Prince Charles’ uncle and mentor, Lord Mountbatten, was a homosexual and pedophile, says largest newspaper in Britain; the Kincora rapes and MI5

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As I’ve been saying and proving for four and a half years (since my April 20, 2015 Leo Frank-Jeffrey Epstein video),


it’s not a democracy at all that we live under — but a BLACKMAILED jewish pedophilocracy.

And just yesterday a Canadian gave me shocking inside info on Winston Churchill that bears all this out even more.

  • Mark Thomas Learned it from his uncle, Lord Mountbatten. But the good men of the IRA walked him off the stage, what about em.
    • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch A shame that the British ruling class has been so cruel and horrible since 1066 — the vile Norman conquest — with money from guess w
    • Mark Thomas John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Yep. Followed by Cromwell’s “Reformation” and the real Holocaust of Drogheda and the rest of the Catholics. Financed by the same ilk that Longshanks sorted out. ” ‘Tis still our ancient foe.”
    • Garcia Esteban Seems that the English could never get enough of that royal bullshit.
    • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Mark Thomas Yes, they love getting Christians to slaughter each other. And Rothfilth organized the Irish Famine by saying Ireland’s food must be shipped out under guard to wherever it fetches the highest price.
    I always thought old Winnie was some sort of a perv.

    John De-Nugent

    Layne, yes, but the salient thing is BLACKMAILED perv. In “The Nameless War (1952), Capt. Ramsay proves with evidence that Churchill became more and more aware that the US and the Soviet Union planned to eliminate Britain as a major world power. At the same time, Hitler was making even more of his ultra-generous peace offers to Britain, including giving up all his conquests in the west!!!! (France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway, all countries facing the UK)….. AND Churchill was highly aware of both the Jewish and Bolshevik threats. And he was a fierce defender of the British Empire.
    So why then did he persist on his mad course of destroying Hitler Germany? I would say because the Jews wanted it, and they were BLACKMAILing him as a PEDOPHILE.
    Here is what I published on that, 1/4 down
    at “….Winston Spencer Churchill
  • Philip Collins Uncle Dickie was a vicious pedophile and a main abuser in the Kanecora scandal of the rape of Irish orphans. The one good thing the IRA ever did was blow his ass up. Apparently the royal family has large volumes of child and animal orgy pornography in books made of human leather in their vault.
    Philip Collins John De Nugent Aufdeutsch big scandal back in the day, and that bombing was well deserved. For once it hit a real target.


kincorakincora 4kincora 3

The Kincora House scandal that appeared in 1980 isn’t going away. It’s now a lifetime ago. That was the year I got married; thirty six years ago in a life where I’ve seen my three daughters grow up to have adult lives of their own… and still it trundles on.

The abuse that happened within the walls of this boys’ home and further afield are not likely to be forgotten by the victims, unless they should all die. Much like the muddied affairs of Norneverland [Northern Ireland?] throughout the Troubles, nothing has been resolved and the truth has not been told and seen to be told adequately enough to sate the public’s curiosity and also to give some semblance of justice to anyone whose life has been saddened or destroyed.

Many believe that this poisonous can of political and immoral pus has joined several others that are being steadily kicked down a long road in the hope that a generation of politicians and Establishment figures will be dead, buried and beyond the law, while everyone else will no longer care or remember.

Some believe that social stability would be much better were we all able to forget this sordid past affair. The facts are that a lot of boys were systematically raped for years in a very horrific way. It was a bit like shooting very vulnerable fish in a barrel.

“Kincora” encapsulates all the hypocrisy of life and politics in Norneverland and it has rumbled on now for some forty years, sucking into its wake politicians, clergymen , the Establishment, the Armed Services, the RUC [], the Secret Services such as M15, government ministers, the Orange Order and even Loyalist paramilitaries –; child abuse and paedophilia on the scale of that old vampire Jimmy Savile’s horrific, clandestine story and with even further -reaching consequences than those involving BBC or entertainment personalities.

Some of the most prominent worthies in society seem to be in the frame with some credible allegations of collusion between the state at the highest level and criminal elements. There is much grist to be milled but there is also a very obvious reticence to get the mill-wheel grinding.

