And now Poopgate?….The Protocols ordain “put laughable, inept goy leaders in charge at the end to crash society”

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Note the facial expression of the two American D-Day veterans visible right behind Biden.

This video suggests Biden was not actually having a bowel movement on stage but, while standing next to President Macron, was mistakenly trying to sit down….


Both RT and Alex Jones have written stories about this in the wake of more strange behavior, possibly self-defecation, by Creepy Old Joe at the D-Day commemoration in Normandy.

Jones is quite funny….




The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a work which I and other active antisemites believe to be a mega-brilliant analysis of the jewish master plan for world conquest by an antisemite posing as a jew.

The Protocols in Modern English pdf

Others who see it this book that way — as an insightful antisemite posing as a semite to draw attention to his amazing analysis — include David Duke, who for all his serious faults is a very good anti-jewish & anti-Israel activist, and also Vincent Reynouard, the great French revisionist on the Holofraud and on the supposed Waffen-SS “massacre” at the French village of Oradour.

Reynouard recently languishing for many months in a Scottish jail while fighting a completely illegal extradition from the UK — where Holocaust “denial” is still legal and therefore Reynouard has committed NO crime —  back to France, where since 1990, under a law named for the French jew politician Fabius, it has been a felony to refute the Holofraud.

Anyway, the Protocols say that the jews should impose on the gentile nations certain gentile puppet politicians who are utterly stupid, incompetent cowards.

They will be told to create a colossal mess.

Think of Theresa May, Rishi Sunak, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Volodimir Zelensky, Emmanuel Macron, and Olaf Scholz in Germany — or go back to George “Dubya” Bush — all uninspiring, abject, overt failures.

Dubya was often unable to complete any longer sentence in a grammatical way, usually speaking in third-grade-vocabulary and in three-word bursts.

He also had no presidential dignity. For eight excruciating years this man was a national embarrassment. Even FOX News once carried an item where a psychologist and expert on SAT test scores determined his IQ was 117, so low that it would make the Commander in Chief of the US military — the one who got us into the debacles of Iraq and Afghanistan — ineligible to be appointed a second lieutenant in the US Army.


Compare these recent losers with the skilled, smooth and masterful politicians (whether they were evil or good) of the past such as Clinton, Reagan, Thatcher, Helmut Schmidt in West Germany — a defense minister and then chancellor….

His wedding photo during WWII with his bride Hannelore (“Loki”) as a Luftwaffe lieutenant; Schmidt’s Wehrmacht file said he was an “excellent officer” with a “vorbildliche NS-Haltung” /being an “exemplary incarnation of NS values”)  

Defense Minister Schmidt helped the Bundeswehr become a first-rate fighting force against the Soviet threat

Schmidt speaking confidently, clearly and amusingly in perfect English at a British Labour Party conference:

And there were men like John Kennedy, Charles de Gaulle in France (who was also an excellent writer and thinker, btw) and, I hate to say it, Churchill in Britain.

Churchill was an almost great leader, almost-great because while he did get America into the war and did a lot to defeat Germany, his decisions bankrupted the British Empire he cherished and ended it, because white rule after 1945 was suddenly evil.

Also near-great, sadly, was FDR in America, who for all his evil, overwhelmed the old Republicans, in-the-closet, pro-white antisemites — and the paleo-conservative forces on the Right, and got himself elected four times in landslides.

FDR makes a joke out of a Republican rumor that he had sent a US Navy destroyer to pick up his dog, Fala, a Scottish terrier:

Rosenfeld did run the US war machine very effectively, especially in choosing the highly competent German-American Dwight Eisenhower as his top general….

His D-Day invasion at Normandy (and not at Calais) was pure evil but an amazingly successfully deception and an awesome feat of planning and execution. I visited Normandy, home of my ancestors, and Omaha Beach there, plus the beautiful US Cemetery. It is just amazing how the Americans in the US ‘Army (a third of them of German blood) persevered and got up those cliffs under fire. The white race had a lot of competent leaders back then.

“Omaha Beach” landing scene from  “Saving Private Ryan”  — quite a feat of white planning, skill, and bravery

For thousands of years, for obvious reasons, especially in republics or constitutional monarchies, our leaders, like our businessmen, teachers, farmers and clergymen, were often bright, inspiring, energetic, popular and skillfull. They got to the top by having “the right stuff.”

So, going back now to our incompetent goyish “leaders” of today, this is the scenario:

The entire West becomes one gigantic, suffering, quivering pigsty, with a starving, lawless society, and undergoing possibly a race war, with a collapsing economy, becoming a total mess in every way.

And maybe there will be a “Died Suddenly” demographic collapse, where tens of millions die right on the street, including vaxxed doctors, vaxxed nurses, vaxxed cops, vaxxed airline pilots, and vaxxed soldiers.

