Political divide men/women; Rothschild kicks bucket; heroic US Air Force member burns self alive outside Israeli embassy in Washington to protest genocide of the Gazans; my path

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I just knew before any photos came out that this Aaron Bushnell would be a northern-european-looking white guy.

Callously, Tal Naim, a spokesperson for the Israeli embassy, confirmed the event and added, “No embassy staff were injured and are safe.”
Well, that’s all that matters.

…… Jacob Rothschild goes to hell; was worth only 82 mio pounds, sez fawning DM article

Try 820 billion.
*** OBEs and NDEs (out of body experiences and near-death experiences)
IF you are a good person, guardian angels can pull your soul out of your body so you feel no pain as your physical body writhes and collapses.
I can think of a book I read on this, and on an experience a neighbor told me.
I  may have read about this first in the breakthrough 1975 NDE bestseller by Raymond Moody, MD.


Life After Life is a 1975 book written by psychiatrist Raymond Moody. It is a report on a qualitative study in which Moody interviewed 150 people who had undergone near-death experiences (NDEs). The book presents the author’s composite account of what it is like to die, supplemented with individual accounts.[1][2] On the basis of his collection of cases, Moody identified a common set of elements in NDEs:[3]

  • (a) an overwhelming feeling of peace and well-being, including freedom from pain.
  • (b) the impression of being located outside one’s physical body.
  • (c) floating or drifting through darkness, sometimes described as a tunnel.
  • (d) becoming aware of a golden light.
  • (e) encountering and perhaps communicating with a “being of light”.
  • (f) having a rapid succession of visual images of one’s past.
  • (g) experiencing another world of much beauty.[3]

Life After Life sold more than 13 million copies,[4] was translated into a dozen foreign languages[5] and became an international best seller, which made the subject of NDEs popular and opened the way for many other studies.[6][7]


Anyway, in one of the many gripping stories, a man is driving along a mountain road (I think in California) and (I forget why) his car veers off the road, and his car hurtles down a very steep embankment.
He leaves his body and watches the car go down.
In the incident which a neighbor told me, from Sarver, Pennsylvania, he was an electrician working in a local steel mill. He as working high up in the foundry when suddenly there was an explosion and a huge fire. Black soot swirled off the rafters and the air turned dark, except for the flames, His name was David K., and he told me he left his body and “from a good fifty feet away” saw himself desperately climbing down a fire ladder to get out of the building.
All I can say is, Be right with the Lord, because guardian angels CAN help you.   
But they do not HAVE to. Impress them. Do some good things.

I salute Aaron Bushnell. His karma is good.
How about YOURS?
A French comrade just sent another big donation.
And he sent this new item: More and more young females are voting for the Left and more and more males are voting for the Right.
I can see that in my town, too. I can think of a husband-and-wife team. He loves my site; she loathes it. 😉
However, I have known superb women in our cause (of whom my late wife was one), and so many white nationalist males who were good for nothing but slander  and excuses.
All five people who betrayed me on the vital housing issue were men.
The egoic mind makes people on this planet of both genders and all races into jerks, or, worse, slanderers, warmongers, rapists and murderers.

U.S. airman dies after self-immolating outside Israeli embassy in protest of Israel-Hamas war

WASHINGTON (JTA) — A U.S. airman has died after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C., where he shouted “Free Palestine!” in protest of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.

The man, who wore military fatigues and identified himself as Aaron Bushnell in a video that circulated online, was an active-duty member of the U.S. Air Force from Texas. He filmed himself on Sunday afternoon walking toward the embassy, saying he “will no longer be complicit in genocide.”  The clip was uploaded to the gaming platform Twitch and has now been removed.

“I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers is not extreme at all,” Bushnell says in the video, a portion of which was posted by The Daily Mail. “This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

According to reporters who have viewed the whole clip, Bushnell, 25, shouted “Free Palestine!” as he burned.

The fire was extinguished by Secret Service members. First responders then brought Bushnell to a hospital, where he died of his wounds, according to Hannah Glasgow, a spokesperson for Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department. She added that federal agencies are investigating the incident.

Tal Naim, a spokesperson for the Israeli embassy, confirmed the event and added, “No embassy staff were injured and are safe.”

Bushnell is the second person known to self-immolate in the United States in protest of the war. In December, another protester with a Palestinian flag set themselves on fire outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta and was reported at the time to be in critical condition. That person has yet to be identified.