One of the first to highlight the enormity and far-reaching nature of the criminality involved was first the Irish Independent in 1980 — and the spiky little satirical magazine, “Private Eye” also got its teeth into the scandal. The notion that high-ranking members of the Whitehall Civil Service and senior officers of the British military were involved in the sexual abuse of boys in Kincora was fair game for the little magazine that had been exposing and lampooning political corruption since the dawn of the 1960’s.

To them it was simply just another story but it stretched right into the dark heart of Norneverland politics and was more than just a story to the victims.

It all came to light as early as 1977. One of the victims had actually been locked away to prevent him from talking and was given no help from social workers. Although police files existed, a number of people have been forbidden under the Official Secrets Act from contributing any revealing information about what appeared to be an official cover-up. Apparently it involved children from 10 to 17. One man was suspected of having made large amounts of money by hiring out boys for sexual services.

It has been alleged that extreme Ulster loyalists connected to a group called Tara were members of a paedophile ring committing offences at the Kincora Home in Belfast and had been blackmailed by MI5 and other branches of the security forces, early in the Troubles.

As late as last year, in 2015, campaigners were still trying to have Kincora included in a wide-ranging inquiry to finally establish the truth as to whether the security services had blocked inquiries on the abuse to protect some of the perpetrators.Just why would they want them protected?

Until this time there had been no proper court hearing about the alleged cover-up and whatever British state agents had been involved. Victims of the abuse alleged that a cover-up of their abuse had already lasted for several decades. Following the Jimmy Savile inquiry, an Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales was being set up but the Government is still intent on keeping the Kincora case out of this and want the toothless remit of the Northern Ireland Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry (NIHIAI) only. They want it kept in a tight little box on its own where M15 can’t be asked to make any contribution.

The victims, now a handful of grown-up, damaged adult men, want an all-encompassing inquiry into this case, with powers to compel witnesses to testify. Heels are still being dragged.

Apparently the home was the scene of abuse virtually from the day in 1958 when it opened, ironically as a refuge for 10 t0 17 year old boys facing abuse in their own homes . It was a case of “out of the frying pan right into the fire” for them. The home soon became a hotbed of paedophilia and abuse on a seemingly well-organised scale. Rape was a regular feature.

There had been previous reports that the RUC [Royal Ulster Constabulary] had information about all of this but they sat on it for some reason. Later, on 3rd April 1980, three members of staff at the home, William McGrath, Raymond Semple and Joseph Mains, were charged with a number of offences relating to the well -ingrained and systematic sexual abuse of children in their care over many years. Joseph Mains, who had been the warden, was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment; Raymond Semple, an assistant warden, got five years, and William McGrath was gaoled in December 1981 for four years.

It wasn’t just a case of simple predatory child abuse by opportunistic men. There was much more.William McGrath , for example, was also the leader of an even odder than usual loyalist paramilitary gang named “Tara”.

And it has been postulated in investigations that there was the likelihood that he had been employed by MI5 since the 1960s , agents of which with knowledge of his sexual proclivities had been blackmailing him into providing intelligence on other loyalist connected groups.

A church member, Valerie Shaw, of the Reverend Ian Paisley’s Free Presbyterian’s flock, had informed him about the loyalist group and specifically McGrath’s homosexual paedophilia and the activities at the home, but Paisley sat on the information too; this at a time when Paisley’s battle -cry was “Save Ulster From Sodomy”.

Of course , this particular paedophile sodomist was also a good Loyal Son of Ulster, right wing to the maximum and a proud sash-wearing , commie-Catholic hating Orangeman too.

McGrath was never a member of Paisley’s church but he greatly admired the man for his skill in getting Protestants mobilised on the streets “To Defend Ulster”, in much the same way he supported Gusty Spence’s UVF murder of two Catholics.

He was the worst kind of bigoted right-winger that anyone could imagine, seeing communists and Catholics in the same unsanctified and paranoid light. In McGrath’s world, the two Catholics were commies who deserved all they got.

