Pot pourri; vaxxed BBC host dies from blood clot; now marble too is racist

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— Marble is SO racist
— Collapse of the economy leading to (((communism)))
–BBC presenter’s (44) death due to complications from the Covid vaccine

— They are losing control of the narrative.
— Get the clot shot, THEN die of Covid
— Japan:  still a nationalist country
— Meanwhile in the Jewnited Snakes of America
So far, the FBI, NSA, CIA and 14 other intel agencies still claim, 20 months after the first Coronavirus headlines began, that they have no clue what Covid-19 even is — or where it came from.
Yet they have a budget of $62.3 billion.
NSA headquarters, Fort Meade, Maryland: “Unh, we think maybe a guy ate a bat.”
Tell you what, fellers — It’s all a Big Lie from the people who make deals with all our enemies!
And now the same guy, half-jew Obama, is planning behind the scenes the jews’ biggest false flag ever — to brand all white nationalists as terrorist murderers and arrest them all.
This means YOU.
Federal agent John Christian Graas
I knew 24 hours exactly before the faux Charleston Church shooting that something involving gunfire was going down.
It was then used to demonize white males, the South, the Dixie flag, and to begin the toppling of the statues of all white heroes of any sort as racists.
I was so jarred by my vision that I got up, went on Facebook Messenger, and told it to two trusted comrades — and made screenshots of my messages.
Sure enough, the next day the false flag happened.
There is no way in hell, and I say this from 43 years as as active WN, that any one of us would go into a house of God and gun down seven old black ladies and their minister harmlessly studying the Bible.
Especially not a white Southerner! I lived down South for twenty years! SC, VA, LA, TN, and LA. From the southern viewpoint, church is about the only thing that can somewhat tame the blacks! The church, God, family and the Bible are sacred to them, or at least seen as useful institutions.
Closet gay and RINO Karl Rove immediately called for the end of the Second Amendment. 
The mass-shooting crime, faux or real, occurred around 9 pm, Wednesday, June 15, 2015.
Note the time I contacted a friend, Andrea: Wednesday, 34 minutes after twelve noon. This was 8.5 hours BEFORE the fake massacre incident.

UPDATED Van Rensburg in 1920 on events of the 1990s; my vision 24 hours before the Charleston church “shooting” that brought down the Confederate statues

And now I feel another false flag coming on.
They face justice and vengeance from the entire, tormented goy world. The Big Jews face the Day of the Rope.

Especially important blogs





  1. The Bronze and Iron Ages were simpler ways to live. Made your own house/home. Grew your own food. Used weapons to defend yourself and family. Less stress, no rat race. Spent more time with your family and friends singing, dancing, and hunting.

    • Thanks.
      I just ran again my 2017 article on Leibel.
      Regarding Steele…
      “Tassi alleged without evidence that Steele’s illness may have been linked to the attention his speaking tour had received.

      In a 14-minute video Tassi speculated that Steele was the victim of an ‘attack’ by a ‘vile faction that will go to any length to stop that movement’.

      He went on to claim that Steele had got sick in Florida as part of a plot to undermine Republican governor Ron DeSantis.

      He said: ‘They are trying to make Florida look bad. Why? Because DeSantis is not going along with agenda so they are targeting Florida. Open your eyes.’ ”

      I would suspect he WAS murdered.
      Disease, suicide and drug overdoses are great sinister ways for the Deep State to both 1) kill and get away with it and 2) to besmirch the murder victim post mortem.
      Then the masses don’t care why they died.
      Therefore, every book harping on John Kennedy having been a womanizer is dual-purpose.
      “He was no angel” is the desired shoulder-shrugging remark.

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