Dragooning Ukrainian males for cannon fodder; Jewess promotes pedophilia, enraging normal French; a black voice of reason

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Jewkrainian goons dragoon a young male into the army to become cannon fodder at Bachmut

…Jewkraine viciously dragooning young men into the meat grinder at Bakhmut

Dragooning is to force someone into doing something they do not wish to do; to coerce them. (Dragoons were horse-mounted infantry who came by horse but fought on the ground.)

In a military sense, dragooning means  grabbing a civilian and forcing him into the military.

The Royal Navy used to use agents to get a fit young English lad drunk, enter his  room at an inn as he slept, tie him up, and take him at night in a wagon to a ship, and then say “Now you are a sailor.”

A good beating or whipping might aid in the process of accepting his fate

This scene of modern dragooning takes place in a park in the major Ukrainian city of Odessa, founded by the German-born Russian tsar Catherine the Great, whose statue there the coke-snorting jew Zelensky just tore down.

My assistant got this from a Ukrainian who loathes the genocidal Khazar Zelensky.


The shocking video:

I am getting reports that unless a Ukrainian male is under 60 and also is super-rich, and can bribe many border guards out on the roads, he cannot leave Ukraine. He must report for induction into the armed forces to be cannon fodder for the gigantic Russian artillery forces to kill in what is called “the meat grinder”!


Is Zelensky out to depopulate Ukraine so the Khazars can take it “back”? Putin hinted recently that as he sees it, this war was really the Khazar jews being out to exterminate all the Slavs.






…Perverted “artiste” (((Miriam Cahn))) enrages conservative and moderate French and Swiss



This witch says her “art” is “protesting rape in wartime” — see below — but I ain’t buying it.

She clearly has no talent in accurately drawing the human form;  I did better than this with crayons in the first grade! 😉 In the photo of her outrageous painting, look at her depiction of human male pectoral muscles….. This Khazar bitch has ZERO drawing talent!


This is yet another case of a jew getting into the galleries ONLY because she is jewish, and then going for the shock effect to garner headlines and free publicity from the jewspapers in league with her for being a jew.

And now, right on cue, she is being lauded for being all “bold” and “controversial.”

Nope, just disgusting, filthy and criminal, illegally depicting and glorifying pedophilia.

We read:

Cahn, the daughter of Jewish parents who escaped persecution by the Nazisby fleeing to Switzerland, was born in Basel in 1949. Her father was a dealer in art and antiques, and young Miriam grew up in a well-to-do family, in which her mother introduced her to music and drawing. Later, Cahn studied graphic arts at the Allgemeine Gewerbeschule Basel, a school specializing in design and technical fields, and then went on to become a drawing teacher. In 1976, following the suicide of her sister, who was a drug addict, Cahn launched her career as an independent artist.

Below is a protest by a French female parliamentary legislator, Caroline Parmentier, in Paris, who is with the Le Pen party “Rassemblement national.”

It now actually has many, many seats in the French parliament, but has watered down its platform from the old Jean-Marie Le Pen days — when I knew the man — and it was provocatively antizionist, anti-nonwhite-migrant, pro-white and pro-Christianity.

Anyway, Caroline bravely denounces this [jew] filth, being displayed now at a major French art gallery, the “Tokyo Palace.”

Incredibly, leftists who lick the jews’ boots and, for all we know, may well be closet pedos themselves, say ‘this is not pedophilia [illegal to show], because the person on his knees performing oral sex is clearly an adult….’

Hunh?????? In what universe?  As they say, “you gonna trust me or your lying eyes?”

This is yet another case of a jew getting into the galleries ONLY because she is jewish, and then going for the shock effect to garner headlines and free publicity from the jewspapers in league with her for being a jew.

All this reminds me of a humorous meme:




…..Another black leader “keeping it real” that I can and will deal with to save OUR race (as well as theirs) from the common jew enemy

Rev. Samuel Noi Mensah is the President of the Full Gospel Church International, the first Penteco-charismatic church in the country and headquartered in Tema with several branches in Ghana and 6 abroad.

(He says he holds a Bachelor of Theology from the Eston College, located in Eston, Saskatchewan, Canada, a Pentacostal college, He has a Master in Governance and Leadership from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration ( GIMPA), Master of Arts in Social Policy Studies from University of Ghana and Master of Arts in Organisational Development from the Organisation Development Institute.)



….Medvedev threatens to strike court in The Hague with Oniks hypersonic missile

MONDAY, 20 MARCH 2023, 09:25

Medvedev threatens to strike court in The Hague with Oniks hypersonic missile

Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, has threatened to launch a missile strike against the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which had earlier issued an arrest warrant for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in connection with the deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia.

Source: Medvedev on Telegram

Quote from Medvedev: “Gentlemen, everyone walks under God and missiles. It is quite possible to imagine the targeted use of hypersonic Oniks from the North Sea by a Russian ship at The Hague court building. Unfortunately, it cannot be shot down. And the court is just a poor international organisation, not the population of a NATO country. That’s why they won’t start a war. They are afraid. And no one will feel sorry for them. So, judges of the court, look carefully at the sky.”

Details: The Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council wrote a post that was, as usual, long and full of insulting epithets.

He called the issuance of the arrest warrant for Putin “the final collapse of the international law system”.

Medvedev went on to write several paragraphs of insults to the ICC, which, according to the Russian official, “no one needs” and whose effectiveness is allegedly “zero”.


    • Thanks.

      She is facing a lot of time for trying to save white babies.

      The federal arson charge is punishable by between five and 20 years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines. Wyoming’s law also is punishable by up to 20 years in prison, but there’s no minimum five-year prison penalty. State law carries a fine amount of up to $20,000.

      Now, under national socialism, a girl like this Lorna Green, who, by her photo, seems very sweet, feminine, a bit naive and sincere, just the kind who would shudder to think of BABIES being murdered on a daily basis in HER town, would never have HAD to go do something like this.

      This is a salt-of-the-earth young woman, a girl-next-door type, a wholesome white female who would have made a good mother and wife to some decent guy! Look at those eyes….

      I would like to cite my speech on September 8, 1934 to the German Women’s Federation (Deutscher Frauenbund) on the question of women serving in combat:


      The German man would have no honor if he let the women fight in his place.

      In the Great War, I saw wounded men heading for the rear, and after weeks of combat they were shattered, shaking and trembling [schlotternd]!

      But war is even worse — it is much more terrible [viel schrecklicher] for a woman!

      Never, NEVER will German women be sent into combat!


      MEN, real men, should be the ones taking direct action on so many issues, and solving our problems — solving them once and for all!

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