McGrath’s mad British-Israelite views sat well with many in the loyalist UVF. When it was discovered that McGrath was a homosexual, the link between the two groups was sundered.

Mad right-wing bigotry was one thing, but homosexuality was a step too far …especially when the homosexual was also a child-abusing paedophile. Even the UVF, who had no problem killing Catholics, had its limits, seemingly.


The RUC were accused of not fully investigating any of these claims about McGrath and Kincora rigorously enough or with enough sincerity, and a private inquiry led by Jim Prior in 1982 collapsed due to lack of worthwhile evidence.

It seems there may have been instructions handed down from higher up to bury it, so their hands might have been tied in part. As the years went by, the scandal was pushed further back, but in 1990 it was stated in a Dublin magazine called “NOW” that the Kincora House had featured in a series of gay orgies conducted throughout Ireland and the UK. Many very high-profile Establishment names were mentioned in connection with the widespread abuse of young boys and men .

Shockingly, names such as Sir Anthony Blunt and Prince Charles’ favourite uncle, Louis Mountbatten, were mentioned, and all were implied to have been involved in an “old boys” network of similar predators.

The reporter was threatened with libel to frighten him off once this information began to circulate.People began making more connections though. The idea that Louis Mountbatten was a raging homosexual or bisexual was something to stir the imagination at a time when such thoughts were almost unthinkable. To think that he might also be a wild rapist was a new twist. That kind of perception is why the likes of Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris escaped censure for so long, though.

The most compelling evidence actually comes from the mouths of those who have been abused. They know exactly who was involved and some speak of being sex-trafficked around this network of abusers. Their testimony is hard to refute and yet nothing concrete has come of their pleas for justice . You have to wonder how deep into the Establishment this scandal goes.

One man worth watching is Richard Kerr, who has claimed to have been molested by what he describes as “very powerful people”. He claims to have been attacked sexually in London at the Dolphin Square luxury apartment complex and also the Elm Guest House, where he had been brought.

He claims that himself and two other boys were specifically hand-picked to be sex-trafficked to London from Kincora extending the in-house abuse across to England in 1977. His companions have since committed suicide, unfortunately, which leaves him as a lone witness. He claims to have been tied up and photographed in the Elm Guest House in a form of bondage. The house was raided in 1981 where the police found bondage paraphernalia such as whips and chains. He cited some powerful men whom he believes were powerful politicians. Dolphin House is also a location that is the centre of alleged sexual child abuse and murder which is being investigated by Scotland Yard.

Some might wish to believe that he is a fantasist and might want to paint him in that light. given that he appears to stand almost alone in his claims — with his companions dead — but why would he wish to make up such a story and expose himself to ridicule and possible danger if there was not some truth in his allegations?

He provides some intimate detail of his encounters, but it would need to be fleshed-out with actual names, of course. Certainly for such a high-profile case that has stirred the public imagination, there appear to be some holes in it regarding filed evidence, missing files and such… and a distinctive dragging of many heels to reach an open conclusion.

The list of prominent names that have bubbled to the surface in relation to sexual abuse and a supposed nationwide paedophile ring is interesting in itself. It includes such worthies as :

Enoch Powell, former South Down MP, Cyril Smith Liberal MP, Leon Brittan, Home Secretary, an unidentified member of the Royal Family (who may have been the aforementioned Mountbatten or someone else entirely), Sir Peter Hayman, Joshua “Joss” Cardwell, a unionist politician who was chairman of the committee responsible for children’s homes, and the spy Sir Anthony Blunt.

Apparently many files concerning these individuals have been ” lost” or redacted, but what is left makes for some very interesting reading.

It will certainly be very interesting to see how this develops….



MI5 accused of covering up sexual abuse at boys’ home

Court case to address alleged cover-up of British state involvement at the Kincora children’s home in Northern Ireland
Gary Hoy
Gary Hoy, an alleged victim at the Kincora home, says the security services should not be allowed to hide the facts. Photograph: Colm O’Reilly/Sunday Life

MI5 is facing allegations it was complicit in the sexual abuse of children, the high court in Northern Ireland will hear on Tuesday.

