Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding committed thought crimes. Fransen was handed a 36-week sentence and Golding 18 weeks. All they did was what the Left does allk the time, “shaming.” In their case, they were calling paedophiles “paedophiles” and calling migrants “migrants”!
Their website: https://www.britainfirst.org/
Paul Golding
…..My comment to a friend
[4:10:11 PM] John de Nugent: Tragic about Golding and Fransen — neither very intellectual but with excellent hearts.
[4:10:22 PM] D: Yeah, it’s terrible.
[4:10:28 PM] D: But in the UK they’ll serve about half. However, consider that the ppl they “harassed” are RAPISTS!!!
[4:11:48 PM] John de Nugent: Well, I hope that while in, they are not harmed in prison. I will add your comments.
It all proves, comrade, what I have been saying — without a human transformation movement, we cannot beat this Jew Juggernaut. Every man and woman in England should be storming the jail — and freeing them tonight!
As for my mission, well, I quit on Dr. William Pierce, a good man but an atheist, at the height of my career with him when he was BIG, back in 1984, and I ran his 1984 convention (and the Washington-Baltimore unit of his National Alliance), because I knew THEN that ONLY a religion — credible, authentic, with God and the afterlife, but free of semitism — can save us.
This is my life’s cause.
……See also
Britain First to march in Burton-on-Trent to protest mega-mosque
Britain First to march despite police ban in Rotherham, England
ENGLISH Britain First marches in Rotherham against pedophilic rulers and muslim rapists
Bobbies in Britain say Trump right about muslim-ruled no-go areas in London
Britain’s White-basher and Pedophile Defender of the Year — Surprise, she’s a Jew!
ENGLISH The Norman curse on Britain — why the world hates British and American government behavior
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