Pot pourri; spiritual reading; the head that wears the crown

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Absolutely disgusting propaganda :
Enjoyed? What about the people who lost their jobs; lost their businesses; kids who lost an entire year of schooling or college, the postponed cancer scannings, health care and surgeries; and the psychological problems (extreme loneliness and depression) for some people, leading even to suicides?
War soon?
It seems to be more about continuing sanctions on Russia because of the Russian natural-gas pipeline Nordstream II, which is nearly finished from Russia through the Baltic Sea to Germany, and will cut [the totally jew-run] Ukraine off from Russian payments for its gas to transhit through Ukraine to the West
Biden, What a nice family…. NOT:
Is it a big step?
Doctor Peter Mc Cullough, internist, cardiologist, professor of medicine at Baylor University in Texas, Dallas campus, talks about the Covid swindle :
Since Barack deported illegals (ahem, “undocumented Democrats”), now Obama’s a racist too….
Black detective has many white friends and a white gf…. totally un-sat. 😉

….recent donations

— 16 April 2021 100 euros plus Versailles photos and meme from M in France

I put this meme about tests on my wall. (The AR is for people who test ME. 😉 )


The comrade complained how the Palace of Versailles of King Louis XIV, “the Sun King,” symbolized that all power in France was centralized in Paris, a trend which the (((French))) Revolution actually increased.
I was never a big fan of this palace, nor was Margi, (who was shown it in 2013 by the great author and comrade Hervé Ryssen, now held in prison with rapists, murderers and Moroccan drug dealers entirely for his factual writings on jewry).
I can, however, say that due to the egoic mind (“l’égo mental” in French,  “der Egogeist” in German) having such a baleful hold on earthlings, if a ruler, for all his good intentions,  does NOT maintain iron control, it is a guarantee that he will be:
–criticized without justification,
–viciously slandered,
–absolutely trashed behind his back, and
–plotted against by people who want him dead so THEY can be the rulers.
Only one sixth of the criticism makes valid points.
Another sixth is sincere but the critic lacks the facts which the king or other ruler has at his disposal.
Another two-sixths is simply egostical jerks who want to be ruler in your place. So they run you down.
And the final two-sixths, last but not least, is organized slander and subversion by some revolutionary group out to overthrow you, and this group may be funded by a hostile foreign power.
They want to either put in THEIR puppet as leader, or have the country dissolve into civil war and chaos.
In Caen, Normandy, the capital of William the Conqueror, a city my Norman ancestors knew well, there was a slogan, “Une foi, une loi, un roi” —  One faith, one law, and one king.
At the Men’s Abbey, built by William, who was the Duke of Normand as well as the King of England
The bitter truth is that until humans become enlightened, and free themselves from their own egoic minds with a new Aryan religion, which I am founding, 5/6ths of all criticism will be dishonest and designed mainly to destroy you with the people so an egomaniac and/or foreign puppet (like Joe Biden with the jews and the Chinese) can seize control of your country.
Louis XIV built Versailles at vast expense so he could keep all his nobles literally under the same roof as him, and keep an eye on them. As Edward de Vere (alias Shakespeare) said in “King Henry IV,” Act III, Scene I:
“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”
Someone (these days, it might be a jew billionaire like George Soros,or Mark Zuckerberg) is always plotting with some ambitious, megalomanic marionette to bring you down, no matter how good a job you are doing.
Julius Caesar

…..Spiritual reading

May 16
Move deliberately through the day today. Like yesterday, it will behoove you to go slowly, not to rush or to try to get much done on the worldly plane.
But if you decide to go with consciousness and care, to move into the world with your heart open and a willingness to meet whatever awaits you, you will probably encounter some small but very, very dear treasure.
Let us clarify: today is a day to go very deep.
It is not one suited to going far or fast, but with the right approach, you will be able to reach new and valuable depths. Of understanding, experience, feeling, power and love. Or heights, if you prefer.
We suggest that you do what you can to focus your energies where they will align with this probability.
Take things off your schedule and of your mind that will push you in the direction of a fast pace or a busy agenda. Give yourself over to what you actually are doing with all of the you you can muster. Be fully present and don’t censor yourself. At least to yourself.
In other words, tell yourself the truth about what is happening. Maybe it will be nothing or very little out of the ordinary, but you may find yourself seeing or feeling things that have more intensity, more color, more acuteness than you had thought possible.
If that happens, acknowledge it and allow it to deepen. We say this because it is common for you to dismiss the new as merely a novelty of perception. If you go deeper today it is so that you can learn a bit more about the limits (or lack thereof) of your capacities.
If you are receiving new information about that, please take
it seriously. Honor it by seeing its validity.
If you should happen to have an ordinary day, that is fine as well. You are in the midst of a slow-moving moment or two, and it is a good time to retool your system and catch a few breaths. Just try to maintain a deliberate, conscious stance and pace.
It is fine to be in the world today, to interact and act upon it. But
keep your expectations low in terms of accomplishment and keep your eyes open for the doorway into something more meaningful.
Eat well and with care. Pay attention to plants, animals, stones and others who might ordinarily escape your notice.
Be quiet unless you have something important to say, and move with reason and economy.
Prayer is a good tool to use today and everyday. There are many on your earth right now in need of your prayers, and you are in need of the praying. Don’t hesitate to use some of your time in thinking of and holding light for others.
We love you so much and send all our blessings. — E. West

1 Comment

  1. Most of the worlds problems are caused by useless Politicians, either local or National. Most of the worlds problems can be cured , if you beat the problem to death with a bag of money . Most people stop thinking/planning their own lives . They are rudderless ships who have lost control of their lives.and blame others for their unhappy lives.

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