Victims of the abuse are taking legal action to force a full independent inquiry with the power to compel witnesses to testify and the security service to hand over documents.

The case, in Belfast, is the first in court over the alleged cover-up of British state involvement at the Kincora children’s home in Northern Ireland in the 1970s. It is also the first of the recent sex abuse cases allegedly tying in the British state directly. Victims allege that the cover-up over Kincora has lasted decades.

The victims want the claims of state collusion investigated by an inquiry with full powers, such as the one set up into other sex abuse scandals chaired by the New Zealand judge Lowell Goddard.

Amnesty International branded Kincora “one of the biggest scandals of our age” and backed the victims’ calls for an inquiry with full powers: “There are longstanding claims that MI5 blocked one or more police investigations into Kincora in the 1970s in order to protect its own intelligence-gathering operation, a terrible indictment which raises the spectre of countless vulnerable boys having faced further years of brutal abuse.

“It’s only Justice Goddard’s inquiry that will be able to ensure that evidence doesn’t remain hidden in Whitehall filing cabinets and that even senior politicians will have to attend the inquiry.”

Children are alleged to have suffered sustained sexual abuse after being taken from the east Belfast children’s home, run by a member of a Protestant paramilitary organisation, to be offered to men.

Lawyers for the victims will argue in court that “there is credible evidence (and it is therefore arguable) that the security forces and security services were aware of the abuse, permitted it to continue and colluded in protecting the individuals involved from investigation or prosecution”, according to papers lodged with the Belfast high court.

One alleged victim, Gary Hoy, said in a sworn affidavit seen by the Guardian: “If we had had a proper inquiry in the 1980s then I wouldn’t have to relive this again today. MI5 and MI6 cannot be allowed to hide things, and I believe everything needs to be brought out into the open. I find it heart-wrenching that there were security men could have been behind the abuse or involved in it … Because they were in positions of authority or supposed to be protecting the state they get away with it.”

Hoy was placed in Kincora with his younger brother in the 1970s. He says the abuse left him broken as an adult.

At the court case this week, lawyers for Hoy will state that “he (and other individuals) suffered abuse whilst in the care of Kincora boys’ home which would come within the definition of torture, or inhuman or degrading treatment as defined under article 3 of the ECHR [European convention on human rights]”.

Two former British military officials say a full inquiry with proper powers should take place. One says MI5 was complicit in the abuses; another says he reported it to MI5 but no action was taken.

Colin Wallace, a former army information officer in Northern Ireland, said: “There is now irrefutable evidence that previous inquiries were deliberately engineered or manipulated to mislead parliament by concealing the role of government agencies in covering up the abuses.”

The demand for an inquiry with full powers was supported last week by parliament’s home affairs committee.

The government wants the allegations covered by a different inquiry which lacks the powers to compel MI5 to hand over documents and cannot compel witnesses to testify. The government’s preferred option will not fund lawyers for the victims.

Three men were jailed for their part in abuse at Kincora in 1981, but attempts to establish the truth about British state involvement have been blocked. It has persistently been alleged that William McGrath, Kincora’s housemaster and the leader of an extreme evangelical Protestant group called Tara, was an informant for British intelligence. McGrath was jailed for sexual offences in 1981 and is now dead.

There have been limited inquiries into Kincora, but officers of the former Royal Ulster Constabulary, army intelligence officers, a former Northern Ireland ombudsman, and the judges conducting those earlier inquiries all said the truth about what went on there – and why it was allowed to continue for so many years – had been suppressed.

RUC officers were repeatedly refused permission in the 1980s to interview a senior MI5 official about the affair.

The Home Office, the government department responsible for MI5, declined to say if any intelligence official had ever even been questioned about the claims. It also declined to confirm or deny if the allegations of MI5 complicity in the abuse of children were true or a maligning of the security service’s reputation.

A Home Office spokesperson said: “The government is cooperating fully with all investigations into allegations relating to the Kincora boys’ home. It is not appropriate to comment further while these investigations are under way.”

