“Pizzagate” — still unavenged — shows we need a religion that will train people to swallow hard, embrace even the scariest truths — and be heroes

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Horrific paintings of imprisoned kids by a Serbian artist with a Jewish name .. Her “spirit cooking” evenings were a favorite of the powerful Podesta brothers, who for decades were key collaborators with the Clintons

Tony Podesta, top Democrat lobbyist, with a suspended brass sculpture in his home of a headless corpse (which is exactly how the infamous homosexual mass murderer and cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer sometimes posed and photographed his victims)


John Podesta ran Hillary’s entire 2016 campaign for president

Homosexual predator code words used by John Podesta (and other pedophiles) in repeated emails discussing “pizza” that make no sense except as ordering kids for an orgy 

A lady comrade and young mother (known to me) wrote me:
John, I’ve been really upset over all the Pizzagate information I’ve read, and it’s definitely stressful and worrisome as a mother.
It’s hard to feel heartbroken all the time over it.
Even meditation and spiritual techniques really don’t make much of a difference in this situation. I wish I could do more besides spreading truth and my daily mantras. [End]

Hi, [].
I fully share your intense feeling and frustration. I have covered Pizzagate and the Podestas repeatedly (and of course the wicked Podesta brothers were joined at the hip to the Clintons!!!)
It was therefore such a relief for me when Trump won (though he has been a bitter disappointment since with his pro-Israel warmongering), because I knew that the Clintons were far more evil than Trump.
Thank you for reminding me of this horrific issue.
My new religion is going to make truth transform people.
Jesus said, “The truth will set you free” — but a Turkish proverb seems more valid — even or especially so in Jesus’ own fate:
“He who tells the truth should have one foot in the stirrup.” 😉
What is the point of telling people the truth if they are in deep denial, or outright hate you, defame you (which I am experiencing right now in this small town) and physically attack you for saying it?
The real issue is why is humanity not in love with the truth? Why is the truth not sacred and central to our lives?
How can we run our lives, marriages, businesses and country while escaping what is real?
Current example: How can the US threaten Russia and China, North Korea and Iran, while backing Israel to the hilt (the most bullying and hated country on this earth)  and yet expect it will not end up in a full-scale WWIII?
Russian boomer sub fires off four test ICBMS in 20 seconds:




If we scorn the truth, then we are actually lower than the animals, who are committed every day, every second,  to grasping and embracing reality, then acting accordingly so they can eat and survive.
A hungry lion must eat, but fully accepts that cattle might gore him, or kick him in the teeth, break his jaw — and then he starves to death. Think about that.
The shocked realization that most humans are in some ways lower than animals was expressed by Goethe 200 years ago in his famous play “Faust.” It was about a brilliant, ambitious, bored man with almost no values who literally sold his soul to the Devil.
Goethe wrote:
“Der Mensch, tierischer als jedes Tier.”
“Man is beastlier than any beast.”

…..See also

Was Breitbart poisoned in 2011 over Podesta brothers and Pizzagate, then his coroner as well? Sicko Podesta ”artwork” of abused little girls and beheaded, Dahmer-esque corpses

Mainstream Media Finally Exposes Elite Pedophile Rings in a Horrifying Episode of Dr. Phil

Even NBC News reports Hillary’s State Department rife with pedophiles! Are we numbly “okay” now with a GOVERNMENT of PROVEN c-h-i-l-d m-o-l-e-s-t-e-r-s?

…..Recent donations

–26 May 2018, check from G in Nevada

–21 May 2018, check from G in Nevada

–14 May 2018, check from G in Nevada, letter and cash from N in New Hampshire

–13 May 2018 from Stripe from P in Maryland

–5 May 2018 PayPal from S in Germany

–3 May 2018 PayPal from D in Australia

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