Elon Musk, a white South African of Mennonite-Gernan heritage, has been tweeting many anti-NWO, anti-vaxx and anti-Demoncrat things for months now.
Trump did a lot of good (at least by speaking of taboo topics) with just $5 billion. Now Musk is worth $250 billion…
Will Musk save us? No, but like the rightwing German press baron Hugenberg in 1932, he can permit the truth to get out and the real solution to become known.
I can see a helicopter crash or some other accident happening to Mr Musk. Or maybe a smear campaign.
South African Jew, Freemason Musk, who’s a proponent of Carbon Tax, Universal Basic Income, mRNA Myocarditis Injections, Trans-Humanism and a One World Government.
Hey Elon, how’s it going on getting to Mars with rocket technology from the 40’s?
100% controlled Con Artist.
Are you aware that on my site you cannot just spew assertions like this? I have a science degree from Georgetown, high honors, and worked for three years for Dr. William Pierce, PhD (physics, U of Colorado and CalTech).
You might be right, comrade BUT what is the proof or even any indication that Musk is a jew?
And what is the evidence that he is a Freemason?
If you have the evidence, fine. I will accept it and thank you. 🙂
And since Musk is opposed to the Covid vaccine, how can you say he is for it? You write that he is for “mRNA Myocarditis Injections”….
Finally, how would it advance the NWO and the jew agenda for a Musk-owned Twitter to offer free speech on vaccines, race, Russia, etc, again?
All of the things I mentioned, he openly supports on his Twitter feed, and elsewhere.
I’m from Pretoria. The Musks are a wealthy emarld mining family, yet Elon always claimed he grew up poor. Why would he do that? His father was part of an anti-apartheid political party. What “white” would be against apartheid. I know Wikipedia says his father is white, but have you ever seen a picture of his father? Have you ever considered that Wikipedia is lying? Also, his father married his stepdaughter who is significantly younger than him and had a child with her. A Woody Allen special.
Where would Elon be without the $5 billion in government hand outs for his businesses? Absolutely no where, that’s where.
He’s just another fake like Bezos. If you honestly believe he has gotten to where he is without being on the inside, I don’t know what to say to you.
Watch video:
Nice pic of him there on Part 6.
I am happy to correspond with you as a South African, having a lot of knowledge about that country, reading Afrikaans, and knowing its tragic crushing in the Second Anglo-Boer War, and the treason by Hands-Uppers like General Jan Smuts and even by the National Party itself in its final, dismal stages under De Klerk. Margi and I hosted a Boer women and her four children in our own home for eight months in 2008.
However, can you explain this? Musk is blasting Gates, a key NWO figure, and vaccines.
Where is your evidence he is a Freemason? Evidence…..
Wikipedia and every other source says Elon Musk absolutely loathes his (as you wrote, liberal) father.
One can be “on the inside” as a Trojan horse, too, making money and plans for a ripe moment.
It is called in security-police parlance being an infiltrator or a mole.
I was in Marine Corps military intelligence, white comrade.
Suppose Musk is a former liberal who has woken up and smelled the coffee? 😉 He made his wad (of money), and bided his time — until disgust with Biden and the NWO began to spike.
Elon Musk gives Lucifer sign.
I have a question. I read a lot of the Establishment media and have done for five decades.
Why do I never EVER see these photos in actual newspapers or magazines with VIPs giving these diabolical hand signs?
Music to bring the hero out in Aryans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyU215nTy7U&t=30s ,,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhns6A253oY