Presidential video three — restored!; the Aurora, Colorado shooter and mind control

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This about sums it up! The entire race thing explained in 3 cartoon panels and 11 words.

Description:<br /><br /><br />

==========my retort on Amazon
I published a review of the German movie “North Face,” decrying its cartoonish anti-NS portrayals.
A pseudo-brave anti-Nazi dude replied:
Initial post: Aug 13, 2012 8:35:42 AM PDT
AA says:

Hate to point out the obvious, but if virtually all of humanity is horrified by Nazism, maybe it’s not much due to the politically correct media and has whole lot to do with Natzi attrocities. There is very little in this film about Natzis–no one was doomed for following Hitler in the film, and that these were Austrian and German climbers in no way detracted from the tragedy of their deaths.

I fired back:
What is “obvious” is that you believe everything you see on teevee, and so do a lot of other sorry people. And you do not want to get in hot water as a heretic, either.
Read the Joel Stine article in the December 19, 2008 Los Angeles Times [,0,4676183.column], where he boasts arrogantly that jews own Hollywood, the media and the government and ends this way: “I just want us to keep on running them.”
So if a top media Jew (he now writes for Time magazine) tells you the anti-Jewish Hitler was a monster, what could be a more unimpeachable source, more neutral and objective on Hitler, than a Jew? 😉
In reality, sir, it is BECAUSE they run this country that you make your peace with them. And btw, Yuri Slezkine wrote a major book called The Jewish Century, available on Amazon [], where he likewise says “we Jews run America.”
So please do not tell me that is a conspiracy myth, because now two important Jews have confirmed it — and they use their power to brainwash the gentiles to hate Germany and Hitler, but also contemn Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, George Patton and everyone else who has ever opposed the Jewish master-race. Hitler was never a “Nazi” in your meaning, but the Jews are in fact the true Nazis, a master race seeking to enslave the world by money and media.
Ask a Palestinian how nice they are. Ask Rachel Corrie, if you even know who she WAS.
Oh, but you can’t. They killed her.
===============THE ARYAN LOVE OF SPEED

One of the most exciting videos ever…..

The Greatest Show On Earth【HD】320kph / 200mph Street Race ★ ‘ISLE of MAN’ TT ★ from Locck9 on Vimeo.

======best Jones video ever; even MSM predicts economy could collapse IN OCTOBER!


“President” Obama regretfully signed the 2012 NDAA because it was not strong enough in authorizing the indefinite detention of American citizens judged by the EXECUTIVE [not the courts] to be some kind of threat to somebody.


It now appears that Obama is blocking judicial examination of the constitutionality of the NDAA, and perhaps is exceeding the “authority” it gives him.





NDAA on trial: White House refuses to abide with ban against indefinite detention of Americans


Published: 10 August, 2012, 20:44


Not only is the White House fighting in court for the power to jail Americans indefinitely without trial, but the Obama administration is refusing to tell a federal judge if they’ve abided by an injunction that prohibits them from such.


Attorneys for the White House have been in-and-out of court in Manhattan this week to argue that the indefinite detention provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, or NDAA, are necessary for the safety and security of the nation. When President Barack Obama signed the bill on December 31, he granted the government the power to put any American away in jail over even suspected terrorist ties, but federal court Judge Katherine Forrest ruled in May that this particular part of the NDAA, Section 1021, failed to “pass constitutional muster” and ordered a temporary injunction.


On Monday, White House attorneys asked for an appeal for that injunction so that they’d be once more legally permitted to indefinitely detain anyone over mere accusations. When specifically asked to answer whether or not they’ve adhered by Judge Forrest’s injunction so far, though, administration attorneys refused to cooperate with the questioning.


==================RAINBOW TIME

Enjoying a rainbow……proof that Pittsburgh air is much improved over 50 years ago when smog precluded such heavenly sights.
I have recently met several people who remember Waddell Motors, the Ford dealership my great-grandfather Waddell had, right across the river from Apollo in Vandergrift!



From a 1929 Vandergrift business directory…… Btw, my great-grandfather also met automaker Henry Ford, who wrote in 1920 the classic The International Jew.



The International Jew, by Henry Ford, which first ran in installments in Ford’s Detroit-area newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, and then appeared as a separate book. ( (Dearborn was and is the headquarters in a Detroit suburb of the Ford Motor Company.) My great-grandfather was the first Ford dealer in western Pennsylvania and knew Henry Ford to some extent. He and my great-grandmother (a maiden name: Berlin) loathed Franklin Delano Roosevelt for his marxophile leanings. (FDR was part-Jewish via father and mother both, and the homosexual Jew who is now mayor of Paris, France is Bernard Delanoe.)


This is the entire work online:


This Waddell thing is a great tie-in I have now to the locals, though the dealership closed years ago thanks to the federal government ruining, by factory and mill closings, the Pittsburgh-area economy in the 1980s under faux super-patriot Ronald Reagan.


Waddell Motors was right in downtown Vandergrift, and there are many Waddells (of Scottish descent) around here. I had sort of forgotten that, although the Waddells (and their grandson, my father, who lived with them) resided in Greensburg (16 miles to the south of Apollo( and their flourishing car dealership, Waddell Motors, was located in Vandergrift, just a mile away from here. I guess I felt drawn to the place for even more reasons than I was aware of…..

