Politico: the Trump-Putin-Chabad Lubavitch Connection

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As Trump meets with Lavrov, I was studying the tea leaves on the side: Alexander Hamilton painting (bad, the original Fed guy); MLK and Churchill busts….. Covering all the bases….


People who want power, sometimes to do good things, make deals with powerful Jews. Simple as that.


  1. Those who lionized and made an idol out of Trump have been chastened.
    The same will happen with those that still lionize and make an idol out of Putin.
    There are some websites that inform us about Putins jewish ancestry and ties.
    Remember that comunist defector who told the world that comunism still isnt dead, its only simulating for now, but the plans of world conquest still remain intact.
    Take a look at renegadetribune and read the recent post with many photos of shameful celebration of victory day by russians.
    The jews are still in Rusia.
    Many germans think Rusia is a friend just because the usa isnt. They dont realize that germany has no friends as long there are jews around.
    Prophecies and seeances tell us about a future sudden attack and invasion of germany by Russia.
    In those prophecies, the usa isnt seen as bad as Rusia, but a fall of the usa is foretold.

  2. Elaborating on the line “the jews are still in Rusia”:
    They are the creators of communism, the authors of the bloody russian revolution, and the absolute majority of directive and commanding personnel in the government of the soviet union in its bloodiest and most genocidal times.
    And they havent vanished in thin air. They are still there, plotting their comeback.
    Their goals of european conquest couldnt be met at times of the first and second world wars. They will come again to finish their uncompleted work, and this is what some prophecies about sudden russian invasion of europe seem to warn us about.

      • The USSR is gone but not the Jews who helped Lenin and Stalin run it. There are still plenty of them in the Duma and other high government positions!

        Putin has to watch his back, especially after his crackdown on the Jewish Oligarchs who became instant billionaires when they bought up state-run industries for pennys on the dollar!

        Putin and Khodorkovsky

        These Oligarchs cousins in the Jew-owned and -operated US and UK keep the media spewing out hatred for Putin every day, 24/7…..

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