him.

    • Agreed, about Christianity. It is the worst spiritual poison inflicted upon us Whites. It is used to co-opt/crush every expression of White racial pride, whether that pride leads to White solidarity or not. There seems no use to having White racial awareness, White racial pride, White racial solidarity, or more concerted efforts, if they will be continuously and quickly derailed by ((( The Tribe ))) and their MSM.

      And as far as that Swedish gov’t melting down Viking artifacts; I have read, somewhere, that it was at the behest of some non-White woman (part negro or part oriental, I cannot remember which) living there. It wasn’t even White Swedes who were clamoring for the destruction.

  6. In Deutschland soll ein Bismarck-Denkmal in Hamburg zerstört werden. Also: Bildersturm überall. Wie ist die Lage in den USA? Hat sie sich beruhigt? Warum sind Sie nicht mehr bei


    • Nächsten Monat, nach den Präsidents Wahl, die politische LINKE wird verärgert sein, ob sie gewinnt oder verliert. Weiße Personen sollen angegriffen werden, egal.

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