So this is very good in establishing my “localness” to the locals, esp. since I lack the local accent, having grown up in New England instead, though my Waddell and Berlin ancestors have been here in the Pittsburgh area for at least 150 years. (Intrepid Germans, Scots and Scotch-Irish were the first white pioneers west of the Allegheny mountains.)
Actually, my accent is that of a standardized TV announcer, having taken radio training in the 1980s and 1990s in “GAP,” General American Pronunciation, which is the radio and TV standard for America.
In the same way, BBC English is the standard accent for England, the Hannover accent for the Germans,  Parisian French for France, or the Florentine/Tuscan accent for Italy. (Our Canadian cousins speak a slightly British version of the same accent as we do, but throwing in the interjection “eh?” a lot, and pronouncing “about” as “uh-BEH-oot”, not “uh-BOW-t.” This “eh-oo” sound is British.)
The good old Canadian flag before the leftist narcissist Trudeau took over in the 1960s…..How can a maple leaf (on the new flag) be a symbol of a PEOPLE? The old flag honored on the shield the people of WHITE English, Welsh, Irish, French and Scottish stock, in that order, as per the symbols on the shield.

The maple is sweet and sappy… like liberal, gay-pride-cherishing, 3rd-World-immigrant-loving neo-Canadians 😉
The local accent here in western Pennsylvania is a kind of Scotch-Irish accent with some German thrown in, such as saying “shtrong” and “shtraight.” 😉 ) While Southerners have a second-person plural called “y’all,” Pennsylvanians say “yinz” (“you-‘uns”).
(In Rhode Island, where I grew up in exile from Pittsburgh, there was the abominable “youze-guys.” 😉 This was a National Public Radio interview, conducted on August 21, 2003 by Liane Hansen of NPR with yours truly on softening the raucous Rhode Island accent:  AUDIOFILE  [image below is not active]
Anyway, no one wants to be a totally outside agitator who comes in to cause trouble; it is always better to have true roots in the community. So one little bar visit (chatting with that lady who also told me about the “Sandusky sundae”…) brought this valuable fact about Waddell Motors back to my attention. All the older folks remember Waddell Ford, which was still around at least in 1968, because I saw an ad for it in LIFE magazine online from that year amongst Pennsylvania Ford dealerships.
Scenes I shot with my cellphone camera along the Allegheny River in Natrona…. a dam and lock….
A coal barge passes through. Obama hates coal, because he hates the Appalachian white people who dig it. As this marxist infamously said in 2008 to a Hollywood gathering, which asked him why he was about to lose the Pennsylvania primary (to Hillary, who carried 60 of 67 Pa. counties against him), “they cling to their guns and religion.” And also to their race, Obongo…..
They also dig most of the coal our country uses. The Appalachian counties of the USA voted 90% against the vengeful narcissist in 2008. So Obama pushes hare-brained solar energy schemes that lose hundreds of million$ when this country is brimming with coal that gives jobs to rural white people – but they distrust or even loathe this sinister half-black, half-Jew bisexual with every fiber in their being. And that is exactly why I am HERE. This is like Upper Bavaria in 1920…..
The new $1.2 BILLION Allegheny-Ludlum steel mill is also rising fast in Natrona, just south of the dam shown above, along the same Allegheny River, which the French called “La Belle Rivière.” It will be the world’s most advanced steel mill, German-built by Siemens of Munich, and producing American jobs for the American PEOPLE! And just think of all the useful things that can be built with steel, Jewbies……. 😉
A house in Natrona has this unique decoration….welcome to the land of steel, guns and Obama haters!


=================Recent viewers of this website
08/11 @ 09:52 : Jozefoslaw, PL [POLAND]
08/11 @ 09:48 : Biel, CH [SWITZERLAND]
08/11 @ 09:41 : Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, US
08/11 @ 09:39 : Havertown, Pennsylvania, US
Wikipedia: Havertown is known for its large Irish-American population. Many Irish-Americans still live there today. According to the 2000 US Census, Haverford Twp. ranks in the top 60 of census-recognized municipalities nationwide in percentage of population with Irish ancestry. [2] The neighborhood takes pride in its distinct Irish heritage and is home to many Irish bars and shops. Many locals still reverentially (and only half-jokingly) refer to Havertown as the “33rd county” (of Ireland).
Two locals….
08/11 @ 09:38 : Aubervilliers, FR[ANCE]
08/11 @ 09:38 : Dearborn, Michigan, US
08/11 @ 09:37 : Woodside, New York, US
08/11 @ 09:37 : Saint-Raphaël, FR
08/11 @ 09:36 : Lebanon, Pennsylvania, US
08/11 @ 09:35 : Richmond, AU[STRALIA]
08/11 @ 09:24 : Windsor Locks, Connecticut, US

08/11 @ 06:29 : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US


08/11 @ 06:28 : Madras, IN[DIA]