Self-immolation has been used as an extreme tactic of political protest for decades. The most famous instances occurred when a Buddhist monk self-immolated in 1963 in South Vietnam, and when a Tunisian fruit seller self-immolated in 2010, sparking the Arab Spring.

Bushnell’s charge that Israel is committing genocide is common among pro-Palestinian activists and vigorously denied by Israel and the United States. The war began on Oct. 7 when Hamas attacked Israel, killing some 1,200 people and taking more than 250 hostage. Since Israel began its counteroffensive in Gaza, which aims to eliminate Hamas and free the remaining hostages, nearly 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry. That number does not differentiate between combatants and civilians; Israel says 12,000 of the dead are Hamas fighters. More than 200 Israeli soldiers have died in the war since Oct. 7.

Hours before the self-immolation, Bushnell wrote on his Facebook page,

“Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”



……Burned for 69 years

In case you missed it, I’ve been through the fire too.

I know what hell is; exercise twice as effective as antidepressants


  1. This man is not a hero John, he was a mentally ill, disturbed individual, and a leftist. Our piece-of-shit prime minister in Australia is settling Palestinian refugees here.

    Palestinians that have immigrated to Europe have raped, gang-raped and murdered white European women and children. And white European men and boys have been murdered by Palestinians. They are not our friends and I don’t care if some of them are Christians, they are not white, they are Arabs.

    This is not about religion or Christianity, it’s about survival of our people.

    I have seen the videos of Palestinian children with their arms and legs blown off.

    But I’ve also read thousands of gruesome murders and rapes committed against white Europeans by Arabs.

    Zionist Israel is our biggest enemy, but that does not make the Palestinians our friends.

    • I understand completely and partially I agree. In fact, my website had highlighted muslim atrocities for 15 years. Since 2009 this website has condemned Islam thousands of times, giving examples:


      I have particularly often brought up the November 2015 muslim massacre of 130 young white French people at the Bataclan nightclub in Paris. (The Paris cops, run by white, traitorous, Illuminati Freemasons, waited an hour before intervening so the Muslims could rack up up a high body count!)

      Furthermore, I have stated that Arabs and other Caucasian muslims (including Iran, Pakistan, etc., but also some southern Italians, southern French, southern Spaniards, Croatians, Albanians, Chechens, Georgians and Armenians, etc.) are of the J-haplogroup, which reflects neanderthal DNA. This makes them misogynistic, stubborn, and violent.


      However, this is a lower race, and ours is higher.

      We as people of Northern Europeans stock are a compassionate race with a higher inborn sense of ethics. In high school, there are advanced classes for the super-bright kids in math and other subjects, and there are also kids who are “special needs” and mentally retarded. The Arabs are not a high race.

      Far worse is any white man who betrays his own higher race.

      Here is an example of a white man, Jair Bolsonaro, who once was president of Brazil (2019-22), but who licked the jews’ boots in vain to get reelected (which failed). He said and did many good things in a rightwing sense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jair_Bolsonaro

      And he has now just condemned the current president of Brazil, Lula, for having blasted Israel over the massacre in Gaaza.

      Lula told reporters in Addis Ababa, where he was attending an African Union summit, that what was happening in the Gaza Strip “isn’t a war, it’s a genocide.”

      “It’s not a war of soldiers against soldiers. It’s a war between a highly prepared army and women and children,” added the veteran leftist.

      “What’s happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people hasn’t happened at any other moment in history. Actually, it has happened: when Hitler decided to kill the Jews.”

      So, of course, Bolsonaro had to open his yap and lick jewish boots again, though it never does him any good. Bolsonaro has often been compare with Donald Trump and this is indeed an accurate comparison in every way.

      In an interview with CBN Recife (a big Brazilian city), on February 21, Bolsonaro criticized the declarations of Lula.

      “A criminal speech. It’s not unfortunate, no — it’s criminal, it offended not just the Jews, it offended humanity. What happened in the Second World War, with the elimination of the Jews in gas chambers, does not exist in the history of the world. And Lula compared the Israeli army to the Nazis. It shocked the world,” Bolsonaro said.

      There are so many actively traitorous white people out there, and then you have the 80% of Whites who do nothing. The jews would be nothing without white traitors (like Bolsonaro) and white do-nothings.

      How well I remember the 1960s and how the White conservatives wussed out and caved in to all the black demands. They hated what was going on but kept their mouth shut. And the rich conservative Whites (people like my own father, who would eventually even disinherit me) moved from the now black-ruined cities which had been a source of great white civic pride (Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Washington DC, etc.) out to white suburbs, and put their kids in expensive private schools, which the white working class could not afford to do.

