Polish politician douses flaming Hanukkah menorah in Parliament building; do you still doubt reincarnation?

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Note the irritating, effeminate voice that keeps whining.

This Braun (by his last name, he must have some distant German ancestors) is a brave man. You can see from the official portrait of him in the Sejm (Parliament) that he is a driven man. He attacks the jews, Covid lies, Holocaust myths, and ATAVISTIC hatred of Russia — the only major white nation left that is at least mostly normal. (The awakening Slovakia and Hungary are just minor powers.)

I felt this way myself, trembling with righteous wrath, in 1978 when I went to the NSWPP office in Arlington, Virginia and, at one fell swoop, realized from a combination of both my reading their literature and my own life experiences what incredible danger America was in from jewry.

And sadly, though I was right to tremble with rage, I was far, far ahead of my time.

Look how the USA has become a degenerate multiracial sewer since then, and soon the printing of dollars backed by NOTHING will no longer be tolerated by the world. Then will come economic COLLAPSE.

You discover the truth about the jews and you want to rush out and tell the world — I did — especially if you were jew-wise already in another life, as in my case. It took only 24  hours of reading antisemitic truths and pondering them for me to be “back in the saddle again.” 😉 It all “came back to me” in a flood….

I felt, as this Braun in Poland felt:

“I HAVE to do something, even if no one else follows. No patriot can stay silent at the conquest of our country by absolute evil !”

But you feel very lonely when you realize that it is the whole world that is cowardly and insane (which it is, this being a planet of the damned, a bad-karma planet) and that you as a truthteller belong to the very, very small minority of the sane.


That is really depressing.

Soon enough, my  own father came down on me like a ton of bricks, saying the jews would shut down his business and he would have to let his 72 employees go at his insurance brokerage –Davis, Bateman and Nugent —  unless I stopped speaking out —  or he totally cut me off financially, ending my Georgetown studies.

Now this Braun, like me back in 1978, is already paying the price for his courage, love of his nation, and manliness.

Szymon Holownia, the speaker of the parliament, expelled Braun from the day’s session, referred him to prosecutors, docked him half of his salary for three months and stripped the member of his expenses for six months.

“There will be no tolerance for racism, xenophobia, antisemitism … as long as I am the speaker of parliament,” Holownia told reporters after the attack, according to Reuters.


Grzegorz Michał Braun (born 11 March 1967) is a far-right[2][3] and pro-Russian[4] Polish politician who is the leader of the monarchist party Confederation of the Polish Crown.[5]

Braun’s political career began in 2015 when he announced his candidacy for the President of Poland. He formed the campaign committee “God Bless You!” but received a minimal percentage of votes. His political journey continued with participation in discussions on European and Russian relations and candidacy in various elections including for the mayoral office of Gdańsk and the European Parliament. Despite electoral setbacks, he eventually secured a seat in the Sejm (Polish parliament) during the 2019, and reelected in 2023. Braun’s tenure in politics has been marked by controversy, including inflammatory remarks during the COVID-19 pandemic and endorsements of independent nuclear capabilities for Poland.

He holds anti-American,[6] anti-Ukrainian,[6] anti-Protestant,[7] anti-LGBT,[8] antisemitic,[9] and pro-Russian[6] beliefs, aligning himself with Polish ultranationalism[10] and traditionalist Catholicism.[7] While in the Sejm, his activities have been characterized by a series of antisemitic incidents and pro-Russian stances, including referring to Polish Jews as “the enemies of Poland” and participants “in the Satanic cult“. In 2023, he disrupted a Holocaust lecture, destroyed equipment, and made more derogatory comments about Jews. He further intensified his controversial actions by extinguishing a Hanukkah menorah in the Sejm, leading to his exclusion from the session and punishment.


Grzegorz Braun was born in Toruń, Poland [a city which used to have many German Protestants]. His father, Kazimierz Braun, is a movie director. His mother is Zofia, née Reklewska, while his maternal grandfather was Wincenty Sebastian Reklewski. Grzegorz is a nephew of Juliusz Braun (former network director of Telewizja Polska) and a brother of actress Monika Braun.

He graduated from the University of Wrocław in 1987, and completed postgraduate studies at the Krzysztof Kieślowski Faculty of Radio and Television at the University of Silesia in Katowice in 1993. From 1987 onward he co-organized activities of the Orange Alternative, for which he was oppressed by the communist government of the Polish People’s Republic. In 1988 and 1989, he participated in student protests at the University of Wrocław. He was also active in the Polish-Czech-Slovak Solidarity.[11]

Later, he also was a journalist for, inter alia, the Option Right[12] and the Polskie Radio Wrocław. Until 2007, he taught journalism at the University of Wrocław. As a movie director, he produced and directed over 30 titles, including: Transformation, New Poland, Correction to Biography, Positive Additions and Negative Additions, Comrade General Goes to War, Martin Luther and the Protestant Revolution, Smolensk Assassination. He is a co-founder of the Errata TV series, revealing the biographies of former Polish communist agents.