08/11 @ 06:27 : Sollentuna, SE [SWEDEN]
08/11 @ 06:26 : Adelaide, AU
08/11 @ 06:24 : Mülsen, DE[=UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
08/11 @ 06:21 : Rho, IT[ALY]
08/11 @ 06:19 : Vacoas, MU [MAURITIUS]
08/11 @ 06:19 : Madras, IN
08/11 @ 06:19 : Adelaide, AU[STRALIA]
the Mormon temple there
08/11 @ 06:18 : Austria, AT
08/11 @ 06:11 : Paris, FR
08/11 @ 06:07 : Moscow, RU
08/11 @ 06:02 : Palo Alto, California, US
08/10 @ 10:01 : Jonesborough, Tennessee, US
08/10 @ 10:00 : Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, US
08/10 @ 09:57 : Lowell, Massachusetts, US
An old postcard from the era of the textile mills in Lowell. French-Canadian immigrants worked ten or twelve hours a day, six days a week, from before the Civil War on in these mills.  There were no foodstamps then and no welfare state; you had to relay on hard work and family support to eat and have a roof over your head. There is a very interesting museum in the mill now.
08/10 @ 09:57 : Santiago, CL
08/10 @ 09:54 : Los Angeles, California, US
08/10 @ 09:52 : Corpus Christi, Texas, US
08/10 @ 09:52 : Mountain View, California, US
08/10 @ 09:51 : Santiago, CL
08/10 @ 09:46 : Irving, Texas, US
08/10 @ 09:44 : Mézidon, FR[ANCE]
Chateau of Canon, Mézidon, Lower Normandy
File:Chateau de canon XVIIe 1.JPG
08/10 @ 09:40 : United States, US
08/10 @ 09:40 : Mézidon, FR
08/10 @ 09:20 : Los Angeles, California, US
08/10 @ 09:20 : Salta, AR[GENTINA]
08/10 @ 09:11 : Jamestown, Rhode Island, US
Beavertail Point
08/10 @ 09:05 : Billings, Montana, US
08/10 @ 09:00 : Barranquilla, CO[LOMBIA]
08/10 @ 08:57 : Hamilton, CA[NADA]
08/10 @ 08:53 : Hampstead, Maryland, US
08/10 @ 08:51 : Torre Annunziata, IT[ALY]
08/10 @ 08:46 : Niantic, Connecticut, US
08/10 @ 08:44 : Kingston, CA
08/10 @ 08:39 : Falls Church, Virginia, US
08/10 @ 08:39 : Hamburg, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]


It has been a while since we last spoke! I think we saw each other last in March 2007 in East Lansing, Michigan, and you were assaulted (and fought back) in an elevator a week later in Toronto by Jews, preparing to appeal your firing as a teacher.
I am finally at the point of starting my own movement, with all due trepidation and preparation.
I wanted to start it years earlier……but between massive character attacks on me online in this thoroughly infiltrated movement, sapping my funding, plus FBI harassment (including the arrest of an assistant and three visits by the Joint Terrorism Task Force), and a full grasp of how zombyized people are due to BOTH the constant brainwashing in books and TV AND ALSO the new factors, which I had previously underestimated, of HAARP, chemtrails, and neuroactive frequencies, I have felt that only a high degree of preparation would make victory at all feasible.
It is no longer enough to scare people with horrible truth to get them active, for they are in a neurochemical fog, a stupor. This is something Hitler, or Robert E. Lee, or Adrien Arcand, never had to face in their day, or you in the 1960s. Our skies are filled with chemtrails, and German comrades say the same thing as I do: people seem listless.
An actual photo from Natrona Heights, the area where I lived until a month ago, here in western Pennsylvania
My new website is nearly completed, containing my presidential platform (left side):
Of course, times are tough all over….. ;) wink
They are much tougher than ever before — for me specifically — since the Obama government has stopped all delivery of contributions via the US mail to me!!!!
This has never happened before to any WN activist, and I say this having been in this Cause now for 34 years.
Every single letter containing a donation is intercepted or delivered slit open and the contribution removed!
I know this sounds incredible but I have now multiple physical proofs. Below you can see a recent letter, sent, btw, to a friend, to get the funds instead by a circuitous route, but the feds tapped my phone, and did what I stated above. I just got a call from the local friend, who was receiving mail for me. The defiant and illegal response of the African dictator Obama, squatting in OUR White House, to my blog protesting MAIL THEFT was THE NEXT DAY to deliver a letter he had ordered held back.
It had been mailed from Germany on July 21st, and as per the phone conversation I had with the sender, he told me it would contain — as usual — 200 Swiss francs in banknotes (equivalent to about $180 US).
But the Narcissist-in-Chief ordered it

delivered with the envelope torn open and the money removed.

(It did NOT come in one of those USPS plastic bags with an apology, saying “we are sorry your envelope was damaged during processing.”)
This is what arrived…… (I have obscured, using GIMP, the mailing address of the recipient, a friend.) You can clearly see the German handwriting style, and the envelope arrived SLIT OPEN – with no apology from the USPS:
“Take that, white boy!”