      An angry video by Dr. William Pierce on the treasonous, cowardly, miserly white middle class:




      … If there’s any group of people in America who deserve to suffer, it’s the White middle-class. It’s the people who have been warned for decades about where this country is headed, but who were too shortsighted, too timid, and above all too greedy, too selfish, to do anything about it. During the 1960s, when Blacks were rioting and burning our cities, middle-class Whites refused to take a strong stand against them because that would disrupt the country even more and would be bad for business; instead they tried to appease the Blacks with all sorts of new civil rights laws and other government programs. They tried to buy them off. The Whites just wanted to continue indulging themselves; they didn’t want to do anything that might require a bit of austerity in return for the long-term improvement of the country.

      In the 1970s, when the real push was on to racially integrate the country through forced busing and forced housing and forced employment laws, and many White working-class people were demonstrating in the streets against this forced racial integration, the comfortable middle class, which was not being as adversely affected as the blue-collar class, refused to become involved. The White lawyers and doctors and accountants and professors and engineers and small businessmen just looked the other way and kept on stuffing their faces. Their kids weren’t being bused to Black schools; their employment wasn’t being threatened by affirmative action. They certainly weren’t going to jeopardize their own comfort and security and respectability, just because of what was happening to working-class White kids and working-class White parents.

      Of course, many middle-class Whites were concerned about the degenerative trends which were all too obvious in America during the 1960s and 1970s. They just weren’t concerned enough to do anything. Their solution was just to vote Republican and keep making as much money as possible, so that they could insulate themselves and their own immediate families from what was happening around them, and to hell with everyone else. And so we had the Reagan era, and the White middle class thought that their strategy of compromise and appeasement and selfishness had worked.

      Well, of course, it hadn’t worked. Such strategies never work in the long run. People who will not fight eventually will be eaten by people who will fight. A community whose members are so self-centered that they will work only for their own personal benefit and not for the common good eventually will be destroyed by its enemies.

      And our enemies have been at work, day and night. They opened our borders to the subhumanity of the Third World and began building up their numbers. They encouraged feminism and began reducing our numbers by persuading our women that careers were more important than families. They infiltrated and took over our educational establishment and taught our children that they should be ashamed of their own race, that their own history and traditions weren’t worth learning about.

      And the children of the White middle class learned instead that doing drugs and putting safety pins through their noses and wearing baseball caps backward and listening to Black rappers is cool. And the daughters of the White middle class began bedding down with Blacks and becoming pregnant with mongrel babies, and their parents didn’t like it, but they tolerated it, as long as they could hang onto their money and their comfort and their lifestyle. And eventually the enemies of our people were strong enough to launch the Clinton era. But the members of the White middle class were still comfortable, and so they tolerated the Clinton era too, with all of its treason and degeneracy. They tolerated the total Judaization of their government. They tolerated the Clinton government’s bombing of Belgrade to force Serbia into line with the New World Order. They didn’t like it, but they tolerated it…

      And so now the fruits of all that toleration are almost ready to be harvested — and it’s about time. It’s about time for the White middle class to have to deal with the problem of 30 million Blacks who believe they are entitled to reparations and who very shortly will be clamoring for $100,000 dollars from every White family. They believe they’re entitled to at least five trillion dollars in reparations from us, because we tolerated the Jewish media pumping expectations of that sort into them during the past 50 years.
      We tolerated all of the Hollywood films and the television propaganda telling them about how they were persecuted and mistreated by us for 400 years and that they really are equal to us, and the only thing which has kept them from achieving what we have achieved is White racism. We knew it wasn’t true — we knew it was Jewish lies — but we tolerated that propaganda rather than risk being called “racists” for contradicting it or “anti-Semites” for pointing out who the liars were. We also proved to 30 million Blacks that we’re a bunch of wimps who won’t fight for our people or for our own rights. They believe that the White man owes them five trillion dollars and that he doesn’t have the guts or the gumption to stop them from taking it. It’ll be an interesting fight. And you know what? I’ll be cheering for the folks demanding reparations.

      I think it’s about time for the soft, White middle class to begin facing reality and to experience a bit of trauma and privation. Perhaps it’ll help a few of them learn how to survive in the jungle from which they have been too far removed for too long…


      But, going back to Aaron Bushnell, whether leftist or rightist, this is a man who died for his beliefs.