He was involved with the Polish Monarchists Organization,[13] for which he contributed written works and lectures. He is involved with “Wake-up Call” (“Pobudka”), an organisation that he has founded[14] to strengthen the self-sustainability of faith communities and the internet TV channel “Sumienie Narodu.”[15]

Braun is a Traditionalist Catholic.[16] He is fiercely critical of Protestantism in Poland and has often debated Protestants in public.[7]

Political career

Braun at a rally opposing Act 447 in 2019

On 24 January 2015, Braun announced his candidacy for the office of the President of Poland. In February 2015 he started campaigning in the United States among Polish immigrants and Americans of Polish descent.[citation needed] On 5 August 2015, he formed his own campaign committee God Bless You! (Szczęść Boże![17] and received 13,113 votes amounting to 0,09% of the total cast.[18]

In August 2016, Braun took part in a conference organized by the Center for European Policy Analysis reporting on Russian propaganda in the former Soviet satellite countries. He suggested maintaining a controlled balance between the EU and Russia.[19][failed verification] National Movement presidential candidate Marian Kowalski criticized Braun for not trusting NATO forces stationed in Poland as a legitimate defence against Russia.[20] Braun calls for Poland to independently maintain and operate nuclear weapons.[21]

Journalist Roman Warszawski and Braun in 2022

In January 2019, Braun announced his candidacy for the mayoral office of Gdańsk. The unexpected early elections were called after the murder of mayor Paweł Adamowicz. Braun’s candidacy has been endorsed by Janusz Korwin-Mikke and the National Movement. On 4 March 2019, it was determined that Braun received 11.86% votes and thus conceded to the winner Aleksandra Dulkiewicz who received 82.22% votes.[22]

In the 2019 European Parliament election in Poland Braun was the leading candidate for the Confederation Liberty and Independence in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. Although his list received 5.89% of the vote, the best result for Confederation in the country, the coalition failed to reach the 5% threshold nationwide and so he did not pick up the seat.[23]

In the 2019 Polish parliamentary election Braun was the leading candidate for the Confederation Liberty and Independence in the Rzeszów Constituency, located in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. He built on his success from the last election, and his list received 8.25% of the vote, which was again the best result for the Confederation nationwide. This time Braun picked up the seat, as did 10 other candidates from the Confederation.[24]

He was a candidate in the 2020 Confederation presidential primary. He made it into the final round of voting where he lost to Krzysztof Bosak. He immediately endorsed Bosak and said he would campaign for him.[25]

In September 2021, Braun, during his speech in the Sejm, accused the government of increasing children suicide rates through their actions to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. He finished his speech addressing the Polish Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, with the words “You, sir, will hang” (Będziesz pan wisiał).[26] These statements caused Braun to be excluded from further participation in that Sejm’s sitting.[27] Niedzielski, along with the Speaker of the Sejm, Elżbieta Witek, filed to press punishable threat charges against Braun, which were later dropped by the prosecutor citing “no signs of a crime”. The claimants complained about the decision alleging insufficient investigation and lack of interrogation of the witnesses. In the following weeks Braun broke into the building of the Health Ministry, which, according to Niedzielski, was connected to Braun’s words and his ties to the anti-vaccine movement. However, the court sustained the prosecutor’s decision and provided an explanation that Braun’s words, while inappropriate, were merely criticism, and that Niedzielski’s alleged fear would’ve been irrational.[28]

Braun has been described as pro-Russian.[9] He was interviewed by Sputnik in 2019,[29] and has been praised by the Russian media for his stances on Ukraine since the beginning of the 2022 invasion.[30] He claimed that his party was actively fighting against the “Banderization” and “ukrainization” of Poland by trying to prevent the influx of Ukrainian refugees.[30] On 25 June 2022, Braun took part in a pro-Russian rally; he addressed his speech to Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joe Biden, proclaiming “President Joe Biden, if you still trust God, let your private interest and the interest of American corporations, that sell weapons to Ukraine, along with entire America, kneel in humility in front of God’s omnipotence (…)”.[31]