The letter contained, as usual,  a photocopy of an article, but this copy was just “wrapping” for the cash. The blank side of the photocopy contained a handwritten note.
But the cash was gone.
Stolen by the United States Postal Service FROM the United States Postal Service.
A felony.
And this was Obongo’s “answer” to my complaint yesterday to the US Postal Inspector, Pittsburgh………………….
Paul, I wonder if you can imagine what it would be like if C-FAR and suddenly got no more donations at all by mail?
I have had to survive for a month now entirely on the courage of people willing to use their real name and send me money by Moneygram, Western Union, bank wires or PayPal to a comrade and ally. My previous mainstay, anonymous cash donations from hate-speech countries or from timid Americans sent to my mailbox, is gone.
The feds (the Jews, all the same thing) have closed my bank account, no reason given, closed my PayPal and, it goes without saying, my gmail accounts, Facebook page (twice) and Youtube channels, not to mention deleting the Wikipedia article about me.
I am to die financially at the last minute of mail theft strangulation and in utter obscurity, because I am now at the point of launching this movement and they know it. Kill the baby in the cradle!
Or as in the 1950s science fiction movies, “Kill it before it multiplies!” ;) wink
I now have an excellent staff, but ironically I must house and feed them at the very moment when income has plummeted.
Now, here is my idea…..
Obviously, I am not hitting YOU up for money….. ;) wink
Do you have any potential donors in Canada, Paul, or elsewhere, who do not, or no longer, give to YOU generously, but who you suppose might be capable of one or more major donations quickly to me?
Once I pay my rent today, I will be flat broke. I have gotten in one donation, a large one, from Western Union from a comrade and former US Green Beret, now working in Louisiana. But that has been it for a week now. I am about to go under just before the launch, and as we know, there is no one else even trying to launch a new movement — with leadership aura, a new vision, a presidential-level background, military experience and high academic credentials.
I submit, Paul that I AM the man we need.
I NEED serious financial help so that in just days I can produce and distribute a flyer (I have two high-speed copiers being brought in from Columbus, Ohio) that will rock western Pennsylvania, which is a nearly all-white beehive of Tea Party anger, gun sales and very dark mutterings on the street and in the bars.
This flyer will contain:
–my solutions for America
–the powerful local issues of
    –football coach Jerry Sandusky, now a convicted child molester, and the massive     pedophilia network in the Pennsylvania elite
    –the NUMEC scandal, involving an Israeli-built atom bomb fuel plant here in my town of Apollo, Pa. that has caused hundreds to die of cancer in this area; this is tied in directly to the murder of John F. Kennedy, who had sought by all means to block the Israeli A-bomb. After JFK was murdered, Johnson allowed the Israelis, specifically Rafael Eitan, to steal six hundred pounds of enriched uranium. The Israelis then dumped nuclear waste all over the area at night.
— the flyer will also go into 9/11 and the local aspect, the Shanksville, Pa. crash of flight 93 (100% shot down by the USAF; a neighbor saw an F-16 roar right over his house in Sarver, Pa, toward Shanksville 10 minutes before the “crash”; the Todd Beamer “Let’s roll” thing about taking back the cockpit is a total CIA fiction designed to create 9/11 “heroes” when in fact the Jew-captured US government murdered everyone on that flight! NO CELL PHONES COULD CALL THE GROUND BACK THEN)
–and into chemtrails, which are blanketing our area so as to zombyize the gun-toting, angry western Pennsylvanians who loathe Obama (this area is heavily tired-of-the-Holocaust Germans, antisemitic Slavs, feisty Scotch-Irish, and sick-of-black-crime Italians)
–and the blatant theft of the US Mail by Obama to stop me (Mail theft is shocking to everyone.)
–and the two stunners which never fail in a hundred conversations I have had with locals: 1) the Star of David over the Great Seal of the US on the back of the one-dollar bill, and 2) the fact that the longitude and latitude of Jerusalem add up to “666”:
1) the astounding artwork on the back of the $1
2) even atheists, polls say, are highly aware of the 666 prophecy. ( I discovered this — and had this graphic produced.)
I need someone to send me by Western Union, Moneygram or bank wire a few thousand.
Or this thing will die within days — with my feet in the chocks to start the race.
Who else can lead us? Who else is even trying? What will we do when martial law begins this fall?

(724) 212-5426

      “Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”      Daniel Webster
       “Let no more be said about the confidence in men, but bind them down from mischief with the chains of the Constitution.”   Thomas Jefferson   
         “The power under the Constitution will always be in the people.  It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can, and undoubtedly will, be recalled.”  George Washington

This part three continues the re-release of videos which the free-speech-hating Jews hacked in October 2011.

For your reference, this was presidential video one, in two parts, a and b, with a spectacular opening using footage from the movie Titanic”:

Part 1-a        Part 1-b


A shot from the filming….

This was presidential video TWO:

part 2 A

part 2 B

Here now is presidential video three:

Presidential 3-A

Presidential 3-B

Presidential 3-C


==============Canada — the liberal madness continues


13-year-old says ‘gay porn’ led to repeated rape of 4-year-old

by Patrick B. Craine   LifeSiteNews

CALGARY, Alberta, August 10, 2012 ( – A 13-year-old boy is awaiting sentencing in Calgary after pleading guilty to raping a four-year-old boy in his foster home. The teen, identified as T, told police after his arrest on Jan. 3rd that the idea for the assaults, which occurred over the course of a year, came from watching “gay porn” on his foster parents’ home computer.

[JdN: So I take it the foster parents are gay……which used to disqualify people. In any case, they have gay porn on a computer the kid can access…. Usually only gays watch gay porn…..but hey, what do I know?]

T’s assaults were discovered when he was caught in the midst of an attack by a neighbor who could see in the bedroom window from his office next door. The neighbor called 911, and when police arrived fifteen minutes later he pointed them to the window where the assault was still in progress.

The neighbor said the light in the bedroom went out as soon as the police knocked on the front door. T answered and admitted to the assault.

Judge Lynn Cook-Stanhope of Alberta’s Youth Court found T guilty in March. She was supposed to have heard sentencing arguments on July 23rd, but delayed over concerns stemming from a psychiatric report that indicated T may not have been mentally fit to stand trial. She has sent him for another assessment.

T was released on bail in January and has been living in a group home under house arrest. He has been forbidden to be in contact with anyone under the age of 16.

The foster parents were also caring for a six-year-old and two-year-old, and all four have been removed from the home. T had been with them for ten years.

A spokeswoman for Alberta’s Children and Youth Services, which administers the foster program, refused to comment to LifeSiteNews on what other action if any has been taken against the foster parents, citing privacy provisions.

Patrick A. Trueman, the former chief of the U.S. Department of Justice Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, told LifeSiteNews that the growth in internet use has been accompanied by an increasing number of cases involving child-on-child sex abuse.

“Children who view porn often act out and they do so on vulnerable children,” explained Trueman, who serves as president of Morality in Media. Law enforcement officials, he said, “almost uniformly associate a link between pornography and sex abuse in child-on-child sexual abuse.”

“I blame those in authority for not enforcing or not passing strict laws to curb the availability of pornography to children and adults,” he said.

“Most children who get pornography get it in their own home, from a parent’s collection or from an unblocked computer,” he continued. “Also, the widespread availability of pornography teaches children that porn is good.  Their immature minds believe that if adults enjoy it and have easy access to it, especially adult relatives or friends, then it is good for them to enjoy as well.”





