Portuguese judge tells cop off for threatening anti-lockdown protestors; Keltic accents

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This aspect of the Portuguese is keltic, freedom-loving, defiant and idealistic. Good for him!

Before the Romans conquered what is now Portugal, called by them “Lusitania,” it was a keltic area. I have met Portuguese with blue eyes. The area just north of there, Galicia, comes from the word Gal-, which means kel-tic. The old name for France was, in fact, Gaul, because the main ethnicity there was keltic.

These Galicians play rugby, wear plaids and play bagpipes, even.

When one compares neighboring Spain with Portugal, the languages and personalities are quite different. Spain is a white country that tragically is mixed with Arab-neanderthalic blood, and their language is a bit harsh.

Portugal, right next door, has the same Latin language originally as the Spaniards from the conquering Romans of old, but it is much softened by the keltic influence of the original inhabitants, and very unlike the staccato of Spanish.

So even when angry, the Portuguese sound nice. 😉

The same exact thing is true of French, whose language is Latin as softened by the keltic Gauls. Here is Patrica Kass singing in French about her native region of Alsace. (She is half-German, btw, and looks it, like most Alsatians, but her perfect French accent is so nice:

An Irish (keltic) brogue: Irish Comedian Keith Farnan on Michael McIntyres Comedy Roadshow on the BBC (very funny)

SNL: A Scottish (keltic) air traffic controller tries to help an American non-pilot emergency-land a plane: LOL! And then they enter Welsh air space! (also kelts!)  😉

Groundskeeper Willie being Scottish:

A truly keltic toast:




  1. A very interesting article! Thank you.

    “Wenn du deinen Feind anbetest, bist du besiegt.
    Wenn du die Religion deines Feindes annimmst, wirst du versklavt.
    Wenn du dich mit deinem Feind fortpflanzt, wirst du vernichtet.”
    – Polydoros von Sparta (741 bis ca. 665 v. Chr.)

    Martin Ninck – Wodan Und Germanischer Schicksalsglaube

    Jakob Wilhelm Hauer – Deutsche Gottschau

    Deutsche Gotterkenntnis als Grundlage wehrhaften Deutschen Lebens



    Nur als Volks- und Schicksalsgemeinschaft werden wir die Herausforderungen meistern. Helft einander!

    • Right.

      The court is totally controlled by the Deep State, and has been since Obama had Antonin Scalia murdered. As the Duran duo emphasized in December 2020 after the Supreme Court rejected Trump’s lawsuit challenging the Stealection, all three Trump appointees were from the approved-nominee list of Deep Stater Mitch McConnell, who is a fierce “anti-racist” and also is married to a Red Chinese.

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