Maybe the “dumb Italian” Anthony Fauci will become the scapegoat, together with the “stupid [supposed] WASP” Bill Gates.

And why not also blame the hated GERMAN-American, the 6’3″ blond, blue-eyed goy, Donald Trump, ahem, Mr Warp Speed.


All this jewish authorship of the whole Covid mega-crime will be forgotten:


Then the jew-controlled media, having bashed all goy leaders, will order new Gentile puppets to rise up ………….and humbly beg the jews to come and rule us.

Yes, the very chaos which the jews caused (how classic, and, as Margi always said, the jewish motto is “start a fire/sell a firehose”) will be ended only by the top goyim sellouts literally begging our betters — the brilliant, competent, highly successful jews whom the bootlicking Count Coudenhove-Kalergi ever glorified — to take the reins openly, and so let The Jews directly rule the West from their sacred capital of Jerusalem.

And their Freemasonic goyish lapdogs put this out too in their own way.

A one page summary of the Protocols:

— Goyim are mentally inferior to Jews and can’t run their nations properly. For
their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them
with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much
bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause. Here’s what we’ll need to do:

— Place our agents and helpers everywhere
— Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
— Start fights between different races, classes and religions
— Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
— Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
— Appeal to successful people’s egos
— Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
— Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism
— Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
— Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
— Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
— Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
— Rewrite history to our benefit
— Create entertaining distractions
— Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
— Encourage people to spy on one another
— Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
— Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold
— Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
— Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
— Replace sound investment with speculation
— Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
— Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

Eventually, the Goyim will be so angry with their governments (because we’ll blame them for the resulting mess) that they’ll gladly have us take over.

We will then appoint a descendant of David to be king of the world, and the remaining Goyim will bow down and sing his praises. Everyone will live in peace and obedient order under his glorious rule.

“The remaining goyim” means this — 500 million miserable goy slaves are still alive, whereas 90% of us are to be killed off by war, disease, sterility and famine.

And it all comes down to this: Wil our race again have, welcome and accept a visionary, dynamic, and brilliant leader?






  1. Fauci IMO is not Italian and Bill Gates is not white; they’re both crypto-jews.

    Bill Gates is IMO from a wealthy jewish philanthapist family and is an Ashkenazi jew.

    Fauci is definitely a crypto jew, probably sephardic.

    Jews are a race of psychopathic schizophrenics and a large percentage of them hide their jewish identity and pretend to be white.
    Jews are ultra-intelligent but they can’t think logically, and psychopaths like to take risks.

    And they don’t think of the long-term consequences of their actions.

    ….such as the ozone layer being destroyed by toxic industrial chemicals, which is letting in dangerous, harmful rays from space.

    If the future of our planet is an unlivable, toxic wasteland, then even jews won’t survive. No amount of money can save you if the planet is an unliveable, poisoned place where everything is contaminated by plastics and toxic chemicals.

    • It is indeed possible but NOT “definite,” that both Gates and Fauci are part-jewish.

      But on this website, and remember, “national socialism is the willingness to be truthful,” (and not lie “for a good cause” or exaggerate and make stuff up as the jews do) I never make dogmatic statements unless something is truly proven by evidence.

      Example: “the sun rises in the east.” 🙂

      Or “Jews were deeply involved in the Covid mRNA vaxx.” This the jews themselves boast, and they themselves provide the corroborating evidence. How can they deny what they themselves said? This meme, created by jews themselves to glorify (whom else?) themselves, is literally a confession.

      In fact, in the actual rollout, the first Covid clot-shot was administered at the Long Island [New York State] Jewish Medical Center by a Dr. Katz.


      Btw, many “little jews” were killed too by this jew-jab from the big Jews:

      …such as Benjamin Goodman:

      Benjamin Goodman, 32, Dies 14 Hours After J&J Vaccine

      One of those people is Benjamin Gordon Goodman, a successful and enterprising young man who was working in the television industry but had decided to go back to school to get an MBA. About a week after Goodman turned 32, he went to a Walgreens in Chelsea for his COVID-19 vaccine. He chose to get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine so he would only need one shot.

      According to Goodman’s stepmother, Pamela Everett Goodman, a little after 4:00 p.m. that day Goodman texted them a photograph of his vaccination card. He also texted he had a horrible headache which had come on almost instantly. He went back to his apartment, thinking he could sleep off the side effects. But that night, around 1:00 a.m., he spiked a very high fever. At 3:00 a.m. his fiancé woke up to him having a seizure. She called 911.

      Emergency Medical Technicians tried to restart his heart. They brought Goodman to Mount Sinai Hospital. He was pronounced dead at 6:05 a.m. on March 14, 2021. Goodman had been eager to buy a plane ticket to visit Vanderbilt, one of several prestigious graduate MBA programs that accepted him. His family thought they would soon be planning a wedding. Instead, they found themselves planning their son’s funeral.