Weaponization of human beings through behavior-control technology may be the coming thing.


Another possibility in the Aurora theatre shootings is that James Holmes was never in the theatre, sat drugged in a car until he was arrested, and had been a kidnap victim for some weeks.


He was never identified by theater-goers because the shooter[s] wore gas mask[s].


Aurora Massacre: Jimmy and the Llama


by Scott Creighton



At a time when the defense is trying to claim their client is bat-shit crazy, the Denver Post comes out with a story about what James Holmes was like just a short year ago. When he applied to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign neuroscience program, they wanted him so badly they waved tuition and fees and offered him a yearly paycheck of $22,660 just to attend their school. Out of 150 qualified applicants yearly they take between 5-15. James Holmes was one of those.


How does James get from point A to point B? How do we get from one of the brightest students in the nation, a guy who’s love of knowledge made him want to study the mind, a student so desired they would offer to pay him cash to attend, to a guy practically drooling on himself in a courtroom seemingly with no idea where he was?


This is a link to his application file at UI. You should read it.(H/T sunshinez)#


Back in March of 2011, the University of Illinois had him come up and they interviewed him…

“Those who met you … during your interview visit felt that your personal and professional qualities are truly outstanding and that you will be an excellent match for our program,” said the Illinois acceptance letter from professor J. Lee Beverly.” Denver Post

The Denver Post also references an article put out by the News Gazette which detailed his application history a bit more. Holmes was exceedingly bright, the kind of kid you want your child to be, the kind you wish you were.

“Holmes’ GRE quantitative score was 800 (94th percentile), his verbal score was 710 (98th percentile), and he had an analytical writing score of 4 (45th percentile), according to his UI application. His GPA was 3.94 out of 4.00, according to the application.” News Gazette

Scores don’t tell the whole story, that is true. For a better understanding of the way this young man’s mind works (worked?), you would need to listen to Holmes himself…

“I have always been fascinated by the complexities of long lost thought seemingly arising out of nowhere into a stream of awareness,” he wrote. “… These are the very cognitive processes which enable us to acquire information and retain it. They are at the core of what distinguishes us as people. Due to the seemingly infinite vastness of indefinite knowledge, we must be selective in our pursuits of knowledge. This is why I have chosen to study the primary source of all things, our own minds.” Denver Post

Rational people act based on incentives for self-fulfillment, including fulfilling needs of self-development and needs of feeling useful and helpful to others. I look forward to fulfilling my quest to advance my knowledge and I plan to use my critical thinking skills by studying the subject I am passionate about, neuroscience.” News Gazette

Does that sound like the guy we saw sitting at the defense table blankly looking around or emoting various quizzical expressions? Does that sound like a “spitter” who needed to be gagged?

They have sealed Holmes’ records at the University of Colorado where he ended up going in June of 2011 but before they did so, the university released a simple statement

“The University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus can confirm that Mr. James Holmes was in the process of withdrawing from the University of Colorado Denver’s graduate program in neurosciences…” MSNBC July 20th

This is very odd indeed if you consider he gave a presentation on MicroRNA biomarkers just before he supposedly started the process of withdrawing from the school.

The Washington Post reported that a teacher at the school claimed Jimmy (as he had been called by classmates) did poorly on an oral exam, but the evidence of that, like all the other evidence in this case, is a big secret.

The only confirmation that we have of Holmes’ ending his academic career is the say-so of the university spokesperson who obviously has a stake in the matter.

Seems to me that this young man had every intention of pursuing his academic career and knowledge itself, as far as he possibly could. By all accounts of those tasked with assessing his potential, this guy was professional and driven. Looking at his writing (which is nothing like the writing attributed to him on the Adult Friend Finders account) he was thoughtful and curious and possessed a desire to see how far these traits could take him.

Look very closely because one of these things is not like the other. The extra gas mask, the reports of other shooters, the conflicting descriptions of the shooter, his condition when the cops found him… the timing of this attack and the political environment in which it occurred… now we have what appears to be a quasi moron sitting at the defense desk wondering why he’s there.

Look very closely people, because one of these things is not like the other.


James Holmes: Government Patsy Assisting Obama in Disarming Americans

By Susanne Posel
July 28, 2012

James Holmes, while incarcerated and awaiting trial appears to have been drugged and have amnesia regarding the Batman shooting committed just last week. Holmes says that he does not know why he is locked up.

A jailhouse worker stated about Holmes: “He claims he doesn’t know why he’s in jail. He asked ‘Why am I here?’”

The police in Arapahoe County Detention Center are skeptical of Holmes. Other inmates are claiming that they believe he is faking amnesia while admitting Holmes has asked them how the film ended. However, Holmes has been seen in court failing in and out of consciousness whiles his eyes bulged out.

According to the KMGH report, during the arrest process, Holmes made puppets out of evidence bags ; just moments after he had committed the shooting at the Aurora Theater.

The mainstream media (MSM) are priming the propaganda surround Holmes by lending credence to the insanity defense and claiming he may have some arbitrary psychotic episode associated with mass murder.

By order of the District Court Judge William Blair Sylvester, the University of Colorado is forbidden to release any college records concerning Holmes as well as information on file about his enrollment in the neuroscience doctoral program.

At college, as stated on his resume, Holmes was fascinated with mind control . As an intern at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies, Holmes was the author of computer programs where the utilization of flicker fusion, a form of mind control was being implanted in movies and video games.

Holmes was involved with research projects that were partnered with the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) while at Salk Institute. One coercive project involved the creation of chocolate bars laced with epicarechina, a blood-flow increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa; especially dark chocolate.

Holmes wrote papers , entitled “Temporary Perceptions of Causality” during his time as a student on programming and mind control.

