Portugal’s NEW “Far-Right” Chega Party successfully recruits from traditional Communist strongholds in shocking election outcome. Why we’ll never be able to recruit from the Far Left in the US.

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by JdN research team
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Although there’s no chance in Hades that purposefully evil and usefully idiotic Antifa will EVER join forces with Libertarians and the Far Right here in the States, the same can not be said for Portugal where a peculiar alliance has formed between the Right wing Chega Party and regional Communists – collectively tired of the “socialists” (in name only) in power.
Chega, Portugal’s equivalent of France’s Front National (based on policy positions and the two parties’ recent cooperation) – led by André Claro Amaral Ventura – whose name literally means “enough”, has made extraordinary gains in the Portuguese Parliament, achieving nearly 12% of the vote in the last Parliamentary Election.
The 38-year-old Ventura – a Portuguese law professor, novelist and former sports pundit – founded the populist party in 2019, and was elected to the Assembly of the Republic for Lisbon that same year.
His national ascent was just as fast, seeing him finish third in the 2021 presidential election with a staggering 11.87% of the national vote – in a country with a veritable aversion to right wing politicians (due to its history with Franco’s Spain etc).
In January’s presidential elections, Ventura who has been on the national political scene for less than 18 months achieved a staggering 500,000 votes – in a nation that has long been nearly pathologically Left wing.
How can Ventura’s popularity in a country that until recently still seemed immune to right-wing populism and nationalism be explained?
Portuguese political commentator, Costa Lobo, believes that “a phenomenon rarely seen in recent years has occurred”. One where “traditionally Far-Left wing supporters have surprisingly begun voting for Right Wing politicians in elections to rebuke the moderate Socialists in charge of the nation.”
Although Lobo seems shocked, should he be?
The same sort of thing occurred during the 1930’s when Germany’s Adolf Hitler rose to power, attracting from both the right wing elite and aristocracy and traditionally Left wing former workers’ parties.
Although this might seem a bit outlandish to American sensibilities, is it really?
The American Left’s obsession with identity politics and intersectionalism is as new as the notion that transgender athletes born male should be able to race against members of the opposite sex.
As recently as 2008 both the Tea Party and members of the Occupy Wall Street Crowd were BOTH marching against the banksters, as well as trying to shatter the incestuously evil relationship between big government and their bosses in the corporate sector.
The State/Establishment, recognizing the danger of having both the Left and Right fighting against them, have since manufactured a phony race war and the Deep State-controlled Black Loots and Murder movement to ensure that any cooperation between the Left and the Right was dead on arrival.
Still, seeing traditionally socialistic workers joining forces  –  at least electorally – with the Right in 2021 has alarmed many in Portugal.
Professor Costa Loba wrote, like other Europeans,

 “around one-fifth of the Portuguese population shares views that would coincide with the ideas of right-wing populist parties. There was a demand, but no supply. And the Chega party and André Ventura have now filled that demand. Their agenda is characterised by an ‘anti-establishment’ attitude. They are against what is politically correct, against a liberal migration policy and against the accusation that Portugal is racist.”

Then, there is about one-fifth to one-quarter of the population that identify as “Far-Left” in Portugal – also driven by an “anti-establishment” attitude – who view Chega – in spite of their Right wing positions on race, immigration and Portugal’s role in global colonial history – as allies in the struggle against our true oppressors.
In fact, in Portugal the primary difference between the Far Left and Far Right is the Right’s rightful refusal to look at Portugal’s history as racist, and the Left’s obsession with it.
The Portuguese Left don’t give a hoot about gender fluidity or partial birth abortion on demand.
Although they are riddled with some of the evil our Left is, they mostly just want to break the Etsablishment, and in many cases see the once powerful, but now relatively impoverished by Western European nations, maritime nation extricate itself from the European Union.

Apart from a few policy issues the Portuguese Far Left and Far Right want the exact same thing….
To see the people running the show drawn and quartered.
Even if the results of the Portuguese presidential elections can be relied upon only to a limited extent (to analyze national political trends), the fact that Portugal’s right-wing populists are particularly strong in regions of the nation that voted left for generations can NOT be ignored.
The Alentejo is one of the very few regions in Western Europe where a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party still in fact controls the government at the local level, yet in Alentejo’s Portoalegre constituency –  a traditional Communist stronghold – Chega’s André Ventura won almost 21% of the popular vote – his BEST election result nationwide.
And most surprisingly, it is where these votes came from.
The support and more importantly, the votes, did NOT come from older Communists disillusioned with the anti-Portuguese anti-racist rhetoric being pushed by Europe’s Left – where I anticipated they’d have originated….
But from Portugal’s student population!
Yes, you read that right…STUDENTS!!
While our blue-haired young people are rioting on behalf of George Floyd and transgender pedophiles, many of Portugal’s Leftist millennials are standing on the side of their native homeland!
Political scientist, Riccardo Marchi, of the University of Lisbon writes,

“I do not believe that the older core voters of the Communist Party will now switch over to the camp of right-wing populists. Younger, more apolitical voters, who voted for the Communists because it was practically a family tradition and at times trendy in student circles, may feel attracted to Chega and the nationalist, populist discourse.”


