This is for the ex-wife of the JdN-bashing, and now totally discredited Matt Heimbach.
This is for the ex-wife of the JdN-bashing, and now totally discredited Matt Heimbach.
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How can you cheat your own so beautiful wife; what a low life white trash Heimbach. On the other hand, what did she saw in this ugly fat piece of meat ?
Heimbach is officially finished. His descent was lightning-fast and his degeneracy was exposed. At 26 he has a long road ahead of him. Finding employment will be very difficult for the young adulterer and wife beater. A rapid fall, and a very public one as well — cringeworthy stuff. Everyone was hurt by the actions of Heimbach. A very unstable, violent and reckless individual.
Not only did he beat his wife in front of his sons, he bedded his best friend’s wife!
No way he comes back from this. People that lack morality and integrity on this level should be shunned. His behavior is that of a ghetto street trash jive negro, not one of a self-respecting White man guided by a high moral code. Unforgivable offenses against his family and one time best friend and mentor. Brooke needs to create some space from him. Matt Parrot needs to file for divorce. Parrot called the police from a Walmart near his trailer (you just can’t make this stuff up) and referred to Heimbach as his “wife’s boyfriend” when speaking with the officer.
I’d bet there was quite a bit of spousal abuse in Heimbach’s trailer. He felt comfortable enough to beat her in front of the kids when the police were just outside his door. That behavior is not just a random one-time occurrence. He doesn’t come back from this. He’s finished.
And he has a nine-month-old he can’t or doesn’t provide for. Bad enough that the mother of his children has been reduced to begging for money on the Internet. He is a disgrace and not a man. Another interesting aspect of this mess is that Parrot’s wife just gave birth three months ago, and the affair was allegedly about three months old. So this whore was sleeping with Heimbach just after giving birth to Parrot’s child.
Despicable behavior on all sides. Parrot should get a paternity test to be sure the kid is even his! Unbelievable stuff. We don’t need people like that in this struggle. In fact we are better off without them. And remember, this was supposedly a man of God! He touted his Orthodox faith constantly – it was his brand.
In his mugshot Heimbach is smiling. No thanks. Both of them need to just go away and not be heard from again.
Degenerates. The only person that walks away from this with a reputation still intact is his wife, and she was the victim of abuse and infidelity. The man she married beat her up, strangled her and cheated on her. I hope she can turn her life around and move forward. She has taken the first step and removed herself from her abuser, and that is a big step many victims of domestic violence are not able to make.
So good for her, and I wish her and her two sons the best of luck.
True, but I hope Heimbach is now having “the dark night of the soul” and repents, apologizes and makes amends. Heimbach did some good stuff in the past, he is bright, and he was physically courageous in many street battles.
As a public, professing Christian, he has a lot of answer for.
I would really urge comrades to send his wife some funds. She comes across as a decent woman and she needs our help. It is now a matter of honor.
I pray for both him and for Parrott, thought they have mocked and slandered me without provocation and out of the blue.
I guess it was in a fit of envy (which is naturally never, EVER admitted as the true and real motive for disliking, ridiculing and disparaging someone who never harmed you. 😉 )
Envy is one of the seven deadly sins for the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches, sinful attitudes that can lead to actual, physical crimes — as we have just seen with Heimbach’s domestic violence, adultery, treachery, assault and battery:
“…the only person that walks away from this with a reputation still intact is his wife…”
I don’t agree – no one walks out of this sorry affair with a “reputation still intact”. If it’s true that Brooke was involved in “setting up” Matt Heimbach to see if he would “fall” again, that’s trashy behavior:
“Brooke Heimbach and Jessica Parrott concocted a plan to set-up Heimbach, to see if he would attempt to become intimate again if given the opportunity. Jessica lured Heimbach into Parrot’s trailer, and Brooke and Matthew Parrott watched from the window, standing on a wooden crate with Brooke filming.”
Standing on a crate to peek through the window of a trailer and film your husband having sex with another woman? Have some dignity, for God’s sake!
I wouldn’t give her a penny – let her apply for welfare.
True, unless she knew he was cheating again and just needed the proof. Once a man has cheated before and been caught, there is a saying: “A wife knows.”
So what? It’s totally lacking in dignity and self respect to peek through a trailer window to film your husband screwing your step-stepmother.
What would she need proof for, anyway? If it was a matter of her wanting a legal advantage, it was already known and accepted that he had cheated on her – he had confessed it himself.
And what of her children? I THOROUGHLY implore those who can afford to, to send $ to the mother of those two beautiful young children. They are innocents no matter what kind of madness the parents decide to enact. Children need nourished and clothed, just like the rest of us. They also need a comfortable bed and a roof over their head. I shouldn’t need to spell this out. Those children need their mother to have enough $ to keep them healthy and safe.