Pitiful — 70% of Japanese under 34yo single, over 40% still virgins; population crashing

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Virtual reality goggles and a sex robot. Note the “female” robot’s sailor suit, which Japanese men find very sexy. This is what is left of a once proud and gifted warrior people.


The Japanese are part-white through the mysterious Ainu population of the northern half of the country.


Some even bleach their skin whiter, and dye their hair light-brown.



The Japanese will never be forgiven by the Jews for being allies of the Third Reich and for maintaining racial purity and their culture today.






Kyoto-style minimal decoration



A small number of Japanese are open national socialists: https://johndenugent.com/english/japanese-man-preaches-national-socialism-to-his-people/


US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy (yes, JFK’s daughter) apologizes to the Japanese for rapes and murders committed against Japanese women by black US sailors, soldiers and marines; Japanese prisons are run with extreme strictness and offenders usually do not recidivize. In Japanese culture a sincere apology and making amends must be offered, or the relationship ends. Even being only five minutes early (!) for an appointment elicits an apology, as I learned while tutoring American accent to Japanese scientists in the Boston area.

us-amb-japan-caroline-kennedy-may-2016-apology-foreign minister-fumio-kishida

Japan has again an excellent military and growing tension with China, which the Jews are supporting.


I have never met an more honorable, hard-working and punctual people than the Japanese, partly because the Jews have now made so many whites into degenerate thieves, liars and trolls.




  1. On page 94 of the book “Heavenly Warriors: The Evolution of Japan’s Military, 500-1300” by William Wayne Farris and published by The Council on East Asian studies/Harvard,

    it states that Sakanoue no Tamuramaro, a great 8th century Japanese general, had “a red face and yellow hair”.

    Needless to say, the Wikipedia article on him made no mention of his “red skin and yellow hair.” (I guess leftists fear that quote could give rise to “White supremacist” theories.)

    But instead it entions a fallacious Afrocentrist fantasy, first promoted by a crony of Franz Boas called Alexander Francis Chamberlain, claiming that Sakanoue no Tamuramaro was a Negroid!

    Now I’m not claiming Sakanoue was necessarily White either, for I have seen modern East Asians with ruddy complexions with blonde hair, particularly amongst the Mongols and Miao/Hmong, but given the fact that ancient White peoples, such as the Tocharians and Yue-Zhi/Kushans, had reached as far east into Asia as Gansu province in western China, there’s a greater chance of him being White or at least White admixed than of him being Black, which just seems completely incredible.

    Even his name sounds similar to the Saka/Scythians, an ancient nomadic Aryan warrior people who roamed the Eurasian steppes for centuries, from Ukraine in the west to the Altai mountains in the east, until the various westward expansions of Hunnic and Turkic Mongoloids overran and ethnically cleansed them around 2000 years ago.

  2. Thanks for your comment.

    In my many dealings with the Japanese, it became clear that they are two or probably three races, one of which is some offshoot of the white race.

    The Japanese can be atrociouslz barbaric in the most mongoloid way, but also very liberal, kind and refined, like a Swedish or American liberal.

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