Pot pourri; Muslim Turkey building huge wall to keep fellow muslims from Afghanistan OUT

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  1. All empires must expand for trade, or the cost of running an empire will destroy it from within.
    Racial/religious turmoil also destroy empires from within. India, China, Russia, and the oil-rich countries don’t allow gimmegrants to settle; only White Christian countries allow self-ethnic cleansing.

    • Thanks. Yes.

      I read an enlightening article a few years back on how repentance and remorse (seen in Christians and libtards) actually release pheromones or something like that, a pleasurable feeling.
      People feel all mature, “growing” and responsable. They pat themselves on the back for feeling rotten. 😉
      So letting Afghans in is for THEM.
      This works especially well on the Germans.

    • Thanks in advance for the donation, Scandinavian brother. 🙂

      Afghanistan at this point means radical Islam….. baking heat and freezing cold…horrific corruption, savage oppression of women, utter ignorance, and a violent, Stone Age culture of everyone at war against everyone else…warlords fighting warlords long before any American showed up.

      Afghanistan also means open pedophilia (warlords grooming little boys as sex partners and forcing them to dress as girls)….and opium growing to destroy white youth with heroin.

      Some would say just nuke the whole place.

      What they need is a credible religion to replace toxic Islam.

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