Police sniper who took out Antifa assassin says (if true…) he was ordered for 3 minutes NOT to shoot to save Trump

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“What do you mean, they missed?”




But this is blatantly how it was with John Kennedy. Just before the gunfire, the agent was ordered to dismount from the rear of the presidential limousine. He raises his two arms in astonishment and protest. Just seconds later, Kennedy is shot.

Dan Bongino is himself a former Secret Service agent — and livid! (also yet another ex-Fox News personality… The real patriots there all get fired or they quit in disgust.)


……Bodyguards –height matters

I am not the only one to point out that a 6’3″ man (Trump) should not have a 5’4″ female bodyguard! She is shielding him with her body, true, but not very well! This is woke insanity. Trump needs bodyguards who are TALLER than he is!!!!! Not shorter!!!!

And suppose there had been a SECOND SHOOTER? They took forever to get him off-stage. Trump said “I need my shoe.” (It came off; maybe a loafer.) The only response should have been: “SIR, we’ll BRING you your shoe, but NOW we have to MOVE YOU TO SAFETY!”

Pathetic dereliction of duty!


…..The murdered spectator

He was the retired fire chief of Buffalo Township in Butler County. I lived in this township 2008-10.  I may have met him.

An Italian-American, he died shielding his wife and daughter.


I also knew Butler, Pa. the county seat, very well, radical Trump Country — good people.


…To a well-wisher on my 70th birthday

Thank you so much. I’m 70 years young.

Sorry that I did not answer you before re your bank querying you about the large money transfers. I was pondering the overall situation. And, of course, the old way with cash in aluminum foil worked for years (with maybe one exception). My address is again 306 S. Steel St.

I now have running water, by the way, and can take showers —  it being summertime — and clean dishes as well and wash clothes in the  bathtub, and the roof no longer leaks.

So this house is now presentable and livable…

On the world stage, what we now see is Trump performing his role as the brave hero, pumping his fist defiantly, all full of fight, and saved apparently by God, since the bullet was so close to his brain.

His blood now makes him a martyr. In equestrian statues of a ruler or general, if one hoof of a horse is raised, it means “he was wounded in battle.” He bled for his country’s freedom….  (Two hooves up off the ground means “he died in battle.”)

I just posted the following on Facebook, which is allowing me an astonishing level of free expression ….



As I have blogged, Joe Sobran was a top editor (1972-93) at the then excellent, influential paleo-conservative magazine “National Review” of publisher William F. Buckley…but then he wrote some articles critical of Khazar control over America.
Buckley then got an ultimatum from his kosher supporters — and he fired his best, most popular writer!
Sobran was emotionally and financially devastated.
But then along came actor Ronald Reagan, and he (like others) pinned all his hopes on this blarney-gifted Irish-American — the Trump of that era. But Reagan kowtowed too to the Self-Chosen.
Joe Sobran  (it’s a Ukrainian name, btw), I, and a close Greek-American friend went out to a nice, local Greek restaurant, and suddenly the man began WEEPING right at the table for America.
” ‘Let Reagan be Reagan’, they said, ‘the TRUE conservative.’ But in the end, they all fold; they all give in to the js. And so this country is now hopeless.”
It was awful to see a grown man cry like that, but what could we say to cheer him up? All his hopes had been dashed, and he was no fool. Reagan won for president twice in landslides and yet he had little real power, and right at the beginning he got a bullet in the chest, a quarter-inch from his heart!
America has a huge cancer tumor growing in it, and Reagan would not even speak of it!
But if we do not cut this Khazar Cancer OUT, Joe Sobran was right. America and the entire West is doomed.
Oh, and who runs “National Review” magazine now?

All of us conservatives lived in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington DC. DC was black-run, and a crime jungle, the Maryland suburbs were jewish and/or white libtard.

And now? Northern Virginia has been resettled by the third-world. We did not stop them, afraid to be called racists, so they just kept on marching into our neighborhoods and took it all over,

It is going to take something radical now, a spiritual awakening.