      But I have readers of my website who, far from giving their life for their beliefs, cannot even send me $5, knowing that I desperately need funds to avoid literal homelessness and the disappearance of this website.

      Can you imagine how I felt to see my stuff put out on the street?

      You do not need to imagine it — I published the photos.

      My one employee (who is now very reluctantly looking for other work!!!!!!!!) wrote this on my website:

      Yet we Whites are as mean and miserly as Blacks, who are infamous for screwing their kind, not leaving tips, and being selfish vermin. Waiters and waitresses dread serving them because they zero out the waiter! NOTHING!  Or they just sneak out, not even paying the bill itself!

      20 Blacks welsh on $420 restaurant bill in Memphis; our Memphis experience; white girl fed to alligators – John de Nugent

      Aren’t we better than that? Aren’t YOU better than a negro who walks out on the bill?

      If so, then prove it!!

      If John has taught you, will you really “stiff” him?

      Oh, and by the way, Richard III of England was black…. This is what your children or grandchildren will be taught if things continue as they are.


      These photos show the debacle that was in front of John’s apartment house for five days, humiliating him. After FOUR readers said they would help him get a house and headquarters, he put his valuables into temporary storage. “Temporary” became long-term when all four reneged between July and December. (I spoke at length myself with three of the four.) John could not pay the storage, which went from $50 up to $150, so the storage place owner (a political liberal who hates Trump, for example) dumped his things on this main street in Ontonagon.

      It was the talk of the town.


      At 69, John moved some of this off the street and up a flight of stairs into his apartment, and has gotten the rest into the back of someone’s garage.

      Other valuable things he gave away to get the street cleared again.

      A deputy sheriff came by to say “It has to go somewhere, Mr. de Nugent, or the county will haul it away in a truck, and send your landlady the bill.”  

      John has sold his house and both cars and most of his guns to keep the site going, and to pay two men to protect the site from daily hacking. I am that monitor, and he is hacked every day.

      As for John’s health…..


      In the secret person of the heart, and they may not realize this, they envy and dislike Bushnell for not fearing death (unlike the cowardly majority) and for doing something, for acting on his values, and not just talking.

      All humans on this planet have bad karma, including the Whites. At least Bushnell has no guilt, no blood on his hands, in the mass murder the jews are committing in Gaza. And there are cowards who are ashamed and wish they were heroes, which is at least something, because shame can be the beginning of remorse and change. But here are other cowards who hate heroes, because they hold a mirror up to the majority that only whines and refuses to help one single activist with one single dollar.

      A January 6 protester who is now doing five years in federal prison for “invading the Capitol,” protesting the 2020 Stealection, and supposedly fighting with police, is a real doer, not just a talker.

      Vincent Gillespie,
      Register #87034-509
      FCI Fort Dix
      P. O. Box 2000
      Joint Base MDL, NJ 08640

      I do not know if his actions that day were wise and legal or not.

      Hostile but seemingly factual article:


      In any case, I see the blondish, blue-eyed Trump as the real problem here. He was the Commander-In-Chief of all US Armed Forces, and was adored by the majority of US military personnel. He knew that they knew that the election was blatantly stolen via millions of fraudulent mail-in ballots.

      He knew that this was a coup d’état. (And so was the murder of John Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison said this in his summation to the jury in a trial of CIA thugs whom he was prosecuting in connection with the Kennedy murder. “This was a COUP!”)

      Yet Trump, for all his bluster of “draining the swamp” and “locking her [Hillary] up,” because he is actually weak deep-down, appointed psychopathic neo-cons to key military and government positions, including the ineffable General Mark Milley and the madman John Bolton.

      He was afraid to declare a national emergency, and use his awesome emergency powers to stay in the White House as per the election result. (And it was a landslide victory over Biden/Harris, who as candidates and as people were both national jokes.)

      So Trump stoked up the justified outrage of the January Sixers, then merely whined when they were arrested and framed, over one thousand of them. Though he had two MILLION servicemen under his command, he refused to order them to suppress the coup. ansd niow we have been in Bidenite hell for over three years, and nearly 18 million mysterious illegal aliens have poured into the United States, many of them Black Africans, Muslims, andm,most worrisome of all, Red Chinese police officers.

      Seven years ago, Vincent kindly sent me his own copy of a superb book on gaining enlightenment, “I am that.” It was by a working-class Hindu who had been a family man, husband, father, etc. a conscientious and good man, but still he felt unfulfilled and, after his kids had grown up and moved on, he, like others for thousands of years in India, left family life in his forties and sought full-time the highest wisdom. Hestudied under a renowned guru, and became himself a revered spiritual teacher with many white, western followers.

