Pot pourri

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The builder of this rocket died at 64.
I thought at first the Los Angeles Times article was a joke, a satire, of the “Babylon Bee” type, but no, it is serious.
— Ashley Biden’s diary (Margi’s Facebook account was closed with 5,000 friends for publishing this)
— Rosenthal quotes
As for the Rosenthal item, actually there is no evidence this Harold Rosenthal ever wrote the things ascribed to him. I remember as a boy when Jacob Javits was a US senator from New York State, and his staff were of course known. too, being federal government employees.
It seems some intelligent but unethical white nationalist put these remarks for greater impact into his mouth posthumously.
This is also how Vincent Reynouard and David Duke (who both despise the jews) see the Protocols of the Elders of Zion — as a brilliant analysis of the jew strategy, but one actually written by an antisemite.
I do not indulge in such tactics — let the jews, born liars, invent stuff! My mojo comes from saying the truth and people trusting me!
Plus the Talmud and Old Testament already corroborate everything we say and they are 100% authentic jewish writing.
Re Rosenthal we read in Wiki (  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Wallace_Rosenthal):

Interview Conspiracy theory[edit]

In 1978, a pamphlet entitled The Hidden Tyranny included an interview conducted by Walter White purportedly with Rosenthal that claimed Jewish Americans had implemented a Protocols of the Elders of Zion-style plan to take over the world. The pamphlet was republished in the 1990s and distributed in Idaho by the 11th Hour Remnant Messenger, funded by wealthy entrepreneurs Vincent Bertollini and Carl E. Story.[8] The Anti-Defamation League has called it a fabricated document” and questioned why the author would “wait to first publish the booklet until 1978, 18 months after he had spoken with Rosenthal, who was murdered in 1976.”[9] Tom Metzger reported in the White Aryan Resistance website “that interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one… that interview is bogus.”[10]


Metzger was a major, trusted, prosecuted and persecuted WN for decades, and he interviewed me on his radio show. He totally hated the jews but believed as I do that the Rosenthal interviews were faked.


Daniel Levitas in his book The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right attributed the bogus interview to White’s wife, Opal Tanner White, an aide to Gerald L. K. Smith, writing “since Rosenthal was dead, White was free to attribute anything she wished—however scurrilous or hateful—to the onetime Javits aide.”[11]


…..News about my work

It was providential that David Scott von Braun came here. It cost me $1300
but he has many talents and he sees that being low-profile has failed as a strategy for his well-being. The jews insist on making the son suffer for the father….. and I now believe they gave Wernher cancer so that he died at 64 just as, IMO, they gave my wife cancer, in fact, they gave it to her twice, multiple times.
If one does not protect one’s food supplies in the house, they simply enter surreptitiously and inject your food with something toxic. David says his father loved eating oranges and they injected something oncogenic into them. (His adoptive grandparents, the Wests, were close to Wernher.)
We are seeing now with the clot shot that people are dying of rapid cancer within TWO WEEKS!
Anyway, David is brilliant, one of us, and he provides security for me in many ways.
I would tell my closest supporters certain things in person if you were here about my plan. It is both spiritual and political, with one foot in both worlds. We canot retreat to some white reservation or monastery to be spiritual and peaceful all by ourselves; the bolsheviks never permitted that, nor would the Deep State today.
No, we must be a political and military force that is ALSO spiritual to be at maximum effectiveness.


  1. Exposure is what hurts the Jews. Hitler said that the purpose of the violence of the Stormtroopers of Roehm was propaganda.

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