My analysis now,  is that via his theatrics of brave heroism under fire, under a hail of bullets, Trump could become unstoppable….and then lead us into the full Van Rensburg disaster. Of course, by the French people tolerating the execrable Macron, and by Macron having nuclear weapons, France is now a Russian nuclear target, just as much as America and (especially) as much as England.

I intend to denounce Trump as an antisemite who is as much a vacillator as Ronald Reagan was, a secret whiner about the Jews, and thus not the antisemitic cancer-surgeon whom our nation and the whole Occident desperately needs, a man with a scalpel who will not faint at the sight of blood. 😉

In fact, Trump is no Savior, but the one who will bring about a nuclear Armageddon!

Yet just as when he was the narcissist Patton, he loves to fight, go to war, and gain glory, so “whatever happens, hey, I had an amazing time.”

I will say the unvarnished truth: that Trump is a closet white nationalist, yes indeed, who has indeed “had it” with the jews, but he is ultimately a coward who will NEVER solve the jew infestation.

Only AdolfHitler, returned but better, can be trusted to reject any compromise!

Instead, I say that Trump either cedes control of US foreign policy to jewry (to try to crush Russia and China, a bizarre delusion) or they will “get” him the next time.

I am now going for a walk on my birthday.

Thank you again for the birthday greetings, comrade.

I feel I must step forward very soon, and throw caution to the wind. Then either I or my words, if murdered, will have delivered the spirituality we will need for the dreadful struggle ahead. It may take years.

Will it be rough going? Yes. But we Whites did not fight the Jews when the tumor was small. We ignored Édouard Drumont in France, Henry Ford in America, and Adolf Hitler in Germany — until he  came to power because it was Year Three of the Great Depression, and the folk was starving.
Now the jewish tumor is huge — and we MUST do major surgery. We must CUT. Life actually is fair, not unfair at all, because God is fairand in earlier lives we let this happen.

So this test is welcome! It will redeem us for our procrastination — to do our duty now from chivalry and from love.


…Alex Jones’ take

I agree. This is just the beginning of planned chaos, and Obama did a movie this year about America collapsing (and whites wussing out, but the strong black man knows what to do…,) and actress Kirsten Dunst starred in a movie about a literal civil war with bullets flying, trenches full of bodies, and blond guys with ARs (played by the actress Dunst’s husband, actually) shooting unarmed minorities.

All this is predictive programming, getting us used to the previously unthinkable, accepting that a real civil war is coming, only to end in MARTIAL LAW.


….Remember Rebecca Wood

The only slightly good thing about this horrible shooting, aside from Trump escaping death by half an inch, is that this billionaire (I’m not bashing him) can now feel what it is like for all the regular people who get shot, like Rebecca Wood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, late mother of two young children, shot in her car for $20 (“for two bags of weed”).

She was shot with a pistol, the bullet penetrating her body and lodging into the driver’s seat. Her car crashed into a tree as she died.

According to a criminal complaint, 21-year-old Deanthony Bradley and three others wanted to rob her. A witness told investigators he saw Bradley with a weapon, and thought this was a drug deal. Authorities say Bradley pointed a gun at Wood’s head with his finger on the trigger. He told police that when Wood tried to drive away, “the gun went off” — and Wood was killed. After the shooting, Wood’s vehicle crashed into a tree in the area.

“I had a meltdown. I just started bawling,” Greg Wood said. “It`s very, very, very hard,” Greg Wood said. “I`m pretty much still in shock. I don`t even know what to say. She was a very beautiful girl.”

Her brother, Rebecca, and her father, Greg Wood


  1. Place our agents everywhere, does this ring a bell regarding a certain book that had over 100000 copies published by Henry Ford.
    The protocols of the learned elders of zion.
    This was set up by the cabul, CIA working with what sounds like a zionist agent thats the head of the secret service. I’ve got a feeling i know who’s the mastermind behind all this. A certain foriegn leader that Trump worships and serves.

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