Holmes past is rife with ties to and participation with government-sponsored mind control experimentation. As one of 6 recipients of the National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant while at the University of Colorado, this 24 year old man already has a Bachelor of Science degree in Neuroscience.

Homes’ family ties were to the US government, with involvement in creative efforts to design human super-soldiers and render humans into automatons, as his father and grandfather were both working with DARPA and various secret government projects seeking to understand mind control.

And now, perhaps having fallen victim to the government-backed experiments he wanted to be part of, Holmes sits in jail; a patsy to the future agenda of complete gun confiscation the Obama administration is waiting to implement across the US.

Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism. Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporately funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.

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(And this is my heavily edited version of an essay by patriot Tony Blizzard, who used to write for American Free Press)

This Denver movie shooter looks more and more like one more psy-op to crank up the pressure on the basic American LAW that all citizens have the right to own and bear arms – that is. by the way, ARMS, WEAPONS, killing instruments, not just handguns, rifles and shotguns – that “shall not be infringed.”

“Bearing arms” means whatever it takes to get an out-of-control government back under the control of We the People as our servant. THAT is the whole purpose of that basic and superior LAW, and ANY diminution of it, for ANY REASON, is obviously UN-LAW-FUL.

Yes, bearing arms is the LAW, constitutional law, and if some don’t like it, there are LAWFUL ways to attempt to change it. However, all those lawful ways require the people in general to agree to said change — which is the direct reason that the government right down to the local level has been simply ignoring this BASIC, SUPERIOR LAW, the law of our Constitution. Enough of the people have been dumbed down (largely by government schools) to the point of acquiescing in unlawful and constant INFRINGEMENTS.

Infringed means:

“To commit a breach of; to violate; to neglect to fulfil or obey; to commit an infringement of (Infringement: Act of infringing; esp; breach; violation; nonfulfillment; as the infringement of a treaty, compact, law or constitution, as in, to infringe a LAW, contract, or patent.” Webster’s New International. (Emphasis added by me.)

The unexplained secrecy at every angle of the Denver incident is the initial question mark, just as in similar instances. The refusal to give the public actual knowledge of the acts themselves as well as the lead-up to them is by itself criminal. But criminal acts by government (and the kept media) are now accepted by a brain-dead people as routine.

How many Americans are aware that every eyewitness to date who has been able to get any word to the public has said without question there was more than one shooter? This follows the usual eyewitness testimony after such shootings, going back to the JFK and RFK assassinations.

Of those few witnesses, that has been their very first statement….in what little has gotten out. One would think Americans would eventually get wise to the “lone-nut” bull that has been used over..and over..and this has ALWAYS been a lie in every last media-hyped case. Plus, somehow, the media ALWAYS has a pointer to the designated “lone nut” — have you noticed?

One day the media says this Holmes guy never had contact with the U. of Colorado/Denver campus cops, but the next day the campus shrink says she contacted them about him prior to the shooting. So maybe there was no contact — BUT it is a lie by omission for them to NOT tell the public that the shrink had contacted them about him.

Seems it was like pulling teeth just to find out that the guy was seeing the shrink. What exactly is going on in that university program, open only to a specific group of highly intelligent young people who are playing around with mind control?

Or being played around with by mind controllers?

This guy had no such problems when he left home in San Diego. All those who have seen him since the shootings write of the “glazed” look of his countenance these days. Is this another “national security” program that is not allowed to be exposed — not because it would damage the nation but because the people would rise up and kill the bastards who are screwing with the nation and its young people in order to create their one-world prison camp? Talk about an out-of-control government that needs to be brought back under control! Anyone remember MK-Ultra or any number of other such “experiments?”

If this had been one lone incident or program it would have been bad enough — but the American public has been putting up for decades with this kind of horrifying, corpse-strewn incident followed by a strict blackout concerning the actual facts.

Then always multiple scenarios are eventually floated so that few ever figure out what REALLY was behind each incident.

Those in charge of the psychology behind this tactic rely heavily on cognitive dissonance, knowing that most Americans are heavily emotionally invested in the pious “God’s country” bull. (It has been bull since Woodrow Wilson overthrew the Founding Fathers.)

They prefer refusing to believe their government at the very top is a part of the most evil cabal in the world.

The Jew Lee Greenwood has this sugary song that describes a free America that simply no longer exists. We are free to talk about the weather and football and that is it. Say anything politically incorrect in anything but a private setting — and watch what happens. End of career, money, job, health care, house and everything. And if this government truly honored our vets, why are they so bitter, literally suicidal and feeling so abused that Homeland Security lists returning American combat vets as potential terrorists?

Americans do not understand that this cabal exists and thrives mainly because of the Rothschild-controlled criminal scam, using the Federal Reserve, of false monetary creation by bankers as their private debt, and this private zionist creation of staggering amounts of money gives them the real power in this world, making governments and businesses alike their servile prostitutes.

None of the motives behind these incidents, such as 9/11, are in fact complicated at all.

That is exactly why they have to be falsely made to appear to be complicated. People who still know how to THINK, that is, to apply the wise, ancient Roman legal principle of cui bono (“to whose benefit?”) don’t have too much trouble figuring out what is going on even when denied the details.

But more of the public needs to remember HOW TO THINK.

I’m told that lately the Zionist shill, Alex Jones, has even tried to pin 9/11 on Putin’s Russia. Anyone who believes such nonsense certainly IS brain-dead. Russia’s motive would be ?????

Whatever you come up with on that will be pretty lame.

Try Israel, a Rothschild project, for a fit that makes sense.

9/11 got us, a superpower. to hate and kill the Arabs, who just happen to be ISRAEL’S ENEMIES.


