Prominent jewish author boasts: “We’ve sold our Shoah everywhere, and now we’re rolling in money!”

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A telling quote by this authoress and actress, Claude Sarraute…. said on December 12, 2009 on Europe 1, a big private radio station in France. Sarraute laughs without any shame about how profitable the “Holocaust” is for the jews. Here she says the infamous words (in French) about Shoah Business to a fellow media jew, Marc-Olivier Fogiel, who claims his grandfather was a “Holocaust survivor.”

The Russian-born mother of Claude Sarraute [pron. “sa-ROTE”] was a jewess, so Claude herself is jewish. She also married two different Jews in the course of her three marriages.


The haughty gaze of this Marc-Olivier Fogiel is a classic sign of a true jewish supremacist — of a fully committed Jew. In his mind he l identifies completely with a characterization of jewry which in 1967 French president Charles de Gaulle dared to say out loud (a year before his fall from power):

The jews are “an elite people, sure of themselves and dominating.” 

Sarraute explains to Fogiel that she originally said her boast about the jews’ Shoah-Business boast to an Armenian (Christian) woman who,  after a whole century of waiting, wanted the true holocaust which was perpetrated on her nation in WWI by the muslim Turks to finally be recognized and compensated.
Sarraute reveals here, not that she is in any way a “self-hating jew,” but instead that she is a highly proud Israelite, shamelessly rejoicing in the “selling” of the Holofraud and the torrents of money that it produces for her race of swindlers.


Video conversation transcript: Claude Sarraute gives the Armenians, who suffered a REAL holocaust, the finger

Fogiel –   We’re going to end like this because everything is summed up with this sentence “Why Claude was removed from Le Monde [= in effect the prestigious, very liberal New York Times of France] at some point since you always liked political correctness. One of your colleagues wanted to challenge you on the theme that he would never dare to make light of the Shoah. And you wrote: “Look at what we Jews have managed to do with our Shoah. »

Sarraute –   Ah, I said that to an Armenian woman.

Fogiel  continuing to quote  Claude Sarraute  – “  We sold it everywhere. We’re rolling in cash. We are really just stronger than you.»

Sarraute –  Yes, I said that. Because it was an Armenian sitting. Ah ha! Those idiots, you know, they really went through the same thing [a holocaust]. 

Fogel –   Yes.

Sarraute  continues – And all they can figure out to do is sit down on the ground in the street [to protest].

(Both jews laugh.)

Fogiel –   So this was  Claude Sarraute. Claude, can we now tell you that we love your acting with Julie [an actress] to finish up?

La Julie –  She is so endearing. I love Julie.



1 Comment

  1. I have heard that the legal definition of a holocaust survivor is any jew living in europe from 1933 to 1945? No matter where they lived, if they lived in the lap of luxury in some villa, or of they were relocated.

    If this is true it explains the massive number of american jews who constantly claim to have aunts, grandparents, etc., who were “survivors.”

    It is yet another trick of words, but we well trained goy instantly think it means they survived in a camp which was systematically killing jews.

    Even if it were true, isn’t it funny how many “survivors” there were in a place that was allegedly killing jews every few seconds…

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