      His title as a teacher was Nisargadatta.


      Anyway, I am rereading his book now, and this struck me, on page 104:

      I will end with this meme I just created:


  2. Quelli di Destra difendono Netanyahu, IsraHell, Meloni ecc…
    Quelli di sinistra paragonano Netanyahu a Hitler e difendono la Palestina.
    Questo pianeta è un Disastro completo.
    Tutti cervelli fritti.
    E John in questa situazione 🙁

  3. You’re not going to reach enough people with this website. Have you thought about moving to northern Idaho? It is one of the last right-wing conservative strongholds left in America.
    I’m planning on doing a bit of political activism and I’m hoping to move [he is in Australia] to a small conservative town in QLD [Queensland] or NSW [New South Wales].

    There are plenty of small towns left in Australia with beautiful architecture, but no city is worth living in any more. My advice to you would to rake up as much money together as you can and move to northern Idaho.

    You could interact with other white-wing conservatives and help with the community there and start organising to survive the collapse of the country and a possible civil war.

    Get in touch with locals in northern Idaho and start organising political activism with some of the local community and differet strategies for survival and defence.

    I’m currently unemployed, but if I did have money to spare, I would donate to Red Ice t.v like I have in the past over the years. They are the best pro-white European advocates out there.

    • My calling is very different — it is Aryan-religious — from that of the wonderful Red Ice couple. Henrik Palmgren and Lara are indeed fantastic, lovable, hard-working and professional people, bursting with SINCERITY, and (after years of trying (in this chemically polluted world) they now have a baby too. 🙂

      To hear my important 2014 show with Henrik on the Solutreans, which I did right after an 18-hour drive and while exhausted, go to https://johndenugent.com/negroes-negroland-rue-but-off-high-horse-white-earthlings-my-interview-red-ice-solutreans-true-native-americans/ and scroll down three quarters to the subheading in blue: “My interview on Red Ice about the ancient white Solutreans, the true Native Americans”

      I also know Coeur d’Alene in northern Idaho very well, and several key WNs there.

      You know what is actually so great about this terrible period we are living in?

      Our jew enemy, by attacking us, has brought so many Whites together. You are way down there in Kangarooland, and I feel, I know, that you are my white brother. 🙂

  4. William Pierce was a great man and it’s a shame no one listened to him. But also you must understand that the white American middle class tried to stop the communist civil rights era.
    But were forcefully desegregated by the U.S national guard with rifles attached with bayonets.
    It’s been Christianity that caused this, Christian politicians have always been easily manipulated by jews.
    And in Hitlers early life he was a christian but later on from part of the 1930’s onwards he was against christianity and chose Roman Pagan spiritualism to follow.
    He still let the churches function but he was not a christian and there was no public display of crosses in the 3rd reich.
    What could the white middle class in America do if the politicians and millitary enforced this onto the population. America was more marxist in the fifties then China is now. It’s been Christianity that caused this.
    Most christians act like jews are gods that can not be criticised. Jews are just freakishly inbred Turkic and Turkish subhumans that mixed in with other races with those extremely dominant genes, from ultra heavy incest, close inbreeding for thousands of years.
    They really kept it in the family, fathers had children with daughters, brothers bred with sisters, mothers with sons. Uncles woth neices, aunts with nephues grandfathers also have children with their grandaughters.
    Sickening revolting stuff this is but it’s true, imagine what this would do to your gene pool and brain development, you can’t even comprehend that level of inbreeding.
    Plus the original tribes that the jews descended from came from either neandothals or denosvians.
    More likely the neandothals, and ashkenazi jews descended from a small group possibley less then a thousand.
    Jews are the most inbred group on earth, and inbreeding doesn’t always create a low i.q and mental retardation.
    It can actually go the other way and create a high i.q with high intelligence, and neurological diseases and disorders.

  5. Plus Clopatra who was Greek Macedonian was extremely inbred but intelligent and spoke 5 different languages and could make logical and strategical decisions.

  6. E nei primi anni di vita di Hitler era cristiano ma più tardi, a partire dagli anni ’30 in poi, fu contro il cristianesimo e scelse di seguire lo spiritualismo pagano romano.
    Lasciava ancora che le chiese funzionassero ma non era cristiano e non c’era alcuna esposizione pubblica di croci nel 3° reich.
    Bè il Cristianesimo ha bisogno di una nuova scossa, senza vecchio testamento, Talmud e “porgi l’altra guancia Goym”.
    Ora serve una vera Religione che unisca tutti contro gli Ebrei compatti.