=================a rant by a very anti-black white man (or FBI??)


The writer below is a scary dude. I reject his message, because I seek alliance with the sensible black people of this country, and I have met them. This is just to show you how much white anger is out there, and btw, I have been a victim of black crime myself, got called a “cracker” and blocked as I tried simply to walk straight ahead by an aggressive young black male down in a Blue Line station of the Boston subway — it was a serious mistake on his part —  and my former ladyfriend was raped twice by blacks when she lived as an oblivious opera singer in Washington DC.

I and Margaret; we were together for six years, 2005-2011, and still are friends and comrades. Crime by black males IS a reality, and it breaks my heart. But there are vile white psychopaths too.

Two years ago a tough Italian guy drove out to see me, told me he hated blacks, and said he would take out anyone I named. I took him seriously but said no.  I have met people constantly in western Pennsylvania who told me they missed the Mafia solely because “it kept the blacks under control.”

My goal is to AVOID a race war and focus on the Jews, the common enemy of all races.

THIS is my view, and it is neither hateful of blacks nor kissing their butt:

However, strictly for your information, here, along with my disapproval, is that rant by a person who calls himself “Joom.”

* * *


                                             Fool’s Errand
I’ve had a lot of people write me about blacks over the past twenty years. Some were friends, some
foes, and some were even relatives. All had different views on the subject. But after a while I found
a few common denominators among certain opinion types. Without fail, the ones that defended blacks
were those that hadn’t been exposed to them to the extent of the ones that were against them. They
had never been robbed or raped or beaten or had one of their kids shot or drugged up by one of those
worthless bastards. In my own life and the lives of most of those I know, both friends and relatives,
blacks have been a continual nightmare they’ve had to deal with their entire lives. I personally have
had my house robbed of thousands of dollars worth of stuff, and was able to prove niggers in the area
did it, but the damned cops were afraid of violating their cibo rights and let them keep my property…
My first wife was dragged into a van full of bucks, gang raped then beat nearly to death, then kicked
out on the side of a busy freeway at night nearly naked and bleeding. Of course they were never found.
My mother was attacked in broad daylight in a shoe store for God’s sake, by a 300 pound muscled up
gorilla who broke her back, crushed in her right cheek, knocked out three teeth, broke her arm and six ribs, but the liberal judge let him walk scot free because he was “mentally not responsible for his actions.”
Then why the f**k was he walking around loose in society? He’d done this same thing three times before.
My 67-year-old mother weighed 110 pounds soaking wet. She flatly refused to give my brother and I the
name of the ape because she knew without a shadow of a doubt that we’d have taken nigger town apart
until we had found and killed him..slowly
We also wanted to kill the cowards that just stood by and watched as this went down instead of
jumping that monkey. If I had seen something like that, there would have been one less maggot
in this world. I feel sorry for a lot of black women. They are, for the most part, hard-working people
who stay out of trouble. But the male of their species is a total waste of meat. Once testosterone
kicks in, all that aggression and sex drive makes them go nuts. When you cross all that with an
extremely low IQ, you’ve got a recipe for trouble. Whites knew this for eons and that’s why we had segregation laws and control systems to keep those apes in check. Then, in the 1800’s, some
middle-aged Boston c**t with too much time on her hands wrote that piece of shit “Uncle Tom’s
Cabin” which was pure unadulterated bullshit. But it was swallowed hook, line and sinker by every
female in the East, who started raising hell about the plight of the poor downtrodden and innocent
nigger. And the seeds of the Civil War were planted, causing the deaths of more white men than all
the other wars we’ve ever fought combined. [JdN: The new figure is 750,000 dead.] If the truth were known the book was probably writtenby some kike who gave it to that female to promote. If I could go back in time, I’d transplant a pairof balls on the bitch, just so I could string her up by them…
I only scratched the surface on the things niggers have done to me over the years. I could write
a freaking book. It’s a wonder men like me haven’t gone absolutely postal. In fact I’m still shocked
it hasn’t happened yet. I keep expecting to hear on the news where some white guy has blown
up a nigger college somewhere or took an UZI to a cibo rights rally during a Martin Loser Koon
holiday. The hate white men in this country have for blacks is so thick you could cut slices off
it. I firmly believe that all it would take at this point is some incident to light the tinderbox. There’s
only so much people can tolerate, no matter how cowed they are. The one group I get the most
heat from surprisingly, is the Christian denominations. They’re always preaching to me about
“forgiveness”. But I’m a student of almost all the religions of this world both living and dead, and
I usually eat them alive when they cross theological swords with me. The New Testament very
clearly states that they must first repent before you forgive them, you are not to just arbitrarily
forgive. To repent means you change your ways and stop the evil you’re doing. To forgive some-
one that’s still harming you is not only wrong, it’s foolish as all hell. That’s like catching some
nigger in the act of raping your daughter and telling him, “I forgive you.” Gimme a damned break!
In town today while sitting at a stoplight, I saw some plate-lipped, 250 pound gorilla on a little
Stingray bike, cruising slowly through a casino parking lot, checking each car out carefully for
unlocked doors and goods left inside. Anytime you see a nigger on a bicycle, you can bet yer
ass he’s up to no good. There’s no law against just riding around in the lot, and if you stopped
him for suspicious behavior, he’d instantly chimp out and start screaming bloody murder about discrimination. I get so damned sick of hearing that tired old word that it makes me see red
every time now. What whites need to do from now on is every time some ape comes up with
that bile, he needs to yell right back at him that there’s a big difference between discrimination
and life experience, and that life has taught us that blacks are nothing but trouble. And if he
doesn’t like that, ask him why he’s not out looking for work. That usually shuts them up on
the spot. At the very least it reduces them to nothing but loud bluster, at which point you
lay the law down. I confess that I’ve stomped a lot of black ass and got away with it, simply
because I chose the place and time carefully, and made damned sure that the coon wasn’t
able to jump up and start screaming fo’ dee po-leece as soon as I left…
And if you ever get into a scrape with one, never hit him in the head. You’ll only break your hand
and piss him off. Blacks have almost twice the skull thickness of a white, just like their cousin
the gorilla. Punch him in the solar plexus, stomach, neck, kidneys and balls. I use other methods
myself, but unless you’ve had training in some specialized form of fighting, you’re better off sticking
with what I’ve listed. And always check them damned quick for a gun. Niggers just love their guns.
They’re cowards by nature. In a pack they’ll kill you, but alone they’re all smiles and “let’s get along”.
Never let one on your property and especially not in your home. He’ll case the place in ten seconds,
and within days he and his cronies will clean your ass out. If a family of coons moves into your neighborhood, you do whatever it takes to run their asses out. I don’t care if you have to burn them
out — get them out! Blacks are like roaches. You let one in, and soon you’ve got hundreds then
thousands. Like wetbacks, they use the “foothold” method. One family moves in and becomes
a royal pain in the ass to their neighbors on each side until they get fed up and move. Then they
move in their bros, who start the process all over again. I’ve seen clean, safe, quiet, beautiful
neighborhoods turn into nasty, dangerous ghettos seemingly overnight by these monkeys…
But trying to get control of the black or the wetback problem through “legal” means is a fool’s
errand. It’ll never happen. We have far too many extremely evil, extremely powerful criminals in
power in this country, that are working day and night to bring about the destruction of America.
Our only hope at this point is bloody revolution. Not wild, hated-filled riots and mindless mobs
because they’ll get mowed down by our mostly black military in a second. No, it must be a well
organized guerrilla campaign that takes over military bases, weapons depots and ammunition
bunkers. Our only hope is veterans with military training, who know where all the goodies are,
and how to get to them. And believe me, there are plenty of guys out there just waiting for an
excuse. It’s only a matter of time now before the hammer falls, and not much of that. Not much
at all. If I were you out there, I’d be stocking up on food, medicine, ammo, and weapons. You’ll
never have too much. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’d rather die fighting this insanity
and tyranny rather than allow it to finish us off slowly and quietly. But then the choice is yours,
isn’t it? — JOOM