Antisemitic incidents

In 2023, Braun disrupted a lecture on the Holocaust by the historian Jan Grabowski at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw by storming in and destroying the microphone and speakers. Braun has been quoted accusing Jews of being “the enemies of Poland” and alleging their desire to undertake a “hostile takeover” of Polish territory and to place ethnic Poles in reservations.[32][33][34] Braun has also claimed there exists a plan to turn Poland into a “Jewish state”.[9]

On 12 December 2023, during the first session of the 10th term of Sejm, he put out a Hanukkah menorah by spraying it with a fire extinguisher, saying that “The people participating in the Satanic cult should be ashamed”.[35][36] Security guards rushed people out of the area because of the resultant white cloud of aerosol.[37]

He was excluded from the ongoing session of the Sejm, and punished by withholding his deputy allowance for six months. The Speaker of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia, announced that a criminal complaint will be filed with prosecutors.[38][39]

The actions and statements of Braun have led to criticism from within his own party. Sławomir Mentzen, one of the leaders of the Confederation party, condemned Braun’s actions, stating his intent to take further steps in addressing the situation.[32] Additionally, Cardinal Grzegorz Ryś, Archbishop of Łódź, said he was “ashamed and I apologize to the whole Jewish community in Poland” following the incident.[40] Braun has denied having racist motives and described his actions as a response to what he perceives as “Satanic, Talmudist triumphalism” of Jewish holidays.[32]




…..What I realized by 1979

After threats by my own father and measures taken against me by the Marine Corps, I had experienced what I feared would happen.

The truth did not mean a god-damn thing to these people.

So the real problem is spiritual; it is values. If truth, honor, and duty mean nothing, and everyone is a coward, thinking only of himself, then THAT — spiritual sickness — must be fixed.

I thank all who have supported me financially as I prepared a new Aryan religion and awaited the right time to launch it.

And now Christmas Day is approaching…  the right time to remember what God expects of us in the decisive year of 2024.  The jews are closing the trap to enslave and genocide us all, but never before now have they been more hated.







…..How do you explain this Aryan boy genius away? Just a bright kid?


By Maddy Shaw Roberts

Worried about the future of classical music? Just watch this incredible eight-year-old boy conduct an entire symphonic piece by Liszt – multiple hair flourishes included.

Edward Yudenich is one of the youngest conductors in the world, and an undeniable prodigy.

He conducts the Student Orchestra of the State Conservatory of Music in Pashkent, Uzbekistan, and is a student of professor Vladimir Neymer, one of the country’s most revered conductors.

In the video above, Edward can be seen conducting the Uzbekistan State Orchestra in Liszt’s ‘Les Preludes’, the third of his 13 symphonic poems.

His conducting is precise and dynamic – and he clearly has the entire thing memorized like the back of his hand.



…..Reincarnation facts







  1. La vera Torah appartiene all’Egitto.
    La vera Torah appartiene a Thot.
    Dopo la migrazione degli Hyksos nelle terre di Babilonia tutto fu perduto, distrutto.
    Mosè ha distrutto l’Egitto, la sua biblioteca, i suoi tesori.
    La menorah era il simbolo dei Kurgan R1B.
    Dei grandi Costruttori.
    Il Settemplice disco solare di Sarastro(Osiride).
    Die ZauberFlote 🙂

  2. John, this is what set him off.

    “This year, the celebration featured a portrait of former Chabad Lubavitch leader Menachem Mendel Schneerson, an infamous rabbi known for the following statements:
    “Slavs, and among them Russians, are the most unbending people in the world. Slavs are unbending as a result of their psychological and intellectual abilities, created by many generations of ancestors. It is impossible to alter these genes. Slav, Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers.”
    “A non-Jew’s entire reality is only vanity… the entire creation of a non-Jew is only for the sake of the Jew.”
    “Souls of non-Jews come entirely from the female part of the Satanic sphere. For this reason souls of non-Jews are called evil, not good, and are created without [divine] knowledge.”


    He’s correct of course, judaism is both satanic and supremacist. It’s amazing they continue to get away with their behavior, mostly because of the self-hating whites.

  3. Un sacco di commenti intelligenti.
    “La Bibbia Sionista”.
    “Non è vero, è roba loro”.
    Ma io vedo scritte arabe, non sioniste.
    Piccoli Uomini che non comprendono mai nulla.

    • Transl:

      Lots of oh.-so smart comments.

      “It’s the Zionist Bible”.

      “This [finding of Mein Kampf] is not true; it’s the [Israelis’] own stuff.”

      But I see Arabic writings [also Arabs being misled], not Zionist ones.
      Little Men who never understand anything.


      What a joke, kids reading Mein Kampf, when it is slow going even for well-educated adults……

      It is time for Hitler to speak up again for himself.

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