Powerful “Judicial Watch” demands Trump invoke Insurrection Act

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Tom Fitton wants the president to use federal troops and police to end the riots. His “Judicial Watch” with its 50 employees has a lot of weight.


Here is his video saying an actual communist revolution is absolutely possible.

Fitton is a very impressive man:


Btw, Margaret got this in the mail, urging her to vote “safely” by mail, mail-in-voting, using the Cohenavirus as an excuse.

But mail-in voting is a guarantee of massive fraud! Of Biden stealing the election, and of a violent, political and racial civil war, when Trump refuses to acknowledge defeat by overt Demoncrat  fraud, as he should not!

There are very good reasons why you have to show up in person in order to vote.

Also: Are the Antifa and BLM afraid of Covid when they riot and beat people up and shoot them? Are they wearing their little Covid masks? Are they social-distancing when they sock a white conservative in the mouth? Hell no!

After watching further this video below (with host Tucker Carlson), I cannot imagine any circumstances where Trump will leave office peacefully. He KNOWS whites will back him with force.

In a way, all this is good for me to re-enter the world stage.

For 90 years we have heard about “Hitler’s brutal stormtroopers.”

Well, there was a good reason, which now Americans can see for themselves, why we had to have the stormtroopers — because communists and anarchists otherwise would have beaten our brains out. And not just ours, but of members of any conservative, anti-communist party!

As Fitton says in the first video, above, Antifa was trying to burn down the house of even the leftist mayor of Portland, Oregon! Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Demoncrat, became their enemy because he was just not communist enough.

The stage is being set for the world to understand Adolf Hitler, his methods, and his national socialism, that is, the folk community.

Under Hitler, division and hatred ended, and white people worked together. Why? The political parties, which are just selfish gangs, thinking of themselves, not the nation (as George Washington warned in his Farewell Address!!!) and the dividing-and-conquering jew were gone.

I can now see the shape of my mission.

In the end, the masses will see that multiparty democracy, the multiracial society, and the jews all have to go. And they will turn to the experts on getting rid of them.


  1. A majority of Congress and elected officials in the States are Communists that want a complete Communist takeover of the country. They have no intention of stopping their Antifa/BLM army. That is true of Oregon. Even Sen.Ron Wyden is an Israeli citizen Jew and is not against the active domestic enemies in Portland specifically.

    In the White House,Trump is surrounded by enemies, especially Israeli Jews Jared and Ivanka Kushner. It is likely that Trump is not ever safely protected from being mentally manipulated. That Trump has been able to appear at campaign rallies is an opportunity for active support by outsiders. Could this be done? Possible reunions of retired, honorable, military officers that Obama relieved of commands could be “called to duty” by attending rallies to openly show support for Trump.

    Americans need help, and must cooperate to survive as the US Republic. The “election” is not going to bring law and order back. Good men must stand against evil, and God will have to call those men. A man must know what he is called to do, for not all men will have the courage and confidence to stand up for what is right. In this perspective, I think that Kyle Rittenhouse answered the call and has set an honorable example. (Just as Hitler did to save Germany.)

  2. Fitton says nothing about the Posse Comitatus Act, which limits federal police action. If Trump sent federal troops to Oregon the Posse Comitatus Act would be violated, and this could serve as a precedent for a Leftist president of the future, in which steps were taken toward totalitarian government. I think Trump’s restraint regarding the riots is patriotic and correct.

    • Not enough information has been given here. More details are needed for getting a clearer understanding of the actual law.

      Military Power in Law Enforcement: The Posse Comitatus
      “Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State or Territory by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

      “The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both . . . shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law . . . .”748

      • Thanks.

        This shows Trump would already now be within his rights and his duties.

        But (and it was Gosia with her supposed aliens who said this six months ago) the Deep State will infiltrate psychopathic snipers into any such federalized army, and, from the rooftops, start massacring both cops and protesters to get them to open up with all their weapons on each other.

        This is exactly what the US Deep State (and Israeli jewish soldiers born in Ukraine) did in the Maidan events of 2014, leading to an actual revolution, and the jew takeover of Ukraine.

        If there is ONE thing the jews do not want, it is Trump declaring martial law anywhere, smashing the communists, coming out smelling like a rose, and winning re-election in a landslide.

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