  7. Dear John de Nugent,

    In the Seth material it is written that some people want to put an exclamation mark with their death, to draw people’s attention to a certain topic.

    It is extremely unfortunate that thoughtful, questioning people of all people despair of the present prevailing conditions in the world and take their own lives, as have many US soldiers for many years who recognized the injustice of the wars. It is unfortunate that Aaron Bushnell chose to leave in this line of probability and incarnation, when he could have used his positive influence beneficially for so many more years.

    It takes a long time to become capable of acting in the physical system, to grow as a human being, etc., and it is deeply regrettable not to use these given opportunities for physical influence. Seth spoke of the fact that one could change the world at one’s personal point of intersection with the world (workplace, family, etc.), acting impressively (formulated in one way or another). Aaron Bushnell will, however, take the remaining life energy with him into his other incarnations and use it there; people who died too early in their previous lives are often said to be particularly strong-willed.

    You mentioned recently that you have come to the conclusion that this is a bad karma planet. Apart from the fact that humanity is in a learning process and the dark forces are currently doing all they can to prevent the revolution of consciousness so that humanity remains trapped in materialism and does not become aware of its inner origins again, one can certainly encounter the effects of previous lives (you also mentioned the Anglo-Saxon WW2 bomber pilots reincarnated as Americans): Seth describes, mutatis mutandis, that some people in another incarnation experience the effects of (unjust) laws that they themselves (in another life) were involved in making.

    And, I am not referring to the Australian commentator himself, but to many of his fellow Australians: How many Australians today still passionately celebrate their participation in the war of annihilation against the German Reich, which for centuries resisted its own annihilation? Germany fought back against the repopulation measures, against the extermination of the white peoples, but the Australians and the other Allies destroyed it and are now (for decades) getting their backs broken for it. And many Anglo-Saxons who oppose the repopulation, their annihilation, still don’t get it when they start their articles and speeches with “My forefathers fought in WW2 against the Nazis!” etc. They still don’t question what they have “learned” in school.

    After all, you are active in all incarnations at the same time, even if your perception is currently linear. And that’s really quite intense: someone gets upset in one incarnation about draconian laws or about the consequences of events in whose creation he was involved in a previous incarnation. Interpreted in a superficial linear-temporal way, as TTA (Dennis Ingo Schulz) said: “The cause complains about the effect”. 🙂

    John de Nugent lives in a perfect place geophysically, by the way. In the Seth material it even says that living by the sea or by large lakes is a prerequisite for the [accelerated] unfolding of inner abilities, I suspect that it has to do with the coordination points also mentioned by Seth, the 3-lake region is said to be one of the main coordination points according to Seth.

    Politics without the spiritual factor is a mere surface spectacle, this time the contact with and to the inner reality structures (guardian angels etc.) must really be explored and cultivated. People need to be reintroduced to their inner origins, to become familiar with them, and this happens through the dissemination of ideas, still via traditional channels (pre-press) as well as via computer servers, both from anywhere in the world. And he also gets greetings from the big city, as Tucker Carlson’s indirect greeting to John shows. 😀

    And in the medium term, John de Nugent can also detonate his two Russia WW2 article nuclear bombs to remove the iron curtains (between Germanic and Slavic peoples) from Ontanagon. 🙂

    There are pro forma Catholics, evangelicals, Jews, etc. So many Catholics have absolutely nothing to do with the popes in Rome, with these NWO structures. This also applies to many Jews: Power Judaism may falsely make people believe through the mass media that the majority of small Jews are on their side. Quite apart from the fact that Jews, just like non-Jews, are constantly lied to and manipulated in their behavior from an early age, this homogeneity does not exist.
    At the forefront of historical research and in the struggle for justice, they come from all groups, peoples and backgrounds, they are not interested in group sensitivities, they are only concerned with truth and justice and/or their love of a professional discipline.

    Here, one of the pro-forma Jewish doctors (“I am Jewish and I am not a religious Jew”) fights for the physical integrity of children, a Jewish viewer explains during the program that she did not know what circumcision involved and that she now strictly rejects it:

    “Phil Donahue circumcision broadcast – June 17, 1987”, 46 minutes,

    We are all human and participate in cognitive processes.