tel: (724) 212-5426


Skype: “John de Nugent” (Pittsburgh)


  1. Dear John

    You remain as always a research and information master. Thank God there are people that stand up for freedom and rights of free speech, which here in Olde England they are trying to stifle with laws that would have come right out of George Orwell’s 1984.

    We have a Thought Police here, made up of narrow thinking, culture-suicidal servants of the devil. The enemy can say what they like. but free thinking Brits proud of heritage and culture DARE NOT say anything that may make the enemy feel uncomfortable or wrong.

    One such warrior is in prison and another woman, in her seventies and frail due to illness, has been subject to forced property entry by over-zealous Police, an Anti-Social order placed on her to prevent further criticism or communication about the victims of Muslim paedophile groomers and the general crime of exercising free speech. They were ordered into action based on the bad attitude of a local Councillor of the “Conservative Party”!

    I am sure you could see it for yourself on internet under the location of Fareham, Hampshire.

    Best wishes to you
    From England’s deep south

    PS: Wasn’t it your great general Robert E. Lee who commented: ‘”The rights and freedom of the individual are paramount as long as they don’t infringe of the rights and freedom of another individual.”? Correct me if I am wrong.

    • He may not be Jewish, being (sez Wiki) Irish and German, but some Germans due to admixing do have big noses. (I say that having lived in Germany and Austria, and having been married twice to German people.) Plenty of Irish have dark hair yet blue eyes….

      He does not look overly Jewish in this picture:

      But he is part of a long trend I have perceived where NO nominee of either party since Gerald Ford in 1976 may have fair hair. At least 50% of white American people still have brown or light brown hair, but not one nominee has in 36 years. (Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton had light eyes.)

      The worst thing about Ryan is he is a neo-con, preaching more wars to safeguard Israhell — and more tax cuts for filthy-rich billionaires.

      He seems charismatic, young and energetic, and so I urge people as the antidote to support me, the true answer in every area to the sinister Romney-Ryan faux-conservative ticket. There is nothing MORE Trojan-Horse than a fake conservative in hock to the Jews.

  2. The jew is the enemy of every race on this planet, however; as you, John, have pointed out, animosity between races goes back thousands of years, weren’t the original white people on the American continent, the Solutreans you refer to, murdered to extinction by another race of people?. Animals in the wild stay away from other species for good reason, why should the human races be any different?, there’s plenty of evidence that shows why there must be complete separation between races, why is it ok to point out all the negatives regarding jews but on the other hand we must take a different approach when it comes to blacks?, would your response to the letter by Joom have been different had it been about jews?, black people have their own ‘leaders’ fighting for their ‘çause’, if you want to lead white people John then lead only white people, a race war IS coming, not just in America but where ever white people are not yet extinct and all those ‘nice’ blacks or asians or arabs or whatever will not jump to your defence, I’m sure there were whites in Haiti that thought their black neighbours/friends/lovers, etc. were ‘nice’ people.

    • Dear Roy,

      You should read my webpage “for African-Americans” on the new organizational website,

      I have no illusions about average black people, nor about the average cowardly white blob either.


    • “Sort only” is not correct or understandable in English.

      It is indeed possible that Ryan has a Jew in the woodpile. I believe this is true of many leading politicos: Roosevelt, Johnson for sure, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, possible Bush and Cheney as well, and Obama.

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