So what’s behind this change of heart?
Firstly, there’s Ventura’s vehement opposition to the draconian plan-demic lockdowns supported by BOTH of Portugal’s main parties.
The nation’s young understandably want to go out and enjoy their lives and can’t.
Then, there’s the collective pushback against the migrant invasion decimating Portugal and all of Western Europe.
In his autobiographical book ‘Returning to Reims’, French Leftist author, Didier Eribon, ruefully described how “former Communist voters in the Northern French regions of Normandy and Brittany switched to the camp of the Front National” simply because they were tired of seeing blacks and Muslims arriving in their small towns.
The same phenomenon is occurring in Portugal.
The Chega party who have held several rallies in fact with Marine Le Pen attracts similar support by railing against migrants and Portugal’s Roma – a largely criminal and anti-social sect that live in run-down social housing districts in Lisbon, as well as in the rural Alentejo region – where Ventura and his party excelled.
Leftist International Politics and Society magazine writes how, “At the height of the first Corona (virus) wave in April, André Ventura called for Sinti and Roma to be locked up in a kind of forced camp so that the supposedly unusually high spread of the virus among this population group would not be transmitted to others. It comes as no surprise that the right-wing populist chose the Sinti and Roma as a target: large parts of the Portuguese population still have great prejudices against the minority group.”
Not exactly undeserving “targets”!!  😀
Then there’s the push to tarnish the legacies of Portugal’s historical figures by a small group of Lisbon academics.
In 2021, sensing that the people had had enough, Ventura and his party made a concerted effort to “create a nationalist interpretation of Portuguese colonial history” – one that celebrated the nation’s past and told sneering naysayers to eff off.
Anti-white International Politics and Society magazine opined that, “Large parts of the population still believe that the Portuguese were not aggressively racist colonial masters, but that they tolerated and even promoted the peaceful coexistence and cooperation between whites and blacks. ”
Although the Portuguese were brutal to their slaves compared to their British counterparts and battled British Naval ships, tasked at ENDING the Transatlantic slave trade, many Portuguese point to the fact that the Portuguese – unlike the Brits in North America – regularly married their slaves.
One need only look at the genetic makeup of contemporary Brazil to know the Portuguese were a tad too cozy with their slaves.
Nevertheless, the mainstream parties such as the Establishment left wing “Socialists Party” and the slightly right of center (by Portuguese standards) Establishment Partido Social Democrata have been reluctant to put the reappraisal of Portuguese colonial history at the center of a broad social debate – as is happening in Britain and the United States, and to a certain extent in Portuguese academic circles….
….because they KNOW how deeply UNPOPULAR it would be in the country with both young and old.
And the right-wing populists have taken FULL advantage of this by introducing legislation to stop the rewriting of history and stop the movement to lionize blacks and demonize whites, pushed by leftist academics.
In fact, André Ventura and his fellow party members organized two demonstrations in Lisbon last summer, with nearly a thousand participants at each, under the slogan ‘Portugal is not racist’, and “We are proud of our history” (and again this might be hard for Western whites to comprehend) which were supported by both the Far Right, the working class and students.
So….now you know how the Left and Right can come together, as they once did under a historically significant charismatic young German leader (who bears a striking resemblance both physically and spiritually to our beloved John), and are now doing so in Portugal – is there hope for us?
Should we be calling the blue-haired lady-boys down at our local Antifa HQ to arrange a march on the Citadel of Satan?
Sadly, we are not, nor will we EVER be, Portugal or the Weimar Republic.
Portugal like Germany in 1933 is relatively homogeneous. The vast majority of her people, REGARDLESS of political affiliation, still love their country and perhaps even more importantly, Portugal has very few you know whews steering the Left and Right wings of the political spectrum to serve “their” interests.
So, sadly, I don’t see any way we can EVER find common ground with our Left.
In closing I’d like to leave you with a little excerpt from Portugal’s Wikipedia page.
Wikipedia writes, “It is hard to say how many Jews live in Portugal. The Portuguese census estimated a Jewish population of 5,000 individuals in 2001 (Portugal has a population of about 11 millon souls). The CIA World Factbook refers a smaller number of 1,000 Jews, mainly (elderly and therefore politically silent) resettled central European Holocaust survivors. Those that remain are Crypto Jews.”
By my calculation, that means at most Portugal has a Jewish population of between 0.05% and 0.06% – most of whom are as old as the hills around historic Lisbon.
We on the other hand have a slightly different demographic breakdown on our hands with Jews making up 20-25% of Manhattan and Los Angeles’s respective populations.
And they ain’t elderly shrinking violets and 90-year-old Holocaust survivors.
End article

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