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Ooops! Even the transgender people are transphobes….
— European Union : digital ID will be necessary to access any website, your bank account or anything else


— New World Order via the cashless society : People are happy to put themselves into slavery!



Photo by Peter Imanuelsen

People are now paying with microchips in their hand.

Remember when this was called a crazy conspiracy theory…? Let’s take a look at the new cashless society.

You find yourself at the self scan checkout, just finishing up your run to the grocery store. As you scan the last piece of fake soy meat, you proceed to pay. Instead of grabbing your wallet, you simply hold your hand over the machine and with a ”beep” you are done.

Congratulations, you have just completed a cashless payment using an implanted microchip in your hand. Just a few years ago this was ridiculed as a crazy conspiracy theory, but this is happening right now.

It may sound like something out of The Great Reset, but this technology is now here and more and more people are beginning to use it, so much so that even the BBC recently wrote about it. Unsurprisingly, they seemed to like the idea…

Something that was ridiculed not long ago, is now being promoted on the mainstream media.

More and more people are now using cashless methods to pay, either by card or phone and contactless payment has been especially encouraged during the last years with the pandemic, at least here in Norway where I live.

Reportedly in Sweden, some 6000 people have already gotten microchipped.

”And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Rev 13:16-17

The contactless payment in your card or phone actually uses the same technology that they use in the microchips you can get implanted in your hand (NFC or RFID technology). It’s just the next step of it.

In fact, the microchip thing is nothing new. It has been mandated in many countries for dogs for years now. And now they are beginning to push this for humans.

Some people in Sweden had their covid passports on their microchips…

Back when Sweden had the covid passport, it was tied to people’s digital ID. You see, digital ID is quite a big thing in Scandinavia. It is used for many things like online banking, for example. I will write a more detailed article on digital ID in Scandinavia later, so make sure to be subscribed to my Substack so you don’t miss it.

But there were also people who got microchips implanted in their hands and then programmed their covid passports onto it….



…..Oh, Canada….


…..And congrats go out to another Five-Eyes country



……Jewlensky, criminalizing antisemitism in Ukraine, sure has a dog in this fight

“To have a dog in this fight” means accusing the reporter of not being impartial…. and Mel Gibson let a jewish reporter have it for bring up what he had said back when he was drunk in 2006:

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