Pot pourri; a tenacious foe; a celtic song

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The goddess Diana by Guillaume Seignac (1870, France)

I thank a French comrade for these news items below, which I developed further — and I deeply appreciate his donations.


Aww, the pooooor jews….never hurt a fly….a gentle people of poets and philanthropists….



Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoes_on_the_Danube_Bank):

Most of the murders along the edge of the River Danube took place around December 1944 and January 1945, when the members of the Hungarian Arrow Cross Party police (“Nyilas”) took as many as 20,000 Jews from the newly established Budapest ghetto and executed them along the river bank.[4] 

But, OOPS!

Not one of the 20,000 skeletons was found…. I guess the Hungarian sharks musta eaten them, including all the bones. (Oh, wait, sharks don’t live in fresh water. I guess it was neo-Nazi, Holocaust-denying scuba divers who brought all the bones from 20K skeletons back up at night, put them in their pocket, and drove off to the Hollow Earth.) 




So nice to have friends in high places…..



That’s okay; we can eat crickets instead. (And they say the chitin in their insect bodies, once we ingest them. will make us into better receivers for 5G  signals.)


Sheriff Steve Israel was the jew whom governor Ron DeSantis removed from office as sheriff for deliberately allowing the massacre of the schoolkids at Stoneman High School to go on.



This was so like the police “failure to act” at Columbine High School in Colorado. Look at these two loathsome jews, a true warlock and a witch, crypto-jewess Hillary.

The governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, as one of his first official acts, removed this loathsome jew from office as sheriff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Israel 

How can any human being stand by while 17 children are killed? A jew sure can — no problem.

Believe it — because it happened.

Believe it because the jews say over and over how much they hate us. They mean it.

And HOW JEWY TO KILL WHITE KIDS ON GOOD FRIDAY — see the mother with the cross drawn with ashes on her forehead –, THE DAY WHEN THE JEWS KILLED JESUS


This was not some bureaucratic bungling, or “being cautious as we assess the situation in order to protect our law-enforcement officers.”

Hunh, “protect the officers”? They are there to “protect THE PUBLIC and serve THE PUBLIC”!



This Marine corporal, Kyle Carpenter, did not seek to protect HIMSELF.

He jumped on a grenade in Afghanistan to save his buddy, and, incredibly, he survived with the help of 30+ operations.

Sometimes you just HAVE to sacrifice YOURSELF!

For his willingness to make the supreme sacrifice for others, Kyle received the highest US military decoration, the Medal of Honor.

But the jews want us Whites, whom they hate, to die a slow, miserable death!




From another French comrade who is on VK:


17 juin 1242 : vingt-quatre charretées du Talmud sont solennellement brûlées en place de Grève à Paris….La même place, des siècles plus tard….aujourd’hui EN: June 17, 1242: twenty-four cartloads of Talmuds [handwritten before Johann Guttenberg of Germany invented the printing press!!!] are solemnly burned in the Place de Grève in Paris….This is the same place today, with a huge menorah.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch

Il faut reconnaître la tenacité de notre ennemi mortel. (Partagé) EN We must recognize the tenacity of our mortal enemy. (Shared)

……”Wild Mountain Thyme” (cover by Ella Roberts)

The great Alan Sabrosky posted this on VK.

Australian-born with Celtic roots, Ella Roberts followed her Scottish and Irish ancestry back to the Highlands and Isles and found her passion for Celtic music and song. Ella was originally trained classically by vocal coach Lilija Sile, winning numerous awards in the classical scene, until discovering the magic that encompassed old Irish and Scottish ballads. She is also a successful actress down in Oz.

Wild Mountain Thyme Lyrics
O the summer time has come And the trees are sweetly bloomin’ And the wild mountain thyme Grows around the bloomin’ heather Will ye go lassie go Chorus: And we’ll all go together To pull wild mountain thyme All around the bloomin’ heather Will ye go lassie go I will build my love a bower By yon pure crystal fountain And round it I will place All the flowers o’ the mountain Will ye go lassie go And we’ll all go together To pull wild mountain thyme All around the bloomin’ heather Will ye go lassie go I will range through the wilds And the deep glen sae dreamy And return wi’ their spoils Tae the bower o’ my dearie Will ye go lassie go If my true love he were gone I would surely find another To pull wild mountain thyme All around the bloomin’ heather Will ye go lassie go And we’ll all go together To pull wild mountain thyme All around the bloomin’ heather Will ye go lassie go.


  1. >>>
    The goddess Diana by Guillaume Seignac (1870, France)

    I’ve only spent a small bit of time in France but I was surprised by how ‘varied’ the ethnic French were. Some of them looked like (less glamorous) versions of the model that the painter had used when creating this painting. Very Romanesque but light skinned, large eyes, long face, etc. The male version can look like Joachim Marseille:



    Other French folks looked Germanic, Spanish, etc. I was also surprised by the scale of Medieval architecture. That was truly impressive.

    …Past life memories are limited (for good reason) but do you have any feelings related to how you viewed France in your past life? It always struck me that Hitler was fairly generous to the French.

  2. https://photos.app.goo.gl/PHh4SHiH8edzeun27
    La menorah rappresenta le pleiadi.
    L’albero della vita, il suo numero 153(17).
    Questo numero è menzionato nel sacro libro dei morti Egizio..e rappresenta Osiride, il suo percorso iniziatico.
    Ora sto davvero notando che tutte le opere d’arte rappresentano questo numero, e quello che puoi vedere nella Foto.
    “Abracadabra è “Io creo ciò che penso”.
    L’albero Divino è in me.
    E non siamo schiavi di questi ladri di “conoscenza” come gli Iksos Ebrei.
    Giordano Bruno che rivendicava questo pensiero è stato bruciato vivo nel giorno 17.

  3. https://photos.app.goo.gl/QxyHkDfuXNYz817t6
    Santa Faustina e Santa Teresa condividevano la stessa immagine di Gesù.
    Ritrovata nella manica della Gioconda da alcuni esperti.
    Ora c’è una immagine falsa di Gesù che si chiama “Divina Misericordia” in Polonia e nel resto del mondo, da cui partono due raggi…Rosso e blu(Massonici).
    Cosa ne pensi?

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