    End of the sermon. 🙂

  8. Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    im Seth-Material steht geschrieben, daß manche Menschen mit ihrem Tod ein Ausrufezeichen setzen möchte, die Aufmerksamkeit der Menschen auf ein bestimmtes Thema lenken möchten.

    Es ist äußerst bedauernswert, daß ausgerechnet nachdenkliche, hinterfragende Menschen an den gegenwärtig vorherrschenden Zuständen in der Welt verzweifeln und sich das Leben nehmen, so auch seit vielen Jahren viele US-Soldaten die das Unrecht der Kriege erkannten. Es ist bedauerlich, daß Aaron Bushnell sich in dieser Wahrscheinlichkeitslinie und Inkarnation dazu entschied, zu gehen, wo er seinen positiven Einfluß noch so viele Jahre segensvoll nutzen hätte können.

    Es braucht viel Zeit, bis man handlungsfähig wird im physischen System, bis man als Mensch heranwächst usw. und es ist zutiefst bedauernswert, diese gegebenen physischen Einflußmöglichkeiten nicht mehr zu nutzen. Seth sprach davon, daß man an seinem persönlichen Schnittpunkt zur Welt (Arbeitsplatz, Familie usw.) die Welt verändern könnte, handelnd beeindruckend (so oder so ähnlich formuliert). Aaron Bushnell wird die verbliebene Lebensenergie jedoch in seine andere(n) Inkarnationen mitnehmen und dort nutzen, im Vorleben zu früh Gegangene sollen oft besonders willensstark sein.

    Sie erwähnten neulich, daß Sie zur Überzeugung gekommen sind, daß dies ein Schlechtkarma-Planet sei. Mal abgesehen davon, daß sich die Menschheit in einem Lernprozeß befindet und die Dunkelmächte gegenwärtig alle tun, um die Bewußtseinsrevolution zu verhindern, damit die Menschheit im Materialismus gefangenbleibt und sich nicht wieder der inneren Ursprünge gewahr wird, kann man durchaus Auswirkungen früher Leben begegnen (sie erwähnten ja auch die als US-Amerikaner reinkarnierten anglosächsischen WK2-Bomberpiloten): Seth beschreibt sinngemäß, daß manche Menschen in einer anderen Inkarnation die Auswirkungen von (ungerechten) Gesetzen erleben, an deren Gestaltung sie (in einem anderen Leben) selber beteiligt waren.

    Und, ich meine nicht den australischen Kommentator selbst, aber viele seiner Landsleute: Wie viele Australier feiern heute noch leidenschaftlich ihre Betteilung am Vernichtungskrieg gegen das Deutsche Reich, daß sich seit Jahrhunderten gegen die eigene Vernichtung wehrte? Deutschland wehrte sich gegen die Umvolkungsmaßnahmen, gegen die Vernichtung der weißen Völker, aber die Australier und die anderen Alliierten vernichteten es und bekommen nun (seit Jahrzehnten) das Rückgrat dafür gebrochen. Und viele Angelsachsen die sich gegen die Umvolkung, gegen ihre Vernichtung wehren, begreifen es immer noch nicht, wenn sie ihre Artikel und Reden beginnen mit “My forefathers fought in WW2 against the Nazis!” etc.

    Man ist ja in allen Inkarnationen zugleich aktiv, auch wenn die Wahrnehmung gegenwärtig linear ist. Und das ist schon ultraheftig: Da regt sich jemand in einer Inkarnation über drakonische Gesetze auf oder über Folgen von Ereignissen, an deren Erschaffung er in einer vorherigen Inkarnation selbst beteiligt war. Oberflächlich-linearzeitlich interpretiert, wie TTA (Dennis Ingo Schulz) als sagte: “Die Ursache beschwert sich über die Wirkung”. 🙂

    John de Nugent lebt geophysikalisch übrigens an einem perfekten Ort. Im Seth-Material steht sogar, daß das Leben am Meer oder an großen Seen eine Voraussetzung für die [beschleunigte] Enttfaltung innerer Fähigkeiten sei, ich vermute mal, daß es mit den ebenfalls von Seth erwähnten Koordinationspunkten zu tun hat, die 3-Seen-Region soll ja laut Seth zu den Hauptkoordinationspunkten gehören.

