PROOF POSITIVE of Deep State hacking; the ONE IP address that cannot be blocked after seven attempts

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SEVEN times I have asked my webmaster to block a specific IP address

….which is supposedly out of Hancock, Michigan, 60 miles from Ontonagon.
Now every day, on a routine basis, my website bodyguard reports seven to ten IP addresses of paid trolls to the webmaster, and the person is successfully blocked. He CANNOT EVEN SEE MY WEBSITE from that address, nor can he make “comments.”
If he uses a “VPN” to visit my site, then ipso facto his IP address will be changed by the VPN, because that is what a VPN does.
But this one supposed jew cannot be blocked. His IP address canot be blocked.
This is the same person who quoted to me a tiff Margi and I had in her basement a year ago.
So how does some old retired jew “sitting around with the boys at McDonald’s” kn ow what marig and I say ot eahcother and how does he have an unblockable UIP address?
This means only one thing: He is at the highest levels of the NSA and at the controls of the Internet itself. 
The National Security Agency headquarters at Fort Meade, Md.
The hacking source today:
—– Forwarded message —–
From: WordPress <>
To: “” <>
Sent: Sunday, 11 July 2021, 04:29:07 pm GMT-4
Subject: [John de Nugent] Please moderate: “BLM: American flag a symbol of hate; THIS LAND IS O-U-R LAND — my blistering reply to a smarmy, condescending libtard professor who wrote me about WN “radicalization””
A new comment on the post “BLM: American flag a symbol of hate; THIS LAND IS O-U-R LAND — my blistering reply to a smarmy, condescending libtard professor who wrote me about WN “radicalization”” is waiting for your approval
Author: Hadassah Goldfarb (IP address:,
Thataboy Mr. Nugent.  You drub that bad professor with your exquisitely fashioned sarcasm and wit.  The girls at McDonald’s wouldn’t dream of addressing you by your first name.  You are so much more advanced than most people it seems irrational to even consider treating you like other, mediocre people.
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I decided to actually reply this time:


Yes, jew, do teach us all about humility.


So how come with everyone else when I block their IP, the person is gone, but with your IP blocked, you don’t go away, cocksucker? It is because you are Deep State.



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    • Right! A narcissist or sociopath can never be pleased or be grateful for whatever you do for him. He just sees you as a chump.

      And there you go, Trump the chump.

      A whole term as president nearly wasted trying to please the jews who then with diabolical delight took the man down anyway.

  1. They already know all our dirty little secrets. Can’t be prevented. It’s already happened. Get your mind right with this fact.

    “An investigation by a consortium of media organizations has found that military-grade spyware licensed by an Israeli firm has been used to hack smartphones belonging to journalists and others.

    • Thank you.

      Howe typical that is is an Israeli outfit doing this.

      In the end, it all comes down to the public…. If a goverment which is demonstrably wicked itself “leaks” “intercepted” photos, messages, etc, that supposed were found on the phone of a government critic, why should it be trusted? Why are the emails not fakes? Why are the photos not CGI? Why are voice recordings not deep fakes?

      It comes down to the observation about the unenlightened: “People believe what they wanna believe.” And this is the problem that must be tackled head-on.

      And why do they do this? The egoic mind.

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