      The immediate cause of death listed on his death certificate: “Dilated Cardiomyopathy.” Other significant conditions contributing to death: “Febrile Reaction Following Covid-19 Vaccination.”

      (This was taken from “New Peer-Reviewed Study: COVID-19 Vaccines Increase Risk of Cardiac Arrest in Young People by 25 Percent
      BY [jewess] JENNIFER MARGULIS”.)

      And Anthony Fauci has “bat ears,” which also can be very jewish.

      The major and longtime Jewish comedian George Burns had huge bat ears.

      He also had a quasi-chimpanzee face, which other jews have, and chimpanzees can be bloodthirsty, cruel, and kill and eat other monkeys. I remember on NPR (National Public Radio in the USA) an interview with some female American expert on chimps. She describes once witnessing to her horror some chimpanzees pounce on a much smaller monkey of another species. They held it down and, as it screamed, did not kill it directly but ripped off its little arms and legs and ate them as it watched in horror.

      Other animals at least kill their prey first, whether by suffocation (lions and other big cats) or violently shaking and snapping the neck (especially dogs and wolves). To kill the prey first is efficient, causes less trouble, and is also compassionate. And we can see many cases in a thousand animal videos where various beasts are kind and compassionate to each other (unless extreme hunger intervenes). I have often seen videos of hippopotamuses rescuing antilopes from crocodiles, for example… or dogs and cats, sheep and horses, snuggling and licking each other affectionately. Animals CAN be very kind.

      Now, as to whether Gates and Fauci are jews (and the Italian word “Fauci,” ominously, means “jaws”), people can “look jewish” but simply have neanderthal DNA, which the haplogroup J-Y reveals.

      This map coincides with the ancient, original realm of the prehistoric neanderthals, whom our ancestors, the Cro-Magnons, mostly conquered:

      I have met fine people who are on our side — pro-white activists — among them Germans, Croatians, Italians, Frenchmen, and especially Spaniards, who certainly “look jewish” but no, it is neander blood in their ancestry from 50,000 BC. They have no jewish great grandfather or anything like that, no connection whatsoever to the synagogue, and zero sympathy for jewry, and they may well be “poor as a church mouse” like other Whites.

      As an example, I have run these photos before…. showing first the ultimate, tall, blond, blue-eyed SS officer, Reinhard Heydrich. General SS men (not Waffen-SS) had to prove they had zero jewish ancestry going back 200 years.

      But here is a Third Reich memorial stamp issued in German-occupied Czechia after Heydrich’s assassination by British-run Czech operatives. Note the “jewish” nose (which is not jewish) when seen from the side:

      As the back of the US one-dollar bill has boasted since 1935, when Frank Rosenfeld redesigned it, the West is ruled by both the jews and their WHITE Masonic lackeys.

      The Latin inscription encircling the Masonic pyramid says “Our plan having succeeded/New World Order”… And above the fierce American eagle on the other side are thirteen stars forming a clear Star of David pattern.

      It is a fatal error to assume, if only subconsciously, that “all Whites are good.” In fact, what necessitated my dictatorship 1933-45 in Germany was the bitter recognition (confirmed when our November 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, which could have succeeded, was betrayed by a white man, Bavarian premier Gustav von Kahr) that many of the Whites who live on THIS SPECIFIC AND BARBARIC PLANET, TERRA, are NOT especially good people at all…..and therefore they must be kept under strict control. Control means fear: of being arrest by the cops, imprisoned by a judge, or executed by hanging, guillotining, or a firing squad.

      As I said in Mein Kampf, ten percent of white people are wonderful, and ten percent are just awful.

      The other 80% are human putty, moldable— and, yes, massively affected by propaganda and social and financial pressure. They act in accordance with either the goodness and skill — or the wickedness and incompetence — of their leaders.

      Under a George Washington Americans were wonderful; under a George W. Bush rapists and torturers did fiendish things in Iraq, hence the crimes committed for months BY WHITES at the sickening Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, which previously had been Saddam’s most feared prison.

      Abu Ghraib jailer, US Army reservist Lynndie England, hailed from the heartland state of Kentucky and she was raised in West Virginia. Charles Graner was a Marine from Pittsburgh (and even Butler County, where I and Margi lived 2008-10).

      Lynndie forcing a naked Iraqi to masturbate (and, yes, Israelis taught this to the Americans):

      Democracy can only work if the nation is enlightened. And no nation on this planet of any race is. Freedom is the goal — if and when humans can truly handle it.

      It is vital to understand that we are not alone in the universe….. and that dozens of high civilizations interact with earth (to get raw materials they need, among them hydrogen, titanium, gold, copper, etc.) yet mostly avoid contact with us earthlings. Earth has long been a frightful place, and now it is becoming a pure hell. The Jew World Order does not want earthlings to know that other humans have advanced far, far, FAR beyond our level.