    Politik ohne den spirituellen Faktor ist ein reines Oberflächenspektakel, diesmal müssen wirklich der Kontakt mit und zu den inneren Wirklichkeitsstrukturen (Schutzengel usw.) erforscht und kultiviert werden. Die Menschen müssen wieder an ihre inneren Ursprünge herangeführt werden, mit diesen vertraut werden und das geschieht über die Verbreitung von Ideen, nach wie vor über klassische Wege (Druckvorstufe) als auch über Computerserver, beides geht von jedem Punkt der Welt aus. Und Grüße aus der Großstadt bekommt er ja auch, wie Tucker Carlsons indirekter Gruß an John zeigt. 😀

    Und seine zwei Rußland-WK2-Artikelatombomben zur Beseitigung der eisernen Vorhänge (zwischen germanischen und slawischen Völker) kann John de Nugent mittelfristig auch von Ontanagon aus zünden. 🙂

    Es gibt Proforma-Katholiken, -Evangelen, -Juden usw. So viele Katholiken haben rein gar nichts mit dem Popen in Rom zu tun, mit diesen NWO Strukturen. Das trifft auch auf viele Juden zu: Das Machtjudentum mag die Menschen durch die Massenmedien fälschlicherweise glauben machen, daß die Mehrheit der kleinen Juden auf ihrer Seite stünde. Ganz abgesehen davon, daß auch Juden genauso wie Nichtjuden von klein an permanent belogen und in ihrem Verhalten manipuliert werden, gibt es diese Homogenität nicht.
    An der Spitze der Geschichtsforschung und im Gerechtigkeitskampf kommen sie aus allen Gruppen, Völkern und Richtungen, sie interessieren sich dort nicht für Gruppenbefindlichkeiten, es geht ihnen dort nur um Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit und/oder um die Liebe zu einer Berufsdisziplin.

    Hier kämpft einer der pro-forma jüdischen Ärzte (“I am jewish and I am not a religious Jew”) für die körperliche Unversehrtheit von Kindern, eine jüdische Zuschauerin erklärt während der Sendung sinngemäß, daß sie nicht wußte, was die Beschneidung beinhaltet und daß sie sie jetzt strikt ablehnt:

    “Phil Donahue circumcision broadcast – June 17, 1987”, 46 Minuten,

    Wir sind alle Menschen und nehmen an Erkenntnisprozessen teil.

    Ende der Predigt. 🙂

  9. Il Cristianesimo non ha funzionato per l’alleanza con gli Zeloti.
    Dopo la morte di Gesù.
    È tempo di una Religione potente, solare che bandisca per sempre le Religioni Deviate come il Giudaismo.
    “nessuno deve porgere l’altra guancia”
    La tua esperienza fisico spirituale è la nostra salvezza.
    La salvezza di tutte quelle anime che avrebbe voluto guidare Gesù ai suoi tempi..e non solo con le “canalizzazioni”.
    Abbiamo urgente bisogno di Verità 🙂

  10. https://www.danisch.de/blog/2024/02/08/linkokalypse-das-wunderbare-erbe-von-george-floyd/

    “[…] Da kann man wunderbar sehen, wie in nicht einmal vier Jahren die linke Deppenpolitik und die Antifa (die ja dahinter steckte, auch um die Bevölkerung gegen Trump in Stellung zu bringen) eine Gesellschaft, einen Staat durchruiniert haben. […]”

    Danisch will nicht aussprechen, daß Pläne umgesetzt werden. Das ist verständlich, nach all dem, was er im Laufe von Jahrzehnten durchgemacht hat. Als Leser hat man es immer einfach, kann leicht verurteilen, im Gegensatz zu denen, die an vorderster Aufklärungsfront stehen.

    Es werden nun in großem Schrittempo Pläne umgesetzt, das maximale Chaos ist die Vorstufe zur Superdiktatur. Die Unfähigkeits- bzw. Inkompetenztheorie ist bereits seit vielen Jahrzehnten widerlegt.

    Es reicht vollkommen aus, den charakterlich-sozial unterentwickelten Menschen Freibriefe auszustellen, folgenlos Unrecht begehen zu dürfen, dann hat man eine zerstörte Gesellschaft.: Es ist wahrlich erschütternd, wie die lokale US-Amerikanerin im zweiten Video berichtet, daß so gut wie alle Geschäfte dicht gemacht haben in ihrer Stadt, daß man nichts mehr einkaufen kann bzw. daß es keine Arbeitsplätze mehr gibt. Eine Stadt wird zur Geisterstadt, durch das vorsätzliche, gesetzlich-politische Ausstellen von Freibriefen, Unrecht begehen zu dürfen.

    Das Video enthält Zusatzinformationen in Untertiteln, die phasenweise eingeblendet werden.

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