In his affidavit, Hoy said: “Joe Mains, who was jailed for offences in the 1980s, he had a room in a [portable building]. His door was always closed, and I remember well-dressed men used to go in with children and the door was locked. Joe Mains took me to a house in Four Winds and abused me, and a man called Semple [also convicted] took me to a house in the Fortwilliam area and abused me.”

Lawyers acting for Hoy and other alleged victims want judges to declare the government’s planned inquiry is inadequate. They are seeking leave to judicially review the government’s decision.

The allegations of security service complicity in the abuses at Kincora have been reported by news organisations in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic for decades.

Kevin Winters, the solicitor for Hoy and other victims of Kincora, said they viewed the government’s proposed inquiry as offering little hope of delivering the justice they had waited so long for: “They see this as a continuation of the cover-up that has existed for decades. They deserve full closure and justice.”

The allegations of British state complicity in the abuse of children initially appeared to be a conspiracy theory. But detectives who investigated Kincora in the 1980s said at least one Tory MP visited the home at the time boys were being sexually abused there. Brian Gemmell, a former army intelligence officer, has said he was warned off his investigations into Kincora by an MI5 officer.

Among the first to accuse the Ministry of Defence and MI5 of a cover-up was the former army information officer Wallace, who was himself the victim of dirty tricks, and subsequently left the MoD.

In 1980, as more people began to take notice of his claims about Kincora, Wallace was arrested and convicted of manslaughter. He spent six years in jail amid suggestions he had been framed. His conviction for manslaughter was quashed in 1996 in the light of fresh forensic evidence and shortcomings at his trial. In 1990, Margaret Thatcher was forced to admit that her government had deceived parliament and the public about Wallace’s role.

An independent investigation by David Calcutt QC had found that members of MI5 had interfered with disciplinary proceedings against Wallace. As a result, Wallace was awarded £30,000 compensation.

He told the Guardian: “Surely some action must be taken against those whose actions deliberately perpetuated the cover-up of the abuses and thus prolonged the suffering of the victims unnecessarily.”

The chair of the current inquiry, Sir Anthony Hart, has asked all UK government departments and agencies to provide him with every file they held on Kincora. A spokesperson for the inquiry declined to elaborate when asked what response Hart had made to his demand.

However, Theresa May, the Home Secretary, has told Hart and the Northern Ireland secretary, Theresa Villiers, that “all officials, government departments and agencies will give their fullest cooperation”. This, she added in a letter seen by the Guardian, “includes the security service [MI5] and the Ministry of Defence”. May said that if necessary she would place the Kincora allegations into the hands of the England and Wales child sexual abuse panel inquiry under Judge Goddard.

See also:




    • I doubt it. He was a pedophile and therefore their loyal servant. Jews love pedophile VIPs.

      Wiki reports:

      Allegations of sexual abuse
      On 20 August 2019, files became public showing that the FBI knew in the 1940s that Mountbatten was an alleged homosexual and a pedophile.[118] The FBI file on Mountbatten, begun after he took on the role of Supreme Allied Commander in Southeast Asia in 1944, describes Mountbatten and his wife Edwina as “persons of extremely low morals”, and contains a claim by American author Elizabeth, Baroness Decies, that Mountbatten was known to be a homosexual and had “a perversion for young boys”.[116][119] Norman Nield, Mountbatten’s driver from 1942 to 1943, told the tabloid New Zealand Truth that he transported young boys aged 8 to 12 who had been procured for the Admiral to Mountbatten’s official residence and was paid to keep quiet. Robin Bryans had also claimed to the Irish magazine Now that Mountbatten and Anthony Blunt, along with others, were part of a ring that engaged in homosexual orgies and procured boys in their first year at public schools such as the Portora Royal School in Enniskillen. Former residents of the Kincora Boys’ Home in Belfast have asserted that they were trafficked to Mountbatten at Classiebawn Castle his residence in Mullaghmore, County Sligo.[120][121][122] These claims were dismissed by the Historical Institution Abuse (HIA) Inquiry.[123][113][124] The HIA stated that the article making the original allegations “did not give any basis for the assertions that any of these people [Mountbatten and others] were connected with Kincora”.[123]


      Pedos and their friends always deny it! And if they do not, then fat bribes and mortal threats work.

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