      The jews want us to accept what is going on now as if it were “normal” and thus not revolt against their sickening and outrageous tyranny! In fact, Earth is an aberration, held back by incessant and insane human conflicts, including wars. White skin is only a starting point.

      • My ethnic background is English and Scottish on my mother’s side and English and German on my father’s side. My father had light-brown hair when he was younger and my mother had blonde hair into her teens.
        My grandmother, my mother’s mum, had pitch-black hair when she was younger, but fair skin from her English and Scottish ancestry.
        Jews evolved from a late-lingering group of neanderthals from the Caucasus mountains below Russia and northern Turkey and the mountains of Kazhakstan and the desserts of Jordan, Syria and Iraq. They have 15 percent neanderthaol DNA, and they are also the result of thousands of years of inbreeding and race-mixing. I’m not sure if any of the original tribes were from north Africa.
        I’ve heard that the Berber tribes from north Africa are among the ancestors of the sephardic jews. With the information I’ve read online and regarding his facial features and the facial features of his wife and children, it can be proven that Bill Gates is Jewish. As for Fauci, I haven’t read any information that can prove he is jewish, but I think the chances of him being jewish are very high.
        It’s actually really scary how grim amd dire the situation is that our people are in.
        I spoke to a white female nurse at the hospital a couple of years ago.
        And she thought it was really scary what the politicians are doing to our countries and the level of mass immigration into our countries from the 3rd world.
        I’m very concerned because things are not looking good at all.
        I’m also worried about the amount of LGBT people in our society. Every time I go out, I see it everywhere in Oz. There are a huge amount of gay women in my area, and I never experienced anything like this when i was younger. I remember 25 years ago, gays, lesbians and transvestites were around, but their numbers were very small and there were no openly gay kids at my high school. And calling someone a faggot was not seen as a big deal. Now 40 percent of young people identify as LGBT!
        Most are bisexual, which says to me they’re saying or doing it to fit in.
        White people are not having children, and our birthrates are very low. Such a large percentage of young women are lesbians now, much higher then gay men.
        This means a lot of young white men will never be able to have a girlfriend or children.
        And the scariest thing is that the young people growing up now think this is normal because that’s all they have known. The mass communist censorship and all the cultural-marxist, anti-discrimination legislation are causing large amounts of mentally illness, such as depression, anxiety and other illnesses.
        I don’t know how we can possibly turn this around, especially with the Great Reset still proceeding and a lot of politicians being part of it.
        This is definitely the worst time in human history that we’re living in; nothing even comes close.
        It looks like we’re going to be conquered and slaughtered. The mRNA bioweapon is killing off our people, and Europeans have become too soft and weak to fight a war and take back our countries.
        It would mean a massive war that would kill millions of our people in Europe, the U.S and Russia. It would make WWII look like childs’ play in comparison.

        • If it came to a civil or race war, my problem would be the effeminate gays, men who act like girls. I have known very macho gay men, including one outstanding Marine who ran the motor pool at my Marine unit at the Washington Navy Yard. I was quite surprised to find out his orientation (back when it was a dischargeable offense).

          The important WN writer Michael Collins Piper was a friend of me and Margi, and a straight-acting gay. He went and got me a check from the boss for $1,000 when I was facing imminent eviction in Pennsylvania, a good deed which I will never, ever forget. Mike was a macho, burly, hail-fellow-well-met chap of German and Irish descent from Pennsylvania with a booming voice who smoked cigars and drank cognac. He lit up every room with his tough-but-lovable investigative reporter air. He liked women, but not “in that way,” and had many close female friends.

          He was an outstanding WN writer who composed one of the most important books ever written, Final Judgment, on how Israeli and American jews led the conspiracy to murder President Kennedy. All his colleagues at the Barnes Review and American Free Press assumed he was gay.

          And a masculine gay ran the SA, the Stormtroopers, for me for years, Ernst Röhm, a decorated WWI combat officer. (His execution in 1934 was a tragically necessary emergency measure to prevent my overthrow, a civil war between the SA and the Reichswehr — the military — and a possible Franco-Polish invasion in its wake to “restore order.”)

          The problem is effeminate men, whether gay or straight, who cannot and will not fight. Does anyone think the jews, the 2% who dominate this country, will peacefully give up their stolen power? After the capital crimes, among them white genocide, which they have committed?

  2. Imagine if Italian-Americans supported the the Mafia in the same way that Jews support the Jewish syndicate. Not only would the Mafia put the Jews out of business, but they would come to dominate American life.

    • Interesting thought.

      At least the Mafia neither hates nor tries to genocide the people. An intelligent mobster knows not to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Mobsters may demand “protection money,” but not so much it puts the business owner out of business. Tony Soprano was not out to harm the locals, just to live off them.

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